Irregular cycle? This is how you get it under control!

irregular cycle

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What helps when an irregular cycle occurs? I'll tell you what worked wonders for me!

First of all, let me reassure you: An irregular cycle is not uncommon. Many women know this problem.

Don't be put off by the theory that a cycle lasts 28 days. Very few people have their period on the exact day.

The duration of the cycle can fluctuate. What causes an irregular cycle and what you can do about it, you can read here.

Regulate cycle

An irregular cycle can be a challenge not only when you want to have children. Even if you don't want children and are using contraception, an irregular cycle is anything but pleasant.

Feeling that "something is wrong" or that you may be unplanned pregnant can be quite scary.

I know what I am talking about. Until a year ago, an irregular cycle was my constant companion. Up to 75 days were not uncommon.

In the summer this can be quite practical, but at the same time very scary.

For the past year, I have been able to tell almost to the day when my period starts.

How I got my irregular cycle under control

Often an irregular cycle is because you are not ovulating. That was the case with me on a regular basis. So I went to the gynecologist regularly and had blood drawn.

That's how he recognized whether I was ovulating or not. The answer was usually no.

If you do not ovulate, the cycle can last 50 days or longer.

And what does my gynecologist suggest: Hormone therapy, which is very expensive.

There must be another way, I thought to myself, and began to experiment.

A basal thermometer helps

Because no one is a fan of needles, my first purchase was a basal thermometer to check my cycle. With it, you can measure your body temperature and see if your period is imminent.

The female body is subject to temperature fluctuations during the cycle. A few days before the period, the body temperature rises. And that's exactly what you can observe with the basal thermometer. Depending on the model, it measures the temperature to an accuracy of 2 to 3 coma digits.

The thermometer for the woman does not help menstruation to come regularly, but at least you know where you are.

And it saved me from having to take regular blood samples.

Inositol against irregular cycle

And there's the secret that jump-started my cycle: Inositol powder*.

If you also frequently suffer from an irregular cycle, then you should take a look at Effective NatureView *. The Inositol powder* contains a messenger substance that is involved in hormone metabolism. It is usually used when there is a desire to have children.

But even without wanting to get pregnant, it is a good helper. It makes sure that your hormones are balanced and that you have a regular implantation.

I dissolve 2 grams of the powder in water and drink it in the morning. It tastes slightly sweet. If you want, you can also take it in capsule form.

It has consistently good reviews on Amazon, I take it regularly myself and can tell you: my cycle has normalized.

Instead of between 30 and 75 days as before, I have now settled at 30 to 35 days. And that's been the case for exactly one year.

What causes an irregular cycle

First, let's quickly clarify what a cycle is that is very irregular. Not every woman has a cycle like mine. Some also have a shortened cycle of less than 20 days.

Normally, a menstrual cycle is from 26 to 32 days. The bleeding lasts between 3 and 7 days. Anything that deviates from this "normal value" is called a cycle disorder.

irregular cycle

A cycle can be

  • be shortened (less than 3 days) or prolonged (longer than 7 days)
  • stay away
  • turn out very weak (you need less than 2 tampons per day)
  • are very heavy (you need more than 5 pads or tampons per day)
  • stop (there is no end in sight)
  • or be characterized by additional bleeding.

What can be the reason for an irregular period

There are a number of different causes that can affect your cycle.

During puberty and menopause irregular cycles are quite classic. The reason for this is hormonal imbalance.

Tubal or ovarian inflammation. This is not to be trifled with. If you have abdominal pain and the cycle is irregular, go to the doctor!

Ovarian cyst. Many women have cysts. Sometimes you don't even notice it at first. It is only when periods stop or there is strange spotting that you notice something is wrong.

PCO syndrome. Infrequent bleeding and male hairiness, often combined with obesity indicate polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO). This is a malfunction of the ovaries. Have this clarified by a doctor.

Other: The female body is often a mystery. Many external influences such as stress, psychological strain, unhealthy diet, smoking, competitive sports, time differences or climatic changes on vacation can trigger bleeding or cause it to stop. But also underweight, a malfunction of the thyroid gland or an underfunction of the anterior pituitary gland in the brain can result in an irregular cycle.

Some drugs also have an influence on the hormone balance.

Period irregular

When an irregular cycle must be clarified by a doctor

You don't have to go to the doctor every time your cycle is out of balance. However, there are a few situations when you should definitely do it.

Seek advice from your gynecologist if

  • you always had a regular cycle before
  • your menstrual period stops for no apparent reason
  • you have abdominal pain
  • you have labor pains
  • spotting occurs that you never had before
  • you have gained or lost weight quickly

What helps your cycle on the jump

I have tried all these tips, for me they rarely helped. But every body is different, so just try it.

Reduce stress. If stress is the cause of your cycle disorders, then you must succeed in relaxing. Autogenic training can help you as well as yoga. For some it is also running or hiking. Find a way that works for you.

Vitamin C. Has helped me from time to time. If you take a lot of vitamin C, the estrogen level increases and at the same time the progesterone level decreases.

The high estrogen level causes contractions of the uterus. And if you have low progesterone, then the thickness of the uterine lining minimizes. So that's exactly what you need right now.

Monk's pepper*. In naturopathy one reaches for Monk's pepper* when the cycle goes crazy. However, this does not work overnight. A cure lasting several months is recommended. It is best to seek advice at the pharmacy.

Trigger period

Our conclusion

An irregular cycle can have many causes. From stress, to cysts or a lack of ovulation, everything is possible.

Don't let yourself go crazy if things don't go according to plan. If your doctor doesn't find a physical cause, try the following Inositol powder*, that helped me a lot. :)

All the best for you!

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