Put an end to stretch marks on the buttocks! These are the 9 best home remedies

Home remedies for stretch marks on the buttocks

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Stretch marks on the buttocks: the horror of every woman. Where do the light stripes on the buttocks come from and what can you do about them? Find out with us!

It's just not nice. You train disciplined, eat healthy.

And still have a scar pattern on your butt that is completely unimpressed by it. This is quite annoying, not very nice and sometimes also stressful.

And actually, you don't even know when you started having stretch marks on your butt. They came unnoticed and were ready to ruin your back view.

Suddenly they were there. And since then they have been your faithful companion: the bright stripes on your rear end - whether you like it or not.

Is there anything you can do about it? What to do about stretch marks on the buttocks?

Why you get stretch marks on your butt

Stretch marks are not reserved only for women during pregnancy. Men and almost 75% of women (whether a mother or not) also get these unsightly tissue cracks on the body.

Especially the abdomen, arms, buttocks or thighs are affected. The reasons for this are manifold. For example, the cracks can be caused by a strong or sudden increase or decrease in weight.

But also the changed hormone balance, such as during puberty and pregnancy, can give us the pretty stripes. In addition, there are rapid growth spurts or weak connective tissue.

Many women are endowed with weak connective tissue, by the way, they are the ones who are then prone to orange peel skin. Often this is genetically determined. If your mom, aunt, sister or grandma have orange peel skin or stretch marks, then it will most likely get you too.

By the way, affected can be both thin and firmer women. Stretch marks on the buttocks do not make any difference - they treat us all the same.

Stretch marks on the buttocks

What happens when the tissue tears

First of all, it sounds much more dangerous than it is. Omg, the skin tears. But it's not bad and it's not painful. Stretch marks on the butt occur when the elastic collagen fibers are put under too much stress. The fibers ensure that the connective tissue of the skin is held together. If it is stretched too much, they tear.

The results are tissue tears in the lower layer of the skin. On the surface we see them as small lines. At first they are red-purple in color. Later they change color and structure. What remains are light pink lines with a slightly bulging surface.

Most of all on the buttocks, thighs and upper arms.

Even if the stripes gradually fade and after some time resemble small scars - unfortunately they will never go away completely. For this reason, we recommend that you take care of your skin as much as possible to prevent the stripes.

How you can prevent stretch marks

In order not to get (even more) stretch marks, you can do a few things to prevent them. This basically includes eating well, exercising enough, drinking plenty of fluids and taking care of your skin.

Especially in the diet it is important that it contains many minerals and vitamins. Especially vitamin A and E are great! Kale, carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A. Almonds, nuts and oils are rich in vitamin E.

The main cause of stretch marks on your butt is that you gained weight too fast. Therefore, the key is to maintain weight and not make big jumps up or down. If you are overweight, then Slow and healthy weight loss with a diet plan exactly what your skin needs. If you gain a lot of weight overnight, then your skin needs to stretch so much that it tears.

There are a number Foods that ensure that the connective tissue is becomes firmer and tighter. Thus, stretch marks on the buttocks, thighs and arms appear less frequently.

Support your skin with creams that also contain vitamins A and E. This way the connective tissue is well strengthened. Oils like Jojoba oil* or Almond oil* help to maintain the elasticity of the skin.

The 9 best home remedies for stretch marks on the buttocks

What to do when it's already too late? We have collected the best tips for you against stretch marks on the buttocks. It is important that you take care of the skin regularly. Usually you can see a real improvement only after several weeks or months.

Get into the habit of a routine that you really follow through with.

Basically, anything that promotes the elasticity and blood circulation of the skin also helps against the light stripes on the skin.

1. plucking massage on the buttocks

To do this, use your index finger and thumb to pull up some skin on your butt a little 1-2 centimeters. The massage helps best if you pull for 5 minutes a day. This will strengthen the elasticity of the connective tissue.

Massages are generally always very good for your skin. No matter if it's on your butt, thighs or arms.

