10+1 terrific home remedies for period pain

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Every woman knows them, every woman hates them: Menstrual cramps! We declare war on the monthly ordeal. Say goodbye to your period pain! These are the 10+1 best home remedies for the nasty days.

We are really great at suppression. We are completely surprised every month. She knocks on our door. When we open, she says, "Hi. Great news! Not pregnant! To celebrate, I'm bringing your Period. I have pimples, Mood swings and terrible Abdominal pain in the luggage. May I come in?".

And bang, she knocks us out. Completely unprepared, we drag ourselves onto the couch. Legs up. Towards the end see. We learn to appreciate our own mortality. Are sure never to feel joy again.

Home remedies for period pain

Menstrual cramps - a monthly tale of woe

Every 2nd to 3rd woman suffers from regular Period pain. Depending on one's own stress level, the Pain. Something between a walk over broken glass. And a total knockout. At least that's how it feels. But what's actually happening to us?

Period pain, why exactly are you actually there?

The monthly ordeal is related to our cycle. The pain we experience in the Abdomen are felt by our Uterus causes. Your muscles contract. This causes the lining of the uterus to be shed. In technical language, the process is called Contraction called.

This painful process prepares the uterus for a new cycle. How severe the pain turns out to be depends on the Tissue hormone Prostaglandin from. The higher the level, the longer and stronger the contractions in the abdomen.

Why are some days worse than others?

But other factors also play a major role. Anyone who smokes ensures that the Blood supply in the body does not run so smoothly. This can lead to greater pain. In general, the organism should not overacidified be. Causes are mainly coffee, nicotine or a Poor nutrition.

Also the Stress level is not to be underestimated. Negative experiences and an unrelaxed daily routine stimulate pain. On the other hand, if you are deeply relaxed, you will hardly be knocked out by the menstrual cudgel.

The wide range of menstrual disorders

The symptoms of menstrual cramps are varied. They range from migraines, sensitive breasts to bad skin. There are the classic abdominal cramps and heavy legs. Water retention and weight fluctuations are on top.

successful women

In addition, there are binge eating and emotional swings. Aggression, crying fits and questioning the meaning of life. We are angry at the world. And we can't really stand anyone. Ourself least of all. A terrible state!

These are the 10+1 best home remedies for menstrual cramps

Before you throw yourself off the sofa out of sheer desperation or reach for painkillers: STOP! There are numerous home remedies to save you from the nasty pain. And a pretty good secret tip. :)

Increase magnesium intake

One of the most popular Home remedies for period pain. You should take in additional magnesium through globules or capsules. In the time of your period are up to 300 mg a day is perfectly fine. It is best to ask at the pharmacy of your confidence for suitable preparations. :)

With yoga against period pain

Tips against stressThe cause of the pain are the contractions. They ensure that the blood flow to the uterus is not properly provided. And this can lead to nasty cramps. Light exercises help to improve the blood circulation and the Pain at alleviate. With yoga you can gently stimulate the blood circulation. And at the same time reduce your stress.

Staying pain free with the right diet

Suggestions for the "correct" diet during the critical days, are almost endless. In the first place it is necessary to basic to nourish. So give up caffeinated drinks. For this you should low salt and avoid alcohol. Both deprive the body of water. This makes you more susceptible to pain.

Reaches for fresh Vegetables and fruit. Nuts, seeds and natural Oils. They contained Micronutrients have an analgesic effect. There are also some spices that have an antispasmodic effect. Refine your food with anise, Cinnamon*Coriander, Cardamom* or fennel.

Release cramps with soothing heat

Tips against stress, cold feet
Each as he likes it. Treat yourself to soothing warmth. This relaxes tense muscles as it stimulates blood circulation. A warm bath additionally reduces stress. Just as help Hot water bottles or cherry stone pillow. Place these on your stomach or back. Absolutely with it lay down. This will help you to additional relaxation.

Vitamin B6: balm for the soul and thick legs!

Those who do not like themselves during their period should have many Bananas eat. Sounds strange, but it helps. Because bananas contain a lot of vitamin B complexes. These boost mood and influence our Wellbeing positive. Nuts, sprouts, avocados, algae and seeds should also be part of the game. They also contain a lot of vitamin B. And thus help the Water washout in the body.

A massage works wonders for menstrual cramps

Especially if your whole body hurts, you should get a massage. On the one hand, it lets you relax. At the same time it also Blood circulation boosted. This helps to relieve the cramps. In particular, it helps if the two points on the lower back are massaged.

Sport inhibits the pain

Competitive athlete veganThose who exercise regularly can positively influence their menstruation. The exercise not only ensures the release of Endorphins. Also, the production of Prostaglandin inhibited. This is responsible for the nasty pain. So already in advance sporteln what the stuff holds! Here you will find the right sport for you: [TEST] Which sport suits me? 6 sports in comparison.

Relieve menstrual cramps with parsley

Parsley is a completely underrated kitchen herb. Stored in our minds somewhere between grandma's boiled potatoes and floral wallpaper. But it's worth giving parsley a chance. They detoxifies and cleans The blood. And promotes blood circulation in the abdominal organs. Thus, the culinary herb acts antispasmodic.

Herbal teas decongest the abdomen

Herbal teas help to relieve the cramps in the abdomen. For this purpose, you should resort to red raspberry leaf tea. This relaxes the muscles in the abdomen. But also chamomile flowers and peppermint have an antispasmodic effect. If this is too boring for you, you can use yarrow, marjoram or lemon balm.

Take your time out

The more stressed you feel, the more severe the pain will be. It is very important to relax regularly. Treat your body and your head Timeouts. Turn off the chaos. Go for a walk, read a nice book. Or meditate. Do whatever makes you feel good. Every day!

Pro tip: The best home remedy ever: Ginger!

As a particularly long-sufferer, I recommend you take ginger! For me, it makes the difference between a two-day knockout and the short shrug of the shoulders "oh, it's time".

Ginger inhibits the release of prostagladin. And thus protects us from these unpleasant cramps. In addition, ginger warms from the inside. It relaxes the body and soothes so the menstrual cramps. Studies have even proven the effect of ginger. If you take ginger 2-3 days before your period, the period pain becomes significant improves.

Home remedies for colds

Ginger tea helps just like using ginger to spice up your food. I also take 2 ginger capsules. I start this a few days before I get my period. And for me it is by far the best home remedies against menstrual cramps.

Our conclusion

If you're struggling with nasty pain, you shouldn't immediately turn to medication or painkillers. You already have many effective remedies at home. Basically, it makes perfect sense to pay attention to your diet or do sports as a preventive measure. You should also always find enough relaxation in your everyday life. If that's not enough, you should also try ginger. For me an absolute wonder weapon. :)

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