Forbidden foods when losing weight: You should not eat this

Lose weight without sports

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Forbidden foods for weight loss: You've been exercising for weeks and still nothing is happening on the scale? If you want to lose weight, you should eliminate these foods.

You really try hard and go to the gym regularly. But all that sweating doesn't bring success. You feel a little fitter. But nothing is happening on the scale. That is very frustrating. And somehow also demotivating.

But before you throw in the towel (literally), check your habits.

There are often very simple reasons why the scales are stubborn and we don't lose weight - and often it's the diet that can be changed with a special diet plan. I'm about to introduce you to We Go Fit* before!

And very often you don't lose any weight (at least on the scales) because you build muscle. Hooray!

You must know, muscles are simply heavier than fat. Thus, it may even happen that your weight increases a little to the beginning.

However, if you feel that the flab is not decreasing despite the workout, it may be due to your diet.

In fact, some foods ensure that fat burning is inhibited.

We have compiled 7 forbidden foods for you when losing weight. Try to reduce them over a period of 2 to 3 weeks or ideally avoid them altogether.

When you finally get the desired effect, you know what the problem was.

This is what you need to know if you want to lose weight

Before you go through the list and get scared: Your future should definitely not be one of abandonment. Many of the foods listed are simply unhealthy. However, there are numerous delicious and healthy alternatives.

You find yourself in one or the other point on this list? Then you should Change your habits step by step. Turning the entire menu upside down from one day to the next is rarely crowned with success.

Rather, make a resolution to gradually reduce the forbidden foods. Or replace them one by one. This way, you can test out what you like or where you can do without substitutes.

But then it usually doesn't work without sports. And that's despite the fact that diet accounts for about 70 % of weight loss. But with exercise, you can boost your metabolism and feel better in your skin overall.

There are special fitness exercises that are particularly high in calories burn and bring you one step closer to your goal with every workout.

If you are just starting to exercise, you should go for daily walks. But please do not stroll slowly, but already properly get going!

Your nutrition plan with We Go Fit*

If you don't have a plan, you will quickly lose sight of your goal. Then there is a great danger of falling back into old behavior patterns.

Because we know how difficult varied and healthy nutrition is, we have developed the We Go Fit Nutrition Plan created. It will help you achieve your goals.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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It is often very difficult to eat right. Especially when it comes to recipes, you quickly reach the limits of creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose your goal (e.g. lose weight) and the interval program.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100 % for you. It's very simple. Give it a try :)

7 forbidden foods when losing weight!

1. foods containing sugar

We'll start with the classic: sugary foods are not only unhealthy, but also inhibit weight loss. They provide Cravings. And are responsible for low energy levels and weak immune system.

First and foremost, of course, obvious calorie bombs should be eliminated. These include ice cream and chocolate, as well as sweet baked goods and other snacks. Especially the Refined sugars damages our body and our health in the process.

However, when shopping, it's worth taking a look at the nutritional information on the "other" products. Because you'll find out: Nasty sugar is hidden in a surprisingly large number of foods. And often in supposedly healthy products, too.

Did you know that mueslis are a real sugar bomb? And how unhealthy ready-made barbecue sauces are? You can get a good overview of hidden sugar in this article: Watch out: These 9 foods contain hidden sugar.

forbidden foods when losing weight sugar

2. forbidden foods for weight loss: White flour products

Yes, we also love international cuisine. Baguettes for breakfast, pasta for lunch and tortillas for dinner. Or would you rather have a big burger? In any case, it's very tasty. And produced with lots of white flour.

Why is that bad? White flour products contain hardly any fiber. As a result, they don't keep us full for long and also cause nice cravings. This is because the insulin level rides a roller coaster: It rises quickly and drops again very quickly.

So if you like to bake your own bread, you should always use spelt or wholemeal flour instead of conventional flour. It even tastes much better! You can find great recipes for homemade bread here: 3x delicious and quick bread recipe with yeast.

The pasta can also be easily replaced with spelt or whole wheat pasta - I advocate spelt, they taste only minimally different. Instead of husked rice, brown rice is more suitable. It just needs to be cooked a little longer than white rice.

And if you're sick of rice, pasta and bread anyway, you should try quinoa, couscous, millet or buckwheat. The pseudo cereal is incredibly healthy and versatile. Take a look here, for example: Quick quinoa fritters with cauliflower and feta.

3. unhealthy drinks

If you want to lose weight, you should avoid a number of unhealthy drinks. Of course, soft drinks and fruit juices are at the top of the list. They have a crazy amount of sugar and are true calorie bombs.

