Can vitamin D stop hair loss?

Vitamin D hair loss

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Shock! Your hair is falling out and getting thinner and thinner? Then you should take a closer look at your nutrient supply. It may well be that a lack of vitamin D causes hair loss.

There are about 100,000 hairs on your scalp. During the natural hair cycle, these hairs are constantly growing and falling out. This is a completely normal process.

However, as soon as the balance between growing and falling hair is disturbed, one speaks of hair loss. Every fourth woman in Germany suffers from it once in her life.

When you lose your hair, you lose more than just a few hairs. It's countless hairs that get caught in your comb, curl around your fingers, or form balls in the drain. A nightmare!

Often the cause of hair loss is a deficiency of important vitamins and minerals.

The body often has a higher demand for certain nutrients. First and foremost, the sun vitamin D is suspected of having an influence on hair growth.

But can it really be that a lack of vitamin D causes hair loss? We have done some research for you and tell you what you really need to know!

Why are vitamins and nutrients so important for hair?

Vitamins and other micronutrients such as trace elements and minerals are needed for healthy hair. Certain vitamins protect against hair loss and promote the growth of the mane.

If you don't take them up, your hair roots and follicles will remain undersupplied, causing your hair cycle to speed up. This can then lead to excessive hair loss.

Vitamins are small molecules that are needed for almost all metabolic processes in the body. You cannot produce vitamins yourself and, unlike plants, you can only store them for a short time.

So you need to make sure that you take some every day.

But there are other causes of hair falling out. Most often, insufficient nutrient supply and at least one of the factors from the list play together. Also involved can be

  • Hormone fluctuations
  • genetic predisposition
  • unhealthy diet
  • Stress
  • Diseases

Is vitamin D good for hair?

Yes, vitamin D is very important for healthy hair. Vitamin D can not only fight hair loss, but also promote the growth of strong and stable hair by providing essential nutrients and improving the health of the scalp.

Vitamin D helps activate healthy cell production on the scalp and strengthens blood circulation in the skin. This ensures that enough oxygen and nutrients reach the scalp.

Vitamin D also increases collagen production, which makes hair stronger, thicker and more resistant to damage. Vitamin D is involved in controlling your body's inflammatory response, which can prevent dandruff or other scalp problems that can lead to hair loss.

Also, vitamin D is associated with increased sebum production in the scalp's sebaceous glands, which helps to keep your hair moisturized and nourished.

Can hair loss be caused by vitamin D deficiency?

Several studies in recent years have examined the relationship between hair loss, vitamin D and hair health in general.

They all conclude that too little vitamin D can promote hair loss. This is because the sun vitamin has a supporting effect on calcium metabolism. It maintains the balance of the skin and controls the immune system of the skin.

All these factors are indispensable for healthy hair.

In addition, vitamin D has been shown to be involved in hormone-producing cell growth, ensuring the survival of hair follicles.

The hair follicle cycle is divided into three phases:

  • Anagen (hair growth begins),
  • Catagen (hair growth stops) and
  • Telogen (the hair dies)

Vitamin D deficiency can cause the hair follicle cycle to be disrupted or interrupted. As a result, the duration of a phase may be prolonged or shortened, leading to hair loss.

Stop hair loss

What can I do if I have a vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D is produced by the body itself through direct sunlight. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you are usually well supplied.

But especially in winter we often suffer from a vitamin D deficiency, because in the winter months the sun rarely appears and if it does, it is too weak.

Step 1: Clarify vitamin D deficiency

Before you jump to conclusions, you should have your vitamin balance checked. You can do this either at a doctor's office or in the comfort of your own living room.

Vitamin D Home Test
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The result should not unsettle you. Three quarters of all adults have too low a vitamin D level. This is because we spend much more time indoors than outdoors.

Step 2: Vitamin D supplementation

In winter you should eat a lot of fish. Oily fish such as salmon, trout or sardines are good sources of vitamin D. Vitamin D is also contained in mushrooms or butter - but only to a very small extent.

You cannot compensate for a deficiency even through the healthiest diet.

Tip: Take vitamin D drops in the winter. This protects the hair and they do not become so brittle.

Vitamin D drops
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Step 3: Spend a lot of time outside

From October to March, the sun's rays are not sufficient to provide enough vitamin D. The rest of the year, however, you should definitely go outdoors every day.

Just 10 minutes of sunshine a day is enough to build up a small reservoir from which we can benefit in winter.

Thus, vitamin D can stop hair loss even before it can occur.

How long does it take for vitamin D to work for hair loss?

If you have an acute vitamin deficiency, it can take several weeks for vitamin D to start working. If you have a mild deficiency, you will replenish your vitamin stores after just one week.

In principle, dietary supplements should always be taken over a longer period of time, so that you can see a lasting positive effect.

Taking vitamin D has an immediate effect on hair growth. The body responds quickly to the intake of most vitamin D supplements. It promotes cell regeneration and strengthens the existing hair follicles.

