12 effective fascia yoga exercises that release tension

Fascia Yoga Exercise: Little Warrior correct execution

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Do you know fascia yoga exercises? With 12 simple movements, you can loosen your connective tissue, relieve tension and loosen tight fascia. Today I'll show you how you can do your fascia training at home in your living room!

Tension in the neck, shoulders and back can be hell. If, like me, you spend a lot of time in the office, you will certainly be familiar with the problem.

The fact is: if you move too little or the wrong way, glued. Better said, the Fascia glue. 😮💥

The Pain can become unbearable. From stabbing to pinching pain and inability to move, even in absolute relaxation, anything is possible. This can lead to permanent Postural problems such as hunchback or Hollow back. This is anything but pleasant and can have a huge impact on your life. Lack of exercise has far-reaching consequences and is not considered the cause of most common diseases for nothing.

Fascia yoga can help you to become more agile and in the long term No pain more noticeable.

Supple and well-stretched fascia makes us fit. They ensure an upright posture and prevent all kinds of tension pain.

Today I would like to show you the most effective fascia yoga exercises to help you loosen hardening and knots in your connective tissue. 😊

Let's dive into the fascinating world of fascia training together!

What is fascia yoga?

If you think fascia is a new invention, I'm sorry to disappoint you. You now hear a lot about Fascia tissue, however, it is not new.

It has always been there, just very little attention has been paid to it.

Fascia envelops everything in the body. From muscles and organs to nerves, this is exactly where special yoga exercises (asanas) come into play.

Fascia yoga is a special type of yoga. The exercises specifically help to Connective tissue to loosen. In contrast to conventional workouts, fascia yoga exercises Gentle stretches to your destination.

Yoga that targets the fascial tissue is a passive type of yoga. It involves holding the asanas (postures) for longer than in conventional yoga styles. ⏱️🧘‍♀️

In fascia yoga, these play three elements a major role:

  1. Movement
  2. Flexibility and
  3. Holistic approach

You are during the training much in motion and bend your body into many different angles. This allows you to stretch the fascia lines of the entire body - from short to long.

Scientists explain the pain-relieving effect of fascia yoga through the targeted stretching of the connective tissue.

Mobility in focus

If you want to declare war on tension, you can do fascia yoga. Or rather, stretching, rocking, springing and light swinging.

Fascia yoga is particularly effective when the whole body is involved. You move smoothly from one fascia yoga exercise to the next.

However, if you want to specifically tackle tension pain in certain areas, a massage gun can be the solution.

You can use it to massage small and large muscle areas, trigger points and fascia. The massage strokes penetrate deep into the muscle tissue, where the cause of the problem usually lies.

Regular stretching determines success

But what I can say for myself: It really does get better with time. When I started stretching started I was very immobile. The fasciae were hardened and stiff.

All in all, I somehow had the feeling that I could hardly stretch properly. Things have improved a lot since then. However, you really have to regular stretch and stretch. ☝️

I exercise regularly in my living room. Even short sessions of 10 minutes are enough to keep you supple. Of course, you'll reach your goal faster with longer sessions.

The Gymondo fitness platform works really well. You sign up once and can then choose from 60 programs and 570 workouts. All you need is a training mat and a little space in your living room.

There is a very wide range of yoga and stretching sessions.

Training plan for the living room
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You can do abs, legs, butt one day and legs and arms the next. Just put together whatever you feel like doing. With less than 8 euros per month and unlimited access to the workouts, the investment will soon pay off.

You can watch a great video about fascia and good exercises for beginners here:

But now let's get to my favorite fascia exercises.

The best fascia yoga exercises against tension

Fascia yoga is a really great way to train your body and mind at home. Lisa will now show you some wonderful exercises that focus primarily on the back. However, as with all stretching exercises, a whole range of other fascia and muscle groups are involved.

Before your workout, I recommend running on the spot, doing jumping jacks or to drop in on my warm-up program.

Stretch gently and carefully if you are immobile and hardened. The more often you do the exercises, the more supple you will become. Our bodies love variety and being stretched in all directions - even if it doesn't feel like it at first.

