How to get rid of cellulite on the abdomen

Cellulite on the abdomen

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You want to say goodbye to cellulite on the belly? Then you've come to the right place! We tell you how to fight orange peel skin and what you really need to know about it!

So really, who came up with orange peel skin on the belly? What are the dents anyway? A cheekiness unparalleled!

Well, there are things you can get terribly upset about. But that really doesn't change anything.

Now the good news: You can tackle cellulite on the stomach and ensure that the orange peel skin is significantly reduced. And we'll tell you how to tackle this project and what you really need to pay attention to.

How does cellulite appear on the abdomen?

If orange peel skin forms on the abdomen, it is due to the fat distribution of your body. There are different figure types that we cannot influence.

If you gain weight quickly on your stomach, you will usually have slimmer legs.

Others put on body fat faster on the buttocks and thighs. Then often the arms remain quite slim.

In the same way, you may have cellulite on your abdomen but not on your arms.

It is also possible that your girlfriend tends to have orange peel skin on her thighs and is free of dimples on her butt, and that it is the opposite for you.

Abdominal cellulite is favored by these factors:

  • Female sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Inflammatory processes
  • Rapid weight loss or gain

Whether cellulite appears on the abdomen, buttocks, arms or thighs - it's because too much body fat has accumulated in the area. It makes sense to look at the entire Reduce body fat percentage and get to the ideal amount of body fat.

You are slim and have cellulite on the belly

You are very satisfied with your body and slim at first sight. But if you look closely, cellulite becomes visible around the abdominal area. Orange peel skin has nothing to do with how many kilograms you weigh. Even slim women can have a lot of fat on the abdomen.

If you are slim or very slim, then of course you don't need to lose weight. The point now is that you have to do with Strengthening exercises build muscles.

In addition, you should change your diet and eat healthy. Make sure that you eat enough healthy calories. Muscles need energy in order to grow.

You are overweight and have orange peel skin

Very important: Lose weight slowly! Never go on a crash diet. Because that promotes the dents in the belly! You should lose a maximum of 500 grams per week.

Gentle endurance sports are right for you. In other words, all sports that are easy on the joints. Running is definitely not one of them. But swimming, aqua gymnastics and cycling are.

But whether you are slim or have a few kilos too many on your hips, you can't avoid exercise if you want to tighten your connective tissue.

What is special about the problem zone belly?

Most people immediately think of the buttocks or thighs when they hear the word cellulite. But the abdomen is also very often affected by the delligen skin.

The special thing about abdominal cellulite is that it is very stubborn. The connective tissue on the abdomen is very weak, which allows fat to be deposited quickly.

Likewise, the skin of women is very stretchy, after all, the entire abdomen must expand greatly during pregnancy. Very many women additionally experience water retention.

After birth, the skin slowly recedes, but some are left with unsightly dimples and fat deposits.

What can you do against orange peel skin on the belly?

If you want to get rid of cellulite on the abdomen, you need good stamina. Which does not mean that it is impossible.

I just want to say that miracle creams, which are heavily advertised, do not help.

It is important that you know that both thin and thicker women can get cellulite. It is due to the weak connective tissue.

We can strengthen it with a healthy diet and muscle building. If you have muscles, you don't give dents a chance. Flabby tissue, on the other hand, encourages cellulite on the stomach. If you are struggling with the right diet, our We Go Fit Nutrition Plan* help - but more on that in a moment.

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Ways to fight cellulite

  • Supply your connective tissue with vitamins and minerals through a healthy diet
  • Drink plenty of water! At least 2 liters per day
  • Alternating showers that start and end with cold water tones the skin
  • Sport strengthens muscles and helps to reduce fat tissue
  • Dry brushing boosts circulation and can improve skin texture
  • Avoid tight clothing - this only adds pressure

Tip: A massager also massages deeper layers of the skin and improves its elasticity.

But it won't help now if you pick one of these methods and do dry brushing massages every day, for example.

Cellulite on the abdomen

The best diet tips against cellulite on the abdomen

The more fat that is stored in your cells, the greater the pressure they put on the tissues around them.

If you eat a lot of sugar, fat, salt, fast food, alcohol and other unhealthy foods, you will not get rid of body fat.

Vitamin C is very good for connective tissue and helps to tighten it. Protein (egg white) helps you to build new connective tissue.

Tip: Cupping helps with orange peel skin. This massage method tightens the tissue and provides better blood circulation. You can get cupping from a masseur.

The worst thing you can do for sagging connective tissue is to constantly lose and gain weight. The Jojo effect alternately fills and empties the fat cells, which overloads the tissue.

Avoid simple sugar

In other words, sweets, soft drinks, juices and the like do not provide any nutrients, but a large number of calories. This also applies to sugar substitutes - use them only in small quantities. If you have a sweet tooth, grab a piece of fruit.

Sugar spikes your insulin levels and causes cravings.

Prefer whole grain products

They contain more fiber, which is good for our digestion. In addition, whole grains are more filling than white flour. Replace regular pasta with whole-grain pasta, white rice with whole-grain rice, and white bread with whole-grain bread.

Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables

If you have cellulite on your belly, you need to give your body healthy nutrients. The fiber in the food improves digestion, satiates and at the same time gives a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin C in particular is said to increase the stability of connective tissue.

Eat the right fats and protein

Animal fats, butter and highly processed ones like margarine don't count. Get healthy fats from nuts, seeds and cold-pressed oils.

Protein (proteins) supports the building of muscles and connective tissue.

Drink a lot of water

Replace soft drinks with plain tap water. You've already taken a step in the right direction. It boosts metabolism, gives us power and can help you feel less hungry. Drink at least 1.5 liters every day!

