Strengthen your weak immune system!

Weak immune system cold

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There are many reasons for a weak immune system. We tell you how you can strengthen your defenses.

You go for a walk outside. It is fresh but not freezing cold. It's a really beautiful autumn day. To be on the safe side, you wrap up tightly with a jacket, scarf and gloves.

Your girlfriend strolls casually beside you in ankle-baring pants and a T-shirt.

The next day you have the salad: You have to sneeze and your nose runs like water. And your girlfriend is chirpy.

But why do you have a weak immune system when you were dressed so thickly?

Every day anew, the body's defenses protect us from viruses and bacteria. Around the clock, the body works to keep us fit and healthy.

But if you have a weak immune system, you will catch a cold or flu very quickly. Tiredness and fatigue are also a classic sign that your immune system is at its lowest point.

What are the causes of a weak immune system

If you have a weakened immune system, you should investigate the causes. If you live an unhealthy life, you are not doing your body any good.

The unhealthy lifestyle can be quickly recognized by the first physical symptoms.

Common causes of a weak immune system are

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Long lasting stress
  • unhealthy food (especially zinc and vitamin C deficiency)
  • Too little movement
  • too extreme sports load

Do you recognize yourself? Especially "office people" who have very little exercise and do not do any sports are affected by weak defenses.

But too much sport is also not healthy. Because sport is very strenuous for our body. Afterwards, it urgently needs a break in which it can regenerate.

However, it may also be that a disease is present. Underlying diseases such as metabolic disorders, diabetes, cancer or chronic diseases weaken our defenses.

Allergies favor weak defenses

Here I can speak from my own experience. I have a dust mite allergy. Every year in autumn and spring my body is busy producing watery eyes, sneezing attacks and a runny nose.

During this time, of course, my immune system is also really in the basement. My body is so busy with the mites that it is weakened and I am more susceptible to infections.

Since I consciously try to avoid the allergens during this time - if that is possible. And take an anti-allergic at the worst times, I feel much better.

Weak immune system due to allergies

What I want to say: If you suspect that you are allergic to something (pollen, cat, house dust, etc.) take an allergy test with a doctor. Your immune system will thank you!

What symptoms indicate a weakened immune system

If you have a weak immune system, you are susceptible to infections of all kinds. The classic ones are colds, sore throats and a runny nose.

But also constant tiredness, concentration problems, dissatisfaction and fatigue are classic indications.

However, weakened defenses are not a disease that needs to be treated. It only ensures that you get sick faster.

That is why it is important to turn a weak immune system into a strong one. Then the body simply does not allow infections and you can prevent diseases.

The classic symptoms of an immune system that is not fit are

  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Concentration disorders
  • Susceptibility to infections of all kinds (especially colds and gastrointestinal diseases)

How to turn a weak immune system into a strong one

The good thing about the immune system is that it is largely in our own hands. We can do a lot to avoid getting infections so quickly.

The sooner you get active, the better. The combination of wet, cold and overheated rooms makes it particularly easy for pathogens.

However, you have to prevent an immune deficiency in the long term. A weak immune system does not become strong overnight. How to strengthen your defenses

  1. Eat healthy
  2. Reduce stress and relax
  3. Drink a lot
  4. Enough sleep
  5. Much movement
  6. Abstain from alcohol and nicotine
  7. Alternating showers

In short, adequate exercise, enough sleep, low stress and a healthy diet are the building blocks that turn a weak immune system into a strong one.

1. eat healthy for strong defenses

You know the saying "You are what you eat"? There's a lot of truth in it. When we eat unhealthy food, we get sick.

A balanced and varied diet is the basic building block for our health. Because our immune system needs plenty of vitamins and minerals every day.

That's why your diet should include plenty of vegetables and fruit. The most important minerals for the immune system are zinc, selenium, copper and iron.

Vitamins that strengthen your defenses are mainly vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D and E.

More and more scientists suspect that there is a direct link between intestinal health and the immune system. A healthy intestine needs many healthy foods and little sugar and white flour. Some scientists talk about 80% of immune cells being found in the intestine.

