Lose weight on the thigh: 9 effective exercises for slim legs

Thigh slimming

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We all want to have slim legs. Trained legs look sexy in shorts, dresses and tight pants. But losing weight on the thighs is not so easy. I'll show you how to get slim thighs.

Finally fit back into the old jeans or put on shorts. Many women describe their legs as a problem zone. They consider their inner thighs too thick and are overall dissatisfied with their legs.

At the same time, most people want only one thing: toned and slim legs. But how can you lose weight on the thigh? That's what we want to clarify today!

Excess pounds for us women like to settle on the hips, belly, buttocks and thighs. The typical female problem zones.

We women also have a higher body fat percentage than men and usually less muscle mass. Our connective tissue is weaker. All this favors the accumulation of unpopular flab. To achieve the same result as a man, we women have to do comparatively much to lose weight on the thigh.

But the good news is that it works. With motivation, zeal, perseverance and exercises against thigh fat you can do it!

The magic formula is: exercise + strength training + adapted diet.

Let's look at this in detail now!

How to lose weight on the thighs?

If you want to reduce body fat on your thighs, you need to make sure that your overall body fat percentage is less. The lower your body fat percentage is, the less fat is left for thick thighs. For this, sports and exercises that provide muscles on the legs are good. Jogging, walking, hiking or equipment such as steppers and cross trainers ensure slim legs.

Slimming thighs = reduce body fat

However, body fat cannot be burned specifically by region. You have to see the entire body as a unit - so basically reduce body fat.

In addition to exercise, there is one crucial factor that most neglect: Nutrition.

With proper nutrition and fitness exercises you can reduce the circumference of the legs. Why exercises and nutrition are so important for losing weight in the buttocks and thighs, I'll tell you in detail at the end of the article.

Nutrition is the key

If you want to lose weight - no matter which part of your body - adjust your diet! It accounts for about 70% of your training success. If you consume too many calories, too much fat, too little protein and too many carbohydrates, then you will hardly succeed even with the most intensive training.

If you don't have a plan, you will quickly lose sight of your goal. Especially then, there is a great danger of falling back into old behavior patterns.

Because I know how difficult varied and healthy food is, I have the We Go Fit Nutrition Plan into being. It helps you achieve your goals.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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It is often very difficult to eat right. Especially when it comes to recipes, you quickly reach the limits of creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program create your personal nutrition plan. You choose your goal and we'll build you a nutrition plan that fits your needs and is 100% for you. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

One of my favorite videos on YouTube is this leg workout. Try it out and add the exercises I introduce a little further down in the post. That way you can be sure you're getting a mega effective workout.

The 9 best thigh exercises for at home

If you want to lose circumference on the thighs, in addition to these exercises you need endurance sports and a healthy diet. You will find the information after the leg exercises.

Who on Thigh slimming does not need a gym or training equipment. Your own body weight is perfectly sufficient for this. If you want to increase the intensity, then you should drop by these theraband exercises.

Squats (Squats) with jump

Jumping Squats

Of course, simple squats also help build muscle in the thighs. But it's even more effective with jumps. Attention: muscle soreness guaranteed! :)

  • Stand up straight. The feet are open hip-width.
  • Lower your buttocks towards the floor as if you are going to sit down. Your butt is at the level of your knees.
  • Make sure that the knees do not protrude above the tips of the toes.
  • Jump up with momentum and stretch your arms through.
  • As soon as you land, repeat the exercise immediately.

Lunges with weight for toned legs

Lunge with weight - thigh slimming

Advanced users grab a heavy weight. Beginners a light one.

  • Stand up straight and take a big step forward.
  • The front leg is bent by about 90°.
  • The back knee almost touches the floor.
  • Hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds. Advanced users can bob up and down a little at a time during this period.
  • Again, it is important that the knee does not protrude above the tips of the toes.

Not intense enough yet? Face the 30 Days Inner Thigh Challenge!

The windshield wiper for trained inner thighs

Wiper exercise

For this leg exercise you need a straight and unobstructed wall. If necessary, a door will do.