Unsweetened teas and water will help your skin look firmer and visually plumped up. If you like, you can flavor your water with cucumber slices, oranges, lemons or fresh herbs.

Tip: Especially nettle tea is said to strengthen the connective tissue from the inside out.

Tip: Nutrition plan

Thereby our We Go Fit Nutrition Plan support. After all, we know from our own experience that it is often very difficult to eat right.

Especially when it comes to recipes, you can quickly reach the limits of your creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose between losing weight, building muscles or clean eating and specify your favorite foods.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100 % for you. It's very simple. Give it a try :)

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What sports help against cellulite on the abdomen?

Exercise prevents fat tissue from settling easily. That's because you build muscle. And if you have muscles, you have a higher basal metabolic rate - which means that muscles burn more calories than body fat.

Your metabolism is thus boosted, which additionally purifies and tightens the tissue.

Exercise is the be-all and end-all. In addition, try as often as possible to use the Tense abdominal muscles and do exercises for the abdominal muscles.

If you want to tackle the uneven skin, this sports program is worth it

  • Endurance training at least 2x per week: running, walking, cycling or swimming
  • 2-3x strengthening training and muscle building through abdominal legs butt exercises

The illusion to do 1-2x 20 minutes per week a few sit ups and so have no more orange peel, I would like to take you but immediately. Anyone who promises you that is talking nonsense.

Very important: If you have flabby connective tissue, then you should definitely wear a very tight-fitting sports bra while working out.

It keeps everything where it belongs and prevents extra stress on your connective tissue.

Tip: For endurance sports you can get a special training pants. They are called anti-cellulite pants. The fabric of the pants causes a gentle stimulation of the skin - that is, to a massage. In addition, the pants exert pressure. The effect has even been scientifically proven at the University of Ulm.

Do massages help against abdominal cellulite?

There is no scientific proof that massages help against cellulite. However, it is believed that massages help to boost blood circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system. This can lead to the appearance of the skin becoming smooth.

Many swear by it:

  • Plucking massages: Do 5 minutes of plucking massages to promote blood circulation.
  • Massage oil: Then you apply massage oil and make circular motions to massage it in

However, massages alone are not the solution for cellulite on and around the abdomen. A mix of healthy diet and regular physical activity are considered essential factors in the fight against orange peel skin.

Combine several approaches to tighten the dents on the skin.

It is always necessary to use a mix of all methods to reduce cellulite on the abdomen. Also a Celulite massager can help you in the fight against orange peel skin.

Breuer's device is the only one that scored very well in the ETM test. How does it work?

With the vibrations you accelerate the breakdown of fat molecules in the cells. The cellulite is loosened and broken down.

Celulite massager
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The battery life is 10 hours and you get three years manufacturer warranty. The wand is waterproof and can even be used in the shower.

Likewise can Dry brush massages boost blood circulation and provide for a more stable connective tissue.

Avoid tight clothing

The opposite of a massage is too tight clothes. It ensures that the abdomen is constricted and cut. This not only feels unpleasant, but also leads to lymph congestion.

Fat cells in the lower abdomen are forced out of their natural shape and deformed when wearing very tight clothing.

Lymphatic congestion can even cause fat cells to become really obvious.

Therefore, wear more clothes so as not to put additional stress on the skin.

Does caffeine really work against organ skin on the belly?

If you like to drink coffee, then there is good news for you now. Caffeine is supposed to work against cellulite. You could read that recently in the Journal of the German Dermatological Society.

Here, doctors have gathered various studies and found that caffeine, which is in many anti-cellulite medications, melts fat pads.

Whether it helps depends greatly on the concentration. The caffeine concentration must be at least two percent.

You can try a caffeine scrub and combine it with massages.

Mix coffee grounds with olive oil until you get a fine paste. Massage the scrub into the skin with circular movements. After about ten minutes, you can rinse it off.

Coffee peeling frees the skin from dead skin flakes. This makes it softer and smoother.

The top 3 exercises for a toned middle

Here we present you a few effective exercises that you should do for cellulite on the belly. But as mentioned before, you need to build muscles on the legs and buttocks as well, so that the fat pads really melt away.

And, of course, do not abandon endurance training. Just doing a few abdominal exercises won't help. It's better than not doing any exercise at all, but it won't get you where you want to go.


This exercise will make your abs glow!

Get rid of cellulite on the abdomen

  • Lie down on the exercise mat, bend your legs and rest your palms on your head
  • Now lift your head and shoulders off the floor.
  • And lower again.

Repeat this exercise at least 10 times for 3 passes.


The plank strengthens your abdomen, back, legs and arms. A true all-rounder!

Exercises against cellulite on the abdomen

  • Lie down on the exercise mat. Your elbows are under your shoulders.
  • Lift your body until only your forearms and the balls of your feet touch the mat.
  • Important: Tighten the abdomen!

Hold this position for at least 30 seconds to 3 passes.

Lateral planks and twists

Planks in all variations are a wonderful whole-body workout. You strengthen the torso, legs, buttocks and arms.

This exercise consists of two steps. In the first one you do a lateral plank. The upper leg is in front of the lower. The arm points upward.

Get rid of cellulite on the abdomen

Support yourself on one arm. Bring the upper arm under your body. The hip remains stable.

Get rid of cellulite on the abdomen

And up again. 10 repetitions with 3 passes.

And now very important: exercises for legs and buttocks. The muscles want to be strengthened in all parts of the body!

Our conclusion

Cellulite on the abdomen is not pretty. But around 80 % of all women have orange peel skin somewhere on their body. But the good news is that you can do something about it with enough exercise and a healthy diet.

However, it's important to have stamina and to really exercise regularly to build muscle.

Good luck!

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