Stress symptoms you don't know yet!

Recognize stress symptoms

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These stress symptoms tell you that you desperately need a break!

"You, I can't right now. I'm so stressed." We all say that on a regular basis. Right? A survey has shown that one in three Germans feels trapped in permanent stress.

Are you also affected by it? Stress symptoms are many and varied.

There are quite a few of them. Your body is telling you that you need to take your foot off the gas. Some are conscious, but a lot of stress reactions happen subconsciously.

Have you ever wondered what typical stress symptoms and effects are? What are the physical consequences of permanent stress and how can it become noticeable?

If so, then you've come to the right place. We show you what unhealthy consequences constant tension can have.

How stress symptoms develop in the body

First of all, everyone feels and evaluates stress differently. While one person is already at the end of his rope, another person still takes it in stride.

Stress management and the effects of stress on the body

But what exactly is happening to us?

First of all, stress starts in the head. We assess a situation. Is it stressful, uncontrollable or even dangerous? This is where the differences begin.

While the same requirement is seen by one person as slightly burdensome, the other already sees it as absolutely uncontrollable.

Whatever we decide. Our body now begins to release stress hormones.

Tip: Do you already know anti-stress balls? You can squeeze them tightly in your hands and let off steam. Anti Stress Balls are available at Amazon.

And that's a good thing. Because in the past, it decided whether the saber-toothed tiger would eat us or whether we would survive. If our ancestors outwitted the tiger, the body was given the all-clear.

After the all-clear, the reduction of stress hormones begins. This would be the normal case.

The problem: If we do not manage to escape from this situation, the stress hormones and tension remain in full force.

In this case, we speak of "permanent stress" or "chronic stress". However, this is not at all good for our body in the long term. It begins to develop various stress symptoms.

What genetics has to do with permanent stress

There is little we can do about this condition. A fixed genetic program runs in our body. Whether we still live in the Stone Age or today, our body doesn't really care.

Unlike in the past, the saber-toothed tiger does not make off so easily today. The tiger has transformed a bit - It now appears in the form of high demands in professional and private life.

The body shows us through various reactions to stress that it has had enough. We have to interpret these permanent stress symptoms correctly and make sure that the saber-toothed tiger turns into a tame fluffy kitten.

The most common signs of stress are

  • Cardiovascular symptoms such as dizziness, high blood pressure, difficulty breathing and rapid heartbeat.
  • Sleep disorders, fatigue and exhaustion
  • gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and heartburn
  • Pain in head, neck, back and joints
  • Twitching and muscle spasms
  • skin reactions like pimples and rashes

But then there are a whole host of other signs that we are just asking too much of our bodies.

Stress symptoms you should know

Constantly having to deliver peak performance is something no one can do. We develop reactions to stress that we didn't even suspect could be related to it.

Correctly interpret permanent stress symptoms

Stress symptoms act on four levels. They usually occur together or complement each other. However, they are different for each person.

Tip: An anti-stress cube offers many ways to keep you busy. It distracts you and challenges your sense of touch at the same time. This way, you can concentrate fully on the cube, while your mind can focus on something else, at least for a short time. The Anti Stress Cube is available at Amazon.

This is because we are very different from birth. Those with sensitive stomachs are very likely to experience stomach problems if stress continues.

Physical stress symptoms

  • Dizziness
  • Palpitations
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Hypertension
  • Circulatory problems
  • Tension in the neck and back
  • Headache and joint pain
  • Irritable stomach and intestines with diarrhea, constipation, stomach pressure or heartburn
  • Uncontrolled twitching of the limbs or eyelids
  • Muscle cramps
  • Rash and pimples

Mental continuous stress symptoms

  • Concentration problems
  • Forgetfulness
  • Blocks to thinking
  • Can not switch off
  • Nervousness

Stress symptoms that show in behavior

  • Sleep disorders
  • Restlessness
  • Listlessness
  • Indecision
  • Frustration eating, cravings or abstaining from food
  • social withdrawal
  • Tendency to have accidents due to lack of concentration
  • Nail biting, teeth grinding

Permanent stress effects on feelings

  • Irritability
  • Listlessness and dissatisfaction
  • Bad mood
  • sexual problems and unwillingness
  • Overload
  • Helplessness
  • the feeling of being trapped or running in a hamster wheel
  • Constant anxiety
  • Anger and rage at yourself
  • Depression

However, these reactions do not necessarily have to be due to stress. They can also have other causes.