My colleague Lisa was kind enough to make herself available as a model. She shows you the best fascia yoga exercises. ❤️🧘‍♀️🙏

Kneeling twist

Training agglutinated fascia yoga exercise twist

  • Kneel on the exercise mat.
  • The tips of the toes are set up.
  • Open the arms in a T-shape.
  • The hands are at the level of the shoulders.
  • As you inhale, pull your shoulder blades away from your ears and back.
  • Now turn the upper body alternately to the right and left side.
  • Hold the tension for as long as possible before changing sides.

Feel the tension in the arms, along the sides of the torso and the back extensor.

Fascia Yoga: Little Warrior

Fascia Yoga Exercise: Little Warrior correct execution

  • Start with a very deep lunge.
  • Place your left leg stretched out behind you on the mat.
  • Raise your left arm and chest upwards so that your upper body is properly stretched.
  • Put your head back.
  • Hold the tension for as long as possible before changing sides.

Feel the stretch in your thighs, hip flexors, outstretched arm and chest.

The standing bend forward

Fascia yoga forward bend with stretched legs

  • Just let yourself hang with this fascia yoga exercise. Literally.
  • To do this, stand upright on the training mat.
  • Now bend upside down and let your upper body hang loosely.
  • Rock very slightly with your legs and upper body.
  • You can place your hands on your ankles to go further into the stretch. But don't force anything!

If you can't stretch your legs, bend them slightly. This fascia yoga session is a matter of practice. It's not about getting particularly far, but about feeling the stretch properly.

Do you notice how the tension is released? The connective tissue is pleasantly loosened during this exercise.

The twisted dove

Please note that this exercise is not suitable for beginners and requires some flexibility!

Fascia yoga exercise for stretching: the twisted dove

  • Sit down on the mat.
  • Place your right leg bent in front of your body. Put your knee and ankle down.
  • Extend your left leg backwards.
  • Now lean your upper body forward.
  • Turn your head to the right side.
  • The right arm is stretched straight up above your head.
  • The left arm points forward.
  • The head touches the mat. The upper body is slightly bent to the side.
  • The left shoulder is completely relaxed and rests on the mat.

Sitting forward bend for stretching the fasciae

Release stuck fascia with fascia yoga exercises: Seated forward bend

  • Sit upright on the exercise mat.
  • Stretch the legs through.
  • Lean your upper body forward a little.
  • Touch the right toes with the left arm.
  • The right arm is firmly extended, pointing upwards and opening the chest.

Lateral stretch against back pain

Exercises against stuck fascia: Stretching exercises against back pain

  • Stand slightly more than hip-width apart on the training mat.
  • Lengthen your back and straighten up.
  • Stretch your arms in the air.
  • Bend alternately to the left and right.
  • Hold the tension for at least 10 seconds on each side.

Breathe firmly in and out of your stomach. You will soon notice that you can stretch even further. However, make sure that your back is upright.

The mermaid fascia yoga exercise

Fascia yoga exercise mermaid against back tension

  • Place both legs on the floor, bent at the side. The left foot rests on the right thigh.
  • Tilt your upper body to the left side.
  • Pull the body lengthwise with the right arm. Stretch your arm over your head.
  • Support yourself with your left arm.
  • The shoulders remain relaxed the whole time.

Feel the stretch in your thighs and flanks.

Fascia Yoga Exercise: The Knee Stand

Fitness Exercise Kneeling Fascia Yoga

  • The starting position is an upright kneeling position.
  • Set up the ten points.
  • The buttocks are stretched back and tense.
  • The arms are side by side above the head.
  • Abdomen and pelvis are tense.

If you can, take the tips of your toes off the floor and pull your heels towards your bottom. Attention, only for advanced users!

Tip: If this exercise causes you knee pain, place a cushion underneath or fold the mat in half.

Fascia Yoga Exercise: The Deer

Fascia stretching with yoga: asana the deer

  • Sit on the mat. Bend your legs. Let your knees fall to the floor to the right.
  • Move your legs until your right shin is parallel to the mat.
  • The rear leg is bent backwards.
  • Slowly rotate the spine to the right.
  • The left hand is on the right knee. The right hand is next to the body.
  • Take a deep breath and hold the tension.

Fascia Yoga: The Butterfly

Fascia Yoga Exercises: The butterfly against back pain

  • Sit upright and bring the soles of your feet together.
  • Pull your feet as close to you as possible.
  • Drop your legs sideways onto the mat as far as possible.
  • Move your hands forward and clasp your toes.
  • The upper body sinks forward.

