Lose belly fat - These 13 tips will help you do it

Lose belly fat

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Bye bye belly fat! So you can lose belly fat and finally get a flat middle!

We all know the problem - no matter if we are slim or carry around a few kilos too much. Especially we women want to lose belly fat.

We can be terribly annoyed with the life preserver and have tried so many things. But nothing has worked. Sound familiar?

Now it's over! We show you how you can lose your belly fat! And in the long term and without yo-yo effect.

There's just one small catch: you have to show a lot of stamina.

If you want to lose your belly fat, you should be determined. Because it's really not a walk in the park. But don't be discouraged. Fighting belly fat is possible!

But I'm also honest: losing belly fat is not easy. Once the fat pads on the belly are there, they are very stubborn.

Here come immediate and easy to implement tips that will help get rid of the flab on your belly.

How to lose belly fat in a nutshell

  • Adjust your diet (healthy, lower calorie and no more convenience foods).
  • Drink a lot of water and unsweetened teas
  • Get active! Move as much as possible to boost metabolism

And now come the tips with detailed info so you can implement them right away.

Lose belly fat woman

13 Tips with which you can lose belly fat guaranteed

A little warning in advance: It won't work overnight. Especially on the belly, the fat pads last a long time. So you need patience and a good plan, if you want to get rid of the lifebelt.

It won't be a single tip that will get you there, but a mix of these tips and tricks.

Combine them wisely and try to implement as many as possible every day. Then you will soon come closer to your dream of a flat stomach.

1. avoid these foods if you want to lose belly fat

In 90% of cases, flab on the belly is due to improper diet. There is a whole range of really tasty foods that make the belly grow.

If you want to lose your belly fat, you need to avoid these foods

  • Simple carbohydrates as in pasta, white bread and rice
  • Fast food of all kinds (burgers, kebabs, pizza and co)
  • Sweets and sugar
  • Soft drinks and alcoholic beverages

Instead, you reach for healthy foods that fill you up for a long time and provide lots of nutrients. You'll automatically eat less.

  • Whole grains instead of white flour such as whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, brown rice
  • Home cooked without artificial additives from fresh ingredients
  • Lots of vegetables and fruit
  • Foods rich in protein

Foodspring Shape Shake can support you. Its great advantage is that it helps both muscle building and fat loss. It is low in calories and at the same time rich in protein.

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Foodspring Shape Shake
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And the shakes are also delicious in taste. You can choose from 13 different flavors. My favorite is coconut :)

However, it is important that you exercise regularly to boost fat loss!

2. drink a lot of water against belly fat

Lose belly fat by drinking

Water is healthy and helps you lose weight. But we all drink far too little. Especially we women tend to reach for the water glass only rarely.

This helps and water to lose belly fat.

Still water

  • stimulates digestion and metabolism
  • ensures that we are not so hungry
  • flushes toxins from the body
  • activates the circulation

Try drinking 2 liters every day. You will see how much fitter you feel. When you have more power, you can also motivate yourself more easily.

Too boring? Add a little lemon, mint, ginger or orange to your water. Or drink tea - unsweetened, of course.

3. reduce carbohydrates if you want to lose weight on the belly

Most people eat the wrong foods. Sweets, sugar, cakes, pasta and the like are on the menu every day. That can't be good in the long run.

So we consume far too many simple carbohydrates. After eating white flour, our body converts the carbs into sugar.

This sugar enters the cells. But for this to work, it has to produce lots of insulin. This is a completely normal process and happens in every body.

There is only one small catch: If you want to lose belly fat, this is exactly the problem. Insulin promotes the storage of fat and inhibits fat burning.

So if you want to get rid of belly fat, you should avoid simple carbs. You can find them in sugar and white flour products.

Whole grain products are much better. But also only in small quantities and not in moderation. Whole grains make you feel fuller longer and contain fiber, which gets our digestion going.

You can also do without carbs altogether. This is called a low carb diet. In this case, you completely eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. But be careful: You should never do this for very long! Because you can even harm your body!

Our bodies are built to need a mix of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

4. eat probiotic foods regularly

Ever heard of probiotics? These are foods that contain bacteria for healthy intestinal flora.

If you want to lose your belly fat, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus amylovorus will be happy to support you.

You can find them in probiotic foods. By the way, you don't have to buy special yogurts or drinks. The healthy bacteria are also found in normal foods.

Good examples are: Yogurt, cheese, sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar.

Lose belly fat with yogurt

5. protein helps get rid of belly fat

A healthy and varied diet is the key to success. Especially if you have lost weight and want to keep it off.

Put plenty of protein (protein) in your diet. A study has shownthat you can benefit from a high-protein diet. Because then your body produces the satiety hormone PYY. We feel full longer and have less appetite.

Protein helps our muscles grow and increases the metabolic rate.

If you eat high protein and low carbohydrate, you can lose belly fat and prevent it.

You can find a lot of protein in dairy products, eggs, legumes, fish and chicken.

Tip: The Shapeshake from Foodspring you get in many different flavors. From coconut, raspberry, mango, hazelnut, chocolate to banana. It helps you define your body.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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It is often very difficult to eat right. Especially with recipes, you quickly reach the limits of creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose between losing weight, building muscles or clean eating and specify your favorite foods.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100% for you. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

6. dietary fiber against belly fat

I can't say often enough how healthy and important fiber is. Both soluble and insoluble. If you want to lose belly fat, then especially soluble fiber.

They swell after eating and produce a gel film in the stomach. We feel full longer and are less hungry.

This means you eat less and automatically consume fewer calories. Water-soluble fiber is good for our intestinal flora, which in turn boosts digestion.