  • Lie down towards the wall and stretch your legs upwards.
  • The butt touches the wall.
  • The soles of the feet point to the ceiling.
  • This thigh exercise you perform slowly.
  • Alternately move the right and left leg to the side.
  • Open your legs as wide as you can.
  • Make sure you don't form a hollow back.

Jump from a standing position

Squat jump - thigh slimming

You can really get your heart rate going with this leg exercise. You train the upper and lower legs with these jumps.

  • Stand upright and open your legs a little.
  • Now jump into the air from a standing position.
  • Pull the thighs to the chest and the heels to the buttocks.
  • When you land, you jump right back into the air.

Lift up (pelvic lift) is a good workout for the thighs

Thigh slimming exercises

The pelvic lift is a very effective exercise for the legs and back. The buttocks also benefit from it - great, right? :)

  • Lie down on the exercise mat.
  • Place your legs bent and about hip-width on the floor.
  • Raise the hips off the mat.
  • Stretch the right leg in the air like this and bend it.
  • Your back and your left thigh form a line.
  • Now lower the butt until it almost touches the mat. And lift it up again, as in the photo.
  • Do 12 repetitions per side and a total of 3 passes.

The bridge for trained thighs

Thighs and buttocks exercise bridge

This fitness exercise may look easy, but it's a real challenge. The secret for trained legs is body tension.

  • Lie down on the exercise mat and bend your legs.
  • Your arms are parallel to your body.
  • Lift your pelvis off the mat until your body forms a straight line.
  • Important: Press the heels firmly into the mat and tense the abdomen and thighs.

Sumo Squat for the inner thighs

Lose weight on thigh Sumo Squat

This exercise is a small variation of normal squats. It targets the inner thigh.

  • Stand upright and open your legs wide.
  • The tips of the toes point forward.
  • Slowly lower the buttocks and tilt the upper body forward a little.
  • Important: The knees point in the same direction as the tops of the feet.
  • Go to the starting position and repeat the exercise!

When you specifically Exercise your inner thighs then these exercises will help!

Straightening from the knees

Kneeling lung - thigh slimming

A really great and effective exercise for the thighs and butt is straightening from the knees.

  • Begin in an upright standing position.
  • Put those on the back of your head.
  • With your right leg, take a big step forward. Lower the buttocks into a lunge.
  • The left leg touches the floor with the knee.
  • Now also place the right knee on the floor.
  • Straighten up by taking a step forward with your left leg.

Tip: Use a thicker training mat, then your knees won't hurt.

Side planks with leg raises

Plank for muscle building

Lying on your side, you can train the inner and outer thigh. You'll also strengthen your arms and side abdominal muscles.

  • Lie down on your right side.
  • Support the upper body with the right forearm.
  • Raise your hips off the floor and make sure your body forms a straight line.
  • Now lift the left leg as high as you can.
  • It is important that the leg is fully extended.

How can I lose weight with exercises on the thigh?

Fitness exercises help you build muscle. These muscles make your body consume more calories and get some of them from your accumulated body fat.

To get rid of the excess fat, it's time to start exercising. Yes, dear sports muffle, you probably can't avoid it. Regular exercise is a must if you want to lose excess body fat.

Trainers recommend at least 3x per week Endurance sports to make. Ideally, of course, fitness, which at the same time provides slim legs and builds muscle.

The ideal is to start with the Start running. Alternatively, go walking or hiking. Any exercise is better than none. But to lose weight, you need to work up a sweat. The point is to burn more calories than you consume. This is the only way to lose weight.

In addition to endurance sports, you can do specific leg exercises. The Strength exercises help to build muscle. However, they can not burn fat!

Do you have to buy a stepper to get slim legs?

If you want, you can order a cross trainer or. These training devices help to slim the thighs.

Normally, leg exercises and endurance sports are quite enough. However, a stepper can be an added incentive for some. They come in different sizes, heights, widths and designs.

So, we hold: if you want to lose weight on the thigh, you can not do without exercise.

3 times a week endurance (cardio) and at least 2 times a week special leg exercises! You do not have to buy a stepper for this.

lose weight on the thigh with sports: running

Anyone who deals with the topic of thigh slimming inevitably stumbles upon the term Callanetics.

This is a sport that is composed of three main areas: Yoga, ballet and gymnastics.

