Stimulate period - So the days come earlier!

Stimulate period

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You want to stimulate your period and get your days earlier? Then you are in the right place! We tell you whether and how this works best.

The ideal time for the days? There simply is no such thing. Somehow they are always annoying.

Reasons that you want to bring forward the period, there are certainly a few.

If you have a wedding or vacation coming up, you definitely don't want to get your period during that time.

Or if, like me, you have a very irregular cycle and want to be sure you're not pregnant.

From personal experience, I can also say that the longer my cycle lasts, the I get more pimples on the days before the days. This problem is not so pronounced on normally long cycles.

So it's time we looked at how we can get to grips with this.

The good news is that if you want to stimulate your period, there are a few tricks that our grandmothers already knew.

What can you do to speed up your period? I'll tell you now!

How can I stimulate my period?

There are three ways to speed up your period. You can get your period earlier if you Home remedy or use your Lifestyle reshape.

However, if you have strong fluctuations in your cycle, a drug treatment be useful. For many women it helps to reduce stress in order to have more regular menstruation in the long term.

Let's first take a look at the cycle in general.

The female cycle varies from woman to woman. According to the textbook, a cycle lasts 28 days. However, this is true only for very few.

Either more or fewer days. From 25 to 35 days is all within the "normal range". Sometimes it takes longer.

The cycle is not only dependent on hormones, but also on external influences.

Ensure irregularities in the cycle:

  • Stress
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Unbalanced diet
  • Medication
  • Cysts, endometriosis and other diseases

Many factors can contribute to your bleeding coming irregularly.

Getting irregularities under control

Often, an irregular cycle is due to the fact that you are not ovulating. In this case, the cycle can last 50 days or longer. A basal thermometer can help you to know where you are in your cycle.

You get to know your body with it, which is a very good starting point for further action.

Do you suffer often suffer from an irregular cyclethen you should take a look at Effective NatureView *. The Inositol powder* contains a messenger substance that is involved in hormone metabolism. It is usually used when there is a desire to have children in order to jump-start the cycle.

But it is also a good helper without wanting to get pregnant. It ensures that your hormones are balanced and that you have a regular onset. This in turn ensures that your bleeding is more predictable.

effective nature Inositol - for cycle disorders
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The powder has consistently good reviews on Amazon, and I took it myself for a while until my cycle normalized.

You simply stir it into the water and then drink it. The taste is not particularly exciting. It's actually ideal for stirring into fruit juices. I also like to add it to smoothies.

If you are not a fan of powders, you can also take it in capsule form.

What home remedies can stimulate the period?

Of course, there are no scientifically safe methods when it comes to home remedies. Therefore, a safe way to stimulate your period unfortunately does not exist. Without hormonal contraceptives, this natural process is very difficult to control. But it is definitely worth trying out these tips.

Food and diet tips

  1. Parsley
  2. Vitamin C
  3. Turmeric
  4. Aloe vera
  5. Herbs

Stimulate period with parsley

Not only spices can help stimulate your period. Herbs like parsley also stimulate your bleeding.

Many naturopaths swear that the substances contained in parsley have an effect on the uterus.

The delicious herb contains apiol and myristicin. These ingredients are supposed to make your uterus contract slightly.

  • Parsley goes well with all kinds of dishes. From potatoes to pasta, rice to soups, salads and sauces.
  • But another option is a parsley tea. Wash and chop about ¼ cup of fresh parsley. Then pour boiling water over it and let it steep for 5 minutes. Then you can strain out the parsley again and enjoy the tea.

By the way, parsley is also a Herb that can help you lose weight!

You have also surely heard of Women tea* heard. These are tea blends that are supposed to help the cycle. Herbs such as St. John's wort, lady's mantle or lemon balm are considered to accelerate ovulation and periods.

Get period earlier with vitamin C

Stimulate period with vitamin C

Would you like to get your period earlier? And do it naturally? Then it can help if you Food with a high vitamin C content to you.

Why should this help you? Quite simply! A high dose of vitamin C increased on the one hand the Oestrogen levels and reduces the Progesterone concentration in your body.