You should also avoid alcohol. It is not only the sugar it contains that is a problem. Alcohol also inhibits the breakdown of fat. So if you like to go dancing, it's better to go alcohol-free next time. Then it's an effective workout that melts fat pads while you're having fun. Sounds good, doesn't it?

forbidden food during weight loss

But don't worry. You can drink more than still water if you want to lose weight. We're totally into detox water. Here you simply add healthy fruit and co. to the drink. You can find delicious variations here: 7 recipes for homemade detox water.

You can also resort to unsweetened tea, of course. Are you also a coffee junkie? That's fine too, as long as you cut out the sugar. Milk and sugar negatively affect your metabolism. I recommend almond milk instead.

4. forbidden foods when losing weight: Ready-made products

Yes, it is already really convenient. The bolognese from the can. Soup from a bag. Powdered chicken broth and canned fruit. Unfortunately, almost all ready-made products are really bad. Especially for our health and well-being.

It not only contains a lot of sugar, salt, artificial additives or bad fat. Alone these ingredients provide few successes in losing weight. But these substances are so unhealthy that we can get serious health problems in the long term.

The biggest problem is the low level of nutrients in ready-made products. This is because the products have often been heated to high temperatures in order to preserve them. As a result, all minerals and vitamins are lost.

If our body is not ideally supplied, it cannot work properly. This makes us feel listless and lacking in energy. It is therefore better to clean diet. This means preparing food fresh as often as possible and avoiding convenience foods.

This has the advantage that you can see and determine exactly what is in your food. And cooking yourself is much more fun anyway.

By the way, frozen fruit and vegetables are perfectly fine, as both are frozen immediately after harvesting and retain their nutrients. It just depends on what you prepare from them.

5. avoid processed meat

If you like to eat meat, you should choose the variety carefully. Dark meat is often much fattier than lean meat. So you should give turkey priority over beef or pork.

Prepared meat (sausage, ready-made patties and co.) also inhibits weight reduction and is even suspected of being carcinogenic. The reason is the often poor quality. Cheap meat contains antibiotics, hormones, trans fats and saturated fatty acids. And that makes us sick.

In addition, it is important to avoid breaded meat or to reduce the weekly schnitzel highlight to a monthly schnitzel treat. It's an adjustment, but worth it in any case. Promised.

Prohibited foods when losing weight: Fish is also on the list. Especially canned and pickled in oil. If possible, you should always buy fish at the fresh counter or at the market. And also the meat at the butcher of trust.

forbidden food when losing weight cheap meat

6. choose the right fats

Many think that a low-fat diet are the key to a slim figure. However, this is not entirely true. Because not all fats are the same. There are bad fats such as saturated fatty acids, hydrogenated fats, trans fats or even refined oil.

These include meat or typical margarine. Oils such as canola and sunflower oil are also not all that great for weight and our health. Additionally, you should eliminate fried foods like chips and potato chips from your plan altogether.

But there are also good fats. And these even promote weight loss and give us energy. These include avocados, for example. Or products made from coconut oil. Ghee, butter or virgin olive oil are great for baking or cooking.

By the way, instead of chips or fries, you can go for healthy and delicious Vegetable chips grab. And you can find out which oil is best for frying here: Which oil for frying? Oils for cooking in comparison.

It also helps to stick to the quantities given for oils and the like when cooking. Our gut feeling is that the tablespoon in the cookbook is usually three times the amount. This makes our food unnecessarily greasy and unfortunately does not help us lose weight.

7. pay attention to food intolerances

Just 8 foods account for 90 % of all food intolerances. They include: Eggs, milk, seafood, fish, soy, gluten, nuts and peanuts. Often we don't even know about these intolerances.

Therefore, it is worth eliminating some of these foods step by step. And after 3 weeks to test again slowly. If your body and digestion can be influenced, there is probably an intolerance.

If you don't tolerate cow's milk very well, you have many options to replace it. Instead of normal whole milk, you can use almond milk or rice milk. There are numerous plant-based alternatives.

If you don't want to give up cheese, you can try out products made from sheep's or goat's milk. These often do not contain as many antibiotics and hormones. They are easier to digest for many. Thus, goat and sheep products do not disturb our hormonal balance and can be processed more easily by the body.

forbidden foods when losing weight intolerances

Our conclusion

Let's face it, supermarkets are literally bursting with temptations and delicious products. But it's still worth taking a look behind the scenes. Far too often, we reach for over-sugared products. Or we allow ourselves to be tempted by the convenient ready-made version.

Hormonally modified products can also ensure that our body does not know what to do with them. Therefore, pay good attention to the quality and origin of dairy and meat products.

Of course, it's best to buy fresh, seasonal and local products and prepare all meals ourselves. In doing so, we should use healthy fats and look at the quantities more often so that not too much oil ends up in the pot.

The bottom line is, nevertheless, relatively simple to eat healthy. And once this step is taken, unnecessary pounds will fall off all by themselves and muscles will finally become visible.

We wish you much success. :)

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