Weight gain despite exercise - these are the 9 reasons!

Weight gain despite exercise

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You're slaving away at your workout, but the scale shows more kilos than less. What is to blame for the weight gain despite exercise?

Since waived one on Sweets, sweats during training and tries his hand at a healthy lifestyle. But it still just won't work.

The Numbers on the Scale become higher instead of lower.😵‍💫

Quite frustrating. And yet Training but as the Secret weapon against unloved Fat pads.

But why does a Weight gain despite exercise up? How does that even work and what are the most common reasons for that? I've taken a close look at all of this for you 👀🔎

How slimming works

But before we dive right into the topic, you should first know exactly how Losing weight works. Because only then will you later understand how weight gain is even possible despite exercise.

If you want to get rid of kilos and reduce your weight, it is essential that you get in touch with healthy weight loss employ. Crash diets or Zero diets, that allow extremely few calories will not get you to your goal.🙅🏼

Do you Sport, needs your Body energy. You have to supply it with this energy in the form of calories. The metabolism burns calories with every single movement we make.

But quite logically, the more you move, the more calories you burn.

Do you enter the Sport full throttle, then a negative calorie balance. However, your body still needs energy and therefore draws on your body fat and you lose weight.

But this game also works the other way round. If you take more calories than your body burns, then you will put on weight. Your Body stores the excess energy into the Fat cells. The more calories there are, the greater the volume of fat cells. And then we have the salad - the belly, the thighs, the bottom - the kilos accumulate everywhere.

What are the methods of losing weight

You now have two possibilities to take action against this. On the one hand healthy diet - so get rid of white flour, sugar and all unhealthy foods. If you replace them with vegetables, fruit and wholegrains, you have already saved a lot of calories.🥦🥕

And on the other hand Sport. So more movement and therefore a higher calorie consumption. And even a few muscles are not a disadvantage because they burn a lot of calories when you are at rest.

However, you can only ever reach your goal by Combination from both. Because it's really annoying if you do a lot of sport and eat up the calories at the same time. This destroys your motivation in the long run.

Nutrition makes 70 % of your Training success out. But more on that in a moment.😉

Especially sports beginners are often shocked when the scale suddenly shows more than before their sporty life. I'll tell you why that is now.

What weight loss despite exercise has to do with impatience

Reason 1: Impatience

We all know that. To Start of our purchase project we are mega motivated. On the day the plan is made, you immediately slip into your sportswear and get started.

One jog and you can see the difference. It would be nice. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.❌

Because if it were that simple, then there would be no fat people more.

Losing weight needs Time and Stamina.

If you are impatient and want to see results immediately, you will most likely need a Crash diet and mega disappointed afterwards be. In 99 % of all cases, a crash diet will result in you weighing even more than before.

Short term you can actually Fast results and don't even have to do any sport. But it's super unhealthy, harms your body and leads to Jojo effect.

Important: Compare yourself not with others. This makes you impatient and can be frustrating. Everyone Metabolism works differently. How quickly you can lose weight also depends on how high your Initial weight and how much sport you did before that.

So: keep your head up and Think long-term!🩷

What role nutrition plays when you gain weight despite exercise

Reason 2: Unhealthy diet

Nutrition makes 70 % your Weight loss success off. So no matter how hard you work, if you don't eat properly, the kilos will increase instead of decrease.

There are many unhealthy foods, that lead to Many calories but at the same time provide hardly any usable nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and co.

how goes fitness diet

Small example:

100 gram Chocolate contain 526 calories and provide nothing healthy.

100 grams fresh Strawberries contain 32 calories and provide vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and much more.

The following are considered unhealthy foods:

  • all sugary foods
  • Soft drinks
  • Alcohol
  • Finished products of all kinds
  • White flour (pasta, cakes and co)
  • High fat foods

But there are also healthy food, of which you can get too much. If you consistently snack on nuts as a substitute for chocolate, you may end up with a Weight gain despite sport notice will.⚖️

Nuts contain a lot of Fats. Although this is healthy fat, too much of a good thing is not wise either. You don't need to be afraid of nuts now, you should just not in masses eat

There are very many Low calorie food, that are very filling and help you lose weight. These include vegetables and fruit in particular, which contain a lot of water.👍🏼

Reason 3: You eat too much

You've just trained, sweated and really pushed yourself to the limit. Now it's time for a Reward in the form of a delicious Snacks.

And that's actually a very good idea. You have to Glycogen stores quickly again fill up. And this is where the mistakes happen.

Because most amateur athletes eat now simply too much. If you regularly eat too much after exercise, you will quickly consume more calories than you have burned.🫣

Special care should be taken if you train in the evening and you before the Going to bed a Feast indulge.

After sport you should low-fat and High protein diet end up on your plate. If you notice weight gain despite exercising, you should reconsider your eating habits after your workout.

Wait after training for a while until you eat something. Your Body consumes then first of all the Sugar from the bloodstream. If it cannot find any more sugar, it draws on fat reserves as a source of energy.

Thereby our We Go Fit Nutrition Plan support. We know from our own experience that it is often very difficult to eat properly.👍🏼

Especially with the Recipes one encounters fast times to the Boundaries the Creativity. It is therefore worthwhile Cooking plan to set up. It's best to plan what you're going to eat a week in advance.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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A conscious nutrition brings you not only your Dream figure closer. You will also change mentally. Eating healthily puts you in a better mood and gives you more energy.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program your personal nutrition plan create. You either select the category Slimming or Clean Eating and enter your favorite foods 😋.

We will put together a nutrition plan for you that is tailored to your needs and that 100% suits you. It's really easy. Give it a try.🩷

Reason 4: You only do sports

Yes, exercise is important for fighting calories. But that is not enough, to lose body weight. Your eating habits make more of a difference than you think.

