Tight inner thighs - This is how it becomes possible!

train inner thighs

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If you want to train and tone your inner thighs, you've come to the right place. We'll tell you how to get a big step closer to your dream legs and which exercises really help.

Every woman hates flabby inner thighs. They are one of the biggest problem areas, surveys have shown. But don't worry, you can get a good grip on them if you follow certain tips.

With targeted exercises, inner thighs can be trained and legs can be toned.

But you can't do it without a healthy and balanced diet. Because what has spread on your inner thighs is nothing other than body fat. For one woman, excess fat is deposited on her legs, for another on her buttocks.

If you are looking for exercises that train and tone inner thighs, then you probably belong to the first type.

Now it's time for you to stop gaining extra body fat and start building muscle instead. Today we want to show you how you can do that.

With our tips, even sports beginners and those who don't exercise will get into high gear! By the way: If you just want to get started with more exercise, take a look here: "So you can finally start doing sports

Why tighten the inner thighs?

The inner thighs are an important part of the leg muscles, which many people neglect too much. It is important that you train the inner thighs. Not only for optical reasons!

By the way: The inner thigh is called adductors in technical language.

The main reasons for strengthening the inside are:

  • Muscle balance
  • Stability and movement control
  • Aesthetics

Muscle balance

The thigh muscles are not one big muscle, but are composed of many different muscles. Among others, the quadriceps on the front and the hamstrings on the back.

But muscles also run through our legs on the inside. If they are too weak, this can lead to muscle imbalance. This can negatively affect the stability and functionality of your legs.

Stability and movement control

When you start training your legs, you'll soon notice that not only do you have more strength, but you're also more stable overall. In everyday life, you notice this in all movements where you stand on one leg.

The inner thigh muscles play a major role in stabilizing the hips and controlling movement. The adductor longus and adductor magnus muscles are particularly heavily used here - they are connected to the pelvis and the femur.

Trained adductors reduce the load on the hip joints and stabilize the legs. In addition, the trunk benefits from this. Pulling the legs towards the center of the body activates the lateral torso muscles, which in turn leads to more stability.


For most women, this point is the most important when it comes to leg training. The legs should be toned, slim and shapely. Targeted thigh training can actually have a big impact on the overall aesthetics of the legs.

Inner tights play a big role when it comes to keeping your legs in overall shape. Because a beautiful and toned lower body includes not only the buttocks and the front and back of the thighs, but especially the inside of the legs.

If you build muscles, you give your legs a beautiful shape in addition to strength. But you don't have to be afraid of very sturdy and muscular legs. For that you would have to train with a lot of weight for a long time. There are many exercises with which you can train and shape the inner thighs without getting too muscular legs.

Why is my inner thigh so thick?

The reason for this are the female hormones. The body stores more fat overall than in men. It wants to do you a favor - if you get pregnant, the fat deposits ensure that you can provide enough energy for the fetus. In many cases, this happens at the inner tights.

That's why the inner thighs are considered the most stubborn problem area of the female body. Even very slim women are annoyed by fat pads between the legs. Most often, the problem is noticed in summer, when the thighs rub against each other in a dress, skirt or shorts - skin irritation and redness occur.

At the same time, the tissue on inner legs is particularly soft. Without targeted leg training you will not succeed in getting firm thighs. Even if you are very slim overall.

The solution: build muscle

Now it is called to build muscle and thereby increase the basal metabolic rate. Only then can the body fat be melted.

For this, however, you should not only train the inner thighs, but become much more active overall.

If someone tells you that you only need to do leg exercises to get slim thighs, then you should question that. It is not possible to lose weight in only one part of the body.

If you want to strengthen your thigh muscles, you should also focus on endurance training. Do at least 1x per week 40 minutes of endurance sports like running, hiking, Nordic walking, cycling or swimming. Moderate cardio training helps to reduce body fat, so that your new leg muscles really come into their own.

Build muscles not only on the inner thighs, but also on the buttocks, legs in general, arms and abdomen. Muscles consume a lot of energy. So you burn body fat incidentally - even when you're not doing any sports. And then the fat also starts to melt on the legs.

In short, you need to strengthen your body overall and incorporate into the workout those leg exercises.

Tighten inner thighs: the best exercises for the living room

We have put together a mixture of different exercises for you. They target the leg muscles and are designed to help you strengthen, stretch and become more flexible.

Already with 3x 20 minutes of leg training per week, you can strengthen your thigh muscles and tone your legs. But don't forget to train your legs, buttocks, arms and abdomen as well.

Do 12 repetitions of each exercise and 3 passes. There is always a short break of 30 seconds to one minute between the rounds - decide for yourself what is good for you.

