The best exercises for the lower back

Exercises for the lower back

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Tired of back pain? Then you should put exercises for your lower back on your to-do list. Here comes the ultimate workout!

Lower back pain is something we've all had. I even had it so bad that I had to go to the doctor. With an injection, it should go away quickly. But that's not a permanent solution. Injections and medications only mask the problem and don't treat the cause.

You are not alone with the problem of lower back pain. Very many suffer from it and it becomes more and more.

The reason for this can be muscular imbalances or tension. The cause is quickly found: wrong and too little movement as well as one-sided stress due to sitting too much.

Do you recognize yourself?

The good news is that there are great exercises for the lower back that provide strengthening and work long-term.

What is the secret against back pain?

To the right and left of our spine run two strands of muscle. They are responsible for stability and allow us a lot of mobility. This is the back extensor (long back muscles).

If you need to relieve your back, it is important to strengthen the entire body center (torso), which also confirms this Ohio State University study. Weak muscles in the trunk put strain on the spine, causing the back to compensate for the lack of strength. Eventually, it becomes exhausted, leading to back problems. Likewise, a unstretched hip to back pain lead.

What helps against it? Regular exercises for the lower back! And not to forget: strengthening the abdominal and pomus muscles so that the center of the body is strengthened, as well as stretching exercises for loosening up.

When there is pain in the back, these muscles and muscle groups are involved:

  • the hip flexor
  • the anterior thigh muscles
  • the hip extensor
  • the back of the thigh
  • the abdominal muscles
  • and the back extensor

Your task now is to strengthen and stretch them all to prevent pain in the future. You don't have to go to the gym to do this. There is a whole range of exercises that you can easily do at home. You don't even need any equipment.

What exercises for lower back pain?

As training for the back are good all exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles. They are summarized under the term spinal gymnastics.

If you have pain, you should first stretch, warm up, relax and let yourself be massaged. Then slowly start training and building muscles.

Exercises that are suitable for the lower back should not only be done when you have pain. Continue to do them afterwards as a preventative measure. They help you build muscle and prevent back pain from occurring in the first place.

What you should also know is that exclusively back exercises will not help or will rarely help. You need to look at your body as a unit and strengthen it as a whole. With back problems, but also especially the opposites of the back: The abdominal muscles and Pomuscles.

Back problems often occur because our posture is not optimal. Hunchback in combination with Hollow back are classics that cause lower back pain. Yoga and Pilates are especially helpful if you want to improve your posture and relieve the strain on your back.

Do you have acute pain right now? Then I can recommend these 5 gentle exercises that have an immediate relaxing effect:

What are the best exercises for the lower back?

To build muscle in the lower back, you need to stabilize and mobilize the spine - from the tailbone up to the head. That's why this workout consists of a mix of stretching and strengthening exercises for the back, abdomen and buttocks.

Note: If you have back pain right now, do the exercises very slowly and carefully. If pain occurs, skip the exercise and move on to the next one. If pain persists, talk to a doctor.

Supine back stretch (Superman exercise)

This exercise trains all the muscles of the back - from the shoulders to the buttocks and pays special attention to the back extensor.

Difficulty: medium

Goal: Strengthening and stretching

Exercises for the lower back

  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • The view is directed downwards.
  • Raise both arms off the floor. The palms point downward.
  • Those who can, also lift their outstretched legs from the floor.
  • Hold this position for 3-5 seconds before returning to the starting position, doing the exercise a total of 10 times. 3 passes.

Chest lift with bent arms

Difficulty: medium

Goal: Strengthen

Strengthen back muscles with exercises

  • In the prone position, place your feet hip-width apart on the tops of your feet.
  • Position the palms at the level of your head.
  • The palms of the hands point downward.
  • Lift the upper body off the exercise mat and pull the shoulder blades together.
  • Hold the position for 3-5 seconds and do 10 repetitions for 3 passes.


Difficulty: easy

Goal: Strengthen

Lower back workout

  • You start lying on your back.
  • Angle the legs and lift the pelvis.
  • Push the pelvis through properly and the heels into the training mat. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds.
  • Lower the butt again, but do not put it down and push up again.
  • Do 12 repetitions and 3 passes.

Leg lift in prone position

This exercise you need to do slowly, but with maximum body tension.

