These foods make you happy!

Serotonin food for good mood

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These delicious serotonin foods make you happy.

In a bad mood? Somehow everything annoys you? Or sad for no reason? Then try to eat some serotonin foods.

Too little serotonin ensures that our mood is in the basement. A deficiency can even promote depression.

You've probably heard of happy hormones, right? They influence our mood. And they do so positively and in a completely natural way.

Without unpleasant side effects.

You can increase your serotonin with the help of really tasty foods.

How you can increase serotonin with diet

Lots of serotonin food fodder and ready? No, unfortunately not.

There is one tiny problem with this wonderful plan. Serotonin foods do not get to where our happiness center is located, in the brain. The blood-brain barrier prevents this.

But don't worry, there is another way. We simply take tryptophan. This is an amino acid that is a precursor of serotonin.

Serotonin food list

Tryptophan easily reaches the brain directly and is converted into serotonin here.

Our ancestors already knew that what we eat influences our mood. But people were already speculating about this much earlier. The Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates was the first to claim that nutrition affects the mind. And that as early as 460 years BC.

Today we know that this is indeed true. There are foods that can positively influence our mood.

To make your bad mood pass quickly, here come the best serotonin foods.

What serotonin foods, make you happy

Here we present you delicious foods that contain tryptophan. Our body forms serotonin from this amino acid. And that makes us happy.

Cereals put you in a good mood

Rye, wheat and the like are among our staple foods. Whole grains in particular contain plenty of fiber and vitamins.

But also a high proportion of tryptophan, which can provide a good mood. Wheat germ is particularly good for a good mood.

But beware: stay away from white flour and overly processed foods. Because white flour provides energy much too quickly. And no nutrients at all. Our blood sugar rises quickly and drops again at least as quickly. The result: we are immediately hungry again and in a bad mood.

Tryptophan content in 100 gram

  • Wheat germ 330 milligrams tryptophan
  • Wheat bran 250 milligrams tryptophan
  • Oatmeal 210 milligrams tryptophan

Oats contain intelligent carbohydrates. This means that oatmeal has a calming effect on our brain. Complex carbohydrates, as you find in whole grain products, have a positive effect on the production of tryptophan.

Serotonin foods that make you happy

Nuts are serotonin food

Nuts are simply wonderful. A very healthy snack that is versatile.

You can snack on them, add them to salads, make them into spreads, mix them into cereal to make delicious cakes, and much more.

It's best to get used to nibbling a few nuts on the side. By the way, peanuts make you the happiest :)

Tryptophan content in 100 gram

  • Peanuts 330 milligrams tryptophan
  • Hazelnuts 250 milligrams tryptophan
  • Almonds 170 milligrams tryptophan

Serotonin food nuts

Meat contains tryptophan

There are also meats that are considered serotonin foods. No matter whether fried or boiled.

Tryptophan content in 100 gram

  • Pork 310 milligrams tryptophan
  • Calf and beef 300 milligrams tryptophan
  • Chicken 280 milligrams tryptophan

Good mood with legumes

As a vegetarian, I love legumes of all kinds. Beans, lentils, chickpeas - so many delicious recipes can be made from them.

That they make happy, I knew secretly already. But that they are considered serotonin foods and actually make happy, I did not know.

Tryptophan content in 100 gram

  • Soybeans 450 milligrams tryptophan
  • Peas 350 milligrams tryptophan
  • Sunflower seeds 310 milligrams tryptophan

Serotonin food legumes

Dairy products make you happy

I love cheese. I would love to gratinate everything with cheese. No matter whether spicy or sweet. From me even sweet dishes could use some cheese :D

And lo and behold: cheese is even a serotonin food. So good mood is guaranteed not only when watching the cheese melt, but also when eating.

Tryptophan content in 100 gram

  • Parmesan 490 milligrams tryptophan
  • Emmental 440 milligrams tryptophan
  • Edam and Tilsit 400 milligrams tryptophan

Tryptophan foods that make you happy

Fish that puts you in a good mood

Fish sticks, trout and the like are very good serotonin foods. They are not heavy on the stomach and provide us with a lot of protein.

Tryptophan content in 100 gram

  • Mackerel 270 milligrams tryptophan
  • Salmon 260 milligrams tryptophan
  • Trout, herring and cod 240 milligrams tryptophan

If you prefer the square and crunchy variety, you can also cover your serotonin needs with fish sticks. In 100 grams you will find 145 milligrams of tryptophan.

Vitamins and minerals that make you happy

For the formation of serotonin, our body also needs vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium and a few other minerals and vitamins. Only through them can it turn tryptophan into serotonin.

Very important for the good mood are: Vitamin C, vitamin B6, omega 3 and magnesium.

Vitamin B6

Vegetables that contain a lot of starch can make us happy. Typical are sweet potatoes, pumpkin and carrots. Although they do not contain tryptophan, they do contain a lot of vitamin B6. Our body needs this vitamin for the production of serotonin.

