Repeated cystitis experiences - that helped me!

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Do you also have to experience cystitis again and again and are already sick of it? Today I'll tell you what helped me and hope that my words will give you courage and strength!

It burns when you urinate, plus cramps and a constant urge to urinate with pain - I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about and have already tried a few things. If you're still unsure, take a look here: "How to recognize cystitis

I know this ordeal all too well myself. It even ended for me with a Renal pelvic inflammation with blood in the urine. But more on that later.

I have Repeated cystitis experiences made. It was painful and had a huge impact on my life. But I found a good doctor who helped me.

I had 7 years ago mine last urinary bladder infection (cystitis) and I am still so infinitely grateful to him today that he didn't just fob me off with antibiotics like everyone else before! 🙏

Today I would like to tell you what has brought me relief and what I hope will help you too. 😊 But first, let me tell you a little about my ordeal.

Repeated cystitis: my experience with most doctors

In the majority of cases, it works like this: You have a bladder infection, go to the doctor, get Antibiotics and is sent away again. That's how it was for me with 3 doctors.

When it got so out of hand that I per year at least 6x antibiotics When I had to take antibiotics, it was clear to me that there must be another way. Because antibiotics can also cause a lot of damage to the body. You can use them to Damage intestinal flora permanently!

No doctor is surprised at my many illnesses.

But as it is, you let the idea mature. And bang: the next cystitis sets in. This time it hits me very hard. 😥

Diagnosis: Renal pelvic inflammation

I hardly notice anything at first because I'm very cold and have a headache. Everyone is sick at the moment. In the evening I lie down with a high Fever in bed, have Chills and first take medication to bring my fever down.

I try to sleep, but as soon as the medication wears off, I'm drenched in sweat and freezing cold. I'm anything but well. Of course, this happens on a Saturday evening. I call the doctor's emergency service and the lady quickly turns me away: I should drink a lot and try to sleep.

I decide to eat some soup, take a shower afterwards and then think about something. I'm not feeling well at all.

As I sit down, my eyes go black. I fall off my chair like a wet sack of sand and don't know what to do anymore. 😓

My friend calls the doctor's emergency service again. Fortunately, someone else picks up the phone. The doctor is with me within a very short time and has a suspicion: a Renal pelvic inflammatory disease.

After a urine test, it's clear: he's right. I have to take strong antibiotics and am slowly recovering.

From then on at the latest, it was clear to me: I had to do something!

Incidentally, you are not alone with bladder infections. 8 million Germans suffer from bladder infections every year.

Bladder infections in Germany
That's everything you need to know about bladder infections in Germany!

My savior: my family doctor

Just four weeks later, the next bladder infection appears. I go to my old family doctor, which involves a 40-minute drive. I always liked him because he dealt a lot with Alternative medicine and does not immediately prescribe antibiotics.

What luck, the suspicion is not confirmed. And at the same time, I'm lucky that I chose him.

He is the only and first doctor to suggest this to me, active some on the other hand to take. I am supposed to take a cure to strengthen my bladder and make it less susceptible to E. coli bacteria to make. 💪

I have nothing to lose, so I say yes. I have no idea that this will be the first step towards a better life. He suggests that I take a course of Uro Vaxom. In the next few lines, I'll tell you exactly how it works and how I felt.

Also take a look here: "How to detoxify your kidneys!“

My experience with Uro Vaxom

I'm not a fan of advertising medication. But if someone had told me earlier that this possibility existed, I would have been infinitely grateful. That's why I want to tell you about it now.

Anyone who has repeatedly experienced cystitis and still does can certainly relate to this.

I don't get any money from the manufacturer or any doctors - Uro Vaxom is only available on prescription. That's why you should talk to a doctor about it and get advice. I can only tell you about my personal experience. But first some general information.

What is Uro Vaxom and how does it work?

Uro Vaxom is a medicine to help people with chronic bladder infections.

Uro Vaxom contains live bacteria known as Escherichia coli (E. coli). These bacteria are present in the intestine and help to protect the body from harmful germs.

If people repeatedly experience cystitis, Uro Vaxom can help to strengthen the immune system. The body is now better able to defend itself against bacteria that cause cystitis.

Uro Vaxom is taken over a longer period of time in the form of capsules.

My experience with the therapy

I have to take one capsule every morning on an empty stomach and wait 30 minutes until I eat something. The routine sets in quickly because I place the medication visibly next to my alarm clock.

I have to repeat this every day for three months (90 days to be precise). One capsule every day.

During this time, I pay particular attention to plenty of exercise and a healthy diet.

After the 90 days I have my next appointment with the doctor. Now it's time for the next step - I'll be prescribed another 30 capsules.

I take one capsule for 10 more days. After that I have to take a break for 20 days. This cycle is repeated twice more. So always 10 capsules, 20 days break.

My experience afterwards

Because I had to experience bladder infections at such short intervals, it is very unusual for me not to have had one for 3 months. And that's despite the fact that it's winter - the time when I was most frequently affected.

