These are 7 reliable signs that you're not drinking enough

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Drinking plenty of fluids is important. But how do we know that we have actually taken in enough fluid? These 7 signs tell you!

Everyone knows it. Drinking is important. Very important. And yet we often criminally neglect it. In everyday life, it simply gets lost among meetings and to-dos. And yes, sometimes the umpteenth glass of tap water just doesn't taste right.

It is essential for our body to stay hydrated. This allows toxins to be flushed out, the blood to circulate properly. The muscles are sufficiently supplied. And our brain is efficient.

You can easily calculate how much water you need to consume daily based on your weight.

The perfect amount of water for you

Divide your weight by 0.024. For example, 60 kg divided by 0.024 = 2500, which equals 2.5 liters. That's easy, isn't it?

We'll tell you how you can tell that you urgently need to drink a little more.

We have collected the 7 most common signs that show you a lack of fluids. You'll also find some tips on how to drink more easily.

Signs lack of fluid

Am I not drinking enough water? If you ask yourself this question, the answer is most likely: Yes!

Like everyone who drinks too little, you may know the problem: water is boring. Especially if it is without fruit juice, fruit or herbs.

With a little taste it is much easier. You have every day anew the chance to discover delicious flavors. By the way, ginger also tastes very delicious and is very healthy at the same time!

7 reliable signs that you are not drinking enough

When your body reports thirst, it's actually a little late.

In fact, you should drink even before that. These symptoms already show you a lack of fluid.

1. your urine is too dark

We start with a really pleasant topic: your urine. Normally, urine should have a light yellow color. When red blood cells are broken down, yellowish bile pigment is formed.

The less you drink, the higher the concentration. Especially morning urine tends to be darker. Afterwards, you should make sure that it has a light yellow color. A look into the bowl is therefore worthwhile. No one has to know :)

2. the muscles cramp

What could be more unpleasant than being woken up at night by a painful cramp? Often we think that a magnesium deficiency triggers these nasty contractions. But in fact, it is also a sign that we are dehydrated.

Because when the sodium level in the body drops, the body shifts its priorities. The firm calf is no longer the first priority. Instead, it's a functioning circulatory system. So especially after sports: Drink drink drink!

3. headache indicates a lack of fluids

When you don't drink enough, it often shows up in headaches. Our blood becomes thicker when we are dehydrated. This means that not enough oxygen can reach the brain and we get pain.

Signs that you do not drink enough

You have frequent headaches? Here you will learn how you can treat the throbbing pain without drugs and hocus-pocus: 13 effective and fast acting home remedies for headaches.

Especially on hot days, headaches can occur. But even here, the desire for water is not always particularly great. Do you know this too?

If you like to drink mineral water, you should get a Buy Soda Stream*. You can order it from Amazon. The bubbles make the water taste fresher and you automatically drink more.

4. you simply cannot concentrate

Have you been sitting in front of your empty Word file for hours. But somehow you're in standby mode? If you haven't drunk enough, your body reacts with a really nasty lack of concentration.

drink little

The reason for this is that electrolytes are lost through sweat and urine. This lack of important minerals and nutrients leaves us unconcentrated. If pure water is too bland for you, check this out: 7 ingenious recipes for homemade detox water.

5. bad mood as a sign that you drink too little

Could you hit the ceiling sometimes? Like, really with a kick? But for no reason? That's probably because you're a woman. (Show me a woman who is always calm and at peace!).

But not only hormones are to blame for a discreet irritability. It can also be your body's signal that it urgently needs something liquid. So before you jump towards the ceiling, don't eat a Snickers bar. Drink a glass of water. :)

6. your digestion is sluggish

Another sign that you're not drinking enough? Not only do you pee less. You're also less able to do other business in the restroom. Because a dehydrated body, makes digestion sluggish.

Sign be dehydrated

If you haven't taken in enough fluid, it just doesn't flow properly. It sounds stupid, but that's how it is. Instead of helping constipation and co. with medication, try it with a portion of water or tea. :)

For a little variety and a good taste, you can add fruit or tea to your water. Orange and mint in the water tastes great.

To ensure that the flavor is retained for a long time and the tea leaves do not float loosely in the water, you should get a Pitcher with built-in strainer* to add.

That's where fruits, vegetables and herbs stay where they should be: In the jug and not in the drinking glass.

7. your skin is dry and sallow

Who doesn't dream of crisp skin, a glowing complexion and a healthy complexion? Probably everyone. The secret is not expensive cream with unpronounceable ingredients, which the advertising praises us.

Drinking water is the solution to the riddle. Can not be marketed so sexy, but works! Even without Stiftung Warentest having to confirm it ;) Here you can find more reasons to drink more: 15 reasons why you should drink more water.

Our conclusion

When we drink too little, we don't function properly. Our body becomes sluggish and performs its ToDo's rather mediocre. In addition, our performance decreases. We feel miles off track.

We notice that we are dehydrated even before thirst strikes as an alarm signal. Our body shows a variety of symptoms that are already weakened by a glass of water. In this sense: Cheers! :)

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