It therefore influences two essential female hormones. A high oestrogen level causes contractions in the uterus.

Low progesterone minimizes the thickness of the uterine lining. It is precisely this hormone change that can help stimulate periods within 1 to 3 days.

You can find a lot of vitamin C in these foods:

  • Parsley: 100 g of fresh parsley contains 133 mg of vitamin C.
  • Spinach: Spinach is best enjoyed raw in a salad rather than cooked.
  • Guava: You can eat the fruit raw, boil the leaves as tea or drink the juice.
  • Citrus fruits: limes, lemons, grapefruit and oranges are very rich in vitamin C.
  • Broccoli: Instead of boiling the green vegetable in water, it's better if you gently steam it.
  • Kiwi: A cup full of kiwi contains about 167 mg of vitamin C.
  • Strawberries: The sweet little fruits should be eaten raw or drunk as juice.

Whatever food you choose, make sure to prepare it with as little heat as possible.

If you heat the food to over 60 °C, the vitamin C content drops drastically. Alternatively, you can also use a vitamin C powder or capsules. Your immune system will also thank you for it!

Rule enforce with turmeric

Stimulate period with turmeric? That should really work? Although there is no scientific evidence, it is definitely worth a try.

Turmeric is said to promote regular bleeding.

You can use turmeric in many different ways:

  • Use it to season your food. Turmeric goes great with rice, cooked vegetables or chicken.
  • But you can also take the spice as a drink. Simply add a teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of water. Refine the mixture with lemon and honey. This drink tastes especially delicious chilled.
  • There is also turmeric tea that you can buy in tea bags.

However, if you don't like turmeric at all, you can also take the spice in capsule form.

Should you feel that the period is about to start, then check out these delicious No Bake Brownies against PMS on!

Get rule faster with aloe vera

Aloe vera is often used in cosmetic products. But it can do more than just a beautiful skin.

The juice of the aloe vera plant is said to be menstrual. Take one tablespoon daily. Choose a high-quality product from a health food store. However, you can also make the juice yourself by using the Aloe vera gel* from the leaf and then eat it.

Try this:

  • Take two tablespoons Aloe vera gel*
  • Put the gel in a blender with 250 ml of fresh orange or grapefruit juice
  • Mix the ingredients and drink the juice

Treat yourself to a glass of it every day. It works especially well if you take the gel in a vitamin C containing juice.

Bringing forward the period with herbal preparations

If you want to stimulate your period, you can resort to herbal preparations. There are certain preparations that stimulate the menstrual process.

Many of these supplements are not officially designed to affect menstruation. If you are unsure, talk to your doctor. You should also read the package insert carefully and follow the recommended dosage.

These herbal remedies can promote the period:

  • Chinese angelica: This plant is one of the most known means to be able to get the period faster. It helps to support the blood flow to the pelvis. This can stimulate the bleeding.
  • Bugweed: This herb has been used for hundreds of years to induce menstruation naturally. It stimulates the entire menstrual cycle, especially the blood flow to the lower abdomen.
  • Heart tension herbIf you take this herbal preparation, it gently stimulates the uterus. This can help to bring about the bleeding faster.
  • White peony: This also promotes blood circulation in the pelvic area. This way you can get your period faster.
  • Ginger: It is supposed to contract the uterus and trigger the period faster.
Even our grandmothers knew that St. John's wort, red clover, yarrow, lady's mantle and Monk's pepper* can have a positive influence on the cycle. Try special cycle teas. I drink them regularly as soon as I think my period is due. Now I have much less period pain!

Stimulate period home remedy

What everyday tips help to trigger your period?

There are an incredible number of factors that cause menstruation to be overdue. Most often it has to do with excessive stress. For many women, the period comes too early or is delayed when everyday life is very stressful.

In times of extreme stress, this is not uncommon. Too much stress leads to changes in the function of the hypothalamus.

This is a specific part of your brain that regulates your hormones, and by extension, of course, your period.

