The best vitamins for hair loss

Vitamins against hair loss

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Hair loss and thinning hair are often due to a lack of nutrients. We tell you which vitamins help against hair loss.

We all know it, the hair is just everywhere and even the brush is full of it. But why do we actually lose so much hair?

When there is a deficiency of important minerals such as biotin, iron, niacin and zinc, the hair roots are not sufficiently supplied. The hair falls out. Unhealthy eating habits also promote hair loss.

Vitamins against hair loss can stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. So that the hair grows back faster, you should take enough of them.

What hair loss actually is

Until the age of 25, hair roots are very active and dense hair grows back regularly.

After that, thin hair grows more. Between the ages of thirty and forty, the first bald patches appear.

Vitamins against hair loss

When more hair falls out every day than grows back, it is called hair loss. Hair loss can have many causes.

In most cases, excessive hair loss is due to nutritional deficiencies. So to an undersupply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements .

Vitamins protect against hair loss and promote hair growth.

Why vitamins help against hair loss

For hair to grow, a good supply of vitamins A, B, C and E is necessary. Iron, folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids and zinc are also important for hair. In addition, the body needs amino acids and trace elements to grow.

A deficiency leads to disturbances in the hair growth cycle. Vitamins against hair loss can help here. To stimulate hair growth, eat sea fish and vegetables regularly. Replace white flour with whole grain flour and reduce your sugar consumption.

Brown rice contains more fiber than parboiled rice. If you are vegetarian, use linseed oil, borage oil or hemp oil.

A diet against hair loss should preferably consist of fresh ingredients and organic products. Drink two liters of water every day. The organism needs a lot of liquid to remove waste products. This improves the blood supply to the scalp. This stimulates the hair roots to grow.

What are the most important vitamins against hair loss

Vitamin deficiency is one of the main causes of hair loss. The cells that make up our hair follicles are extremely active.

They are among the body cells with the highest metabolic turnover and therefore depend on many nutrients.

Vitamins against hair loss

Hair loss often occurs when there is an undersupply of vitamins and trace elements. You can counteract hair loss with a balanced, vitamin-rich diet.

Excessive hair loss can be recognized by the fact that at least 100 hairs fall out every day. If a lot of hair remains on your brush after combing, this can also be hair loss.

In the case of hair loss caused by vitamin deficiency, the hair grows back only sparsely. As a result, the volume of the hair decreases.

Vitamin H for full hair

Vitamin H is also known as biotin. The water-soluble vitamin is involved in various metabolic processes. Biotin is an important building block for the L-cysteine metabolism. This is important for hair growth.

Incorrect diet and side effects of medication lead to biotin deficiency symptoms. The result is hair loss.

Biotin plays a very crucial role in making hair grow faster and thicker. It prevents broken, dry and brittle hair and is an essential building block for healthy hair.

There is a lot of biotin in beef liver, yeast, egg yolk, peanuts and oatmeal. But there is a delicious alternative and that is Biotin gummy bears* :) So you can snack and do something good for your mane.

Also in the Biotin gummy bears* you will find zinc, folic acid, vitamins A, C and E. In other words, a full load of hair power. The light orange bears taste like wild berries and are delicious. I can highly recommend them. If you're not satisfied, there's a 30-day money-back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose.

Biotin gummy bears
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Because they are high doses, you only need to eat one gummy bear per day. Sounds good, doesn't it? :)

Strengthen hair roots with vitamin E

Vitamin E belongs to the antioxidants and promotes the growth of new blood vessels and blood circulation in the scalp. The hair roots are thus better supplied with nutrients and hair growth is stimulated.

The vitamin is found in nuts and unprocessed cereal grains. For thick hair provide hair care products that contain vitamin E. Hair care oils are massaged into the scalp for hair loss.

Tip: Hair care oils are a true gehemeinwaffe for damaged hair. Especially Argan oil* is known to nourish the hair. You can Argan oil* Order from Amazon.

D vitamins against hair loss

Vitamin D deficiency alters the hair follicle cycle. The growth phase of the hair is prolonged by too little vitamin D. As a result, less hair grows back. Vitamin D production takes place to 80 to 90 percent through the UVB radiation of the sun.