You can find a lot of fiber in oatmeal, Flaxseed*wholemeal flour and nuts.

Lose belly fat with flaxseed

7. sports helps lose belly fat

You are a sports muffle? That's bad. Because then it really won't be easy for you.

In addition to proper nutrition, it is important that you exercise regularly. Not only to lose belly fat. But also to avoid the consequences of lack of exercise. A little belly fat is the least of your worries!

Why sport pays off

  • You stimulate the metabolism during exercise. Your body simply burns excess energy
  • You build muscles. Muscles use a lot of energy and burn calories. Even when you're just sitting.
  • Fitness exercises tone your body

By the way, pure belly off exercises like sit ups won't help you get rid of your belly fat.

You need to build muscle throughout your body. And that takes time. By the way, this is exactly what most people fail at. They simply give up too quickly!

If you're also prone to throwing in the towel quickly, you can pick up a few gadgets to help you build muscle. Do you know the AB Flex ab trainer? It's an electric belt that stimulates the muscles with electrical impulses to speed up the build. You can order the ab trainer from Amazon.

8. reduce stress

Yes, easier said than done. But somehow you should really try to have less stress.

Stress can boost the production of cortisol, which can lead to more appetite and belly fat. Use your free time for things you like to do. Playstation and drinking coffee don't count though. :)

lose belly fat reduce stress

Your hobby should have something to do with exercise. Try out different types of sports. There is certainly something for you!

9. sleep enough

Are you sleeping enough? Sleep has a huge impact on our health and weight. If you don't sleep enough for a long time, you won't be able to lose belly fat. You will even gain weight.

Those who sleep less than 6 hours a night eat more, studies show. Sleep duration influences the appetite-regulating hormones in the body. More specifically, the hormone leptin. It is responsible for making us feel full.

10. start the day right

You've put on a little belly of your own. Now you want to lose belly fat. And you should do it consciously. And that's about the amount of calories you eat. You can make sure that you start the day right when you get up.

First of all, drink a big glass of water.

Choose your food portions carefully and do not eat sugar and white bread for breakfast. You should also avoid fatty sausage.

By the way, it is easier to eat few calories in the morning if you eat vegetables diligently. Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, radishes, chives with cream cheese on wholemeal bread. Sounds good, doesn't it?

11. lose belly fat with endurance sports

Break out the bike, the bikini or the running shoes - the choice is yours! Endurance training has a very positive effect on your body fat percentage.

It's best to alternate between these sports regularly to see the first results especially quickly.

Lose belly fat with endurance sports

It doesn't always have to be a big sports session. Every step and every swim are better than the sofa. And if you can't get up at all, at least go for a big walk around the block.

12. lose belly fat with workout partner

At the beginning, you're mega motivated, but then comes the big slump. Secretly, you'd like to do nothing at all except shovel in ice cream and watch TV.

But that's not going to work! So either you manage to keep your motivation high yourself or you look for an ally.

It's guaranteed that it won't take you long to find someone who also wants to lose belly fat.

You can encourage each other, remind each other to train and exchange recipes. There will be no more excuses :)

13. build muscle to lose body fat

I've already hinted at it several times. But muscle building simply deserves its own point.

Muscle mass does not mean that you have to grow a huge mountain of muscles and look like a bodybuilder. You won't be able to do that as an amateur athlete anyway.

Lose weight on the abdomen with muscle building

Muscles make you slim and help you lose weight because they increase your basal metabolic rate. Your body burns more calories even at rest. So you can eat more :)

In addition, muscles provide a beautifully defined body.

Where the belly fat comes from

Our body stores fat for a rainy day. It still ticks like it did thousands of years ago when there was too little to eat.

And we contribute to it every day. Because belly fat develops when we supply our body with too much energy. So simply put, when we eat too much and burn too few calories, the belly grows.

Why you can not lose weight with belly off exercises

Convinced? A few quick sit ups and you're done? Oh if only it were that simple. Unfortunately, it's much more complicated.

After all, you can not lose weight quite specifically on one part of the body. It is simply not possible. No matter what magazines promise you, don't believe them.

If you want to lose belly fat, you need to reduce your overall body fat percentage. You will then automatically lose weight on your thighs, buttocks and hips.

However, doing abdominal exercises is not a mistake. Only you will not become slim from it. You can have the best six-pack, if it is hidden under the body fat, you will never see it.

The flab must go, then the flat belly comes all by itself.

In short, what helps you are strengthening exercises for all major muscle groups in the body. In other words, abdominal exercises and endurance training.

What belly fat is and why it is dangerous

Our body stores fat in different ways. And this is distributed over the entire body. The unhealthiest fat is the inner belly fat.

It is not immediately visible at first sight. It is hidden around the organs and not directly under the skin.

Therefore, even people who at first glance seem very slim can have a high percentage of belly fat. But it doesn't really matter if you can't see it anyway. Or?

No. Because belly fat is quite dangerous.

It releases fat components into our blood. This increases the cholesterol in the blood. And those who have high cholesterol in the long term can more easily have a heart attack.

Belly fat increases inflammation levels in the body and makes our body produce less leptin. Leptin makes us feel full. In short, it's a vicious circle. With too little leptin, we eat more and thus gain weight again.

So it makes a lot of sense to get to grips with the lifebelt and work on losing belly fat.

Our conclusion

If you want to lose belly fat, you probably need to turn your life upside down. Much more exercise and a healthy diet are the order of the day from now on.

Keep at it, it's really worth it. You will benefit from the healthy lifestyle in so many ways that you won't want to go back :)

Good luck!

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