Start doing sports - guaranteed to succeed!

Stretching after running

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You want to give your life a new impetus and change something? We'll tell you why you should start exercising today and how to do it safely.

You come home from work stressed. You are unbalanced. Here's a little ache and there's a draught.

The only thing that helps is sport. Regular exercise is the best way to do something good for your body and mind. You will quickly notice how it makes you feel better.

You're probably asking yourself the question, "How can I start exercising? And what should I definitely not do?"

We have the best tips for you on how to integrate sport into your everyday life.

9 tips on how best to start exercising

If you want to start exercising, there are a few things you should keep in mind. This will not only make it easier for you to get started, but will also keep you motivated.

Start with sport

1. talk to a doctor

Before you start exercising, you should consult a doctor. This is especially important for beginners.

Find out how fit you are and if you should avoid certain workouts or exercises. Especially if you have a chronic illness, physical limitations, or have had surgery/injury.

2. set goals

Every athlete has his own goal. Think about what you want to achieve. Whether you want to build muscle, lose weight or simply keep your body fit and healthy.

When you have a clear goal in mind, you stay more motivated and don't get rattled by difficulties and obstacles.

start with sport

Set yourself easy and small goals, especially in the beginning. Expecting too much will take away the fun and motivation of the sport. Don't be too hard on yourself. Starting with sports is not the difficulty, but to stick to it.

3. start slowly with sports

Especially in the first few weeks, it's all about getting used to a movement.

If you have never exercised before and want to start exercising now, you should start slowly and with light exercises.

You don't have to and shouldn't spend hours in the gym. There are many short and effective workouts you can do at home.

No one starts with weight training. Always start with bodyweight exercises.

Choose four to eight exercises such as squats, sit ups, planks or push-ups. You should train different muscle groups. Your own body weight is perfectly sufficient for this.

start with sport

Alternate jogging and walking, get on your bike for only half an hour, or take a short break after each lane when swimming. It's not yet important how fast or how many meters you run, but simply that you move.

Take a walk during your lunch break or jog up and down the stairs. You will see that these movements can be very strenuous.

In a very short time you will notice the first progress.

4. set your sport units

Set aside one or more days to dedicate to exercise. Whether that's a round of jogging, a bike ride or a yoga session.

You will only reach your goal if you do something for it. And do it conscientiously and regularly.

start with sport

Don't give excuses a chance and overcome your inner pig dog.

5. find the right sport for you

There are so many different sports. It's not easy to find the right one for you personally. Try out different sports and find out which one you enjoy the most.

A gym is convenient. It has cardio machines, weight machines and free weights. If you want to improve your heart rate or lose weight and build muscle, you can start exercising at the gym.

But first, have a trainer explain the different equipment and show you how to do the exercises correctly.

But the gym isn't for everyone either. The workout there can become very one-sided. If you also prefer to spend time outdoors, you can start with cycling, Nordic walking or jogging.

Do yoga if you are looking for a calm, relaxing but still intense sport. Yoga is ideal as a complement to cardio.

You don't have to sign up for a course right away either. There are countless YouTube channels. So you can do your yoga session at home in your living room.

Starting with sports can be a real hurdle. Especially if you do not know so well yet.

Find a personal trainer who can show you how certain exercises work and tailor them to your fitness level. Set a goal together and work towards it.

If you are limited in time or money, you can also train at home. There are countless exercises that are really effective and for which you don't need any equipment. Just have a look at our fitness category!

6. start together with sports is even more fun

It can be really fun to work out with someone else. Sign up for a group class or grab a friend.

start with sport

It motivates to keep up with the other. In group courses you can also make new contacts and find friends.

7. listen to your body

Especially if you want to start with sports you are very motivated and would like to train every day to reach your goal as soon as possible.

But you are not doing yourself or your body any good. It's very important that you listen to your body and don't exhaust yourself too much in the early stages of training.