As a beginner, pick 2-3 exercises for each session and rotate through each workout. The more variety you add to your workout, the faster you'll build muscle!

Jumping jack with crossed legs

If you want to train your inner thighs, you need to warm up first. This exercise does that very well. At the same time you do something for the inner thighs - it doesn't get any better than this :)

Jumping jack exercise for inner thighs

  • Do a few normal jumping jacks to warm up.
  • Now it gets a little more complicated.
  • When you close your legs, you cross your feet. So instead of placing them side by side normally, the right leg ends up in front over the left, while the left leg moves to the right rear. It sounds more complicated than it is.
  • If you are good at coordinating your legs, you can alternate bringing your legs forward.

Deep wide squats with jump

If you want trained legs, you can't get around squats. But that's a good thing, because squats are true all-rounders for legs and butt.

Sumo Squat Jump

  • You start with a very deep squat. The toes point slightly outward.
  • The wider you open your legs, the more specifically you strengthen the inner thighs.
  • Squat down, place your hands in front of your chest.
  • When your butt is level with your knees, push up from the balls of your feet and do a slight bounce.
  • When you land again, you're off to the next round. The next squat is waiting!
  • Attention: Do not let the knees fall inwards!


The lunge is a basic exercise that you should be able to do well. You'll do your butt and thighs a big favor.

Lunge - Tight inner thighs

  • Stand up straight. This is the starting position.
  • Take a big step forward with your right leg.
  • Angle your right leg to 90°, bringing your hip towards the floor.
  • The knee of the back leg is bent and brought towards the floor. Just before you touch the mat with the knee, you remain in this position.
  • While the front leg has the whole foot on the ground, the back leg has only the tips of the toes.
  • Push away from the floor again with the front leg and come back to the starting position. Now bring the left leg forward.

Wide squats with weight

For this exercise you need a dumbbell or a kettlebell. Beginners should perform the exercise without weight and increase later.

Sumo squat with weight inner thigh train

  • Stand a little wider than hip-width.
  • The tips of the toes point slightly outward.
  • Grab a dumbbell and keep your arms extended through your body.
  • Squat down - to do this, push your butt back and bend your knees.
  • The arms remain in the same position throughout the exercise. Angle them slightly at the elbows for more effect.
  • Straighten up again and come to the starting position.

Side lunge

If you want to train inner thighs, you can not miss this exercise at all. It is so simple and yet so effective.

side lunge - tight inner thighs

  • You start in an upright position.
  • You can place your hands at your hips or fold them in front of your body.
  • Take a large step to the side. Shift the weight to the right side.
  • At the same time, the upper body goes slightly forward, while the hip pushes back.
  • Bend the right leg. The left leg is extended, the toes point forward.
  • Squat down until the buttocks are level with the knees. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Windshield wiper

Have you ever heard of the windshield wiper exercise? You'll need a wall and a little space. The idea here is that you stretch your inner thighs.

Wiper - slim inner legs

  • Move your buttocks very close to the wall.
  • Place the legs against the wall.
  • The soles of the feet point upwards.
  • Now open your legs alternately like a windshield wiper, with one bin always extended straight up.

Deep squat and stretch

Those who are quite immobile, learn to open the hips in this exercise. You can watch from time to time, how to open the legs wider.

Deep squat inner thigh workout

  • Take a big step to the side.
  • The knees and the tops of the feet point outward.
  • Squat down and bring the buttocks to the level of the knees.
  • Lean slightly forward and place your arms just below your elbows on the inside of your legs.
  • Now gently push the legs even further out.

Leg lift in lateral position

When doing this exercise, be sure to put a pillow under it. Otherwise it can be very painful on the hip bone.

Leg lift in lateral position

  • Lie sideways on the exercise mat.
  • Support your head with your arm.
  • Place the upper leg in front of your body. The knee points upwards.
  • Now tighten the lower leg. The tips of your toes point forward.
  • Now slowly lift the lower leg up and down without putting it down.

Push legs up

If you want to train inner thighs, you should do many executions that require you to spread your legs. One that is good for beginners is this exercise.

Train inner thighs

  • You start by lying on the floor and stretching your legs straight up in the air.
  • The soles of the feet point toward the ceiling and the heels toward each other. If you can't stretch your legs all the way in this position, keep them slightly bent.
  • Now bend your knees and pull your heels towards your body.
  • Important: The knees point outwards and the legs are open.

Full plank open legs

The torso, arms and legs benefit from this exercise for the thighs. It is very strenuous and requires some strength.

