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diet stomach intestine flu

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Is your stomach really rumbling right now? It almost sounds like a small war and you can hardly get off the toilet? Now you need a diet for diarrhea.

Many questions arise during a bout of gastroenteritis. What am I allowed to eat at all? Should I eat something solid? Or is it better to drink only water? What to eat when I have diarrhea so that it does not get worse?

We say: Go for a light diet when you have diarrhea. Eat foods that do not put additional strain on your digestion.

If you have an appetite, you should not give up solid foods. Not even if you are suffering from diarrhea.

Because right now your body loses a lot of energy, fluid and nutrients that should be replenished.

But why a diet for diarrhea? Well, your body is quite weakened now. You have to give it time. And slowly get back on your feet.

After diarrhea or a stomach flu, you should give the intestinal flora time to rebuild. Your digestive tract needs a lot of prebiotics and probiotics to be fit again quickly.

You can also buy prebiotics. Here you can get preparations with inulin isolated from chicory, Jerusalem artichoke or chicory. Most of the preparations are a mix of probiotics and prebiotics.

The optimal basis for a balanced intestinal flora is a healthy, varied and plant-based diet. You can also increase the good bacteria with prebiotics, dietary fibers such as inulin and oligofructose, and virtually feed them.

These fibers are difficult or indigestible and are thus also food for the bacteria. This is how you stimulate their growth.

Probiona Complex - 20 strains of bacteria + Bio Inulin
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In addition, such preparations contain strains of bacteria. In this case, there are 20 different ones, which ensure that the intestinal flora is rebalanced.

What bland food for diarrhea is good for the stomach

So: How do I feed myself when I just have diarrhea and still suffer from hunger?

  • Rusk
  • Vegetable broth
  • Oatmeal
  • Grated apple and mashed banana
  • Cooked white rice
  • Potatoes
  • Cooked carrots

Some doctors recommend having a relief day when you don't eat anything. During this time you drink only still water and herbal teas. However, you should definitely not do this for longer than one day. Your body needs energy to get rid of the infection quickly.

You lose a lot of electrolytes and minerals. With a diet for diarrhea, you can slowly restore them to your body.

Rusk for gastrointestinal problems

Even as a child, my grandmother always had rusks in the house. When your stomach started to rumble and you could hardly get off the toilet, she was immediately there and handed out rusks.

In fact, double-baked white bread is said to help with gastrointestinal distress. That's because it keeps your stomach busy without weighing it down. Rusk is mega easy to digest and gives you power again.

The toasted bread is too dry for you? Drink a herbal tea with it.

The advantage: Rusk has a very long shelf life. So you can buy it for the next time already from stock.

If you don't have rusks at home, you can also eat a white bread. But please without sausage, cheese or similar. High-fat foods or dairy products are taboo during acute diarrhea.

Tip: In acute diarrhea Imodium acute helps within minutes. You can order the capsules from Amazon. But again, it's important that you go easy on your stomach and only eat easy-to-digest foods!

Eat vegetable broth properly for diarrhea

As the saying goes: In at one end, out at the other. That's why it's so important to stay hydrated.

If you have diarrhea, you can hardly drink enough.

Vegetable broth is easy to digest, contains electrolytes and can also fill you up thanks to different ingredients.

Oatmeal, pasta, potatoes and rice will help you fight diarrhea.

Important: Do not eat the soup too hot, this irritates the mucous membranes, which are now already very battered!

Gentle diet for diarrhea

Oatmeal against diarrhea

Oats are an enormously valuable grain. It contains every megne of fiber, minerals and vitamins B1 and E.

This combination has a very positive effect on our blood sugar. The immune system also benefits from oatmeal.

Oats keep you full for a long time, which is convenient when you can hardly get up from the sofa. In addition, the muesli flakes are easy to digest. Especially when you cook them.

Therefore, oatmeal is particularly digestible as a diet for diarrhea if you prepare a soup from it.

For this you need

  • 3 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 250 ml water
  • 1 tsp vegetable broth powder

Simply bring to a boil and simmer at low temperature until the soup is thickened. If you wish, you can puree the soup.

It's best to eat food that has been treated for diarrhea lukewarm. Hot or ice-cold foods only put additional strain on the stomach.