Yoga exercise the dragon

Fascia yoga exercise the dragon to stretch the legs

  • Start in a quadruped stance. Position your right leg at a 90 degree angle and between your hands.
  • The left leg is stretched straight back.
  • Let the pelvis sink down nice and slow.
  • Your body forms a line - your back is straight.

Lateral stretching with crossed legs

Lateral stretching with legs crossed fascia yoga

  • Stand up straight.
  • Take a step backwards with your right leg and place it to the side of your left leg.
  • Place your left hand on your left thigh.
  • The right hand points upwards and is stretched over the head.
  • Now lean your entire upper body to the left.
  • Hold the tension before changing sides.

How often should I do fascia yoga exercises?

To benefit from fascia yoga, it is ideal if you practise the exercises regularly. For noticeable results, I recommend practicing fascia yoga two to three times a week.

Each session should last around 20 to 30 minutes. Of course, 5 minutes is better than skipping the session completely. It is important that you listen to your body and adapt the intensity and frequency of the exercises to your personal well-being.

Regularity is the key - It's less about how long or intensive each individual session is, but rather about continuity over a longer period of time. This allows you to improve the flexibility of your fascia and release tension effectively. 🙌

How do I start with the exercises?

If you want to start with fascia yoga exercises, 5 to 15 minutes per session is enough to get you started. Start slowly, warm up well and don't do the exercises more than 3x per week. But over a longer period of time.

If you keep at it and consciously take care of tense areas such as your neck, shoulders and back, you will soon notice improvements. As a beginner in particular, you should take time for each sufficient Time and carry them out without haste. 🧘‍♀️⏱️

How does fascia yoga work?

Lisa and I have carefully selected the yoga postures presented here. They are very beneficial and relaxing. They activate and stretch all the fascial pathways in the body.

The slow and flowing movements such as "up and down" or "right and left" stretch the muscles and fasciae. You start slow and then stretch always a little more.

Fascia Yoga relieves pain, helps you get away from stressful everyday life and find relaxation.

The very targeted stretching promotes blood circulation in the tense areas of the body. This helps against the adhesions and tangles.

Fascia yoga is, however not short term carried out when the pain is present. It should be a regular part of your training plan - prevention is better than cure.

Especially if you tend to tense up quickly. This special type of yoga keeps your tissue on its toes. And stay flexible as a result.

The special thing about these stretching exercises is that they not only address superficial fasciae. They also deeper tissue and muscles are stretched. This allows you to release blocked energy pathways.

Fascia yoga is a true magic bullet when it comes to improving the Improve posture and become more agile.

Thanks to the fascia workout, the strength of the muscles is transferred more effectively to the movements. We are therefore more flexible and can move more dynamically. 🙂💪

Benefits of fascia yoga

The fascial lines are stretched, supplied with blood, moisturized and made supple by the stretching exercises. This has many positive effects:

  1. Improved blood circulationYour body is more efficiently supplied with vital nutrients and oxygen, while at the same time metabolic waste products are better removed.
  2. Increased flexibility and stabilityFlexible fascia contributes to improved mobility and stability. This leads to better posture, can prevent joint problems and back pain, compensate for muscular imbalances and relieve tension.
  3. Increase in muscular performanceThe fascial connective tissue plays a crucial role in the performance of your muscles. If the fasciae are elastic, you can train your muscles more effectively, which means their strength is better transferred to your musculoskeletal system.
  4. Faster muscle recovery and lower risk of injuryYour muscles recover faster and are less prone to injury.
  5. Improving bounce: Supple fascia enables explosive and dynamic movements, which can have a positive effect on your jumping power.

Fascia Yoga for releasing tension

What else can I do for my fascia?

Fascia yoga exercises are one part of what you can do. You should also focus on other areas. Many Food ensures that the fasciae remain supple and be realized. These include above all Foodstuffswhich contain many vitamins, minerals and trace elements. So vegetables and fruit.

