The 21 healthiest foods with few calories

Food with few calories: Natural yogurt

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What fills you up and has hardly any calories? You are welcome to help yourself to these foods with few calories.

Chips: Better not. Chocolate? Nope, not even that. Cinnamon bun from the bakery? Probably not either. Better: Only water and fruit and vegetables. No!

Anyone who wants to lose weight knows these thoughts very well. We make enemies of food and constantly think about what contains how many calories.

In principle, this is not a bad thing, because losing weight is all about eating fewer calories than we consume.

Losing weight doesn't mean you should eat only water and crispbread or only fruits and vegetables. Fortunately.

But if you just want to get rid of a few kilos and don't feel like starving, you can quickly get frustrated. Suddenly, the very favorite food is a terrible Calorie bomb. Must delicious always have so many calories?

Our answer: No! Also correct tasty dishes can include foods with few calories.

Why one-sided diets lead to the yo-yo effect

On the abdomen and thighs, we women particularly like to collect unpopular fat pads. The excess body fat makes us more than unhappy.

A diet is needed. Or not? One-sided diets help in the fewest cases with the Slimming. While we are still in the diet, waiting for the Jojo effect slyly to put a few extra kilos on our hips.

In addition, the one-sided diet, which is the basis of many diets, causes a lack of nutrients and vitamins.

Because there are many really tasty foods that can afford to be called "Food with few calories" have more than earned.

Get ready for foods with few calories that are incredibly delicious and thus help you lose weight with pleasure.

What makes you full and has few calories? Here comes the answer!

Foods with few calories that help lose weight

We have you a good mix of fruits, vegetables, Supplements and foods that are suitable for Main courses suitable, compiled.

As always, variety makes the difference!

The cucumber helps to lose weight

Watch out girls! Cucumbers are not only good as a home remedy for dark circles.

Anyone who wants to eat a low-calorie diet should urgently include cucumbers in their menu. With a water content of 97 percent, they help not only those who constantly forget to drink. Cucumbers are healthy! They are very rich in iron and magnesium.

Food with few calories: Cucumber

By the way, you should not remove the skin of the cucumber. This is where most of the nutrients are hidden.

So from now on you can have cucumbers with every meal! You can also snack on them in the office, nibble on them as a side dish at lunch or eat them on the sofa in the evening.

Fun Facts: Cucumbers have a dehydrating effect on the body. They can also lower blood sugar levels and stimulate digestion.

100 grams of cucumber have only 12 calories

Foods with few calories: Chicken and turkey

Chicken and turkey are a very good choice if you want to get rid of a few kilograms and do not want to give up meat.

Poultry contains quite little fat but a large amount of protein.

Season with salt, pepper and herbs only. You should do without sauces. How about a delicious turkey strip salad? You can pimp it with lots of delicious low-calorie vegetables.

Or One Pot Chicken from the oven?

Foods with few calories: Chicken, chicken

Fun Facts: Be sure to leave out the skin! This is where the calories are hidden.

100 grams of chicken breast have 75 calories.

The eggplant is a food with few calories

You don't trust the black and purple vegetables? You should change that as soon as possible. The melanzani consists almost exclusively of water, namely 94%.

Those who pay attention to a healthy lifestyle and are looking for foods that fill you up and have few calories will find what they are looking for in eggplant.

The eggplant is rich in vitamin B and also potassium.

Foods with few calories: Eggplant, melanzani

However, it depends on the preparation, of course. Eggplants are always healthiest when grilled briefly. A few herbs, salt and pepper and the meal is ready.

Fun Facts: Eggplants are not edible raw. They have toxic substances that only dissipate when heated.

100 grams of eggplant have 20 calories

Shrimp are low in calories

If you are not a fan of meat, you can also use shrimp. Shrimps are by the way ncihts other than small shrimps.

Shrimp have a very low fat content, but a large amount of protein.

Shrimp go very well with salad or in soups.

Our recipe tip: Pea soup with shrimp. Fry the shrimp with a little Coconut oil* on. Season with pepper and fresh lemon juice. It tastes particularly delicious with a fresh pea soup. Without cream, of course :)

Food with few calories: Shrimp

100 grams of shrimp have 50 calories.

Chard makes you full and has hardly any calories

It tastes like spinach and looks a little like it. You should definitely try chard! It is very versatile and healthy at the same time.

In it you will find iron, vitamin C and also beta-carotene.

If you buy chard, you should process it very quickly. The leaves wilt incredibly quickly.

