10 tips on how to save your relationship

Save relationship but how

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Do you find it difficult to have a happy and stable relationship? You are not alone. We show you how you can save your relationship in 10 steps.

You're fighting again, the sparks are flying, you're really annoyed with each other. Still, you can't keep your hands off him.

That's already a good start. And a reason why it's worth continuing the relationship. But how? We show you how love still has a chance.

You'll learn in this post,

How to save your relationship

Your relationship is important to you and you want to fight for it?

This is already the most important step for saving your relationship. Because if you really want, you can still prevent the love out.

Important: Find out what is not going well right now. Most relationships fail for similar reasons.

Saving relationship tips for a happy relationship

The good thing is that you can learn from the mistakes of others. Because good relationships also have a lot in common.

If you follow them, you have a good chance of mastering all the ups and downs.

Here are the best tips that will help you save your relationship!

1. spend time together

Many couples move into a shared apartment to spend more time together. And then suddenly the exact opposite happens. While you used to date frequently, you now meet more by chance on the way between the kitchen and the bathroom.

When you always have the opportunity to see each other, you automatically put less effort into dating.

As often as possible, spend intentional time together that you dedicate to just the two of you.

To Do: Plan an evening together for two every week.

2. be yourself

In a relationship you should be as you really are. Here you don't have to be professional like at work, and you don't always have to be perfect.

Tales of great relationships may make you feel like you always have to meet your partner's expectations.

Of course, it helps if you want similar things. But if you want to save your relationship, you have to open up to your partner.

So just be yourself. Only then will your partner know how you feel and how your relationship can get better.

To Do: Tell your partner what you are thinking openly and honestly at least once a day.

3. change the perspective sometimes

A relationship crisis also occurs when you only see the world through your own eyes. Your partner always works late in the evening and leaves you alone at home?

Ask yourself why he is doing this. Maybe he has problems at work and is worried about his job. Or maybe he wants to make a career out of it to give you both a better life.

Relationship saving tips

Even though you may not expect it, your partner is just as concerned about you. If you change the perspective, you will better understand what moves him and can save your relationship.

To Do: If something is bothering you, think about how that situation looks from your partner's point of view.

4. speak out

Some couples act according to the motto: What we don't address doesn't exist. That way, you can ignore problems for a while, but you don't build a real foundation of trust with each other.

In addition, things often accumulate and then burst out at the most inopportune time. A trifle becomes a quarrel.

If you want to prevent the end of love, always try to say everything. False consideration is out of place. If something bothers you, something is missing or you are angry about something, say it.

Talk calmly and respectfully with your partner. This way he can accept the criticism. But even if you are happy and find something great, you can say it calmly. This contributes to a good relationship.

To Do: Tell your partner everything. Positive as well as negative.

5. create free space

No matter how much you like each other: It's not good for anyone to be together 24/7. Everyone needs retreats to just be alone for a while.

People are very different when it comes to this need. So it may be that your partner needs more time alone than you do - or vice versa. In any case, make sure that you can get out of each other's way sometimes.

It is best if everyone in the apartment has their own space. If this is not possible in your apartment, you can also create other alternative possibilities.

Coordinate so that each of you has the apartment to yourselves at least once or twice a week. The other can work longer, visit friends or go to sports. After that, you're sure to look forward to each other again.

To Do: Each of you should get some time to yourselves.

6. take a break to save the relationship

Especially at the beginning of a relationship, couples like to spend every free minute together. At some point, that's no longer the case - and that's quite normal.

Because you get used to each other and after a while you turn to other things in life.

In a relationship crisis, however, many try to cling even tighter to each other. The opposite is better: if you consciously give yourself and your partner breaks, everyone can find themselves again.

How to save the relationship

During this break, you should not see each other, talk or write to each other. This way you can better deal with ups and downs alone.

If you argue frequently, breaks are even more beneficial. They give you the opportunity to take a deep breath and reflect on the last argument. Most of the time, you realize how unnecessary many misunderstandings are.

To Do: Schedule firm relationship breaks where you don't see or talk to each other.

7. own hobbies and friends

If you want to save your relationship, you should be an independent person. A relationship does not mean that you give up your identity. Make sure you have your own friends and hobbies. Without your partner.