Also healthy carbohydrates from whole grains and sufficient protein. Eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet - such as white flour, sugar or excessive fat and sugar - all of which can be found in fast food and processed foods. ☝️🙅‍♀️

But probably the most important point is that you drink a lotsuch as unsweetened teas, pure water and water with herbs, fruit, vegetables or ginger. Have a look here: "Drink more: 15 tricks that help immediately!"

Overall, it is extremely important that you lots of movement in your everyday life bring. Even daily walks can make a big difference. Especially if you swing your arms properly.

Regular self-massages or massages with a professional are also a real benefit for the fasciae. If you want to try it yourself, take a look here: "This is how a fascia massage helps against tension!

I can also recommend a massage roller. You can use it to target the exact trigger points in your body where it hurts. The roller and ball are ideal for the thighs, bottom, arms and back. You can do a great workout with it: "Try these fascia roller exercises for your back!

FAQ - the most frequently asked questions about fascia band training

Who is fascia yoga suitable for?

The exercises are mainly used preventively - in other words, before you have serious tension. Fascia yoga is aimed at anyone who wants to improve their flexibility and promote good health into old age.

It is also a good option for anyone who is not very familiar with classical yoga.

Even if you are an athlete with a lot of endurance or muscles but little flexibility, you should incorporate fascia yoga exercises into your routines. From crossfitters to long-distance runners.

What is the difference between yoga and facial yoga?

Yoga, which focuses on fascia training, consists of very flowing exercises similar to Yin Yoga.

There are a large number of fascia yoga exercises. Through the many movement patterns, especially the long fascia pathways are well stretched.

While in usual yoga the asanas look the same for everyone, it is different in this type of yoga. Because here the asanas vary.

You listen specifically to your body. Where is the tension at its worst? How far can I stretch? When should I stop stretching? Everyone answers these questions for themselves.

You stretch as far as your body allows. Sometimes more. Sometimes less.

Why are these exercises so helpful, especially in fall and winter?

It's cold and gets dark quickly. Frost, rain or snow do the rest. 🥶⛄

When it's cold, we tend to tense up very quickly. When we're shivering, we quickly hunch our shoulders. And that's it: We are terribly tense.

Fascia yoga is especially good in fall and winter, when it's cold and dark. With inner serenity, you can Connective tissue loosen and Tension Dissolve. This relieves back pain and gives you new power.

A big plus goes to yoga because it has a very positive effect on our immune system.

Fascia yoga in particular helps us to keep the body moving, which has a Norwegian study at the University of Oslo shown. 💡

Can fascia yoga also be practiced with existing back problems or other complaints?

Yes, fascia yoga can also help with existing Back problems or other ailments, but with some important caveats. It is crucial that you listen to your body and adapt the exercises to your limitations. Fascia yoga can help release tension and improve flexibility, which often leads to relief from back pain.

If you have acute or chronic back problems, you should definitely consult a specialist before starting a fascia yoga program. Doctor or Physiotherapists speak. A specialist can assess whether and which exercises are suitable for you and recommend alternative exercises. 👩‍⚕️🩺

You can also work with a qualified Yoga teachers workwho has experience with fascia yoga and back problems. They can help you to perform the exercises correctly and safely and adapt them to you.

As a general rule, if you feel pain or discomfort during exercise, you should stop immediately and seek medical advice.

How long does it take for me to feel an improvement in my flexibility and a reduction in tension through fascia yoga?

Some factors that play a role here are your current state of health, your general fitness, the frequency and intensity of your yoga practice and your lifestyle.

Many people notice some relief from tension and an improvement in mobility after just a few weeks of regular practice. As a rule, you will notice more significant changes after around 4 to 6 weeks of regular training (two to three times a week).

It is important to understand that fascial yoga is a practice that requires effort and patience. In the long term, fascia yoga can lead to improvements in flexibility, mobility and general well-being.

Remember that every body is unique and responds differently to exercise. It is important to listen to your body and adapt the exercises accordingly to avoid overexertion and injury.

Our conclusion

If you often suffer from tension and neck pain, you probably have tight connective tissue. This can be released with gentle stretching during fascia yoga. If you have acute pain, you should first consult a masseur, physiotherapist or doctor and then start gently with the exercises.

And remember: don't stop doing the exercises! Prevention is much better than having to deal with stubborn and sticky fascia later on.

I hope you get rid of your tension soon. 😊 All the best for you!

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