How to recognize cystitis

Cystitis symptoms

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Does cystitis have symptoms that can be interpreted with certainty? What are the signs of an infection? You can find out all about it here!

A urinary tract infection hits us all from time to time. Sometimes you are tormented by severe pain, sometimes you hardly notice the infection: cystitis symptoms are very different and vary from person to person.

However, you should take the symptoms seriously in any case. Because a harmless infection can turn into a dangerous inflammation of the kidney pelvis.

So that the disease does not catch you unprepared and you can correctly interpret the signs of cystitis, we have summarized everything important for you.

What is a urinary tract infection?

When a urinary tract infection is present, the medical profession refers to it as cystitis. The vernacular, however, calls the disease cystitis. But this name is misleading. It is not an inflamed bladder. What you mean is rather an inflammation of the urinary tract.

And they do exactly what the name suggests: they conduct urine to the outside. You can think of these ducts as thin tubes that lead away from your kidneys. These tubes harbor bacteria when they become inflamed.

If they are inflamed, it hurts. We will come to the other signs of cystitis later. For now, it's important that you understand the connections.

A urinary tract infection is not a big deal in itself. But if you carry this mild infection over, it can develop into a serious illness.

Then no longer only the thin urinary tract is affected. The tubes give the pathogens a good chance of spreading throughout your entire body. Then you may well be plagued by an inflamed bladder.

Due to the structure of this organ, pathogens can attach themselves particularly well here. But not only that. The pathogens can also migrate to the kidneys via the urinary tract.

The result is then inflammation of the renal pelvis. This is a very painful disease that can even become chronic.

If you are prone to urinary tract infections, you should always Have urine test strips at home*! This allows you to see whether there are white blood cells, protein, nitrite or blood in the urine. This is all an indication of a bladder infection! All you have to do is briefly hold the test strip in your urine. Just like at the doctor's, you'll get a reliable result in just a few minutes.

I have made myself a 100 pack of test strips ordered from Amazon* to be sure quickly. Because home remedies for cystitis can only alleviate the symptoms if you are absolutely sure.

Cystitis symptoms

Typical cystitis symptoms

If you suffer from cystitis, you will quickly feel the typical symptoms of a urinary tract infection. These can vary in severity. Sometimes you notice them only very slightly - but sometimes, the disease lays you completely flat.

Not all cystitis symptoms must always occur. There are even diseases that pass completely unnoticed.

This is how a urinary tract infection makes itself felt:

  • Burning during urination
  • Constant urge to urinate
  • Cloudy urine
  • Odor and color of urine are changed
  • Increased temperature

1. burning during urination

Burning during urination is one of the most common bladder infection symptoms. You don't need much explanation, do you? But you don't have to immediately think of an inflamed bladder when you feel the burning sensation.

It may also be that you have eaten or drunk something wrong. But if the pain persists, you are probably sick.

Do you feel him? Act very quickly!

Drink a large pitcher of lukewarm water with fresh lemon juice. This flushes out bacteria.

Or you make a large jug with bubble tea. It stimulates urine production and flushes the kidneys and bladder. It is best to drink it lukewarm, so that you can take it in larger quantities.

2. constant urge to urinate

You have to go to the toilet all the time - a continuous urge to urinate is a typical sign of cystitis.

Even if you really haven't drunk much, you constantly have to run to the toilet. But once you're sitting on the rescue bowl, the urge to urinate usually turns out to be a false alarm. Just a few drops, that's all it was.

3. your urine is cloudy

If you notice these two signs of cystitis in yourself, you should monitor your urine closely.

Because cloudy urine is one of the surest bladder infection symptoms. If you want to be sure, pee in a cup.

But you will also see in the toilet bowl if something is wrong with the color of your urine.

What now? But the absolute insider tip when it comes to drinking is D-Mannose. Have you ever heard of it?

This is an active ingredient that binds E.coli bacteria. They can no longer attach to the bladder and are flushed out with the urine.

There are preventive e-mannose preparations and those that help when you have cystitis. And there are those that work in both cases, which are the most practical.

Taste I can Recommend Femannose from Klosterfrau. Tastes sweet and sour cranberry and is simply dissolved in water. You can drink the pink drink daily as a preventive measure in times when you are prone to urinary tract infections.

4. your urine smells and has a different color

In addition, there is often an unpleasant odor that reminds you of ammonia. Rarely, you notice small amounts of blood in your urine. Even if it looks bad. Small amounts are not a cause for alarm, but one of the symptoms of a urinary tract infection.

