Avoid yo-yo effect: The 4 golden rules to success

prevent yoyo effect

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Can you avoid the yoyo effect? No sooner have you lost weight than the kilos you've worked so hard to get rid of return. We tell you which tricks you can use to prevent the yoyo effect.

We all know it, the yoyo effect. It simply strikes relentlessly. It sounds cute, but it's a real success killer and cause for frustration. The yoyo effect strikes especially often after a crash or flash diet.

Jojo effect despite healthy eating?

If you have a yo-yo effect despite losing weight and eating healthy, it doesn't mean you're eating fundamentally wrong.

However, don't forget that even healthy eating can lead to obesity and subsequently to the yo-yo effect after losing weight.

If you eat too much, even healthy food can make you fat. Our body only needs a certain number of calories. Whether healthy or not. Of course, the calories should be balanced and distributed in a healthy way. In a good food plan should be both protein, carbohydrates and fats and various trace elements.

The JoJo Effect- the true nightmare of all women
The yo-yo effect - the real nightmare of all women

However, if you are too generous, everything ends up in the yo-yo effect. If you eat healthy and lose weight with the help of sports and a healthy diet, it can still happen that the famous yoyo effect occurs.

Then simply rethink the amount of food you eat and reduce it to a level that is sufficient for your body's needs. This way you can stop the effect and lose weight again in a healthy way.

Constantly losing and regaining weight is quite bad for your body. It is in a permanent state of stress. This has a negative effect on your health.

How can you avoid the yoyo effect?

There are four golden rules you should follow to avoid the yo-yo effect. I present them to you

1. slowly decrease

Actually, you should not lose more than 1-2 kilos a month, so as not to conjure up the yo-yo effect. Too few calories make the body react in panic, the deprivation of calories signals him more or less a "famine".

balanced diet avoid yo-yo effect
A balanced diet is very important

The signaling of famine causes the metabolism to evaluate food even more than before.

It allows him to adjust more quickly to the lean diet. When we start eating normally again after the diet, we naturally start gaining weight.

2. fitness first

You should never put your weight before your well-being. If you have constant ups and downs on the scale, it puts a strain on your health. Physically and also mentally. If your weight is constantly fluctuating, it will also increase your risk of heart attack. It can also increase your blood pressure.

Away with the yo-yo effect: Sport helps keep the weight off

Crash diets just make you sick in the long run. When losing weight, please do not think in the short term but in the long term. Then the yoyo effect will soon have no chance.

3. increase your basal metabolic rate

Now what's the deal with increasing basal metabolic rate?

The basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy that the body needs to maintain all vital functions. The basal metabolic rate is at the minimum for all those who are affected by the yo-yo effect.

If your metabolism is on the back burner, it's virtually impossible for you to lose weight. To boost your metabolism and rebuild your muscles, exercise is very important.

Those who want to lose weight should look at their basal metabolic rate

Every time you exercise, you burn both fat and glucose. Only if you have enough muscle mass, you can avoid the yo-yo effect.

The biggest problem is the risk of losing muscle mass while dieting. To counteract muscle loss, you need to do both endurance and strength training.

During a diet you should look at a good protein supply. Because the first thing that is broken down are the muscles.

4. protein sources

yo-yo effect-avoid
Protein helps maintain body weight

Another rule with which the yoyo effect can be avoided is that you eat enough protein.

As you've probably heard, dieting almost always results in muscle loss. Thus, it is especially important that you pay attention to the protein intake, so you can minimize this degradation.

Our body needs 20 amino acids. Nine of them must be supplied with food. We can't store protein very well, so we should also consume protein sources on a daily basis.

These protein sources include meat, fish, dairy products, cheese and egg. For active people, it is ideal to consume 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

Our conclusion

Try to eat balanced and healthy. Curry sausage with fries? You can allow yourself that in between. But permanently and regularly? No, you'd better leave that alone.

If you apply the four golden rules against the yoyo effect, you will stay slim permanently. Just give it a try.

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