How the High Carb Low Fat Diet Works

High Carb Low Fat Recipe

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With the High Carb Low Fat diet you can lose weight and build muscle. What you have to pay attention to with HCLF and what is important in this diet, you will learn here.

For a long time, a pure low carb diet was considered the diet miracle par excellence. More and more often, however, the diet without carbohydrates is viewed critically by nutritionists.

High Carb Low Fat is the new trend. We show you what HCLF is all about and what you need to know about the high carb low fat diet.

Because thanks to the HCLF diet, carbohydrates are finally given a high priority again.

You'll learn in this post,

Low Carb vs. High Carb

As the name already indicates, the Low carb diet the proportion of carbohydrates is greatly reduced. There are many different variants and opinions about how low the carbohydrate intake should be.

The idea behind this is that the glycogen stores are not completely filled by a few carbs. Thus, the body should use the carbohydrates as an energy supplier. It should get used to the deficit and thus reduce fat.

Initially, this works very well. However, many who are currently on a low carb diet have problems such as headaches, lack of energy, fatigue and other symptoms of exhaustion. You feel dog tired, at least that's what many report.

This is because glycogen stores are too depleted and the body is fighting the calorie deficit.

Especially because most not only reduce the carbs but also the fat content of the diet at the same time. If the body has neither carbohydrates nor fat available for energy production, it shuts down the metabolism.

After the first successful weeks, fat burning often stagnates.

Why carbs are important

So you can do a low carb diet in the short term. In the long term, however, this is not healthy.

We get our energy from carbohydrates. Along with protein and fat, carbohydrates are the main components of our diet.

High Carb Low Fat Diet

Carbs are fast energy suppliers for our brain. Glucose is produced during digestion. In this form, the carbohydrates reach the brain via the blood, where they are burned immediately.

Very important to know: Carbohydrates do not make you fat! This misconception is widespread.

Long-term viewed our body needs carbohydratesin order to be able to function properly.

Carbohydrates are found in many foods. However, it is important that you distinguish between complex carbohydrates and simple carbs.

Simple carbs are found in sugar and white flour. Complex carbs are found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and more.

In a healthy diet and in the High Carb Low Fat Diet many so good carbohydrates are on the menu.

You can read more about this in the article "Why you should never give up complex carbohydrates". read up.

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Difference High Carb Low Fat and High Carb

Yes but how now? High Carb Low Fat (HCLF) or just High Carb (HC)? What is the difference? Is there one?

These three macronutrients are important for the body:

  • Protein (Protein)
  • Carbohydrates (Carbs)
  • and fats

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends that 55% of the diet be provided in the form of carbohydrates. If you eat this way as an athlete and factor in the increased protein requirement for muscle building, you are almost adhering to the high carb diet.

For example, 85% of a carrot consists of carbohydrates, or 70% of a tomato.

High Carb Low Fat Food

In the High Carb Diet, you increase the proportion of carbohydrate-rich foods. In return, you reduce the intake of protein and fats.

High carb - but vegetable

Does everything sound great? But there is a small catch. Only plant-based foods are served on the table. In low-fat and vegan form.

Who HCLF nourishes waived so on Fish, meat and dairy products.

In the high carb diet you eat vegan foods that contain a lot of starch. This ensures that you are full for a long time and slowly supplied with energy over a longer period of time.

You must and may eat a lot of plant foods. They have a low energy density. At the same time, the fiber in plants stimulates digestion.

What this means for you is that you need to eat large amounts to create enough calories per day.

There are also precise ideas and rules for fats in the High Carb Diet. Fats should only be obtained in the form of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids from vegan foods. You can find these in olives, Flaxseed*, Chia*grated coconut or nuts.

High Carb Low Fat Food

You should avoid cooking fat if possible. This is to ensure the function of hormones and vitamins in the body. Without that storage fats are enriched in the fat cells.

A little further goes the High Carb Low Fat Nutrition. Those who follow it reduce proteins and fats to 5 to 10% of the diet. 80% of the diet is rich in carbohydrates.

The carbohydrates that you consume with High Carb Low Fat are almost completely utilized by the body. In addition, you provide your body with plenty of minerals and vitamins. This is to reduce body fat in the long term.

What you really need to know about High Carb Low Fat

Unlike a diet, the High Carb Low Fat Diet Long Term laid out. It is about a permanent change in eating habits. This is intended to optimize the fat metabolism.

HCLF fits very well with a vegan lifestyle and is said to be one of the most natural diets.

The goal of High Carb Low Fat is that you get most of your calories from carbohydrates (carbs).