Plank with lateral leg lift

  • You start in a full plank. So you put your hands under your shoulders and push away from the floor until you form a straight line.
  • Now alternately bring the left and right leg to the side.
  • To do this, keep your right leg stationary and lift your left leg off the mat. Bring it out as far as you can, tap the floor briefly and bring it back to the center.
  • Here you then change the leg.
  • Important: Tighten the abdomen and make sure your back is straight.

Thigh workout with fitness band

A very wonderful helper when training the inner thigh is the mini band.

Open legs exercise for the thighs

  • Put the mini band on your legs. Place it just above your knees.
  • Lie sideways on the exercise mat. Support yourself with your lower arm.
  • Angle the legs slightly.
  • Now lift the upper leg by pushing the knee upwards.
  • The feet remain on top of each other.
  • Open your knees slowly and as far as you can. And close them again.

Lateral Leg Lift with Mini Band

The more resistance you can build up during the workout, the more effective the exercise will be. However, beginners should do this exercise without a miniband and only use the aid later.

Lateral Leg Lift with Mini Band

  • Lie sideways on the exercise mat. Thread the mini band around your legs. This time it is centered on your lower legs.
  • Support the upper body with one arm. You can rest the upper arm at the hip or in front of the body if you have balance problems.
  • Now pull the mini band in length by opening your legs. Do this exercise slowly and controlled.

Effective training program for the inner leg muscles

An effective training program always consists of different exercises. The more variety you bring to your workout, the better it is for your muscles. Do not make the mistake of always doing the same 4 to 5 favorite exercises. The harder you find an exercise, the more intensively you should dedicate yourself to it.

But there are a few more tips to help you exercise effectively. Note that:

  • Frequency and duration of training
  • Warm up and stretch
  • Training intensity and progress

Frequency and duration of training

If you want to train the inner thighs effectively, perseverance is required. You should get in a workout two to three times a week.

Make sure you have enough recovery time between sessions to allow your muscles to recover. Depending on your fitness level, an inner thigh workout can last between 20 and 40 minutes.

Warm up and stretch

Before you start your workout, you must always warm up. Especially the inner leg muscles are susceptible to fatigue if you start without a warm up. Light stretching, jumping jacks and leg circles are ideal to warm up the legs. Running on the stand is also a good and easy way to warm up.

Plan on about 5 minutes to prepare the muscles for exercise.

Training intensity and progress

In 90 % of all people, the inner thigh is not sufficiently trained. Therefore, it can happen that the exercises are very difficult for you, especially in the beginning, and you get a lot of muscle soreness.

You can adjust the intensity of the workout through the number of repetitions and sets. But also the choice of exercises, the use of weight or the strength of the Theraband contributes to the fact that the exercises become easier or harder.

How long do I need to train inner thighs to see progress?

Very few people train the inner thighs to provide more leg stability. For most, it's all about the look - that is, a slim inner thigh. I can't tell you when this will happen. It depends on a great many factors. These include:

  • Body fat percentage: The higher your body fat percentage, the longer it will take for you to lose weight on your thighs.
  • Training intensity: An intense workout with sufficient intensity leads to visible progress faster. You need to adequately challenge the muscles during the workout and actively stimulate the muscles.
  • Regularity: it determines whether you will succeed or not. It is better to work out regularly at moderate intensity than rarely and at very high intensity. Schedule a workout 2 to 3 times a week.
  • Your physical conditions: Everyone reacts differently to training. Genetics, age, fitness level and health status play a role here. But also the nutritional habits.
  • Patience: Progress in fitness always requires time and patience. It will take at least 2 months before you can see success.

What role does nutrition play in having slim inner thighs?

If you want slim legs, you have to reduce body fat. On the one hand, this can be done through sports and, on the other hand, through nutrition. What you eat determines your athletic success - nutrition accounts for 70 percent, training for 30 percent.

You must succeed in not taking in more calories than you can consume. If you eat more calories, your body stores it as body fat - so we need a slight calorie deficit.

The basic rules are

  • drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters a day,
  • make sure to eat enough protein. Because proteins contribute to muscle building and saturate for a long time,
  • avoid fast food and convenience foods,
  • drastically reduce sugar and white flour,
  • reach for lots of vegetables and fruit,
  • abstain from alcohol and sweetened drinks,
  • eat regularly and avoid dieting.

If you want to train inner thighs, you can support your body with these tips. This will boost fat burning and tone the body.

Our conclusion

If you have set in your mind that you want to train inner thighs, then you have to be prepared for a longer process. You can't do it overnight.

Because first of all the body fat must give way. You can achieve this through sport and a healthy diet. But you will soon be able to see the first successes if you regularly lace up your training shoes and change your eating habits.

Good luck!

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