Dry hair? 11 ingenious home remedies for more shine!

Dry hair

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Dry hair? No, thanks! We have the best tips for you, so that your hair becomes shiny and smooth again.

Your hair is dry, dull and looks straw-like? No need to worry. Often too much or wrong care is the reason for dry hair.

To finally get silky soft hair again, you need to pay extra attention to your hair.

We have looked around and tell you what you need to look out for and which natural remedies help against dry hair.

How you recognize dry hair

You can recognize dry hair especially at the tips. They feel brittle and have split ends. If your hair is dry, you can also recognize it by a lack of shine.

The hair looks straw-like and dull. They also lose color. Dry hair tangles quickly and is difficult to comb.

The scalp is also too dry. Among other things, it makes itself felt through itching and dry dandruff.

Why your hair is dry

Dry hair can have several causes. Temperature changes, sun exposure, blow drying, straightening, coloring, too frequent washing or wrong care products are usually to blame.

The hair has a protective layer that is released onto the hair through the sebaceous mantle of the scalp. Thus, they retain their moisture.

With dry hair, the natural protective film is damaged. With very long mane, the sebum often no longer reaches the tips. They become dry and split.

What you should know: Biotin plays a crucial role in keeping hair healthy. It prevents broken, dry and brittle hair and is an essential building block for healthy hair. Biotin is also called vitamin B7 or H. The body cannot produce it itself, so we have to get it from food.

There is a lot of biotin in beef liver, yeast, egg yolk, peanuts and oatmeal. But there is a delicious alternative and that is Biotin gummy bears* :) So you can snack and do something good for your mane.

Also in the Biotin gummy bears* you will find zinc, folic acid, vitamins A, C and E. In other words, a full load of hair power. The light orange bears taste like wild berries and are delicious. I can highly recommend them. If you're not satisfied, there's a 30-day money-back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose.

Biotin gummy bears
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Because they are high doses, you only need to eat one gummy bear per day. Sounds good, doesn't it? :)

So if you have dry ends and overall stubborn hair, you should try a hair vitamin mix and take it for a month. You will definitely notice a change!

What home remedies for dry hair help

With these home remedies you finally get soft, smooth and shiny hair again. So you don't have to resort to expensive products.

Dry hair

1. olive oil moisturizes

Olive oil is one of the most popular home remedies for dry hair. The high content of vitamin E and antioxidants seals the top layer of hair and repairs damaged hair.

Olive oil also provides more moisture and shine.

For application take about 1 cup of olive oil, depending on the length of the hair. Warm the oil slightly and spread it on the scalp and in the hair.

Massage the oil for 10 minutes and cover your hair with a warm towel. Leave the olive oil on for 30 minutes or even overnight. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

For dry hair, you should repeat this once a week.

Tip: Instead of olive oil you can also Coconut oil*, Almond oil*sesame oil, castor oil or Jojoba oil* use.

2. honey for dry hair

The honey allows the hair to better absorb moisture. It provides soft and shiny hair.

Dry hair

Simply spread half a cup of honey in freshly washed and damp hair. Massage it gently into the scalp.

Cover the hair with a shower cap and wash it out only after 30 minutes.

You can use the honey mask twice a week.

3. healthy hair with avocado

Avocados are rich in saturated fatty acids. These support moisture absorption and strengthen the hair.

Also, avocados provide vitamin A, E, proteins and minerals. They nourish the hair and help against dry hair.

Cut the avocado in half and scoop out the flesh. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and a little lemon juice to the flesh.

Mix everything into a creamy mass and spread it in your hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse the paste.

Tip: Use natural hair care

If you want to have beautiful and smooth hair in the long term, you should avoid artificial additives in shampoos. Fragrances, artificial colors, parabens and other softeners damage your mane in the long run. The hair becomes shaggy, dry, straw-like and the roots become greasy more quickly.

If you want to make shot with it, then I can recommend natural cosmetics.

Care hair Ultra Green

4. coconut oil against dry hair

Surely you have already heard the tip with Coconut oil* get. Many swear by the vegetable oil.

Take something Coconut oil*, rub it between your hands until it becomes liquid and distribute it through damp hair.

The leave-in care provides shine and soft hair.

5. mayonnaise as a home remedy for dry hair

Mayonnaise against dry hair? Yes, it really helps! Massage mayonnaise generously into your hair before showering. Leave it on for ten to thirty minutes. Then rinse it well.