Try these tips:

  1. Take hot bath
  2. Relax
  3. Take vitamin D
  4. Pay attention to the body weight
  5. Review medications
  6. Sport and exercise
  7. Massage of the abdomen
  8. Masturbation

Prefer the rule with a hot bath

Get your period earlier with a hot bath? There is no scientific evidence that this helps, but many women swear by it.

Warm water can help you relax. This also reduces your emotional and physical stress.

But you should definitely take enough time for it. Enjoy a hot bath with essential oils.

Bath additives with lavender, rose and lemongrass can help you relax wonderfully.

Try to concentrate on yourself in the tub. Leave all your problems and worries behind and try to let go.

Get period earlier through relaxation

In order to stimulate your period, you need to relax. Try to get a few days off from work.

Spend time doing things you like to do. You can also relax with good food and sports. Are you one of those people who can't say "no"? You should change that as soon as possible.

Make some time for yourself on a regular basis. Yoga and meditation can also help you stimulate your period.

You can't relax properly anymore? Do you suffer from chronic stress? Then you should find someone you can talk to.

Together with a therapist, you can try to find a good solution for yourself to fight chronic stress.

Then your body will surely regain its balance.

Stimulate period with vitamin D

Summer, sun, good mood! Sunshine can help you speed up your period.

Vitamin D is essential for many bodily functions. If you suffer from a deficiency, it has a direct impact on the parathyroid gland.

This in turn affects the sex hormones. That's why it's important to make sure you get enough vitamin D. That's why my gynecologist prescribed vitamin D for me in winter, which explains a lot!

It is recommended to expose yourself to direct sunlight for 15 minutes a day. For proper exposure, you should leave at least a few areas of your body naked and avoid using sunscreen.

By the way, a vitamin D test can tell you if you have enough or if you need to replenish your supply. You can take the test at your doctor's office. We recommend that you have your vitamin level tested once a year.

A healthy body weight is important for the menstrual cycle

Many underweight women are familiar with the problem: periods are absent or delayed.

Do you also weigh more than 10 % below normal weight? Then this probably sounds familiar to you.

Women who are underweight and gain some weight often notice that their monthly cycle becomes normal.

You can find out what weight is healthy for you together with your doctor. The Body Mass Index (BMI) can also be helpful. However, opinions are divided when it comes to BMI.

Mainly because muscles are heavier than fat. Therefore, the results are not always meaningful.

If you suffer from an eating disorder, such as bulimia or anorexia, your menstruation will also suffer. In this case, it is important that you seek treatment.

You can't control this disorder on your own. However, it is not only your bleeding that suffers, but your entire health.

Review medications

There are pills that cause the cycle to get out of control. Cortisone, antidepressants and a few other medications can cause periods to stop.

Painkillers can speed up your period! Some women claim that ibuprofen and aspirin not only relieve pain, but can also trigger bleeding. Both have a blood-thinning effect and can thus trigger the period.

For this they take one tablet 3-4 times a day. However, we do not advise you to do this. Because ibuprofen is a drug that has a great impact on the body. There are a number of side effects that are not worth it. Painkillers should be used only in an emergency and then only for a short time.

Sport and exercise

When we move and exercise, our blood gets pumping. The pulse increases, our heart pumps the blood faster and blood circulation improves throughout our body - including in the uterus.

If you do sport, you can trigger your period and even shorten the days. Exercise stimulates the blood flow, what needs to come out, comes out and does so faster than if we are sitting on the sofa.

But be careful: too much sport (we are talking about competitive sport at a very high level) can affect the body so much that the days stop altogether.

Stimulate period with massage

You want to get your period earlier and have heard that lumbar massages can help? Actually, there is some truth to this claim.

The assumption is that by massaging the abdomen, the Blood circulation in the pelvic area is increased, which could stimulate menstrual flow.

A single massage is unlikely to help, but regular circular movements can provide relaxation and stimulate blood flow.

What is quite certain and I can confirm from personal experience: Light massages relieve pain during the period.

