This is how you build up your intestinal flora after antibiotics!

Build up intestinal flora after antibiotic

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You had to take an antibiotic? Here you can learn how to build up intestinal flora after antibiotics and why it is so important!

You had a pretty bad infection and your doctor prescribed you an antibiotic? Fortunately, you're already feeling a little better. Time to devote some time to your bowels.

Because the drugs quickly make us feel better and healthy again. But unfortunately, they kill not only infections, but also desirable bacteria that are important for your health and well-being.

Especially the intestinal bacteria have to fight for a long time after taking antibiotics. How you can increase the good intestinal bacteria and build up the intestine, you will learn today.

Why building up intestinal flora after antibiotics is important

The intestine regulates much more than just your digestion. It also has its fingers in the pie when it comes to health, a slim figure and your emotions.

It is all the more important that the intestinal flora is balanced and can work normally. The signals that are sent "deep from your gut" have a huge impact on a carefree and happy life.

So you should definitely rebuild your gut flora after taking antibiotics!

The intestinal flora is the sum of all bacteria in the intestine, technically it is also called intestinal microbiome or microbiota. 99 percent of the intestinal flora is found in the large intestine. Almost unimaginable: There are supposed to be trillions of bacteria here.

The intestinal flora regulates, among other things, your digestion, your immune system and also emotional health through these bacteria.

Build the intestinal flora for digestion

Very obvious that the intestine is responsible for your digestion. With the help of certain enzymes, it divides and processes mostly indigestible food so that the important nutrients can be properly absorbed and further utilized.

The intestinal barrier ultimately decides which substances enter your blood and which do not. Toxins, foreign substances and pathogens are rejected.

Only if you have a balanced intestinal flora, the digestion and the intestinal barrier can work properly. Sometimes it happens that with a disturbed intestinal flora, the barrier no longer functions properly and substances enter your body that would normally have been rejected.

Strengthen the immune system

The intestinal flora is also a large part of the protective shield against bacteria, fungi, viruses and harmful environmental influences. A full 80 percent of the immune system is said to be located in the intestine!

If your intestinal flora is disturbed, you become more susceptible to allergies, gastrointestinal problems or inflammation-related diseases. Furthermore, it can be the cause of acne and neurodermatitis.

multiply good intestinal bacteria

Strengthen the microbiome for emotions

Did you know that your gut and your brain are in constant exchange? The gut-brain axis controls the communication between the two.

Research here is still in its infancy. However, it is assumed that there is a connection between neurological and mental illnesses such as depression and a disturbed intestinal flora. And even your direct mood is said to be influenced by the condition of the intestinal flora.

In order for all these important things to function smoothly, you should build up your intestinal flora after antibiotics and other strong medications.

Why antibiotics influence the intestinal flora and by which symptoms you notice it

The active ingredients in antibiotics specifically destroy bacteria or prevent them from growing. Unfortunately, the drugs cannot distinguish between pathogens and natural, normal bacteria.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics in particular kill a particularly large number of bacterial strains and are thus dangerous for the intestinal flora.

After taking antibiotics, it is often the case that necessary good bacteria of the intestine have been killed. This means that the diversity of intestinal bacteria decreases.

So far, there are not many studies on the long-term effect on the body. However, it is assumed that a reduced number of bacteria in the intestine has a negative impact on health and that some species of bacteria have not reappeared even after six weeks after the antibiotic.

After taking an antibiotic, the intestinal flora has not completely recovered even after 12 months. It is therefore urgently necessary to build up the intestinal flora after antibiotics.

The typical symptoms of disturbed intestinal flora are:

  • flu-like infections with inflammation of the bronchial tubes and sinuses
  • Blemished skin and acne
  • Food intolerances
  • Digestive problems
  • Chronic intestinal diseases
  • Inflammation in the intestine
  • Overweight
  • Allergies
  • Mental illness

Once your intestinal flora is out of balance, it can end in a harmful downward spiral and have health consequences. Therefore, you should definitely build up your intestines.

How to build up your intestinal flora after antibiotics

"Build up intestinal flora" - that means to stimulate the growth of health-promoting bacteria in the intestine again. The easiest way to influence this is through your diet.

The intake of probiotics is also recommended, as they are said to have a positive effect on the intestinal flora. A so-called intestinal rehabilitation is virtually the "reset button" for your intestine and rebuilds everything fundamentally so that the microorganisms get back into balance.

This can help you build up your intestinal flora

  • The right diet
  • Thorough chewing and slow eating
  • Sufficient sleep
  • Move regularly
  • Little stress, sufficient relaxation
  • Consume alcohol and coffee only in moderation
  • No ill-considered and inflationary use of antibiotics
  • Probiotics

How you can increase the good intestinal bacteria with the right diet

Step 1: The right diet

The optimal basis for a balanced intestinal flora is a healthy, varied and plant-based diet. You can also increase the good bacteria with prebiotics, dietary fibers such as inulin and oligofructose, and virtually feed them.

These fibers are difficult or indigestible and are thus also food for the bacteria. This is how you stimulate their growth.