This can help slow down the loss of healthy hair. And that, in turn, can lead to a gradual increase in the overall thickness of your hair if you take the vitamin D supplements for a longer period of time.

In addition, vitamin D helps improve scalp health and reduce irritation and itching by regulating sebum production, improving the absorption of other vitamins and minerals that promote healthy hair growth.

The 5 most important vitamins against hair loss besides vitamin D

One of the most common reasons for hair loss is a lack of vitamins. The cells that make up our hair follicles are very active.

They are among the most metabolically active cells in the body and require a variety of nutrients.

In the case of vitamin deficiency, the hair grows back only thinly. As a result, the amount of hair decreases.

For hair to grow, a good supply of vitamins A, B, C and E is necessary. Iron, folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids and zinc are also important for hair. In addition, the body needs amino acids and trace elements to grow.

A deficiency leads to disturbances in the hair growth cycle. Vitamins can provide relief. Eat sea fish and vegetables regularly to promote hair development. Reduce your sugar consumption by replacing white flour with whole grain flour.

A diet against hair loss should use fresh ingredients and organic products. Drink at least two liters of water every day.

The organism needs a significant amount of fluid to eliminate toxins. This improves the blood supply to the scalp and allows the hair roots to grow.

Vitamin H against hair loss

Vitamin H is often also known as biotin. The water-soluble vitamin is involved in a variety of metabolic processes. Biotin is one of the essential components of the L-cysteine metabolism. This helps the hair to develop and grow.

Biotin deficiency symptoms are caused by a poor diet and the side effects of medications. Hair loss is the result.

Along with vitamin D, biotin is an essential component for the formation of healthy hair. It prevents split, dry and brittle hair before.

Beef liver, yeast, egg yolk, peanuts and oatmeal contain a lot of biotin. Biotin gummy bears are a delicious alternative! So you can enjoy your favorite sweets and do something good for your mane at the same time.

Biotin gummy bears
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Zinc, folic acid and vitamins A, C and E are also contained in the Biotin gummy bears* are included. This gives you all the hair power you could wish for. The orange-colored gummy bears taste like wild berries and are simply delicious.

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Vitamin E accelerates hair growth

Vitamin E is a vitamin and antioxidant that supports the development of new blood vessels and blood circulation in the scalp. This improves the transport of nutrients to the hair roots and promotes hair growth.

Nuts and unprocessed cereal products contain a lot of vitamin E. In case of hair loss, you should use hair care products that contain vitamin E.

Mostly these are Hair oils massaged into the scalp and prevent hair loss.

Vitamin C strengthens hair

In addition to vitamin D, you should also take enough vitamin C if you suffer from hair loss. The vitamin strengthens the immune system and protects the sensitive hair follicles.

Vitamin C is necessary for the healthy growth of hair. Citrus fruits and vegetables, such as peppers, cabbage and radish, contain particularly high levels of vitamin C.

Vitamin A for full hair

Vitamin A is important for the health of hair. The fat-soluble vitamin ensures that your hair grows. Hair loss can be caused by a lack of vitamin A.

Animal products are the largest sources of vitamin A. Vegetables such as carrots, broccoli and spinach can be consumed by vegans and vegetarians to meet their vitamin A needs on a regular basis.

The organisms in these vegetables convert beta-carotene into vitamin A.

Vitamin B against hair loss

Pantothenic acid and B vitamins promote hair development. This acid is found in milk, eggs and beef. It stimulates cell division of the hair follicles.

Vitamin B is a nutrient that hair roots need to perform their functions. Vitamin B3, B5, B6 and niacin are especially important for hair growth.

The B vitamins help regulate metabolism and stimulate sebaceous gland function. They also protect the head from inflammation.

Vitamin B complex-rich supplements and hair care products can help with stress-related hair loss.

Vitamins against hair loss

Important trace elements and minerals against hair loss

You now know that a vitamin D deficiency can cause hair loss and that other vitamins are also important for a healthy mane. But besides vitamins, you should also take enough trace elements and minerals.

L-Cystine for thick hair

L-cystine is needed for the formation of hair. It performs a variety of important functions in the body and should not be neglected in the treatment of hair loss. L-cystine affects the hair structure and ensures that the hair is thick.

Healthy hair with zinc

Zinc is a trace element that is necessary for the formation of keratin. A zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss.

Milk, cheese, meat and eggs are rich in zinc. Legumes, nuts, oilseeds and whole grains are excellent sources of zinc.

Iron against hair loss

Many women suffer from iron deficiency. Hair loss can be caused by this. Foods containing iron include liver, wheat bran and legumes.

Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron. Therefore, drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice with your meals.

If you regularly suffer from iron deficiency, iron supplements can help you.

Our conclusion

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for your body, because it ensures that your bones, muscles and teeth stay nice and strong. But also in terms of our hair health, vitamin D is not to be underestimated.

A lack of vitamin D can cause and promote hair loss. So if your hair is falling out and thinning, you should take a look at your vitamin and mineral supply.

All the best for you!

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