This way you can not only save your love, but also gain self-confidence. If you also have interests and support outside the partnership, you don't see some things in the relationship so narrowly.

Besides, you will have more to talk about :)

Own hobbies do not distance you from your partner. On the contrary, you are actively working to save the relationship.

To Do: Schedule at least one evening a week for yourself. Ask your partner to do the same.

8. revive good times

You want to save your relationship? Then remember the time when it seemed unimaginable. Every couple has a history and every relationship has ups and downs.

To prevent the love out, remember the best times together. Where did you meet? What was your best trip together? What movie did you laugh at together? Where did you have your first date?

Such memories are very important for a good relationship. Actively revive them. Do things with your partner that mean something to both of you and return to common places. On such occasions it is easy to forget that you are actually going through a relationship crisis.

To Do: Invite your partner on a journey into your shared past. Do something that meant a lot to you in the best times of your relationship.

9. save relationship with rituals

One of the most important tips for your relationship is that you need a common ground. This comes with time and through shared experiences. It will go faster if you agree on a common ritual.

Have breakfast together every day, brush your teeth at the same time, or watch the news together in the evening. If you do it together regularly, you can save your relationship.

To Do: Together with your partner, agree on a ritual that you will perform together every day.

10. get help

Not every relationship crisis is something you can handle alone. There is nothing wrong with getting help. There are professional couple therapists or coaches that you can visit together with your partner. But talk to your partner first. Otherwise, he may feel betrayed.

It doesn't always have to be professional help either. Good friends or relatives can also save a relationship.

To Do: Consider with your partner what help you can enlist for your relationship.

How to save your relationship after a fight

Sometimes there is a very specific reason from which you want to save the relationship. The most common one is a quarrel. Especially when the relationship is still young, a heated argument can easily shake it.

That's why it's especially important to talk to your partner after an argument. The best way to do this is when you have both calmed down again. So first of all, get out of each other's way directly after an argument. When you have calmed down, talk to each other again.

Saving relationship after a quarrel

Approach your partner and apologize. You don't have to apologize for the point of view you took in the argument. Words are often said that you regret afterwards. Tell him. This helps to have an open and respectful conversation.

Clarify your differences of opinion in a factual conversation. It is also best to agree on rules for the event that you argue again.

Saving relationship after a fling

A relationship suffers a particular breach of trust after a fling.

No matter which of you has cheated, it puts an enormous strain on your relationship. Sometimes it helps to go separate ways for a short time so that you can become aware of your feelings.

The most important thing after a fling is to rebuild trust. You can accelerate this by being particularly honest. Also tell each other unpleasant things.

Because a fling is always a sign that one of you is missing something in the relationship. Talk about it openly and find ways to fill this gap.

How you can save the relationship after a breakup

Often you find out too late what you had. If you want to save your relationship after a breakup, find out if your ex-partner is interested.

If he already has a new girlfriend, don't interfere. That's unfair and won't do you any good in the long run.

Save relationship but how

Try to find out why it didn't work out. Talk as openly as possible about everything that disturbed you in the relationship and what led to the breakup.

This way you avoid making the same mistake twice. Also, allow yourself a slow start. Enjoy the phase of infatuation, which you can now experience a second time.

Why saving relationship pays off

There's a huge crisis right now. Somehow you are annoyed by everything. And him anyway. Is there still a way out or is the plan already doomed to failure?

Situations like this show how attached you are to each other and especially how strong the relationship is.

If both of you are willing to change something, in many cases it is not too late and you can save the partnership.

We have listed below many useful tips that can help you. In any case, it is important that you keep your head up and try everything to save the relationship.

Because in every partnership there are crises.

Some people even believe that these help to grow as a couple. However, it is important that you find out what the real reasons for the disputes are.

Right now, how you treat each other is crucial. Can you show understanding for each other? Or can you no longer speak a normal sentence to each other?

If there are insults or even violence, you should get help and possibly think about ending the relationship.

An experienced therapist will help you to get to grips with the problems. As a neutral mediator, he can assess your situation from the outside.

Our conclusion

A good relationship is worth fighting for. You entered into it for a reason. If you still see a chance for a future together, work with your partner on the tips for your relationship so you can save your love.

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