Shorten your period with these tricks!

Shorten period tips

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As the saying goes: close your eyes and go! But you can make sure that your period stops faster. There are a few great tips that will shorten your period.

The Time is just inconvenient. You wanted to go on vacation, go swimming or to an event. It's two days away and you're getting your period right now.

That's annoying. 🙃😒

But you can use your Accelerate period and shorten! And use very simple tricks to make the days go by faster.

You need to know this much in advance: There will be less blood not be. However, there are certainly ways of to reduce bleeding. This is done by making sure that the uterus contracts, so that the period is lighter.

Many agents improve blood flow to the abdomen. You therefore ensure that the uterine lining is broken down more quickly. This means you are on the safe side.

What does the duration of menstruation depend on?

On average, the period lasts three to five days. But sometimes even longer.📅

That varies a little from woman to woman. different, just like the cycle itself. For some, the bleeding stops after just 3 days, others are haunted by it for up to 10 days.

If your period lasts regularly longer than seven days? There are various reasons for this.

Very often it is due to

  • Stress
  • hormonal changes
  • improper diet
  • Diseases of the genitals

But also the quantity Sport, that you drive, your Weight, how much you drink and your general Health have an influence on the period.

Make sure you have it checked by a Gynecologist clarify! Even if you a very irregular cycle.🩺

Also interesting contributions for you

How to shorten your period

As with all tips: Everything can and nothing must help. Our bodies are very different knitted.

While one Woman with Heat accelerate the period can, the other one works better with Sport.🏃🏽‍♀️

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Test what's good for your body!

1. with the hot water bottle

When we are in pain, we instinctively reach for the Hot water bottle or a Cherry stone pillow. Be it abdominal pain, neck pain or menstrual pain.

You can work with Heat but also your shorten the period.🩸

And how? The would ensures that Relieve cramps. This allows the Blood drains better.

Also becoming increasingly popular Heat belt. This way, you can also use it naturally at work or at school. Cramps Solve And it's great at home too: I always roll myself in different directions and then slide hot water bottles away. With the heat belt not no longer the case.😊

Slimpal periods heat belt
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2. sports and exercise

Even if you have just no desire have or if it difficult: Grab your sneakers! Pick yourself up and you'll see that you'll soon feel better.

The movement ensures that you better blood circulation will. Including the uterus.

Thereby alleviate you Cramps and ensure that the blood drains faster.

You don't feel like Running or other sport? Then do one Power Walk, go for a big walk, make Yoga or simple stretching exercises. The main thing is to get moving. Every movement leads to your body being supplied with more blood.🧘🏼‍♀️

Do you tend to Circulatory problems, When you're on your period, stick to walking and don't overexert yourself. Why not take a relaxing Walk into the green. It will do you the world of good!

Shorten period with sport

Tip: Do you often have an irregular cycle? Then I recommend the product from Effective Nature*. The Inositol powder* contains a messenger substance that is involved in hormone metabolism.
effective nature* Inositol - for menstrual cycle disorders *
effective nature Inositol - for cycle disorders
Price: 33,90 € (188,33 € / kg)
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3. medicinal herbs can shorten the period

Nature has for every ailment and the right solution for every problem. There are plants that relaxing and Bleeding-promoting effect have

It is best to take them several times a day before you have a period. Either in the form of Capsules or as Tea.

Good examples are

  • Ginger, which stimulates the bleeding
  • Monk's pepper*, which regulates the cycle
  • Thyme tea and raspberry tea, which boost your circulation
  • the Makka root balances the hormones
  • Yarrow constricts the blood vessels and allows the blood to drain faster

4. sex can shorten the period

While the Period sex is for many women unpleasant. A Orgasm that the Blood circulation really down below boosted will.😉

Or even simpler, dear ladies: Do it yourself. Orgasm causes the uterus to contract. This causes the blood to flow out more quickly.

Thereby the Lay-on vibrator Satisfyer Pro 2* help. The Satisfyer was rated as the best lay-on vibrator by Stiftung Warentest.

Switch on, one of the 11 levels choose, lean back and enjoy. Because it is only put on, there is also little spillage. Perfect when you have the days.

Satisfyer Pro 2
Price: 34,98 €
(Stand von: 17. May 2024 11:05 - Details
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5. off to the bathtub

The same principle applies here as with the hot water bottle: Warmth relaxes, is good for you and stimulates blood circulation.

Why not use a Bath additive, which increases blood circulation. I use gladly a Cold bath salts.🛀🏼

Or you can go to the sauna. Alternatively, a Electric blanket.

Beurer Nordic electric blanket
Price: 75,04 €
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Shorten period with heat

6. with hormonal contraceptives

You have very often long and strong your period? Then you should seek advice from a doctor. I'm really not a fan of hormones at all, but sometimes there's no other way 🙁.

There are Pills, the days shorten can. You don't have a normal period with the contraceptive pill, but only one Withdrawal bleeding, because you don't give your body any hormones for a week.

You can control this bleeding by Prefer a pill break or after move to the back. Take a look at the package leaflet!

But beware, studies have shown that the The pill can promote a nutrient deficiency can!

7. with ibuprofen and paracetamol

You can shorten your period if you Painkiller take. But you should only do this in extreme cases. Emergency do it! This is by no means healthy in the long term! Because these drugs also have a whole range of Side effects.

You can use the Bleeding to the Reduce by half, if you take one tablet 3-4 times a day. Never take more than the maximum daily dose.

Before you do this, however, you should urgently talk to your Gynecologist speak 🩺💊

What helps against period pains?

First of all, it is important to know that two types of menstrual pain: primary and secondary.

Primary menstrual pain are more common and are caused by the contraction of the uterus. Secondary menstrual pain may indicate a disease, such as endometriosis or fibroids. If you experience severe or sudden changes in pain, you should consult your doctor.👩🏼‍⚕️

Much of the advice that the Shorten period are also useful for helping you Period pain as far as possible alleviate

Here are some tips that can help you:

  • HeatA hot water bottle, a warm bath or a cherry stone cushion on the stomach can work wonders. Relieve pain.
  • Relaxation techniques: Things like yoga, meditation or progressive muscle relaxation can help to calm the body and reduce pain.
  • MovementLight exercise such as walking, cycling or gentle jogging can have a positive effect.
  • Nutrition: One balanced Nutrition is important. In particular, magnesium (e.g. in wheat germ, nuts and spinach) and other Vitamins and Minerals can be helpful.🥜
  • Herbal teasTeas made from lady's mantle, yarrow or ginger can have an antispasmodic effect.
  • PainkillerIf the pain is severe, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen can help. However, they should only be taken in consultation with a doctor.
  • Aromatherapy and essential oilsFor example Lavender oil*, which can be applied to the stomach, can have a relaxing effect.
  • Abstain from nicotine and alcoholThese can make the pain worse 🚬❌.
  • Check your contraceptivesSometimes certain contraceptives can affect menstrual pain.
  • MasturbationSome studies suggest that orgasms can help reduce pain and stress through the release of hormones such as oxytocin.

When you Period pain you can also use a EMS device help. It is normally used for muscle tension or muscle building. But there are also very gentle programs that Relax your muscles.

That is very good and the Cramps become better. I use the EMS device against period pain* even if it's bad. Just read the reviews on Amazon if that sounds interesting to you.

Beurer EM 49 Digital TENS/EMS
Price: 44,00 €
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My conclusion

Yes, you can use the Shorten the period.

But you shouldn't hope for miracles. If you want to get the best out of the situation, then go first run, then into the Bathtub.

And then you grab a cherry stone cushion and a herbal tea and lie down on the sofa.🩷

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