If you are not a soup fan, you can also prepare oatmeal sweet. Simply cook the oatmeal in water. When they are ready, stir in grated apple and banana pieces.

Pureed banana and grated apple

Did you know that apples and bananas are particularly effective against diarrhea? They contain a lot of pectin. This is a dietary fiber that not only makes jam firm, but also our poops.

Pectin tantalizes after eating, absorbs liquid and thickens the stool. In apples, this miracle substance is hidden in the peel. So please do not peel!

Pectin works especially well when you break up the apple and eat it immediately before it turns brown.

It's best to combine half a grated apple and a mashed banana as a gentle diet against diarrhea.

Your body also benefits from the potassium it contains. It maintains the fluid content in the cells. This is important because your body loses a lot of potassium every time you go to the toilet.

By the way, pears also contain a lot of pectin.

Rice as a bland diet for diarrhea

Rice is mega delicious. But also a real miracle weapon for gastrointestinal complaints. The small white grains have a slightly constipating effect.

This is due to the mucilage contained in rice. They bind water in the body.

Add a little salt to the cooking water to provide your body with some electrolytes.

If the diarrhea is already pretty much over, you can eat cooked vegetables like carrots or zucchinis with the rice.

Also very tasty: rice as a soup ingredient in the vegetable broth.

Rice as a bland diet for diarrhea

Potatoes as a bland diet against diarrhea

You can also find a lot of potassium in potatoes. They are easy to digest and give your body a lot of strength. And that although they do not burden it.

It's best to peel the potatoes and boil them in salted water.

Important: The potatoes should not have green spots. Because this can lead to additional vomiting or diarrhea.

You can eat the cooked potatoes with vegetable broth and automatically take them a lot of liquid.

Carrots for gastrointestinal disorders

Like apples and bananas, carrots also contain pectin. However, you should not nibble them raw, but cook them. In the raw state they are heavy in the stomach.

They also fit perfectly as an ingredient in the soup. Maybe combined with potatoes? Then you already have almost a normal vegetable soup :)

Also very tasty and easily digestible vegetables:

  • Beet
  • Pumpkin
  • Zucchini

What not to eat when you have diarrhea

If you have diarrhea right now, you definitely don't feel like eating sumptuous and fatty foods. And that's a good thing. These heavy foods make it very difficult for your body to get back into shape.

What to eat with diarrhea

Make sure that you prepare the food properly. It does not help if you eat rice that is particularly strongly seasoned.

You should keep your hands off this

  • Very hot or very cold food
  • Spicy food of all kinds
  • Fatty foods and fast food
  • All kind of milk product
  • Sugary foods
  • Raw vegetables and fruits
  • Fruit juices
  • Flatulent vegetables such as cabbage, onion, legumes
  • Coffee
  • Carbonated drinks

What distinguishes bland food for diarrhea

Foods that fall into this category are very easy to digest. They do not burden the body and supply it with plenty of nutrients.

But don't force yourself to eat anything you don't feel like eating. The important thing is to listen to your body.

For example, I can't eat a rusk with the best will in the world. That makes it even worse. Why? I don't really know either. Actually, it is supposed to help me with diarrhea. But it doesn't.

Foods that are considered to be a bland diet for diarrhea are

  • easily digestible
  • Easily digestible
  • composed from few ingredients
  • soothing for the stomach and do not irritate it additionally

How long you need bland food for diarrhea

We have now provided you with a few recipe ideas. But still, you quickly get tired of oatmeal, rusks, etc. So you're probably wondering how long you have to eat bland food for diarrhea.

There is no clear-cut answer to this. You have to go with your gut. When the cramps and diarrhea subside, you can slowly start eating normal foods again.

diet stomach intestine flu

But very important: eat step by step and only easily digestible food. Do not stuff your belly to the top. Your gastrointestinal tract is still quite weakened and needs time for a slow recovery.

Now, by the way, it's best if you eat 6 or even more small meals throughout the day instead of 3 big ones. This relieves the irritated mucous membranes.

Our conclusion

With a diet for diarrhea, you do something good for your stomach and intestines. It allows them to recover slowly. Do not completely abandon solid food. Unless you really can't eat anything at all.

If the diarrhea does not improve after 2 days, call a doctor and get his opinion. There could be something more serious behind it than just a simple stomach upset.

Get well soon!

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