Fascia roller exercises for a tense back

Fascia roller exercises lower back

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Tired of back pain? Then you should put fascia roll exercises for the lower back on your to-do list. Here comes the ultimate workout!

We've all had lower back pain at one time or another. So you're not alone with this problem.

Very many suffer from regularly occurring problems with the back. The reason for this is often muscular imbalances or agglutinated fasciae.

The cause: wrong and too little exercise, as well as one-sided load.

What helps against it? Fascia roller exercises for the lower back!

You can easily do these exercises at home. All you need is an exercise mat and a fascia roller.

How back pain develops in the first place

Back pain is the common complaint par excellence. 70 percent of all adults state that they have back pain at least once a year.

The main reason for this is that we spend far too much time sitting. At work, in the car, on the sofa - we sit all the time and move far too little.

And exactly this Lack of movement makes for painful back tension.

If we don't move enough, our muscles atrophy and without muscles we can't compensate for the pressure on the spine.

Excess weight also puts a strain on the hips, knees, ankles and also the spine! The excess pounds are often the result for back pain.

Stress and worry are another trigger for back problems. Anyone who is stressed unconsciously tenses up the entire body and the pain is there.

The causes and triggers can be quite different. But the solution is the same: exercise!

What role the fascia plays in back pain

Fascia is, simply put, the connective tissue that surrounds all of our internal organs with a protective sheath. They give us shape, support and structure and are fundamental to our movement.

But what do fasciae have to do with our back pain?

You can think of it sort of like a giant spider web laid out throughout our bodies, holding everything in place. Fascia connects bones, muscles, vision and organs together. They are tear-resistant and usually only a few millimeters thick.

If we don't move enough, make the wrong movements, have stress or injure ourselves, the fasciae can harden and stick together.

The agglutinated fasciae restrict mobility, make oxygen supply more difficult and make it harder to remove waste products.

In short, tension occurs.

How a fascia roller can help against back pain

If the fasciae are stuck together, the fascia roller is used.

The rolling movements and pressure massage and loosen the fascia tissue. With the self-massage you also promote the elasticity and suppleness of your fascia.

You can use it to work on your back, shoulders, neck, butt, calves, thighs and feet to release tension and adhesions.

This works in such a way that the connective tissue yields to the pressure during rolling and thus loosens stuck fasciae. The fascia tissue recovers faster and becomes supple again.

If you regularly do fascia roll exercises for the lower back, adhesions and back pain will occur less often.

Fascia roller exercises affect your body like this

  • Massage with the roller loosens agglutinated fascia, relieves pain and improves mobility.
  • Fascia rollers promote muscle recovery after exercise, that's why professionals often use them directly after training.
  • Trigger zones that are very sensitive to pressure or cause pain can be treated well with the massage roller.
  • Fascia roller exercises provide increased blood circulation. This is said to improve even cellulite.

Fascia roller exercises lower back: This is what you should pay attention to

It is important that you perform each exercise slowly and listen to your body. If it is too painful, protect yourself more and take the pressure off the spot.

The fascia roller exercises are not about constantly rolling the roller up and down. Rather, you should find the place where the massage causes pain and endure the pressure here for a while. The pain is briefly high at the beginning, but then quickly becomes more bearable.

  • Pay attention to body tension. Try to maintain it during the exercise. Only then will the exercises really serve their purpose.
  • Fiber rolling exercises for the lower back must always be done slowly. It is not about doing a certain number of repetitions in a short time. Because the exercises are painful, many tend to get them over with as quickly as possible. However, this makes little sense. You need to do the exercises slowly. It will be more pleasant - I promise :)
  • Start your workout slowly. Eight repetitions are more than enough for beginners. Always listen to your body and do fewer repetitions, but do them slowly and cleanly.
  • Breathe in and out calmly during the workout. Do not hold your breath, even if it hurts.

What fascia roller exercises are especially good for the lower back

You don't need a special roller for fascia roller exercises. A normal model is perfectly adequate. We have the same the whole Blackroll set* has been added. With the Blackroll Ball or the Blackroll Duoball, the exercises become even more intensive.

Blackroll set
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Fascia roller exercises: lower back

Fascia roller exercises lower back

  • Sit on the fascia roller and lean back. Support yourself with your arms.
  • The legs are angled.
  • Place one leg just in front of the knee of the other. This way you reach the deep muscles.
  • If that's too painful for you, you can put both legs down.
  • Now very slowly roll over your butt and lower back, slowly stretching and tightening your foot.
  • Change sides after about 1 minute.

Roll out back pain

lower back fascia roller

  • Sit on the floor with your legs up and support yourself with your arms behind.
  • Place the roller in the area of the lower back.
  • Lean back with your upper body and lift your buttocks slightly off the floor. The neck remains in extension of the spine. Roll out along your lumbar spine.

Release tension in the back

Fascia roller exercises back

  • Lie on your back.
  • Raise the pelvis and place the fascia roll under the sacrum.
  • Now stretch out both legs alternately and open the arms upwards.
  • Hold the position and breathe deeply in and out.

Fascia roller exercises for the back

If you want to do something good for your whole back, you'll love this exercise. You massage from the tailbone to the cervical spine.

Fascia roller exercises back

  • This fascia roller exercise is performed lying down.
  • Initially, position yourself so that the roller is below the shoulder blades.
  • Angle the legs. Place the feet flat on the floor. Lift the buttocks off the mat.
  • Tighten the abdominal muscles. Now slowly move your back over the roller and back again.
  • Your legs will help you by stretching and tightening.

Lower back treatment with fascia roller exercises

Fascia roller exercises


  • Stand with your back against the wall. Take one step away from the wall and bend your knees.
  • Place the roller in the starting position at the level of the shoulder blades.
  • Now you work the lower back with the fascia roller.
  • To do this, go from a squatting position to a position with legs extended.

How often you should do the fascia roll exercises for the lower back

One more training session per week? It's half as bad - I promise!

If you have stuck fascia, then you should do the fascia roller exercises for the lower back twice a week. About 10 minutes.

If there is nothing wrong with you and you want to prevent back pain, then one session of 10 minutes per week is enough. But you absolutely have to keep at it. It won't get better from one day to the next.

Even if the exercises are painful at the beginning, it gets better every time. You will already notice the first successes and feel fitter and more mobile overall.

You can also do fascia training after your workout. This relaxes the muscles and improves recovery.

Fascia roller exercises lower back: That's why you should not do without it

Treat your Connective tissue a regular massage. Even though the workout itself can be quite painful, in hindsight it does quite a bit of good and helps with lower back pain.

If you do the exercises regularly, you can make sure that tension doesn't occur in the first place.

The fascia workout is suitable for everyone. No matter how old, athletic or tense you are. It helps to strengthen the connective tissue or get rid of tension.

And the best part is that you can do the exercises anywhere. At home, in the park or in the gym. You can take the roller with you everywhere.

Our conclusion

Fascia roller exercises for the lower back help to get rid of and prevent tension. Start training right away. It is really worth it. You will become more flexible and supple and the pain will be forgotten in no time.

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