What is the best way to prepare chard? First of all, cut it into small pieces. Then either bring to a boil briefly in salted water. Braise in the oven for half an hour or steam over boiling water for 10 minutes.

Food with few calories

Chard helps a sluggish intestine to get going again. The many B vitamins help against nervousness. Phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron can be found in it especially much.

Fun Facts: The outer leaves of chard have the most vitamins!

100 grams of chard have 25 calories.

The carrot is a food with few calories

Among all vegetables, carrots have the highest amount of carotene. This is also the reason why they glow so beautifully orange and bring color to the plate with every meal.

The carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body. This is good for our eyes and strengthens the immune system.

Food with few calories: Carrots

The best way to retain vitamins C and E and the many good minerals in the carrot is to eat it raw.

Just grate a fresh carrot over the salad. This not only brings color to the food, but also a large portion of vitamins.

100 grams of carrots have 26 calories.

Natural yogurt is a food for weight loss

Stay away from ready-made fruit yogurt. It contains a lot of sugar. Much better is a simple natural yogurt. Mix fresh berries or homemade fruit puree under the yogurt. The homemade fruit yogurt is ready.

Yogurt contains a lot of calcium and protein. But at the same time only a few calories.

Food with few calories: Natural yogurt

Mixed with a little salt and herbs, you have a perfect dip for vegetables, chicken and co.

Radishes help to lose weight

The little red tuber has a lot going for it. Behind the red skin hides much more than you suspect at first. Radishes are really healthy!

Especially those that you buy at the market or grow yourself. The spicier they are, the more mustard oil they contain. This spicy oil kills germs and is therefore a great help for our stomach.

Who eats 100 grams of radish, takes 30 mg of vitamin C. But also potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and B vitamins.

Radishes are food with few calories

By the way, even richer in vitamins and nutrients than the tuber are the leaves of the radish! With radish leaves you can prepare a soup. You can also simply chop the leaves and sprinkle them over salad. Give it a try!

Fun Facts: The small tubers are most nutritious when they are none and firm to the bite.

100 grams of radishes have 16 calories.

The grapefruit is a great food with few calories

Well, have you ever eaten grapefruit? Even if it tastes slightly bitter, you should give the fruit another chance. Grapefruit contains a huge amount of vitamins and bitter substances.

With 46 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit, it is one of the vitamin C rich foods. But also vitamin A, B vitamins and potassium, calcium and magnesium are hidden in the grapefruit.

Grapefruits are food with few calories

Grapefruits inhibit weight gain, many already say so Studies.

We have dedicated a separate post to the slightly bitter fruit that will show you how healthy grapefruits are.

Fun Facts: Grapefruits help with weight loss and can lower cholesterol.

100 grams of grapefruit contain 40 calories.

Lean curd helps to lose weight

Curd makes you strong or something like that :) In any case, curd makes fit. Because the milk product contains a large amount of protein. This makes us full for a long time and makes muscles grow when exercising.

Quark tastes incredibly delicious as a dip or spread. You can dip peppers and cucumber sticks in curd. Or serve it with chicken and fish.

Food with few calories: Curd cheese

Do you already know our Recipes for curd spread? Be sure to stop by and pick up some delicious ideas.

100 grams of low-fat curd cheese have 73 calories.

Cauliflower makes you full and has few calories

Good news for those who find cabbage difficult to digest, cauliflower is particularly mild and suitable even for sensitive stomachs.

The white small sprouts are true superfoods. It has a very high water content and contains a lot of fiber.

Cauliflower is a food with few calories

In Germany, the power vegetable is in season between June and October.

The vitamin C in cabbage protects our immune system. Vitamin K is good for blood clotting and activates bone formation.

Cauliflower is very tasty as a side dish, soup or rice substitute. We are happy to tell you our 4 favorite Cauliflower recipes.

100 grams of cauliflower have 23 calories.

Potatoes are tasty food with few calories

Potatoes have a very bad reputation. But the yellow tuber does not deserve this. Potatoes are not fattening. They only become high in calories when prepared as chips, french fries and the like.

Potatoes are food with few calories

Freshly cooked potatoes with a fresh yogurt or cottage cheese dip, garlic and salt make a delicious meal.

Interesting facts: Many minerals sit under and in the shell. You are welcome to eat them too!

100 grams of potatoes have 70 calories.

Broccoli helps to lose weight

The green relative of cauliflower is broccoli. It not only has more color to offer, but also more nutrients. This makes broccoli a good immune system booster.

In the green florets you will find potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and sodium.