Orgasms trigger the period

An intense orgasm can ensure that we finally get our period. During climax, the muscles in the abdomen and pelvis are activated. The uterus contracts, which can cause you to start bleeding.

The prerequisite is that you have a mega orgasm. Whether you take care of it yourself or ask your sweetheart for help is up to you 😉.

What are the medical methods for triggering periods?

If you have been struggling with irregularities for a long time and would like to get your periods more regularly in the long term, then seek advice from your doctor.

For example, progesterone therapy could help you to trigger your period. This method is used to treat hormonal imbalances in order to regain balance. Progesterone is a natural hormone that occurs in the female body and regulates the cycle. The gynecologist will tailor the therapy to you.

The hormone can be supplied in the form of tablets, suppositories, creams, patches or injections. The therapy prepares the body for the abortion of the cycle so that it can start a new cycle.

How can I bring my period forward if I am on the pill?

Stimulate periods with the pill? Yes, that is possible. Taking the pill gives you the opportunity to intervene directly in the cycle. This is made possible by the hormones contained in the pill.

These suppress egg maturation and ovulation. These hormones affect the structure of the uterine lining and prevent sperm from entering the uterus.

Women who take the pill can make the cycle more regular, because menstruation is not a normal menstrual period. The period is triggered here by the lack of pill use.

The pill has a number of side effects that you should be aware of.

With the micropill, you can also speed up your period by doing the following:

  1. You do not take the pill for 21 days, but only for 14 days.
  2. After these two weeks, you take a 7-day pill break, as usual.
  3. Menstruation starts on the second or third day of the break.
  4. After the seven days, you start again with a new pack at 21-day intervals.

But look very carefully in the package insert and ask your gynecologist if you are unsure!

Get period earlier

When do I need to see a doctor?

If you want to start your period a little earlier, you don't have to see a doctor yet. Try home remedies, relaxation and little tips and tricks. If you want to bring your period forward because it is very irregular, then a visit to the doctor may be worthwhile.

If you do not get your period, even though you have a negative pregnancy test in your hands, it is a good idea to seek medical advice.

In some cases, you may want to trigger your period because you have a planned surgery coming up. In this case, go to a doctor immediately and get advice. Often, such medical therapies have to be started early in order to get the bleeding ahead of time or to postpone it.

Why does my period stop?

If we want to stimulate the period, then we should be clear why it is absent or irregular, if it does.

  • StressToo much stress can change the female cycle. This can cause your period to be delayed or even stop altogether.
  • InfectionsA sexually transmitted disease, a bacterial infection or pelvic inflammatory disease can contribute to the shortening of the cycle or even cause spotting. If you experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, an irregular cycle, itching or discharge, you should definitely see your gynecologist.
  • SportsAny sporting activity is perceived by your body as stress. Too much exercise and too little body fat can cause you to miss your period.
  • CigarettesScientists have found that smoking exacerbates menstrual cramps. In addition, many smokers also have a much more irregular and shorter menstrual cycle.
  • AlcoholToo much alcohol on a regular basis can have enormous long-term effects on your body. In addition to organic diseases, it also leads to cycle disorders.
  • Weight gainYou have put on weight rapidly in a short space of time? This can really upset your hormone balance. The increase in body weight causes more testosterone to be produced. This favors a missed period.
  • Irregular Working hoursWomen who work shifts often have problems with a regular menstrual cycle. Their biorhythm is affected by the constantly changing working hours. This in turn affects the regularity of your period.
  • Pregnancy: You are pregnant and this stops the bleeding.
  • Diseases: There are certain diseases that affect the menstrual cycle. These include diseases of the thyroid gland or polycystic ovary syndrome.

Our conclusion

There are various means to stimulate the period. Besides food, you should also pay attention to sufficient relaxation.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to give a general answer as to what will help you. It's best to try out our tips. If you prefer to play it safe and directly influence your cycle, then you can take the pill.

With this hormonal contraception you can also accelerate your bleeding without problems. However, you should not do this too often. How you ultimately want to stimulate your period is up to you. However, the natural way is always best.

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