The best 10 foods for gaining weight

Food to gain weight

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Many underweight people would like to have a few more kilos on their hips. Are you one of them? Then we show you the best foods for gaining weight.

Put more kilos on the scale? Many probably think to themselves now possible: "Nothing easier than that!"

But there is also another side.

Some people are blessed with an incredible metabolism. They can eat what they want without gaining weight.

However, they always have to listen to sayings like, "Just eat more."

For many, gaining weight in a healthy way is anything but easy.

Just because you want to gain weight doesn't mean you have to be underweight.

Especially fitness enthusiasts and athletes want more muscles. For this it is important to eat calorie-rich but healthy food.

The body needs a surplus of energy to build muscle.

Food to gain weight

What foods are not suitable for gaining weight

Just eat a burger! When you think of increasing, most people immediately think of Mc Donald's and Co.

Yes, burgers, fries, kebabs and the like are fattening. But that's not healthy at all. All you get from it is a life ring on your belly. And that's definitely not what you want, is it?

If you want to gain weight in a healthy and targeted way, you have to rely on natural foods. So don't go for fast food, convenience products and the like. They only contain empty calories. Unlike healthy foods for gaining weight. At the same time, they contain many nutrients, trace elements, minerals and other substances.

An example of healthy and unhealthy calories

You eat a Big Mac has just under 500 calories. Contained therein: Lots of unhealthy fat, wheat flour, artificial additives and just a whole lot of garbage, to put it nicely :)

Half an avocado contains about 200 calories. And three slices of wholemeal bread with 140 calories. And with the amount of calories you are still below the burger. But at the same time, you're also eating fiber. Whole grain products are rich in B vitamins, zinc, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and selenium. In avocado you will find healthy fatty acids, vitamins C, E and K, B vitamins, potassium, copper.

You'll be fuller longer and provide your body with healthy nutrients.

There is a whole range of these healthy foods. Which foods are suitable for gaining weight, we tell you here.

What constitutes food for gaining weight

With many foods you can bring more kilos on the scale in a healthy way. They are only higher in calories or less filling compared to other foods. This allows you to eat more of them.

Even weight loss enthusiasts can eat these foods without a guilty conscience. It's just a matter of how much you eat. Because the amount makes the difference :)

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The 10 best foods for gaining weight

You are underweight or want to build muscle mass? Then you should make sure that you gain weight as healthy as possible.

To gain weight, you could of course simply reach for a greasy burger with fries or sweet soft drinks. But do you really want to do that to your body?

The best way to gain weight healthily is to eat whole foods and keep your calorie intake high.

Just like losing weight, a healthy and balanced diet is important when gaining weight.

Food to gain weight

It's also no use doubling your meals. You won't last long and it's not healthy at all. Rather, spread five to six meals throughout the day instead of gulping down three big ones.

We have for you the 10 best foods for gaining weight.

1. nuts as a snack for in between meals

A great food for gaining weight are nuts in all varieties. Whether as a crunchy topping for your yogurt or for your salad. Nuts are a great way to gain weight in a healthy way.

They contain lots of high-quality fats, minerals and vitamins. On average, nuts provide between 500 and 600 calories per 100 g.

Off with it in the handbag :) So what are you waiting for. On the nuts, ready, GO!

2. gain weight with dried fruit

Gaining weight with healthy foods can be so delicious. High on the list of foods for gaining weight are dried fruits. They are full of minerals and very low in fat.

However, since the sugar content is very high, you should rather use the dried fruit as a topping for a cereal or a salad.

Dates have 280 calories per 100 g. Raisins & Co are ideal for snacking.

3. put avocado on your menu

Creamy avocados really spice up your food. Whether diced in a salad or sliced on bread. There are no limits to your creativity.

Food to gain weight

By the way, guacamole goes well with almost any dish. It provides 138 kcal per 100 g. It is also full of healthy unsaturated fatty acids, which can have a positive effect on your cholesterol level. It contains lots of vitamins A, E and K.