The conscious reduction of fats and switching to essential fatty acids has a great advantage. In this way, the body should not create storage fat. High Carb Low Fat supplies the body instead continuously with energy.

To make this possible, complex carbohydrates are now on the menu. So-called good carbohydrates with long sugar molecule chains.

Good sources of complex carbohydrates:

  • Whole grain products of all kinds
  • Oatmeal
  • Potatoes
  • Brown rice and wholemeal pasta
  • Legumes such as peas, lentils, beans, soybeans
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts, quinoa amaranth
  • Sweet potatoes, potatoes

High Carb Low Fat Recipe

A classic in the high carb diet is oatmeal. Here in the photo mixed with zucchini, soy yogurt, berries and Cocoa powder*.

For the body to metabolize complex carbohydrates, it needs a lot of energy. Splitting the molecules takes a long time - but that's good. Because this means that the glucose is released into the blood only slowly. Simply put: We are full longer and have constant energy.

The body circumference often changes only very slightly. However, one should be able to see large differences in the body composition. The body appears firmer and tighter.

Here you will find delicious high carb recipes

High-quality fatty acids, i.e. from multiple unsaturated omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids, can be easily utilized by the body.

But beware: since you are eating a vegan diet with High Carb Low Fat, you must absolutely the vitamin B12 level keep an eye on. This is because we absorb this vitamin from animal products.

Why High Carb Low Fat Works

One of the secret tricks is to cut out bad carbs from sugar or white flour. You also completely eliminate processed foods. This alone will make the kilos start to fall off.

These unhealthy foods are replaced by those that keep you full for a long time. In other words, they are rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber.

In the journal "Cell Metabolism. there is a study that shows that high carb helps to lose body fat. The kilograms on the scale do not drop as quickly overall, but the proportion of fat is comparatively high.

For this purpose, 19 adult subjects were put on a diet. They were divided into two groups:

High Fat Low Carb: On average, this experimental group was able to lose 1.85 kg. Of which 245 g body fat

High Carb Low Fat: The participants lost an average of 1.3 kg. However, 463 g of this was body fat.

High Carb Low Fat and Training

We are made to move around a lot. However, we all spend way too much time sitting in the office or lying on the sofa :)

A rule of thumb says: at least half an hour of exercise per day! Even better is a mix of strength and endurance training.

Professional athletes rely on High Carb Low Fat - especially if they want to build muscles. The carbohydrates are energy suppliers for the muscles.

Carbs fill the glycogen stores that we need as an energy source during strength training. The more energy available in the form of glycogen, the more the body can perform. After the workout, a carbohydrate-rich diet should help shorten the recovery time.

After training, muscles process carbs from food the fastest. It is best to combine carbohydrates with protein. You can find more info in the article "Nutrition and sports: dos & don'ts after training".

High Carb Low Fat for weight loss

Very little used is high carb low fat for weight loss. Who wants to get rid of a few kilos, rather reduces carbohydrates.

The fact that you can also lose weight with a high proportion of carbohydrates makes many people wonder at first. But it works. Especially if you keep one thing in mind:

If you want to lose weight, you have to build up a calorie deficit. That means: eat fewer calories than you consume.

Quinoa salad vegan for high carb low fat diet

If you follow this basic rule, you don't have to worry much about carbohydrates interfering with fat burning.

However, this presupposes of course that with the high carbohydrate portion the fat and protein portion is reduced in such a way that the calorie deficit can set in.

The advantage of complex carbohydrates is that they keep you full for a long time. So basically we don't have to eat so much.

When we eat a lot of plant-based carbohydrates, it doesn't directly hit our hips.

Switch to High Carb Low Fat

Anyone who frequently reaches for unhealthy foods and changes their diet to high carb low fat will need patience at first. Giving up fast food, chocolate bars and other unhealthy foods is healthy at first. But the body is still used to the unhealthy lifestyle. It practically screams for sugar, fat and additives.

In the transition phase it can happen that you constantly have cravings for sweets and fatty foods. You have to go through that now :)

After 3 to 4 weeks you should be "cured" of this. The fact that you are now doing without empty calories from sugar and white flour will benefit your health and your endurance in sports.

Our conclusion

High Carb Low Fat is a diet that is mainly used by athletes to build muscles. You can also lose weight with it, if you keep an eye on the calories.

However, experts do not really agree on whether this change in diet should really be followed through permanently. The good thing about HCLF is that a lot of fruit, vegetables and complex carbohydrates are on the menu.

But be careful: Keep an eye on your B12 level! This vitamin is found only in animal foods and your body needs it!

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