Broccoli is a food with few calories

But also vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins.

Broccoli tastes best as a soup or as a side dish. It is best to season only with salt and herbs, which saves calories and thus prevents annoying fat deposits.

100 grams of broccoli have 23 calories.

Tomatoes have few calories

We love tomatoes! The small to medium-sized red/yellow fruits should definitely be on your menu! By the way, there are about 2500 different varieties in total.

Very interesting is the tomato because of its component lycopene. This is a substance from the group of carotenoids. Lycopene is said to protect cell membranes and thus prevent heart disease and arteriosclerosis.

Tomatoes are low calorie food

Tomatoes, besides the high content of lycopene, also have a lot of bitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and niacin.

By the way: you can easily plant tomatoes in the Egg carton greenhouse Draw yourself.

100 grams of tomatoes have 20 calories.

Paprika is a delicious food with few calories

Mhhh we love peppers! Whether green, yellow, orange or red: peppers can simply always be snacked.

The pods are among the healthiest vegetables of all. They contain a large amount of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and carotenes. The flavonoids in the pods have an antioxidant effect and help us stay healthy.

Paprika is a perfect snack for the office. Instead of chocolate, it's best to use paprika sticks.

Paprika is a food with few calories

Fun Facts: Pepper pods are said to help with circulatory problems and even help with headaches.

100 grams of peppers have only 37 calories.

The lettuce, the most famous food with few calories

It should not be missing from any diet. Lettuce is the symbol par excellence of healthy eating.

And there are good reasons for that. The crunchy green vegetable has incredibly few calories, but a large amount of healthy fiber.

The classic green lettuce is 95 % water. Who eats lettuce at the beginning of a meal, can neatly reduce the feeling of hunger.

A fresh salad provides the body with secondary plant substances such as carotenoids, flavonoids, phytosterols and polyphenols. Make sure that you buy lettuce from the field as often as possible. Greenhouse lettuce contains much less ingredients.

Fun Facts: Eat mainly the green leaves. They contain more nutrients than the inner light leaves.

100 grams of lettuce have only 11 calories.

Raspberries are low in calories

If you like it fruity and sweet, you can also put raspberries on the menu. The sweet red fruits are best eaten fresh immediately. They do not have a long shelf life.

In combination with yogurt they taste especially delicious.

Raspberry is a food with few calories

Raspberries are 85 % water and have little fructose despite their sweetness.

Raspberries contain many B vitamins, vitamins A, C and E. Also, a large amount of potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron.

Fun Facts: The high fiber content in raspberries boosts digestion.

100 grams of raspberries have 33 calories.

Zucchini are among foods with few calories

Green or yellow? Opinions and preferences vary widely here. No matter which variety you choose: Eat lots of zucchini!

The small to medium-sized elongated fruits contain a lot of calcium, magnesium and iron. But also vitamin C, A and B vitamins.

Zucchini is a food with few calories

Yet zucchinis are not only low in calories, but simply incredibly versatile. With a water content of 93 %, they are perfect for those who want to lose a little weight.

You can save the most calories by frying the zucchini in a pan with a little oil, salt and herbs. A fish fillet is very tasty with it.

100 grams of zucchini contains 18 calories.

Tangerines are healthy and low in calories

From autumn and winter simply can not imagine life without them. Tangerines are deliciously sweet and provide a large amount of vitamin C.

Tangerines are food with few calories

Tangerines make you slim because their ingredients accelerate the breakdown of fat in the body. This is due to the plant substance nobiletin, which boosts metabolic processes.

In tangerines you can find vitamin C, vitamin A, E, B5. Calcium, potassium and folic acid are also hidden behind the orange peel.

100 grams of tangerines contain 50 calories.

Low fat fish has hardly any calories

There are very many types of fish that you can eat if you are looking for foods with low calories.

Go for walleye, plaice or hake. Best with a little Coconut oil*, salt and pepper and serve with a low-calorie vegetable of your choice.

Fun to know: But be careful with fatty fish. Salmon, herring, eel, mackerel and tuna have many calories!

Food with few calories: Low fat fish

100 grams of plaice have 86 calories

100 grams of hake have 92 calories

100 grams of monkfish have 76 calories

You can find a very detailed listing in the Calorie table for fish find

Our conclusion

As you can see, there are many foods with few calories. The answer to the question: What makes you full and has hardly any calories? Now you know well :) Combine the low-calorie foods bung mixed with each other. This brings a lot of variety to the menu and tastes so much better!

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