The doctor invites me for a short follow-up consultation and tells me that I shouldn't have a bladder infection for at least 5 years now, if I'm lucky. If the problem recurs, I can have a booster treatment.

And lo and behold: this time I'm really very lucky. I've been free of it for 7 years and am grateful for every day I don't have to spend with a bladder infection.

With my colleague Janina, it went so far that she even had to have a cystoscopy. I was spared that, but it would have been the next step. You can read her report here: "I had a cystoscopy - this is how it works!

Repeated cystitis what to do

I do this in addition to the cure to avoid urinary tract infections

But you shouldn't rely on this luck. That's why I've changed a few things and routines in my life that I'd like to share with you now. Bacteria and viruses always have the best chance when our immune system is weakened.


I buy cranberry juice without sugar once a month. It tastes bitter, but I stir in a little honey. If you don't like that, you can also take cranberry capsules. Preferably in combination with D-Mannose.

Cranberry + D-Mannose
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There are many teas that have a diuretic effect and flush the bladder and kidneys. If you have recurrent bladder infections, you should get into the habit of drinking these teas regularly.

As I know a lot about herbs myself and am an herbalist, I know exactly what helps me. I make my own tea, but you can also buy bladder teas.

If you want to buy it, I can recommend this tea:

Bladder and kidney tea
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My bubble tea blend contains:

  • Goldenrod blossoms
  • Birch leaves
  • and nettle leaves

All three strengthen the bladder and have a draining effect. Ideal for a healthy bladder.


Yes, I can't hear it anymore either. But drinking is extremely important. It flushes your body clean. Bacteria and viruses simply end up in the toilet - where they belong 🦠🙅‍♀️

I like to make flavored water by putting mint, vegetables or fruit in the water. If you need inspiration, have a look here: "7 ingenious recipes for homemade detox water„.

For the most part, I avoid sugary drinks and alcohol.

TipStart every meal with a soup, so you already absorb a lot of liquid!


A healthy immune system needs many nutrients. Most of them are found in plant-based foods. That's why I make sure I eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Every meal contains vegetables in some form, and I also have a mixed salad every day.

I try to do a lot of Eating foods that boost the immune system strengthen. There are also great Nutrition tips against cystitis of doctors that you can use as a guide.

If you are looking for recipes that are delicious and contain lots of vegetables/fruit, I can recommend this:

Strengthen the immune system with exercise

I spend a lot of time in the office at my job. My doctor has advised me to get plenty of outdoor exercise so that I don't keep experiencing painful bladder infections. At least 20 minutes a day - no matter what the weather.

I try to stick to that for the most part. And you know what: it's so good to be away from my laptop, cell phone or TV. Just enjoying nature or going for a walk around the block. It's a dream. I've learned to love this hobby! ❤️

If you want to know more about it, take a look here: "How to strengthen your immune system!

FAQ - Constant urinary tract infections

Here are a few more questions and answers that might be of interest to you.

I would also like to take the cure - what do I have to do?

Go to a doctor and get advice. Write down how often you have had bladder infections in the last year and tell your doctor that you want to actively combat them. A course of Uro Vaxom or a similar medication always requires a prescription and should be supervised by a doctor.

Why do I always have bladder infections?

There are many reasons for this. Some people are simply more susceptible to urinary tract infections than others - there may be anatomical and genetic reasons. In most cases, the triggers are intestinal bacteria. They can enter the urethra from the anus during toilet use or sexual intercourse and cause inflammation.

If you have a weak immune system, you are also more susceptible to all kinds of illnesses. Bacteria and viruses can then spread more quickly and cause trouble.

What risk factors are there in everyday life?

Irritated mucous membranes in the intimate area make it easy for bacteria to multiply. This increases the risk of recurring infections. Avoid this:

  • Excessive cleansing and care products in the intimate area - this can also lead to fungal infections!
  • Certain contraceptives such as diaphragms or spermicides are suspected of
  • Hypothermia, cold feet
  • Wet clothing e.g. swimsuits, bikinis
  • Hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause)

What home remedies can help?

I'm a huge fan of home remedies. But if you have the feeling that they don't help, then definitely go and see a doctor!

Good household remedies are:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Baking powder*
  • Radish
  • Goldenrod
  • Birch leaves
  • Ginger

and much more. If you want to know exactly, I can recommend this: "These home remedies help against mild bladder infections!

My conclusion

The fact that I had to experience cystitis again and again really had a huge impact on my life. With every little cold, I was afraid that I would have to take antibiotics again. But after the pelvic inflammatory disease at the latest, it was clear that something had to be done.

If you feel the same way, consult a doctor. If you don't feel you're in good hands, find another one. As I said, in my case it was my old GP who finally gave me the tip. If it hadn't been for him, I would probably still be struggling with the problem today.

I wish you all the best and hope that you get your bladder infections under control soon. 🙏😊

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