What relationship phase are you in right now?

Refresh partnership, make relationship exciting again

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Have you ever wondered which phases a relationship goes through and which one you're in right now? Here's the answer!

True love doesn't come overnight. The butterflies you feel at first unfortunately have an expiration date, as great as they are.

You think that's sad? You have no reason to! There are so many beautiful phases of a relationship that still lie ahead of you.

You'll learn in this post,

Why phases of a relationship are important

Being in love is a physical and emotional state of emergency.

There are so many phases of a relationship waiting for you that are beautiful in their own way. So you don't have to be sad when the butterflies start to fade.

Just imagine that in 10 years everything would still revolve around your partner, you would always see him through rose-colored glasses.

Many women are so excited during the phase that they cannot concentrate at work and even eat less than usual.

So you'd get fired and starve :D Nah, it wouldn't be that bad. But without the butterflies flying by, you could never really get to know him - or love him.

Phases of a relationship that every couple goes through

Because real love comes precisely through these phases of a relationship, through really getting to know each other and yes, also through conflicts and quarrels.

So what stages of a relationship does a couple go through before the initial crush turns into true love? And which phases of a relationship have you and your loved one already gone through? It's all right here!

1. infatuation: butterflies in the stomach

You're just in a good mood. Your girls are already talking to you about why you're always grinning.

A little ray of sunshine, a delicious ice cream or a cute kid on the streetcar smiling at you... that's enough to make you fall into happy euphoria.

The world is such a beautiful place! You didn't become an optimist overnight. You're just in love!

Your thoughts are circling around him. Maybe you feel the proverbial butterflies in your stomach.

Your mood reaches its peak. Infatuation is expressed a little differently for everyone, but we agree: being in love is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world!

What you say and think now:

  • He looks so good
  • His voice blows me away
  • Omg how can you only smell so good
  • He is the nicest guy in the world
  • What is actually not perfect about this man?

2. the great understanding

You're a couple or about to embark on a journey through the relationship stages hand in hand. You're beaming with happiness - and so is he.

You both have insanely emotional, intense, deep conversations with each other. He doesn't seem to need words to understand you.

You have the feeling that you are on the same wavelength.

Your life goals seem to be made for each other. He is your missing puzzle piece. You are his. You feel the same.

Your hearts beat in the same beat. That's what soul mateship must feel like, right?

What you say and think now:

  • Now I have already told him so much about me and he just understands everything.
  • I feel like we are two soul mates who have finally found each other and are made for each other.

Check out this guide "Everyone is capable of relationships - The golden path between freedom and love". on. In it you will find

3. without "rose-colored glasses" the world is no longer pink

Being in love cannot last forever. First, it is a physical state of emergency that would end in total exhaustion if it did not subside again at some point.

Secondly, unfortunately, you have to take off the rose-colored glasses, because otherwise you will have no chance to get to know the person with whom you are now in a relationship.

We're talking about getting to know each other properly, deeply, intensively. Also its weaknesses.

You suddenly notice character traits, habits, opinions or details about him that you were not aware of before.

Phases of a relationship - relationship phases

But be sure that they were already there, you just didn't see them for all the butterflies. Now it is decided who is really made for each other.

What you say and think now:

  • I would not have suspected this side of him at all.
  • This is new.
  • He wasn't like that when we met.

4. finding back to one's own expectations

I'm sure you haven't had a fight yet. But that could happen soon.

Because the infatuation is over or will end soon.

You have come to know each other as you really are. Through this, you now also know that you are not always of the same opinion.

You no longer just say what makes you look good, but stand fully by your opinion. And he does that, too. That's good and right.

Both of you will return to your "normal state". At the same time, you will now find out if you really fit together and can find a compromise.

What you say and think now:

  • We found out that we are very different after all.
  • Can this go well when we are so different?

5. if only he were different ...

You already know him quite well now. You both know that you also have different opinions and are opposites on some points.

You know what makes him tick in everyday life, you know his weaknesses, and you may have already clashed with him over this.

But don't worry, that's part of it.

The two of you can now begin to find your compromises with each other.

  • Are you willing to conform to his wishes?
  • Is he taking that step toward you?
  • And what do you definitely not want to change?

You have to find that out together. Only then will your love have a chance and you will make it through the next stages of a relationship.