Difficulty: medium

Goal: Strengthen


Exercises for the lower back at home

  • Lie down on your stomach. Cross your arms and rest your head on them. The gaze is directed downward.
  • Angle the legs. Tighten the buttocks and raise the thighs as far as possible under tension.
  • Hold the legs in position for 2-3 seconds and put them back down. Try to get to 10 repetitions and 3 passes.

Quadruped stand diagonally

With this exercise you will also improve your balance. This is one of the exercises for the lower back, which is very suitable for beginners.

Difficulty: easy

Goal: Strengthening and stretching

Exercises lower back workout

  • In the starting position, stretch your left arm and right leg.
  • Now pull your elbow and knee towards each other at about the level of your belly button.
  • And then stretch back to starting position.
  • Do 10 repetitions before switching sides. 1x right and 1x left = 1 pass. Do a total of 3 repetitions.

Kettlebell training for the lower back

For a few exercises for the lower back you can use a kettlebell. Alternatively, you can also use a dumbbell.

Difficulty: medium

Goal: Strengthen

Strengthen lower back

  • Open the legs a little wider than shoulder width.
  • Bend the legs and lean the upper body forward.
  • Grab the kettlebell with both hands.
  • Pull the kettlebell up about 15 cm and then lower it again.
  • Important: The movement starts from the lower back. The legs, arms and upper back remain in the same position throughout.
  • Do 15 repetitions with the right hand. Then switch directly to the left hand and only then take a break. Do a total of 3 repetitions.

Advanced users do this exercise one-handed. One hand grips the kettlebell, the other rests with the palm on the lower back.

Back stretch on the exercise ball

Difficulty: hard

Goal: Strengthen

Back stretch with exercise ball as back workout

  • Lie down on the gynecological ball so that your pelvis has the main contact with the ball.
  • The legs are slightly open and stretched through.
  • Put your feet against the wall or a sofa so you don't slip away.
  • Place your hands on the back of your head.
  • Now raise and lower the upper body by 10-20 centimeters.
  • Try to do 10 repetitions and 3 passes.


In yoga there are many good exercises for the back and shoulders. If you often have problems with this, then it is worth doing yoga regularly.

Difficulty: medium

Goal: Strengthening and stretching

Strengthen back training

  • Lie on your stomach. The feet are stretched.
  • Place the hands at the level of the shoulders.
  • Push the upper body away from the mat. Do this until you feel the tension in your lower back.
  • Hold the position for 3 to 5 long breaths. Do 10 repetitions.

Mountain Climber

This exercise really heats up your abdomen, butt and back muscles. With this full-body exercise you strengthen the entire torso.

Difficulty: hard

Goal: Strengthen

Mountain Climber

  • Come into the plank position. Place your hands under your shoulders, straighten your legs and lift your knees off the floor. You form a line from the shoulders to the heels.
  • Raise the left leg and pull the knee to the left elbow. Stretch the leg back again and put it down.
  • Repeat the passage with the right leg to the right elbow.

Advanced users can make it harder by pulling the left knee to the right elbow and vice versa.


You can do this exercise standing or sitting. It is usually more comfortable standing, especially if you already have back pain. You can still reach the floor with your hands? Then look watch this trick!

Difficulty: Easy

Goal: Stretch

Stretch legs forward bend - stretch back of thighs

  • Stand with your legs slightly open. Stretch the legs through.
  • Now very slowly bend forward and let the upper body tilt down.
  • Lean forward as far as you can. You should feel a stretch in your lower back and legs. If the pull in the legs is too great, you can bend them slightly.
  • Hold the exercise for 5 deep breaths.

Cat cow position

Also from yoga comes the cat cow exercise. This is a wonderful exercise to stretch and strengthen the entire back. This exercise is the perfect conclusion after the workout.

Difficulty: easy

Goal: Stretch

Yoga against back pain

  • You start with the cow. Put your arms under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Stretch your buttocks out so that you form a hollow back.
  • Inhaling make a strong cat hump. To do this, pull the belly button inward and push the back outward.
  • Do 10 repetitions and 3 passes.

Exercise with the fascia roller

Studies have shown that fascia rollers can relieve muscle tension and stiffness. This increases the range of motion of the muscles. It is also exciting that many tensions in the lower back have their origin in the gluteal muscles. That's why it's hugely important that you reach for the fascia roller regularly when you have back tension. One particularly great exercise is this one.