In the long run, however, there are stress reactions that can hit us very hard

  • Diabetes due to insulin resistance
  • Burnout
  • Depression
  • chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
  • Higher risk of prostate cancer, breast cancer or Alzheimer's disease
  • persistent anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • increased mortality from cardiovascular disease
  • Addictive disorders
  • Eating disorders

Stress itself is not a disease. But it can make us ill. This danger always exists when we are caught in the permanent stress mode. Body and mind can become completely unbalanced.

We then recognize that we have been hit by stress symptoms that can affect both body and mind. By the way, the first signs are listlessness and lack of energy.

Unfortunately, stress reactions are often misinterpreted. For example, many sufferers think that the reason for their bad mood and lack of drive is too little sleep. But all three things can be traced back to one and the same phenomenon: Too much stress!

Tip: Relax with a delicious nightcap. You will find nerve-soothing plant extracts that have a relaxing effect. The nerve drink is available at Amazon.

How you can relieve stress symptoms

Since we very often can't run away from stress, we have to find ways to deal with it. Unlike a saber-toothed tiger, stress at work cannot be driven away with stones or a spear. :)

Recognize stress symptoms

Therefore, we must try everything to reduce our stress hormones. For whom this sounds like stress again, let me tell you something: You only have one health! Take care of your body!

The 11 best methods to mitigate stress reactions

  1. Try yoga, autogenic training or meditation.
  2. Sport in all possible variations is good for the body and helps to reduce stress hormones. Especially strength and endurance training, which makes you sweat, is good for you.
  3. Do something with friends. It doesn't matter what, the main thing is that you get distracted a bit and think about other things.
  4. Hand off tasks when you can't see the light.
  5. Take time for yourself alone. Do what you like. Just don't work!
  6. Turn your cell phone off or into flight mode, and definitely silent. Avoid receiving company emails on your cell phone.
  7. Structure your day and make precise plans. Don't take on too much. Set priorities!
  8. Laugh! Laughter reduces stress and releases happiness hormones. Even if you don't feel like laughing, you should at least try. This stops the production of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol.
  9. Listen to music to relax. Sounds such as forest sounds, the sound of the sea or the crackling of a fire are particularly relaxing.
  10. Go for a walk! Let's get out into the fresh air. No matter what the weather: fresh oxygen helps to clear your head.
  11. Go for scents. Lavender relaxes body and mind. Make yourself a small scented pillow with dried lavender. You will see how good it does.

Tip: Treat yourself to a scented candle that has a relaxing effect. The Anti Stress Candle Set you can buy online in a beautiful jar. You can reuse the packaging later as a jewelry box.

What the difference between eustress and distress is

Did you know that there are two types of stress? Which one applies to you has an impact on your stress reactions.

Stress activates our body. It wants to get us out of this tricky situation as quickly as possible. But whether we feel this activation positively or negatively depends on how we evaluate the stress factors.

Positive stress, eustress, can even be beneficial to health.

While negative stress distress is detrimental to health.

There is no list with 100%ige assignments. Because everyone perceives situations differently.

Small example:

  • Patricia loves to ride roller coasters.
  • Lisa hates riding the roller coaster.

Stress hormones are released in both.

For Patricia, it's a thrill and a thrill she looks forward to. When she gets on the roller coaster, she feels eustress. This also involves happiness hormones.

Lisa rates roller coaster riding as dangerous and unsafe. She doesn't really want to do it, but is forced to. Her body is now in distress mode.

Whether the stress symptoms have a positive or negative effect on them depends,

  • how they themselves evaluate the stress factors
  • whether they feel up to the situation
  • whether they feel safe
  • how long the stress lasts
  • Whether they are in the situation voluntarily or have been coerced

Our conclusion

Stress symptoms vary from person to person. Therefore, we must learn to listen to our body before it is too late. No job in the world is worth getting burnout or cancer!

Try to find a balance to the stressful everyday life with sports and friends. All the best and cheer up!

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