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In addition, such preparations contain strains of bacteria. In this case, there are 20 different ones, which ensure that the intestinal flora is rebalanced.

Prebiotics and fermented

Prebiotics can also be found in artichokes, asparagus, wheat and bananas. The German Nutrition Society recommends a fiber intake of 30 grams per day.

You can do this easily by eating fruits and vegetables often. Whole grain products are also rich in fiber.

Fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi contain the health-promoting bacteria you want to build up in your gut.

Eat these products are best prepared very fresh, because the bacteria unfortunately die very quickly.

Another culinary alternative are cold potatoes. Conjure up a delicious potato salad with linseed oil and natural yogurt. This is a tasty feast for you and the bacteria in your intestines.

In general, less is more. After your meal, you should always feel full, of course, but not overeaten.

You should avoid foods and especially drinks that irritate your intestines or only consume them in small portions.

These include:

  • Too hot, too cold, too spicy, too greasy
  • Too much coffee, alcohol and sugar
  • Your food is best fresh and as natural as possible, then it tastes better!

How probiotics can build the gut

Step 2: Probiotics

Probiotics are drugs containing selected species of bacteria. They are also believed to have a positive effect on the intestinal flora.

The good bacteria strengthen the barrier function of the intestine and keep pathogens well in check. They contain good bacteria species that build up the intestinal flora after antibiotics and other drugs. The movement of the intestines is also stimulated.

They occur naturally in lactic acid products, such as buttermilk, yogurt or sauerkraut.

Probiotics are also available in the form of capsules and drops.

Important with probiotics are the quantity and quality of the microorganisms. Because only if these criteria are met, they can be effective.

Probiotics only have a positive effect on the intestinal flora when they are alive. This means that they must arrive exactly where they are needed. They must be taken in sufficiently large quantities so that some of them survive the journey through the stomach and small intestine and can assert themselves against the bad bacteria in the large intestine.

Depending on the symptoms or the disease (diarrhea, stomach pain, etc.) must also be used appropriate probiotics. The application here can also vary greatly in duration.

According to studies, it is more effective to take probiotics daily for several weeks, so that they can build up the intestinal flora after antibiotics.

Build intestinal flora antibiotics

What role exercise and relaxation play for the intestinal flora

Step 3: Exercise, relaxation, stress reduction

In fact, sport can also have a positive effect on the intestinal flora. Exercise is basically good for you. Through physical activity, you can improve the diversity of bacteria in your gut.

The more active you are, the more bacteria live in the intestinal flora. It is precisely the short-lived fatty acids that this creates that nourish the intestinal mucosa and regenerate it.

Yoga sessions, jogging or a nice walk are particularly suitable. About 30 minutes of exercise a day is ideal.

Maybe you just walk short distances instead of taking your car? Your intestinal flora will thank you. High-performance sports are rather counterproductive, as they usually mean stress for your body.

Unfortunately, stress often causes digestive problems. You've probably heard the phrase "It's hitting me in the stomach" before. Trouble and hectic can be very hard on your stomach.

The composition of the intestinal flora also changes during prolonged stress. The good intestinal bacteria withdraw and pathogenic bacteria can spread more easily. So make sure that you are not permanently under pressure. Allow yourself time off and a regular wellness day.

When intestinal rehabilitation is worthwhile

Step 4: Intestinal cleansing

When you think of a renovation, do you think more of a 70's bathroom? You can also cleanse your intestines and do a reset. Many rave about the cleansing and activating effect on the entire organism.

An intestinal cure supports the self-cleansing of the intestine and helps to eliminate toxins. This eliminates the living basis for harmful bacteria, fungi and parasites.

The aim of intestinal rehabilitation is to restore a balanced condition of the intestinal flora and to build up the intestinal flora after antibiotics.

Sometimes the intestinal flora is damaged to such an extent that it is no longer possible to build it up by taking probiotics and an optimized diet. This can happen if you have taken antibiotics for a long time.

Since both harmful and beneficial bacteria are destroyed by antibiotics, a large part of the intestinal flora can be destroyed at once. Such a damaged intestinal flora also weakens your defenses and fungi and viruses have a much easier game. The protection of the intestinal mucosa is also lost and it could even be affected in the long term.

If this is the case, a bowel cure lasting several weeks may be advisable.

You should definitely consider a colon cleanse after your next antibiotic treatment if you're feeling down in health.

A classic colon cleanse looks like this:

  • Intestinal cleansing
  • Detoxification, optimization of digestion
  • Build up intestinal flora, intake of prebiotics and probiotics.

You should always discuss intestinal rehabilitation with your doctor or pharmacist beforehand and seek professional advice. This way you can effectively build up your intestinal flora after antibiotics.

Our conclusion

Taking antibiotics is often unavoidable. Unfortunately, it does lasting damage to your intestinal flora. It is very important that you take time for your intestines after the illness.

Building up intestinal flora after antibiotics is mega important. Whether you want to optimize your diet, exercise more or take a bowel treatment is up to you. Depending on how badly you suffer from the symptoms, you should choose how you want to make yourself and your intestines fit again.

It's not that hard to grow the right gut bacteria if you take good care of yourself. All the best for you!

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