How to get rid of stuck fasciae and tension for good

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Tight fasciae lead to pain and tension. We show you how hardening of the fascia tissue occurs and what helps against fascia problems.

From the crown of the head to the toes - fasciae are present in our entire body to find.

Most of the time we pay little attention to them. Yet fasciae have really important tasks. The fascia tissue brings us into shape.

And that literally. Because fasciae give our body its shape and flexibility.

If your fasciae are hardened, stuck or injured, it can lead to bad pain.

What is the fascia tissue and how fascia stick together

The term "fascia" comes from Latin, which means "bundle" or "ligament". So the word itself already describes the structure of the fascia tissue.

Fascia is a ribbon-like tissue that is very strong and rich in collagen. They wrap our brain, bones, muscles and individual muscle fibers. They hold our internal organs together and in place.

Fasciae are also known under the terms ligaments, tendons or muscle skins. Through their tension and the interconnected system, they give us the typical shape.

The fabric consists of collagen fibers, adhesives and water. This composition simultaneously provides stability, elasticity and suppleness. This has the advantage of providing support to our body, allowing supple movements and even easily move organs.

Fascia tasks

  • Fascia holds our joints together
  • It enables the frictional connection between muscles and bones
  • Fascia tissue keeps our organs in the right place
  • Fasciae have a great capacity to absorb water. They serve us as internal fluid reservoirs.
  • Fascia tissue protects organs, bones and joints from mechanical injuries
  • Fasciae shape the body. They also envelop, protect and cushion us.
  • The connective tissue helps us in all movements. It transmits force, tension and stretch.

For a very long time, the importance of fascia was completely underestimated. From Fascia tissue was spoken at most once when it came to Cellulite went.

Now their relevance has been researched and it is known that the very fine skins have a great influence have on the body.

There are sports scientists who consider fascia tissue to be a most important sense organ of the human body. This is because a large number of receptors and nerve cells meet here.

How a fascia roller helps against tension

With tense fasciae, a Blackroll set* help. With the different sizes of massage balls, you will find the right roller for every part of your body. Stuck fascia can be loosened with the help of exercises and rolling over the affected area.

Through the pressure you improve the blood circulation in the affected area. The fasciae begin to regenerate themselves. It also allows the body to better remove lymphatic fluid and boost metabolism.

At first, it is anything but fun. Exercises with fascia rollers can be very painful. But if you keep at it diligently and don't give up, it really pays off.

To loosen the fascia tissue I can give you the Wave Roller fascia roller* recommend. This is a vibrating massage roller that reaches even deep tissue and helps you to relieve tension.

Their surface, unlike other models, is pleasantly soft.

You can choose 5 different levels. The pressure is increased by the vibrations. You activate the muscles and tissues. At the same time, fascia roller exercises do not feel as painful as with a conventional model.

Therabody Wave Roller
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You can use the Wave Roller fascia roller* with the Therabody app and coordinate the intensity and exercises.

The roller is used during workouts, regeneration and injuries. When you roll it over the thigh, the affected fasciae are loosened, but at the same time all the surrounding fasciae are loosened.

3 really exciting facts about fascia

Each person has - depending on body size - 18 to 25 kilograms of connective tissue

Fascia tissue is never finished. It is constantly renewing itself. However, this takes a long time. It takes about a year for half of the Fascia tissue is newly formed

The older we are, the more agglutinated the fasciae. The amount of water in connective tissue decreases with age. Fascia then tends to stick together more often.

How do stuck fasciae develop?

To keep everything in the right place, fascia tissue must be elastic and stable at the same time. And for that, our fasciae need a lot of movement.

If we move too little or in the wrong way, we can Fascia glue. Their structure hardens, we have pain and the body is no longer very mobile.

Release stuck fasciae

Those who sit a lot during work are particularly affected by fascia adhesion. Typical signs for hardened fascial tissue are pain in the neck, shoulders and also back.

What is the connection between fascia and stress?

A very big one! It's crazy what constant stress does. Stress leads to adhesions, which are particularly stubborn.

When we are under power, our body releases adrenaline and noradrenaline. These stress hormones ensure that our fasciae are under tension - without the muscles being involved.

When the stress is over (e.g. the big university project is finished) we relax again. The fasciae relax with us.

Attention applies to all who have very frequent stress. Here it can happen that the fascia lose their flexibility. They harden. We are less mobile. Adhesive fascia are amplified by stress. We get tension and pain.

Adhesive fascia due to stress

At the latest then the gliding ability of the fasciae is very strongly limited. And this is where the vicious circle begins. Because then the lymph fluid can only be removed to a limited extent. As a further consequence, the affected fasciae can no longer move properly.

You can compare this with a spider's web. If several holding threads tear, the entire web reacts. This results in a skewed load - in other words, incorrect loads that can even trigger arthrosis in the long term.

Why do stuck fasciae hurt?

When fasciae are stuck together, we feel pain because the flexibility of the muscle fibers is no longer given. This leads to the fact that the affected nerves are squeezed.

In addition, we automatically put ourselves in a protective posture. We mean well by this. But unfortunately, this does not make the fascia stick together any better. Instead, it gets much worse.

Sticky fasciae are the most common cause of back problems. The problem with the fine fascia tissue: overloading damages our connective tissue just as much as no movement at all. It is therefore important to find a healthy balance.

By the way, muscles are very rarely to blame for pain in the back, neck and shoulders. Clogged fasciae are responsible for the typical "office pain".

What helps against stuck fasciae?

You have a bad pain right now? The first way should lead you to the masseur! The fasciae can be loosened with targeted hand movements. This is terribly painful, but at the same time so wonderfully beneficial.

Once you're halfway back on top, it's time to move on to fascia training. Fascia exercises are a great complement to strength training.

Release stuck fasciae

Regular use of fascia rollers (Blackroll or similar) stimulates the cells in the connective tissue to replace old collagen fibers with new and elastic ones.

Our quick tips against adhesions of the fascia:

  • Take care of your fitness. Move a lot and very regularly!
  • Plan for plenty of opportunities to relax during stressful periods.
  • Sits less! How about a Standing Desk? You can build the standing desk yourself. So you are flexible when working.
  • Off to get a massage. If you have a sore neck on a regular basis, you should definitely start getting massages at regular intervals. Treat yourself to a soothing massage 2x a month.
  • Get your fascia working. And that with a Fascia Roller Workout. The fascia roller helps to loosen slagging and adhesions.
  • Strengthen your fascial tissue through dynamic and non-hectic movements like yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi.

The biggest problem with fascia is that the balance between tension and relaxation is disturbed. It is important to bring this relationship back into balance. Sport and mental relaxation exercises help to achieve this.

If you suffer from stress frequently, the best way to relieve it is through exercise. Best helps Sport against stresswhen you really work your butt off.

Our conclusion

If you often have stuck fascia, it is better to start working on it now rather than later. The most important thing is to get enough exercise to loosen the fascia tissue! Trampoline and loosening exercises are best.

But you should also definitely get yourself a fascia roller. It prevents your connective tissue from hardening.

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