Especially healthy vegetables and fruits are

  • Broccoli (Attention: Not everyone tolerates!)
  • Blackberries and other dark berries
  • Blueberries
  • Carrots
  • Garlic (Attention: Not everyone tolerates!)
  • All kinds of nuts
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Grapes
  • Citrus

But because it is very difficult to take in enough vitamins and nutrients every day, supplements help during the cold season.

2. reduce stress and relax

Yes, that is of course always very easy to say. But trying to have little stress is really enormously important! In everyday life, this is usually not possible. Very often we have no influence on it.

Therefore, relaxation and vacation days are absolutely necessary. Because too much stress makes you sick.

It weakens the immune system in several ways. On the one hand, it affects our mental well-being. And on the other hand, the stress hormones ensure that antibodies are reduced. This makes it much easier for pathogens.

Find a hobby where you can really relax. Because one thing is clear: you can't go on vacation all the time. :)

While one person is into sports or hiking, the other is most comfortable at home on the sofa with knitting needles. Go on a quest - you're sure to find something that will rebuild your weak immune system!

3. drink a lot and say goodbye to your weak immune system

You've probably heard this 1000 times: But drinking is really mega important. Our body needs a lot of liquid to be able to function properly.

It is involved in many metabolic processes. For example, it helps to remove toxins from the body or the organs to work properly.

Weak immune system Drink water

Your skin will also be much clearer if you drink at least 1.5 liters every day.

Very important: tap water or unsweetened herbal teas. Avoid drinks with artificial additives and sugar.

Tip: There is a drink reminder on Amazon. You give it directly to the bottle. It flashes when you should drink.

4. enough sleep keeps fit

Sleep is a true miracle cure. And not only when we are sick, but also as a preventive measure against illness. If you make sure you get enough sleep, you do something good for your body and your mind.

On average, an adult needs 6-8 hours of sleep per day. During this time, the body regenerates and relieves stress, which brings us to the next topic.

Strengthen weak immune system

5. plenty of exercise and fresh air

If you only stay in the office and the apartment, you should not be surprised if the first cold is not long in coming.

Exercise in the fresh air is very important for our health and ensures strong defenses. So it doesn't help much if you do exercise - but only in the gym.

If you're not the outdoor exercise type, at least walk as often as possible. Ride your bike to work and go for regular walks.

Weak immune system

Just grab a friend and go for a big walk. Instead of sitting in a cafe, you can discuss everything important during a walk. And afterwards go for a cup of tea together :)

Try to exercise 2-3 times a week. You will not only strengthen the immune system, but also do something good for your entire body.

6. fingers away from alcohol and nicotine

If you don't feel like catching a cold, cut out alcohol and nicotine.

Did you know that a smoker needs 3x more vitamin C daily than a non-smoker? This is because nicotine damages the cells. To compensate, the body resorts to vitamin C.

Alcohol also weakens our body. Nobody minds a glass now and then, but just try to drink as little as possible.

7. alternating showers harden the body

Brrr long I was not a fan of it, but slowly I can get used to it. Alternating showers are a wonderful way to harden the body.

By changing from cold to warm and vice versa, you activate your body's cold stimuli. It learns to adapt to the environment faster and creates more antibodies.

However, you should only do this if you are really fit at the moment. If you already have a cold, this is not a good idea. Your weak immune system will become even weaker.

Why hand washing is important for strong defenses

Washing your hands may only have an indirect effect if you want to prevent a weakened immune system, but you should really take this tip to heart.

Washing your hands regularly with soap is probably the simplest tip of all. This way you can prevent viruses and bacteria from getting into your body. And they lurk everywhere, especially in autumn and winter.

Weak immune system wash hands

There are countless viruses and bacteria on our hands. That's why it's important to keep your hands far away from your eyes, mouth and face. By doing so, you are transporting them towards the mucous membranes and paving the way for a severe cold.

Tip: A disinfectant is quite handy when you're on the go. You can order it from Amazon. 

Our conclusion

The sooner you start strengthening your weak immune system, the better it is. Ideally, you should eat a very healthy diet throughout the year, be outdoors a lot and do sports. This way you build up strong defenses before the cold and wet season starts and can easily ward off viruses.

All the best and good health to you! :)

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