5. you have pain in the abdomen

Abdominal pain is a common bladder infection symptom. Fortunately, they are usually not very severe. You may feel a slight pulling sensation, but that's unpleasant enough. However, if they get worse, you should take notice.

I take one cranberry capsule weekly as a preventative measure. You can get the capsules at Shop Apotheke or also buy in the drugstore. The great advantage of capsules, in addition to the shelf life, is that they are tasteless. Who does not like the slightly bitter and sour taste of the berries and juice, which is certainly easier with capsules.

6. your temperature is elevated

Fever is also one of the cystitis symptoms. As long as your temperature doesn't rise above 38 degrees, it's nothing to worry about. However, keep an eye on your temperature. If it rises too high, it is a sign of a serious illness.

One of the non-specific signs of cystitis is general malaise. You simply don't feel as fit as usual and are tired. That's why you should also allow yourself the rest that your body demands.

Cystitis symptoms - when do I need to see a doctor

We have described the symptoms of a urinary tract infection above. What they all have in common is that they torment you - but are not really a cause for alarm.

The disease could heal on its own in most cases. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, you should visit your family doctor. He can clarify whether it is really a harmless infection or not. This does not even require a physical examination. A urine test is sufficient.

If you are often plagued by bladder infections, you can get yourself Purchase urine test strips* - they are available on Amazon in large quantities at a good price.

Nevertheless, watch your body carefully. The actual harmless effect can develop into a serious disease.

At the latest when you are plagued by severe abdominal pain and high fever, you should go to the doctor. In such a case, there is at least one complicated infection.

If the symptoms occur at the weekend, you still have to act. This is not a case for the emergency room - but for the family doctor's emergency service.

Under no circumstances should you wait to see if the spook stops on its own. That will only make things worse. Even home remedies reach their limits in such a case.

By the way, you should not work with a bladder infection, even if it is a mild form. Your body needs rest to fight the inflammation. It won't have that if you drag yourself to the office.

Why do I have a urinary tract infection?

You have probably already noticed that some people suffer from cystitis more often than others. This is because certain factors favor these infections.

You are a woman

You can't change the first thing: gender.

We women are affected far more often than men. Anatomy is to blame. The female urinary tract is much shorter than the male. The pathogens have an easy time of it.

Frequent sex

Frequent sexual intercourse also favors the development of cystitis. Doctors do not speak of honeymoon disease for nothing.

You have probably already treated many women who complain of cystitis symptoms after their honeymoon.

Weak immune system

People with a weak immune system also often suffer from bladder infections.

Your body can't defend itself as well against the pathogens that lurk everywhere. So the viruses and bacteria have a good chance to cause a troublesome inflammation.

By the way, this also affects pregnant women. Their immune system suffers from the changed hormone levels.

You have a catheter

Another factor that favors these infections is a catheter that has been in place for a long time. Patients in hospitals and senior citizens are particularly affected.

If you ever find yourself in such a situation, you should insist that the catheter be changed regularly.

Moreover, the aid should be removed as soon as possible. If it lies too long, it is pure stress for your urinary tract.

What helps quickly with cystitis?

Here stands Drinking in the first place. Even if it seems absurd to constantly replenish your urinary tract despite your pain when urinating, your urinary tract needs to be flushed. If they dry out, a perfect climate is created for bacteria. They feel right at home and multiply.

Heat will serve you well, as it often does. Put a hot water bottle on your stomach, it helps wonderfully against the stomach ache. If you like, you can also take a long and warm bath.

In the drugstore you will find Bladder and kidney tea. The contains, among other things, nettles. Admittedly, this does not taste particularly good. But the plant is known for its antispasmodic effect. In addition, it always contains substances that disinfect your urinary tract.

By the way, this effect also has Cranberry-juice - and it's delicious, too. The red berries from America contain so-called antioxidants, which ensure that the nasty bacteria disappear immediately. In addition, the juice has a diuretic effect - and that in turn flushes your urinary tract.

If you have a severe bladder infection, the doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics. However, this treatment is not absolutely necessary, at least if it is an uncomplicated and mild infection. In that case, home remedies may also help quite well.

Urinary tract infection symptoms cystitis

Our conclusion

Bladder infections are not pretty. But if you know the symptoms, you can act in time. Under certain circumstances, simple home remedies can heal the condition. But if the symptoms are accompanied by severe pain and fever, you need to see a doctor. Because then you can no longer assume that you have a simple bladder infection. He will help you to get rid of the annoying evil quickly.

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