You absolutely need a negative calorie balance. This can hardly be achieved with sport alone. The Combination from Nutrition & Sports gets you to your destination.

Weight gain despite sports because of muscle building

Reason 5: Muscles

If you train a lot, your body changes. You build lose body fat and muscles. You should regular to the Scale to see if you are already a step closer to your goal.

But don't let it put you off. Because Muscles are heavy as Fat.

It is therefore worthwhile to old-fashioned tape measure to grab. If you have more muscle, you will be heavier, but the body fat on your stomach, thighs and bottom will be less.☝🏼

Your Body weight says nothing about your Fitness condition off. Only a body fat scale can tell you whether you are actually making progress with your training.

If you are interested in a body fat scale, I can recommend this model. It is favorable and yet very precise.

Digital personal scale for body fat percentage
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Muscles ensure that you consume more calories. You increase your Basal metabolic rate. If you are well trained, you can eat more without putting on body fat so quickly.

If you have muscles, you weigh more, but your Body is more defined and works slimmer. This is because one kilogram of muscle mass has less circumference than one kilogram of fat tissue.

Weight gain despite exercise

Why your hormones are responsible for weight gain despite exercise

Reason 6: The female hormones

We Women don't have it easy. For us it is harder to build muscle mass than for men. We also have a natural higher body fat percentage. Our body wants to be ready at all times for Possible pregnancy be. And for that he needs reserves.🤰🏼

The reason why you gain weight despite exercising is the hormone Progesterone. We produce it before ovulation. The body now begins to store more water.

If the oestrogen level drops, the fluid automatically evaporates. In this phase, the Fat burning but then to High tours.

So when weighing, pay attention to the point in your cycle when you step on the scale. Otherwise, the numbers are difficult to compare.

Incidentally, the body stores more water even then, if you have a Muscle soreness have. However, the extra kilograms that appear on the scales in the form of water usually disappear very quickly.

By the way, the female sex hormones also prevent you from building up too much muscle too quickly as a woman.

Reason 7: Stress hormones

Just as important as exercise and an appropriate diet is the Break. Beginners in particular believe that they burn calories during a workout. But this largely happens afterwards.

This phenomenon is called Afterburn effect.🔥

This phase is decisive for losing weight. After training, your glycogen stores are empty. Your body replenishes them and draws the necessary sugar from your fat reserves.

If you don't give your body a break, the Risk of injury. This also inhibits the metabolism. If you train every day, you feel tired, if you go to workout so weak, your body pours out Stress hormones out. More precisely, cortisol. This hormone leads to a Weight gain despite sport.

They are then often joined by Cravings to this.

Stress is basically very bad for the body. You can develop it not only at work, but also in your free time.

By the way Stress one of the Main reasons, why there is a Weight gain despite Sports and a healthy diet. A balanced training plan, a healthy diet and reducing stress in your free time will help you to lose weight.

What your metabolism has to do with weight gain despite exercise

Reason 8: Your metabolism is slow

You ask yourself, like Putting on weight despite exercise possible is? Well, one reason may be your Metabolism be. Your behavior may be causing him to run on the back burner.

This is particularly the case if you have used a Diet or are in the middle of a diet. If you now incorporate too many sports sessions into your daily routine, you may gain weight despite exercising.

The diet is to blame. In the meantime, you consume very few calories, creating a large Calorie deficit. You lose a little weight at first. But your metabolism becomes so low that it starts to store energy.

If you do workouts now as well, your body will start to store any energy it can get and stop burning it.

Weight gain despite exercise

Why your training should be intense

Reason 9: Too little intensity

Yes, sport is exhausting. So why not simply shift down a gear or two? It'll be much more pleasant that way.

Yes, you're right about that. But that also makes it less sensible. If you only ever train in such a way that neither your heartbeat is properly stimulated nor a drop of sweat is produced, you will also no success have.❌

If you want to avoid gaining weight despite exercising, you need to really full throttle give

How does that work exactly?

For your muscles to have strength, they need Sugar in the form of Glucose. The metabolism stores it in the form of glucose in the cells of the muscles.

When the muscles of Brain the Signal When the muscles are told to contract, the glycogen is converted into ATP. Only then can the muscle work and get the power it needs.💪🏼

The sugar can now no longer be stored in fat cells. The more Force you have to expend during exercise, the more ATP your body needs. And this means that you need more burn calories.

However, this is only possible if your Training intensity is not too low.

Short, very intensive workouts are therefore more effective than hours of training that is not strenuous enough.

Strength training builds muscle. Strength training can cause you to notice weight gain despite exercising. But you have just learned that muscles cause your body to burn more calories. In short: Muscle building is more effective than any crash diet.

What tip you should follow if you gain weight despite exercise

So, we have previously learned that Stress bad is. Under no circumstances should you increase your stress levels by weighing yourself every day. Because that leads to pure stress.❌🫣

Your Body weight can change from one day to the next fluctuate strongly. And even hourly differences can be drastic. If you step on the scales, drink half a liter of water afterwards and then step on the scales again, you will of course weigh a lot more. And that within 15 minutes.

Also Water retention and Hormone fluctuations can cause confusion on the scales. However, this is not body fat, because you can't build it up that quickly.

If you weigh yourself, it is best to do so with a Body fat scale and always immediately after getting up once a week.

My conclusion

Our Body stores Energy for bad times and thinks a little more long-term than we would usually like.

Food is necessary for survival, even if you want to lose weight. Your body needs food and from it vitamins, minerals and all the nutrients it can get.

Nourish you therefore smart and do sport, if you want to lose weight in the long term. Then you have as good as won the battle against being overweight.

All the best!🩷

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