In order to penetrate deeper into the connective tissue, it is worth using a massage device. You can't reach the lower layers of skin with your fingers. For the beginning, however, a plucking massage is of course better than no treatment at all.

If you want to take it a step further, I can recommend this massager for cellulite. Check out the many good reviews on Amazon.

Solac anti-cellulite massager
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2. egg white for smooth skin

Stretch marks on the buttocks

For this you will surely need helping hands and some humor ;)

Lie down on a towel with your stomach facing down.

Then you let egg white spread on your butt. Wait briefly until it is dry. Then it can be showered off.

Why protein? Because it contains many amino acids that are incredibly good for the skin.

3. massages with creams

Use creams with a high vitamin A or E content. Calendula or arnica ointments also work great for the skin. Take a walnut-sized piece for both buttocks and gently massage it in.

The skin benefits from all creams that additionally contain a lot of moisture. Well-groomed skin looks smoother and rosier on the outside. This makes the stripes on the buttocks at least visually disappear.

4. with sport against stretch marks on the buttocks

Sport against stretch marks on the buttocks

Exercising several times a week can help to significantly reduce and contain the tissue tears. With these exercises you will achieve a particularly great effect for the buttocks: The ultimate training plan against cellulite.

Sport tightens the connective tissue and thereby naturally also the skin. In addition, you lose weight with regular exercise, which has a very positive effect on your connective tissue.

Overall, though, the point is that you build muscle. This allows you to get rid of body fat and place muscles in the same place. They, in turn, tighten the connective tissue, which has a very positive effect on stretch marks.

5. oil nourishes the skin

It is important that the skin remains elastic. This not only prevents new stripes, but also somewhat curbs existing ones. Almond or Jojoba oil* help great. But the effect of sesame oil is also great.

Apply it to the skin every day, you will quickly notice that it becomes much smoother.

6. alternating showers for stretch marks on the buttocks and cellulite.

Stretch marks on the buttocks

This way you can kill two birds with one stone. Alternating showers help to boost blood circulation in the skin and thus stimulate cell growth. This noticeably improves the skin on the buttocks.

7. peeling stimulates blood circulation

Also good against the annoying stripes on the buttocks is a scrub.

To do this, just take 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix it in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of Almond oil* (olive oil also works!). Massage the scrub in well, let it work for a short time and then simply rinse it off again.

Circular movements and the abrasive particles of sugar or salt act like a massage. Your skin will be well supplied with blood and the stretch marks will be reduced.

8. alkaline food against stripes on the buttocks

Tips against stretch marks on the buttocks

Over-acidification of the body can also lead to stretch marks. Therefore, you should make sure that your diet is alkaline for the most part.

In an alkaline environment, diseases also have a much harder time. You become fitter overall and feel healthier. This makes you radiate outwardly, which can also be seen in your skin. Those who have problems with blemished and uneven skin will especially benefit from this.

How to do that is written here: Alkaline foods: Naturally against hyperacidity.

9. aloe vera for the skin with cracks

Aloe vera helps with almost all problems with the skin. So also here! Simply massage onto the appropriate area. Once it has dried simply rinse off again under the shower.

You can also make an aloe vera creamwhich you then do not have to wash off. It moisturizes the skin and helps to get an even complexion.

What you can do if stretch marks do not disappear

If it's already too late for prevention and home remedies against stretch marks on the buttocks don't work, then you can bring in tougher guns. Stretch marks can be removed with a laser. A combination of manual needle treatment, creams with vitamin A acid and laser can fight stretch marks.

For most of them, this results in an improvement of about 50 percent. However, you will have to budget at least 300 euros for this. If you really suffer so much from the white stripes on your skin, you can get information from a dermatologist.

Otherwise, only one thing helps: stand by them and wear the stripes with your skin raised. They are a part of you, just like your hair and your arms.

Our conclusion

Stretch marks on the buttocks are a problem. But not only yours. Because almost every woman and even some men suffer from them. Although they will never go away completely naturally, we still do not have to accept them unconditionally. Because many home remedies help to improve the skin, strengthen the connective tissue and thus also make the cracks less visible.

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