The green fruits are not only good for the heart, but also ideal as a stress killer.

4. high quality vegetable oils among the food to gain weight

Gaining weight with healthy foods is not that difficult. Vegetable oils also provide plenty of calories and unsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids lower your cholesterol level.

A certain amount of fat is also important. However, this should be mostly vegetable oils. Animal fats are also high in calories, but provide exactly the opposite effect on health.

On average, vegetable oils have about 870 kcal per 100 g.

5. dairy products help to gain weight healthy

You want to finally put more kilos on the scale? Then you should reach for dairy products.

Cheese, yogurt, milk & co. can not only be integrated into main meals, but can also be enjoyed as a snack in between meals.

Food to gain weight

A Greek yogurt with strawberries and oatmeal tastes super delicious and gives you an extra boost of energy.

No matter what dairy products you choose, always choose the full-fat ones.

Whole milk provides the fewest calories. Per 100 g it is just 65 kcal. In contrast, butter with 741 calories, cream with 292 kcal, cheese with an average of 380 kcal or Greek yogurt with 133 kcal are higher in calories.

6. bananas are a true all-rounder

Bananas are very popular among athletes. No wonder! They are a real energy booster. Especially underweight people who suffer from fatigue should reach for bananas.

The yellow fruit has about 93 kcal per 100 g and a high sugar content. It also contains magnesium, potassium and tryptophan, among other things.

When you eat a banana, the happiness hormone serotonin is activated in your body. They are also ideal as a snack.

Banana, by the way, is also one of the main ingredients for this mega delicious and healthy dessert. We have baked a no bake cake from it, which goes into the freezer and provides incredibly delicious pleasure!

7. dark chocolate for snacking

Of course, you could also eat lots of sweets to gain weight. But that is certainly not healthy.

Similar to losing weight, you should also turn to healthier sweeteners like honey or Agave syrup* grab.

Tip: You can order agave syrup online here!

If you like snacking, you can reach for dark chocolate. It contains many flavonoids, which have a positive effect on your organism.

Food to gain weight

Snacking on dark chocolate every now and then not only protects your cardiovascular system, but even reduces blood clotting.

Around 540 calories are contained in 100 grams of chocolate.

8. fruit juices for a higher calorie intake.

Foods for gaining weight are also fruit juices. Especially freshly squeezed juices are very high in calories because of the fructose. But they are also very healthy. Because fruit juices contain a lot of vitamins.

100 ml contains about 50 calories.

Unlike food, fruit juices are much less filling. They make you want more. But don't overdo it. Large quantities of fructose are also unhealthy.

9. whole grain products provide more kilos

Whole grain products have two basic advantages over white flour alternatives. Not only do they have more calories, but they also provide plenty of energy.

In addition, important nutrients such as zinc, iron, magnesium and B vitamins are found in the whole grain varieties. They also contain a lot of fiber, which is important for the body.

Whole grain bread provides 293 kcal per 100 grams, brown rice 349 kcal and whole grain pasta 323 kcal.

10. finally more kilos with smoothies

You love smoothies? That's good. Drinks like these can quickly increase your calorie count. The best thing is to prepare the smoothies yourself.

Food to gain weight

The store-bought products often contain too much sugar, which is not good for your health. They are also heated to high temperatures so that they can be kept for a long time. In the process, many vitamins are lost.

Smoothies contain an average of 60 kcal per 100 ml and lots of important nutrients. So you can enjoy homemade smoothies more often.

Tip: Get a very powerful smoothie maker. I ordered it online from Otto.

Our conclusion

If you want to gain weight, you definitely need patience. Gaining weight in a healthy way does not happen overnight.

However, if you add these foods to your diet, you will soon reach your desired weight.

In addition to the right diet, you should also exercise regularly. This will help you build muscle mass and put more weight on the scale.

Good luck with gaining weight!

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