17 effective and fast-acting home remedies for headaches

Home remedy for headache

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These are the best home remedies for headaches! How to fight headaches with natural remedies.

Almost everyone has had a headache at some point. 70% of all Germans suffer from it regularly. Fortunately, there are many Home remedy for headache which, depending on the type of headache, can even replace a drug.

Headaches always come when you least need them. They can sting, pound, be dull, occur behind the forehead and at the bursa, or in the neck. No matter the location or the severity: Headaches are awful.

In order not to be restricted in everyday life, one often has to reach for the medicine cabinet.

But especially for recurring headaches, this is not recommended. How good that there are Home remedy for headache gives.

If you often suffer from a headache, you don't have to resort to medication right away. Nature has provided many quick helpers for us. Used correctly can Home remedy for headache even achieve better results in the long term.

The advantage of natural remedies for headaches is that they have no side effects. Medications often have a whole list of them. Feel free to take a closer look at the list of side effects of pills. Most side effect lists are very long and drive away the desire to take the medicine.

If you have a headache, you should first try the help of nature. If this does not help and you often have headaches, you should definitely see a doctor!

17 effective home remedies for headaches

There are enough home remedies for headaches. And some of them can certainly help you with your headaches. The only problem is that you have to make up your own mind about everything. Only you can find out how and if the home remedy helps you.

1. peppermint against headache

A well-tried medicinal herb against the buzzing head is peppermint. Responsible for this is the very high menthol content. Peppermint can help well against tension-related headaches.

Peppermint against headache

Simply apply a little of a high-quality oil on the forehead and temples. The mint oil has a decramping effect and is scientifically proven to be as effective as 2 tablets of paracetamol!

Caution: Do not get the oil in your eyes! Always dilute the oil before applying it to the skin. Otherwise you can get irritations that can be painful.

2. water against the buzzing head

One reason for headaches can be a lack of water. Therefore, drink enough right away as a preventive measure! But also as soon as your head starts to throb, don't forget to drink water. The need for water varies depending on weight, age and external circumstances. But 1-2 liters of water as a rule of thumb is quite good for most people.

3. rest helps with headache

It doesn't matter whether you've taken on too much mentally or simply can't get any rest. Rest almost always helps with headaches. Just lie down in a dark room and don't look at your smartphone for 1-2 hours. If you have the luxury, you should just take some time out and sleep.

4. cinnamon drives away headaches

Cinnamon against headache

Especially in cold winter months can Cinnamon* good for headaches. Simply mix some cinnamon powder and water until it has become a paste. Then apply the resulting paste to your forehead.

In addition, you can make yourself an applesauce with a large amount of Cinnamon* treat yourself. In this way, the cinnamon powder works against headaches from the outside and inside at the same time.

Here you will learn everything about the various home remedies and their effects

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5. ginger helps against headache

Whether you are hardy and eat ginger raw, or prefer to take it as a drink. For many people, ginger is an excellent home remedy for headaches.

Ginger against headache

For the ginger drink, simply simmer a piece of peeled ginger in a liter of water for 20 minutes. The ginger water can then be drunk cold or hot. If you find it too spicy, you can soften the taste with honey.

6. magnesium as a home remedy for headaches

Just like a lack of water, a lack of magnesium can cause migraines. Try replenishing your magnesium stores. Maybe that's what caused it and the headache will go away. Magnesium is found primarily in whole grains, nuts, seeds and dairy products. Dark chocolate also has magnesium in it. Good news for all chocolate fans :)

7. alternating showers help against head humming

Alternating showers à la Kneipp help with tension-related headaches. The application from hydrotherapy has an invigorating and relaxing effect and can improve the headache.

Simply alternate hot and cold showers. The warm phases should last about 4-5 minutes, the cold maximum 1 minute. Switch between hot and cold so that you can still stand it. Too extreme changes are not recommended, especially for "laymen" in alternating showers. At the end of the shower should always come a cold phase.

8. lemons as a home remedy for headaches

Lemons are little all-rounders. The sour fruits can help you well against headaches. Simply squeeze half a lemon and mix it with a glass full of warm water. Then drink the whole thing quickly and hope for the best.