Callanetics is said to be particularly good for working on the buttocks and Thigh slimming to be able to. It is successful because the number of repetitions is very high.

But at the same time the movements are very light. So you do not build up a lot of muscles and the body becomes overall firmer.

What to look for in leg exercises and endurance sports

Besides jogging, swimming, cycling, inline skating, skiing and snowboarding are also good for getting toned thighs.

All these endurance sports namely tone the entire body. In a completely natural way. They stimulate the metabolism and boost fat burning.

Cardio, by the way, helps relieve stress. This leads to deep relaxation, which can additionally promote weight loss.

lose weight on thigh by jogging

5 important tips for sports and thighs slimming

These tips apply to both your endurance sport and targeted leg exercises.

1. go to your performance limit

But always make sure you don't go beyond that. Don't underchallenge your body, but don't overchallenge it either.

2. set goals

Every person is different, and everyone has a different starting position. This is especially visible when losing weight in the thighs. That's why you should definitely set yourself goals. They should be ones that suit you and that you can really achieve.

3. combine strength training and endurance sports

And always. If you only focus on strength training, your body will not have a chance to shed excess pounds. On the other hand, if you only do endurance, you will have a hard time getting toned thighs because you will build few muscles.

4. take breaks

Strength training is only successful if your body has enough time to regenerate. That's why you should allow at least 48 hours between strength sessions. Mix strength and endurance for better results.

5. think positive

Sounds strange, but it really helps. If you approach things with a positive attitude, you will have more success.

How to get slim legs through diet?

Go to Slimming on the thigh you do not have to go on a diet. But of course, rethink your diet. Because the legs are only fat because you have taken more calories than you consume. And that over a longer period of time.

We must therefore Calorie intake absolutely reduce. But you should never go on a crash diet!

Such diets are very unhealthy and you lose only water. The one-sided diet leads to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies. And finally to ravenous appetite.

Starvation thus brings at all nothing at target "Slimming thighs". Instead, you should focus on low-fat and high-fiber diets.

By the way, there are also foods that the Boost fat burning  - such as chili or pineapple.

Follow these rules:

  1. Give up sugar
  2. Replace white flour with whole wheat flour
  3. Reduce carbohydrates (bread, flour, potatoes, rice)
  4. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day
  6. Avoid convenience foods and greasy foods
  7. Cook fresh

You can find more info on how to lose body fat in the article "Flat stomach and diet: the 9 golden rules to success".. Because what applies to the abdomen, also applies to the legs.

Slim legs and lose weight on the thigh through diet

What are the best home remedies for firm thighs?

In addition to thigh fat off exercises, endurance training and nutrition, there are a few little tricks to help get your legs in shape.

Alternating showers for firm thighs

Not for hot showers! ;) It's best to take a cold shower on your buttocks and thighs in the morning. Set the water jet as hard as possible. The pressure massages the connective tissue. The cold water makes the legs perky and the thighs firmer.

By the way, you have the same effect when you go swimming. Not when you're sitting in the whirlpool, though, but when you do your laps in the sports pool.

Peelings with salt for legs

Buy a package of alkaline bath salts from the Dead Sea. Rub it between your palms and rub it into your thighs. Do this until the fine crystals have dissolved.

Then take a warm shower and dab with a towel.

Little Tip: Do not use salt scrubs after shaving. It can burn terribly!

Massage your thighs

A massage can also work wonders. Apply body butter for this purpose. Massage it in with circular and pinching movements. This strengthens the blood circulation and stimulates the lymph flow.

Reach for the fascia roller

With it you can roll away hardenings and stuck fasciae. The fascia roller also stimulates the lymph flow and promotes blood circulation.

Look also at our contribution "Get rid of stretch marks on the buttocks". over.

Our conclusion

If you want to lose weight on your thighs, you need to incorporate exercise into your life. Without exercise, you won't achieve toned and thin legs. The diet must also be reconsidered. Sugar and unhealthy foods keep us gaining weight. Unfortunately, the excess pounds are deposited on the abdomen and thighs.

However, pure leg exercises do not help to lose weight on the thigh. Only with regular endurance training you can get the problem under control.

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