Through the mayonnaise, the shampoo can no longer dry out your hair. The only drawback: it stinks!

Dry hair

6. eggs for strong hair

Eggs contain a lot of protein and good fats. These are also good for your hair.

Mix one egg with a little olive oil. Apply the paste before shampooing and leave for 20 minutes.

Through the mask your hair will be strengthened and get more shine again.

With the egg mask the hair is not as greasy as with the olive oil or mayonnaise. If you have rather oily hair, then use only the egg white. But if you have very dry hair then you should use the egg yolk. Otherwise, just use the whole egg.

Attention: Use the mask only every two to four weeks.

7. bananas prevent split ends

Bananas provide your hair with a lot of moisture. The high potassium and moisture content protects hair from split ends, improves elasticity and provides soft hair.

To do this, take a ripe or overripe banana. Mash it and spread it from the roots of the hair to the tips.

Leave the banana in the hair for an hour and then rinse with lukewarm water.

8. apple cider vinegar nourishes your hair

The vinegar restores the natural pH of the hair. It also frees your hair from shampoo residues and other hair care products. Vinegar reduces itching of the scalp and dandruff.

For use, mix half a cup of vinegar with one cup of water. Use the mixture as a conditioner after washing your hair. Leave it on for ten minutes and then rinse well.

Dry hair

9. strawberries for a beautiful mane

Strawberries not only taste delicious, but also give your mane quite a bit of shine.

Indeed, the berries contain particularly high levels of vitamin C. The low pH value ensures that the scale layer closes.

Because this is often the problem with dry hair. The scales stand out. As a result, the hair is knotted and looks dull.

With the DIY strawberry mask you can counteract this.

Crush five to six strawberries in a bowl. Add a tablespoon of your conditioner and distribute everything in your hair. Leave for fifteen minutes and then rinse well.

Dry hair

10. flaxseed helps with dry mane

The small seeds are the excellent hair savior. For a self-mixed paste of Flaxseed* helps to get rid of dry hair.

Flaxseed* swell in water and form a kind of gel. Apply this gel to the dry areas of your hair.

For the Flaxseed* Pour two to three tablespoons of water over the mask. Flaxseed* with one liter of boiling water. Leave the mixture to stand for a few hours until it has a gel-like consistency.

Pass the mixture through a sieve and distribute the gel in damp hair. The mask remains in the hair. Therefore, do not wash out.

11. argan oil makes dry hair disappear

Argan oil* is made from the seeds of the argan tree in Morocco. The oil has a moisturizing and circulation-promoting effect.

Massage the oil into the ends of the hair and onto the scalp. Wash the Argan oil* after 30 minutes or leave it on overnight.

Tip: You can also add the oil to dry hair after washing.

What else helps against dry hair

Not only home remedies help you to get healthy hair again. You should also observe other habits or better leave them alone.

The right care

You have dry hair? Do not use straighteners and other hot appliances. Blow-dry your hair with cold air or even do without blow-drying altogether.

Also pay attention to which care products you use. Choose a shampoo that contains nourishing oils and moisturizing ingredients.

Use styling products without alcohol. Because this dries out the hair strongly.

Cut your tips regularly

If you have split ends, you should cut your hair regularly. That way, split ends can't move up even further and your mane can grow back healthily.

Dry hair

Save your hair

Less is more. This sentence applies to both hair washing and styling. Wash your hair a maximum of two to three times a week.

You should also use styling products sparingly. Residues of shampoos, hairsprays and the like dry out your hair.

Tip: The Golden Curl straightener makes your hair smooth and soft. You can order it from Amazon. With it you can straighten your mane and at the same time form beautiful curls. This professional device is used in many hair salons!

Why healthy eating is so important

A healthy diet is the basic requirement for healthy hair. Those who eat a lot of fruit, vegetables and healthy fats provide the hair with all important nutrients. Especially B vitamins, iron, protein and zinc play an important role.

B vitamins strengthen hair and stimulate sebum production. Iron is responsible for protein production and prevents hair loss. E-white supports the formation of creatine. Zinc promotes hair growth and protects the scalp.

Our conclusion

Dry hair looks anything but beautiful. Our tips will help you get your mane back into shape. Soon you'll have your shiny and healthy hair back.

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