9. apple cider vinegar drives away migraines

The anti-inflammatory apple cider vinegar helps to rebalance the pH of the body and flushes toxins from the body. Simply mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a spoonful of honey in warm water.

Drinking apple cider vinegar against headache

Drink this more or less good tasting mixture immediately. However, apple cider vinegar helps more in the long run and should be taken daily to prevent future migraines.

10. inhalation helps against headache

Boil a pot of water and rosemary herb in a pot and then inhale the resulting vapors. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam for as long as possible. Be careful, it is easy to scald yourself with the hot steam. It is better to be careful with it.

11. vanilla against migraine

Vanilla is a home remedy that only helps in the long run. Adding half a teaspoon of it to breakfast cereal every day is said to help relieve headache attacks.

12. cool pads against a buzzing head

Cold compresses help with many things, including headaches. Simply place the cool compress on the back of the neck, or where the pain is greatest. The resulting cold provides immediate relief.

Especially when your skull throbs after long screen work, cold will help you well. Cool temperatures are a good home remedy for headaches. The cold reduces your perception of pain.

If your headache comes from low blood pressure and fatigue, you can stimulate your circulation with cold water. For this, make a cold Kneipp bath of the arms. Hold your arms up to the elbow in ice-cold water for a short time. This gets your circulation and blood flow going at full speed.

13. a warm foot bath against headache

A very pleasant home remedy for headaches is the foot bath. The water should be as hot as possible.

Foot bath against headache

At the same time, you put a cold compress on the back of your neck or where it hurts the most. The foot bath increases blood circulation in the feet. At the same time, the blood vessels in the head contract, as the cold compress acts here. This should lead to a decrease in the headache.

Heat is good in every way. Especially when the headache is caused by tension.

A warm cherry pit pillow feels really good when you put it around your neck. Attention: It should not be too heavy, otherwise the tension will be even greater.

14. caffeine against headache

A coffee or Coke can help if you have a headache. The caffeine constricts the blood vessels and increases blood pressure.

You can benefit from this especially if you rarely drink coffee. That is, if your body is not accustomed to caffeine. If you drink coffee regularly, the effect unfortunately fizzles out. But then cola can help you.

15. exercise for headache

If the pain in your head is halfway bearable, be sure to get out into the fresh air. A 20-minute walk will do your head good. Be sure to wear sunglasses if the sun is intense! The walk will stimulate your blood circulation.

If that is out of the question right now, we can also Stretching and loosening exercises in the office help. Because it is not uncommon for headaches to come from tension that we get when we sit.

16. hair pulling

Yes, really. A gentle tug on the hair can help a headache go away. A common reason for the pain is poor circulation. There is little blood flow to the tissues under the headhat. This can irritate the pain nerves and cause headaches.

Gently reach into the hair with both hands. Pull it gently a few times. This stimulates the blood circulation.

17. deep breath

When the oxygen content of your blood is too low, the brain can become very sensitive. Very often with headaches.

Sometimes just conscious breathing can help headaches go away.

Close your eyes and breathe in deeply for 5 seconds. So that your belly rises clearly. And then slowly exhale again. Repeat the process at least 15 times.

The 3 most common types of headaches

We all know it all too well. Headaches can feel different every time. And there's a good reason for that. There are different types of headaches. They all have a different cause.

Tension headache

The tension headache is the most common headache. It is sometimes more, sometimes less bad and can have many different causes. Some triggers are for example: tension in the neck or jaw, lack of water, too little sleep and stress.


A migraine is a serious nervous disease. People with migraine absolutely belong in neurological treatment. Here the headache occurs like a seizure. Often migraine patients are also very sensitive to light and tired. Nausea or impaired vision are also secondary symptoms of migraine.

Cluster headache

These headaches also occur in attacks and are extremely intense. There are phases in which sufferers have a constant headache, only to have a break for months afterwards. Cluster headaches can be caused by weather changes, alcohol, food intolerances or environmental influences.

Our conclusion

Home remedies for headaches can work wonders. You don't always have to reach for pills right away. First of all, try to drink plenty of water and breathe fresh air. In addition, take 1-2 natural remedies for headaches.

But remember: home remedies work well for some and not for others. So you have to experiment a little bit what is good for you and what is not.

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