If slow rolling over your glutes hurts, then your fascia is stuck together and contributing to your pain.

Difficulty: medium

Fascia exercises legs

  • Sit on the roller. Place both hands behind your back and bend your legs.
  • Now lift your right leg off the floor. Place it at the level of the ankle, just above the knee.
  • Now slowly roll back and forth - making sure the roller moves from the center of the left gluteal muscle to the spine.
  • Do this exercise for about one minute and then switch legs. You can do this exercise 3-4 times a day if you have tension.

What you should pay attention to when stretching the lower back

Besides muscle building, stretching is one of your most important tasks from now on. It helps to keep muscles, vision, ligaments and fascia supple. Stretching is especially important as a balance to the classic office job.

Here's what you need to watch out for:

  • Stretch regularly. Take a few minutes each day to relieve pressure on your lower back.
  • Especially good are exercises like the cat-cow position, Hip flexor stretches or all forms of Office gymnastics exercises. In this post you will find a Collection of light stretching exercises for the back.
  • If you feel a pleasant tugging sensation while stretching, that's perfectly fine. However, if you feel a sharp pain, you should listen to your body and slow down. If necessary, contact a physical therapist who can show you exercises that are specifically designed for you.

Who should not do these exercises?

Lower back exercises are not always suitable to help you. You should only ever do them if you haven't had any fractures, inflammation or herniated discs already.

The most common cause of lower back pain is "non-specific back pain." So no inflammations, fractures or similar injuries.

If you are unsure, you should always consult a doctor first. Get advice and investigate the causes together. If everything is in the green so far, you can focus on exercises for the lower back.

In addition, you should become more active in everyday life. That means walking more often, exercising regularly and swapping the elevator for the stairs.

What exercises are off limits for the lower back when I have pain?

If you already have back pain, you should stay away from some exercises. They can increase your suffering.

Crunches and sit ups

Back pain? Then stay away from crunches and sit ups. With both exercises you lie on your back and roll up your spine. So from lying down you come to sitting.

But if you have back pain or are a complete beginner, then there is a lot of pressure on your spine every time you do a workout. And if the muscles and fascia in that area are already offended, you may be making it worse.

If you have a bad technique, then you can trigger herniated discs, shoulder and neck pain.

So, make sure you do the exercises very cleanly. If you are unsure, take a few lessons with a personal trainer to be on the safe side. He will point out exactly what you are doing wrong.

Fitness equipment and weight

If you're wondering what exercises are harmful for your lower back, then you should look from bodyweight training to weights. Because equipment and weights are absolutely unsuitable if you have pain or are prone to pain in the back.

Beginners should also never train with weight.

Very quickly, beginners fall into a hollow back or form a hunchback. In the worst case, both at the same time. Even without weight, this is a great strain on the body. If a piece of equipment then comes into play, things get critical.

Again, if you're unsure, ask a fitness instructor for help.

Exercises with fascia roller

Have you ever integrated the fascia roller into your workout? For a few years now, the fascia roller has been experiencing a lot of hype. With it you can wonderfully massage fine muscles and help the fascia to regenerate and loosen.

But you have to be careful in the back area. The problem is that you have little muscle and tissue here. If you do the exercises wrong, then the fascia roller presses on the vertebrae. And that can lead to back pain. Therefore, especially as a beginner, or if you have pain, you should only roll the buttocks with it.

What does nutrition have to do with back pain?

Would you have guessed that your diet has an impact on your back? Amazing, isn't it? But in fact, strict diets can harm your back. You don't eat enough vitamins and minerals. However, your body urgently needs them to keep all processes in balance.

Anyone who drinks too little is also not doing their back any good. Because our body needs a whole lot of water every day. Not only to flush out toxins, but also to keep the intervertebral discs supple.

Your back will be happy about soft and supple intervertebral discs! By the way, you also support your workout. Because only if you drink regularly and sufficiently, exercises for the lower back actually make sense.

Our conclusion

Exercises for the lower back can eliminate and prevent pain. Once you've eliminated your acute back pain, don't stop exercising. Strengthen your abdominal muscles as well if you want to get rid of back pain once and for all, and don't forget to stretch regularly.

Get well soon and good training!

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