Not only will you lose motivation, but you can also get seriously injured. In addition, the training success will fail to materialize.

It is especially important that you warm up before each workout. This will warm up the muscles and prevent injuries.

8. take breaks

Allow your body to rest and recover between workouts. You may not be able to do any exercise in one day, but you can do it for the long term.

After strength training, you should give your muscles 24 to 48 hours to recover. Also take a break if a muscle hurts or you feel very weak.

start with sport

9. have fun with sports

The best workout won't get you to your goal if you don't enjoy it. Your workout shouldn't be a chore. Therefore, find something that brings you joy. But dare to try different things.

Once you have found the right sport for you, approach it slowly and don't overtax yourself.

start with sport

Why you should start with sports

Sports have many effects on our mind and body.

A regular workout helps us create our dream body, among other things. Endurance training helps us lose weight. Weight training helps us build muscles. But sport is much more than just a means to an end.

Exercise has a positive impact on our entire body. We feel fitter, more resilient and we age more slowly.

Sport also prevents many diseases. Even in acute diseases, regular exercise can reduce symptoms and discomfort. Sport can even be used as a therapy for a large number of so-called common diseases.

But not only the effects on our body and our health are amazing. Sport has an equally positive effect on our performance, our general well-being and our hormone balance.

Exercise has an enormous influence on mental health. Our self-esteem is strengthened, we are more balanced, optimistic and happier.

During exercise, lots of happy hormones are released, which can even reduce depression and contribute to our well-being.

Especially if you have a lot on your plate, you should start exercising. A regular workout will help you relieve stress and recharge your energy stores.

The best sports for beginners

Before you start exercising, you should also change some habits.

Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Ride your bike to work instead of driving. Go to your colleague's office instead of using the chat room. Because every extra step is good for your body.

If you are a beginner, start with walking. If that's not enough, start with Nordic walking. It gets your circulation going. It's even more fun in a group than alone.

Swimming is also perfect for beginners. It is one of the healthiest sports. Swimming is very easy on the joints. Once you master the right technique, you can also lose weight and build muscle.

start with sport

Cycling is also great if you want to start exercising. It is the ultimate fat killer. You can burn between 300 and 800 calories per tour.

Riding a bike boosts your metabolism, builds muscle in your butt and legs, and strengthens your immune system.

How not to lose motivation

Have you already overcome the biggest hurdle of "starting sports"? Very good! Then it's time to stick with it. You have to be consistent, especially in the beginning.

We all like to drop on sofa after a stressful day. But if you jog or swim for half an hour, you'll be much more relaxed and at ease.

start with sport

Think about the great body feeling and inner satisfaction after each workout. Remember back to why you started exercising. Every progress will motivate you again.

Find a friend with whom you can go to the gym. Music can also motivate you. Create your own playlist for your workouts.

If you still don't feel like it. Get up and move at least after 5 minutes. At the latest then, the motivation comes back on its own.

How often you should exercise a week

In the beginning, it's enough to do 30 to 45 minutes of casual endurance exercise twice a week. The training should be strenuous. But you don't have to get too out of breath.

If you want to build muscle, 15 to 20 minutes twice a week is enough. You can tell when the intensity is right when your muscles "burn" a little.

Once your body has become accustomed to the movements and the first progress is noticeable, you can increase the frequency and duration of your training.

When you train best

There is no right or wrong. Train when it's easiest and most fun for you.

Exercise in the morning has the advantage that the carbohydrate stores are still empty and the body falls back on the fat reserves more quickly.

In the evening, on the other hand, you can relieve your work stress and enjoy a relaxed evening.

It's best to work out right after work. That way, you won't get stuck on the couch at home.

Our conclusion

It's not hard to start exercising. The important thing is that you persevere and integrate enough exercise into your daily routine.

Not only your body will be grateful for the regular training. Sport makes you happy and creates a good balance. Grab your sports gear and start working out today.

Good luck! :)

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