What you say and think now:

  • I already expect him to adapt a little to my wishes.
  • After all, he's not perfect. And neither am I.
  • That's part of a good relationship, isn't it?

6. the great doubts

You like each other or even talk about love already. Yet, after all your discoveries, you are no longer sure.

You also disagree sometimes, you know him with all his weaknesses and he knows you. He no longer puts you on a pedestal as he did in the infatuation phase.

He sees you as you are and sometimes criticizes that.

Typical phases of a relationship

Can this really be it already, you ask yourself? Is this love now?

Yes, it is a phase of it.

It is normal to doubt everything from time to time, and there is a first time for that. Allow the thoughts, because they are important for the further development of your relationship.

Love develops from the genuine knowledge of a person and this includes doubts.

What you say and think now:

  • I really like him, but whether this has a future?
  • We are very different and have had our differences.
  • Can I imagine still being with him next year?
  • I kind of like him, but ...

7. the turnaround in bed

The phases of a relationship naturally include sex. True love also demands intimate moments.

But while things were easy at the beginning of your relationship, that changes over time.

Either there is almost nothing going on between you anymore - or you are looking more and more for variety and new things in order to consciously maintain your desire for each other.

In the early stages of love, you still had constant desire for each other, but that can't stay that way any more than infatuation itself can.

Try it out and talk to each other. Because if your sex life dies off during these relationship phases, an affair is imminent and this will be a real trial by fire for you.

Be open to new things. How about buys a sex toy together? And then tried it out right away? :)

What you say and think now:

  • Does this mean that we are no longer in harmony sexually?
  • Should I really tell him about my wishes?
  • Doesn't he find me attractive anymore?

8. i am me, you are you - who are we together?

During the difficult stages of love, you really got to know each other. If you are still together now, it means something.

Now that the initial relationship phases with the infatuation and fixation on each other are over, you are again more interested in your own lives.

That's a good thing, because who wants to lose themselves completely in a relationship? That would not be healthy.

Love develops precisely when you do not see each other.

Go after your hobbies, meet up with friends, allow yourself a short break from the relationship for a few days, for example for a vacation with your girlfriends.

This does you good and allows love to develop.

At the same time, you now consciously consider yourselves as a couple and also have a "we" feeling, a common everyday life, common hobbies.

What you say and think now:

  • He has his hobbies and I have mine.
  • I need my space, but I'm still always happy to come back home to him afterwards.

9. the satisfaction

Among the phases of a relationship, after the difficult times, there is the time of satisfaction.

True love is content with what is. In previous relationships, the better you got to know each other, the more difficult it might have been.

But love has developed, you have overcome conflicts and differences.

Relationship phases

The difficult phases of a relationship have shown you what you have in your partner.

He also appreciates you and would not trade you for anyone in the world.

You can pat yourselves on the back now, because you have overcome the stages of love in which you could have failed.

What you say and think now:

  • We've been through so much together.
  • I know I can rely on him when things get serious.
  • There have been difficult situations. But we have also overcome them.

10. deep, intimate love

The phases of a relationship are sometimes beautiful and sometimes incredibly difficult. But necessary they all are.

Through these phases of love you have learned that you can overcome conflicts with each other. But also that there can be phases of a relationship where less sex happens and that's perfectly okay. And that despite individual personalities, you are made for each other.

You know what you have in him, he thinks about you the same way.

You have built something together and you say the three words now with full conviction.

True love no longer feels like infatuation at these stages of a relationship.

Nevertheless, of course, there may be moments when the butterflies fly again. Rather, you trust each other blindly and know that you are there for each other when one needs the other. There is nothing more beautiful!

What you say and think now:

  • I can't imagine spending my life with anyone but him.

Our conclusion

The phases of a relationship - beautiful, exhausting, necessary. The 10 phases of love are not always easy. The perfect love does not exist, but who wants that? Because with your partner, who has corners and edges, it is much more exciting.

Love thrives on compromising and finding each other even when the opposites are really big. The phases of a relationship have shown you who your partner really is.

The way you have met him or will meet him, no one else may know him except you. You will clash in the middle stages of a relationship and may even really fight with each other. See this as a positive thing, because it's the only way a real love with substance can develop. At the end of this path, a satisfied, deep and sincere love awaits you, which no one who has not gone through these stages of a relationship gets.

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