Starchy vegetables have an alkalizing effect on our body, which can prevent hyperacidity.

Omega 3

The good mood fat, Omega 3, makes us happy. It helps to channel tryptophan into the brain.

Omega 3 can be found in fatty fish such as wild salmon, sardines, mackerel or herring. The vegetable alternative is walnuts.

Saturated fats support the functions of omega 3 fatty acids in our brain. They also reduce the negative effects of too much omega 6. Don't get me wrong: both omega 3 and omega 6 are important. But it's the right ratio that matters!

We all eat far too much omega 6 fatty acids. This leads to the fact that inflammations in the body can develop faster. Scientists have found that Omega 3 helps us to be happy. But too much omega 6 has the opposite effect.

And then there's omega 9 fatty acids. They are found in olive oil and chashews and support omega 3 in the formation of serotonin.

Vitamin C

The all-rounder par excellence. Vitamin C is involved in so many incredible processes in the body. Among other things, it also helps us to be and become happy.

For the quick serotonin kick

Your mood is really in the basement right now? Then you need a quick happy kick. :) Foods with a lot of tryptophan and little protein are well suited for this.

Why bananas make you happy

At the top of the happy list are bananas. They naturally give us energy and optimism. And they do so in several ways.

Bananas are rich in natural sugar. This gives us strength and helps us overcome bad moods.

The sugar quickly enters the bloodstream and makes you incredibly happy. Fructose directly from fruit is much healthier than household sugar. At the same time, you also take in vitamins A, B6, C and K with every bite. All this promotes the formation of serotonin.

Why chocolate makes you happy

Yes, chocolate really does make you happy and is fondly referred to as a serotonin food.

The catch is that you'd have to overdose on chocolate to be truly happy.

An overdose of chocolate doesn't sound so bad, does it? Well, your figure and your health probably see it a little differently. :)

Chocolate makes happy

The only thing that really makes you happy about chocolate is the sugar. And that usually only lasts for a short time.

If you already reach for chocolate, then please use dark chocolate*.

Why figs and dates make you happy

I love fresh figs! Preferably straight from the tree. Yummy :) Figs and dates contain a lot of tryptophan. But also a lot of minerals, vitamins and fiber.

This mix has a mood-lifting effect and gives us an energy boost.

Dates are a wonderful sugar substitute in baking!

How much serotonin foods you should eat every day

Every adult should consume 3.5 to 6 milligrams of tryptophan per kilogram of body weight per day.

If you weigh 55 kg then at least 193 milligrams of tryptophan should be in your diet.

But you can get that from a portion of fish sticks.

By the way: Magnesium and vitamin B6 support the formation of serotonin. That's why you should definitely have enough magnesium-rich foods and vitamin B6 in your diet!

Coffee promotes serotonin deficiency

Dear coffee junkies you have to be strong now! One of the biggest serotonin blockers is coffee.

This is because caffeine inhibits an enzyme that produces serotonin from tryptophan.

So when you're in a bad mood, it's better not to look too deeply into your coffee cup!

How you can favor the formation of serotonin

If you want to be happy, sometimes you have to give your body a boost. Researchers have found that depressed people have 50 percent lower serotonin levels.

However, stuffing yourself only with serotonin foods will not get you anywhere.

To be happy and content, you must meet at least three conditions:

1. the diet with serotonin foods

Your diet should consist mostly of plant-based foods and foods rich in vital nutrients. Preferably not heated - i.e. raw food.

This is because tryptophan is sensitive to heat and is largely lost during cooking.

2. not all at once

It does not help to eat a lot of serotonin foods when you are in a bad mood.

For the good mood food to work, you need to eat it in many small portions throughout the day.

And chew quite well. Every bite at least 50 times.

3. exercise for good mood

Once you've had a really good meal, it's best to slip right into your sneakers. When you move after eating, your body releases happiness hormones.

But exercise doesn't mean a mini walk around the block. But real movement. In other words, training. And in such a way that you break a sweat.

Bad mood is only one of many symptoms of lack of exercise.

Measure the serotonin level

There are different methods with which you can measure the serotonin level. The most common is a blood test at the doctor. The problem is that you can have a lot of serotonin in your body, but it still doesn't reach your brain.

Our body produces serotonin not only in the brain, but also in the lungs and intestines. It plays a role here in nerve transmission.

So you may have a lot of serotonin in your blood, but still be unhappy.

You can also measure the level of serotonin with a urine test. But unfortunately, that tells you just as little. Therefore, the only sensible way is to pay attention to how you feel. Do typical symptoms occur frequently? Then simply take serotonin foods regularly and observe whether your mood improves.

If your serotonin level is too low, you will notice this primarily in your mood. Depression and depressive moods can be caused by nutrition. The researchers have proven in studies can.

Our conclusion

Serotonin foods make you happy! Try to eat a balanced and varied diet and you will quickly feel much better. By the way, sufficient exercise also lifts your mood.

Try to accept a bad mood as it is. Everyone is sometimes after not so good mood. :)

Enjoy it!

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