This is how much caffeine is in black tea

black tea caffeine amount

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You've heard that black tea contains caffeine and wonder how much is in a cup of tea? Here you can find out everything you need to know about this delicious coffee alternative.

Coffee has never really been your favorite. You drink it now and then when you want to concentrate better, but you'll probably never become friends.

At least that's how I felt. And I still feel that way. That's why I've been looking for tasty alternatives to keep me awake. And I stumbled across tea. More precisely, about black tea.

But how much caffeine does a black tea have? Can you compare the effect with a cup of coffee or do you have to drink more of it? I asked myself all this. I did some research and now I'm going to tell you everything I could find on the subject of black tea caffeine and pick-me-ups.

In what quantities black tea contains caffeine

The exact amount is difficult to determine. After all, it always depends on the quality and type of tea. The only thing they all have in common is that black tea contains caffeine. The amounts vary per cup between 30 and 60 mg.

This depends on the maturation of the tea, the origin, the quality and the exact type of tea. Also how long you steep the tea has an influence on how much caffeine black tea contains.

Caffeine drinks - Black tea

Coffee or black tea - Which contains more caffeine

Basically, there is more caffeine in black tea than in coffee. One coffee bean contains 2% caffeine. The same amount of tea contain 1-5% caffeine.

However, you need much more coffee powder for a liter of coffee than tea leaves for a cup of tea.

So, to contrast the caffeine content of black tea and coffee, we need two cups of the finished hot beverage.

The easiest way is with 100 milliliters.

  • 100 milliliters of black tea has 20-50 mg of caffeine
  • 100 milliliter of coffee has about 80 mg of caffeine

400 milligrams of caffeine per day is perfectly fine. You should not consume more than that. After that, it can become problematic for your health.

If your black tea contain caffeine to help you stay alert and not fall asleep at work, you should no more than 6 cups per day drink

Black tea caffeine

By the way, the caffeine in tea is called teein.

Why caffeine from black tea is so interesting

You now know that black tea has caffeine. But it's worth taking a closer look at how caffeine works.

If you choose black tea instead of coffee, you will have to wait a little longer for the effect.

The big difference is that caffeine from tea has a slower effect. But it has a longer-lasting effect. Or to put it another way: coffee works faster, but is also over more quickly.

Did you know that black tea can contain caffeine but not necessarily? There is also caffeine-free black tea.

For whom black tea is more suitable

First of all, of course, for all those who are not so big coffee fans. But because black tea releases caffeine more slowly to the body and is weaker, it is also interesting for those who are sensitive to caffeine.

Black tea can get your circulation going and has a much more tolerable effect on your heart, circulation and metabolism than coffee.

caffeine in black tea

Coffee contains a lot of acid, depending on the variety. Even the weakest coffee has more acid than a black tea. That's why caffeine from tea is a better choice for anyone dealing with an upset stomach.

What the brewing time has to do with the caffeine content in tea

There is a rumor that a black tea, which brews for a long time, contains less caffeine. But this is just a myth.

However, the fact that black tea contains caffeine and the content can change is true. However, the rumor is that brewing time up to 5 minutes makes the tea stimulating, and anything above that should make the tea calming.

However, this is not quite true. The amount of caffeine in black tea cannot degrade. At most, it can become more.

Caffeine is the first substance to be dissolved from the tea leaves. After 2 to 3 minutes, the caffeine has already passed into the tea water.

However, the tannins, tannins and flavors take a little longer to dissolve. They ensure that black tea binds caffeine.

The longer the tea can steep, the more tannins it can release. You should not steep black tea for longer than 5 minutes. It then simply becomes too bitter.

How to make black tea

If you're a huge fan of black tea like me, you're probably interested in how black tea is made.

After harvesting, the green tea leaves are fermented. During this process, the cell sap reacts with oxygen - the process is also called oxidation.

Tea is particularly aromatic when it grows at high altitudes. Higher, cool growing areas allow the tea plants to grow more slowly.

Caffeine content black tea

The best known black tea is Darjeeling. RE grows in the north of India on the southern slopes of the Himalayas at about 2800 meters above sea level.

The tea is processed directly on site after harvesting.

Flavored black teas are particularly suitable for black tea beginners. In this case, lemon, vanilla, papaya, pear and many other flavors are added to the tea. This brings variety to the tea cups!

Our conclusion

The amount of caffeine in black tea depends on a number of factors. So it is not possible to say for sure. What is guaranteed to be true, however, is that the caffeine from black tea works more slowly than that from coffee. This has the advantage that you have something of the wake-up effect longer.

Enjoy! :)

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