These exercises strengthen your deep muscles!

Strengthen deep muscles

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Pay a little more attention to your "hidden" muscles! Training the deep muscles pays off. So bad posture, tension and back pain will soon be a thing of the past.

For a strong back, we need strong back and abdominal muscles. But the deep muscles also play an important role here.

It stabilizes every single vertebra of our spine and ensures a high degree of mobility.

But unlike the surface muscles, it is difficult to train. However, there are certain exercises that activate the deep muscles and are very effective.

Strengthen deep muscles exercises

What the deep muscles are in the first place

Muscles can be divided into surface and deep muscles.

The surface muscles mainly include the large muscles that are mostly visible under your skin. These also give your body its shape.

The deep muscles, on the other hand, are somewhat hidden and not visible. It is located under the surface muscles and very close to your joints.

The hidden muscles provide stabilization, balance and support an upright posture.

In contrast to other muscles, they cannot be consciously tensed and instead react reflexively to changes in the position of our body. They tense even before the actual movement, without us noticing.

The deep musculature includes the small muscles along the spine that connect the spinous and transverse processes of the individual vertebrae. But also the pelvic floor muscles and parts of the neck, hip, chest and leg muscles belong to the deep musculature.

Why the deep muscles are so important

Wondering why you should train your deep muscles when you can't see them anyway?

The deep muscles have an important role. They are responsible for your stability and mobility.

If you turn your upper body or tilt it backwards or sideways, the many small muscles ensure that your body is constantly in balance. Both in everyday life and during training.

Strong deep muscles also form the power center of your core, ensuring an upright posture. It also protects ligaments, tendons and joints from injury and wear and tear.

If you sit a lot and move little, your muscles atrophy. This can lead to tension, muscular imbalances and back and joint pain.

Later, coordination difficulties, wear and tear, and limitations in mobility are also added.

Train deep muscles: 12 effective exercises

You can strengthen your deeper muscles with special exercises. However, these are different from an ordinary workout because you can't consciously tense your inner muscles.

Now, above all, stability, body tension and the ability to concentrate are required.

Yoga, Pilates, functional training, core training and balance exercises have proven to be good training methods.

Balance exercises on an unstable surface challenge the deep muscles, and the lateral and twisting movements in yoga and Pilates activate your spine and core.

With core training, you challenge your entire core musculature and thanks to functional training, you work an entire chain of muscles that work together in a complex sequence of movements.

But you can also train your deep muscles at home. We have put together a few effective exercises for you.

1. forearm support

Plank - train deep muscles

  • In the classic plank, you start in a prone position on your stomach.
  • The upper body is supported on the forearms. The elbows are just below the shoulders.
  • The legs are stretched - you touch the floor only with your toes.
  • The body forms a straight line and the gaze is directed downwards.
  • The head is the extension of the spine.
  • Tighten the abdomen and pull it in slightly.
  • Attention: Do not make a hollow back!
  • Hold the position for at least 30 seconds

2. side support to train deep muscles

Lateral Plank - train deep muscles

  • You start in the lateral position.
  • The legs are closed and stretched.
  • Prop yourself up on your elbow - it's right under your shoulder.
  • Slowly lift the pelvis from the floor.
  • Keep the shoulder and pelvis stable.
  • 20 seconds per page.

3. lateral plank and twist in

Plank with rotation - train deep muscles

  • You start again in the normal lateral plank. This time, however, place the upper leg in front. This will help you keep your balance.
  • Tighten your abdomen and buttocks.
  • Now reach under your body with your upper arm. Roll up properly. Attention: The hip remains stable!
  • Roll up again by stretching the arm upwards.
  • And roll up again.
  • Do 10 repetitions per side.

4. train deep muscles with the cat cow exercise

Cat cow exercise

  • You start with the cow. Put your arms under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Stretch your buttocks out so that you form a hollow back.
  • Inhaling make a strong cat hump. To do this, pull the belly button inward and push the back outward.
  • Do 15 repetitions.

5. quadruped stand diagonally

Libra - train deep muscles

  • You start in the quadruped position. The knees are under the hips and the palms under the shoulders.
  • Now tense the abdomen and buttocks.
  • Lift your right leg and left arm from the floor. Stretch them through.
  • Now bring the elbow and knee together at the level of the navel. To do this, bend the leg and arm.
  • Do the exercise with your right leg and left arm first before switching sides.
  • 10 repetitions per side.

6. superman trunk exercise

Superman - train deep muscles

  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • The view is directed downwards.
  • Raise both arms off the floor. The palms point downward.
  • Those who can also lift their outstretched legs from the floor.
  • Hold this position for 3-5 seconds before returning to the starting position, doing the exercise a total of 10 times.

7. train deep muscles: Bridge

Bridge - train deep muscles

  • Lie down on the mat. Arms are parallel to the body.
  • The legs are bent. Press the heels firmly into the floor.
  • Lift your butt off the mat until your body forms a line. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds and lower the butt again. Important: You must not touch the floor.
  • Push the pelvis back up. Do you feel the pulling in your lower back? Very good!
  • Do 15 repetitions.

8. diagonal crunch

Lateral crunch with bent leg

  • Lie on your back. Put your legs up. Beginners can tuck the feet by the sofa, then it's a little easier.
  • Place the hands on the back of the head. The elbows point outward.
  • Lift the head and shoulders off the mat.
  • Now the left elbow touches the right knee.
  • Change the page.
  • Do 15 repetitions.

9. train deep muscles: Lunge with rotation

Lunge with rotation- train deep muscles

  • Stand up straight.
  • Take a big step forward with your right leg.
  • Let the hips sink down.
  • Now turn up with the torso so that the left arm points upwards.
  • Hold the position and then change sides.

10. balance on one leg

Keeping balance on one leg

  • In this exercise you stand on the left leg. Lift the right leg off the floor.
  • It's best to pull the knee up as high as you can.
  • Maintain body tension. Your arms will help you keep your balance during this balance exercise.
  • Stand in this position for 10 seconds before switching legs.

11. standing balance to train deep muscles

Standing balance - strengthen deep muscles

  • Stand up straight.
  • Bend your upper body forward.
  • Stretch the right leg backwards.
  • Stretch the left arm forward. The other arm stretches backward to the leg.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides.

12. butterfly in single leg stand

Butterfly exercise in standing position

  • Stand up straight.
  • Bend your upper body forward.
  • Stretch the right leg backwards.
  • Leg and back form a straight line.
  • Now lift the bent arms up from shoulder height
  • Then bring your arms together under your chest until your elbows touch.
  • Come back to the starting position with your arms.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times and then switch legs.

Our conclusion

You should train your deep muscles and incorporate the exercises into your workout regularly. After all, the deeper muscles help you maintain your daily balance, ensures good posture and prevents back pain and injuries.

Have fun training!

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