Get outside regularly. No matter what the weather. This is how you can prevent vitamin D deficiency symptoms and thus hair loss.

Eat a lot of fish in winter. Fatty fish such as salmon, trout or sardines are particularly beneficial for the vitamin D level. Cod liver oil also contains sufficient vitamin D.

I always take vitamin D drops in the winter months. This protects the hair and they do not become so brittle.

Promote hair growth with vitamin C

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and protects the delicate hair follicles.

An adequate supply of vitamin C promotes the natural growth of hair. Particularly rich in vitamin C are citrus fruits and vegetables such as peppers, cabbage and radish.

Vitamins against hair loss

Care hair with vitamin A

Vitamin A plays an important role in the care of hair. The fat-soluble vitamin supports hair growth. A vitamin A deficiency can lead to hair loss.

The best sources of vitamin A are animal foods. Vegans and vegetarians can meet their vitamin A needs by regularly eating vegetables such as carrots, broccoli and spinach. These vegetables contain a lot of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A by the organism.

B vitamins against hair loss

For healthy hair provide the B vitamins. The vitamins against hair loss promote hair growth and pantothenic acid. You can find this acid especially in milk, eggs and beef. It favors the cell division of the hair follicles.

In order for the hair roots to fulfill their tasks, sufficient vitamin B must always be available. Vitamins B3, B5, B6 and niacin are particularly important for hair growth.

B group vitamins support metabolism and stimulate sebaceous gland activity. They also protect the scalp from inflammation. For stress-related hair loss, dietary supplements and hair care products containing the vitamin B complex help.

You can take these vitamins one at a time, or you can take the Biotin gummy bears*. It contains everything your mane needs to regain its strength.

Important trace elements and minerals against hair falling out

Trace elements and minerals are just as important as vitamins against hair loss. Excessive hair loss is often caused by iron or zinc deficiency.

Vitamins against hair loss

Zinc provides the amino acid important for building hair keratin. The consequences of a zinc deficiency are brittle, colorless and thin hair.

Use a dietary supplement if you suffer from a deficiency of minerals and trace elements.

L-Cystine for thick hair

For the formation of hair L-cystine is indispensable. It performs the most important functions in the organism and should not be missing in the treatment of hair loss. L-cystine influences the structure of hair and ensures thick hair.

Prevent hair loss with zinc

Zinc is a vital trace element involved in the formation of keratin. A deficiency of zinc can promote hair loss.

The trace element is found in milk, cheese, meat and eggs. Good plant sources of zinc are legumes, nuts, oilseeds and whole grains.

Iron against hair loss

Many women suffer from iron deficiency. This could also be a cause of hair loss. Foods such as liver, wheat bran and legumes have a high iron content. Drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice with your meals, because vitamin C improves the absorption of iron.

Tip: If you regularly suffer from iron deficiency, iron supplements can help you. Or you can make sure that your food is particularly rich in iron!

What causes hair loss

Hair loss statistically affects every fourth woman. Every second man suffers from a lack of hair growth. The causes of hair loss include:

  • Hormone fluctuations
  • genetic predisposition
  • unhealthy diet
  • Stress
  • Diseases

In conjunction with an unhealthy lifestyle, the risk of hair loss is increased. Nutritional deficiencies, alcohol and nicotine consumption have a negative impact on the hair structure.

Often hair loss is also genetically determined. Over the years, the growth rate of the hair decreases. At the same time, the phase of active hair growth is shortened. Hair loss develops.

Vitamins against hair loss

The natural aging process also has an influence on hair density. Hormone changes during puberty, pregnancy and menopause can lead to hair loss.

If you have just stopped taking the pill, it is not uncommon that you lose hair. But this settles down again after a few months. By the way: Stress can also promote hair loss.

A diet rich in vitamins and healthy promotes hair growth naturally.

Our conclusion

Hair loss is caused by different factors. The causes of hair loss include homon fluctuations and genes. But also vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Vitamins against hair loss and a balanced diet will protect you from excessive loss of hair.

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