18 tips against the autumn blues: Get out of the low mood!

Put an end to the autumn blues: tips against the low mood

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Tips against the autumn blues. We'll get you out of your autumn slump with a few little hacks.

A moment ago it was still summer. We were struggling with the heat. The sun was blinding. We sweated and often complained about the sometimes unbearable heat in the office.

And then. Suddenly. It was gone. The summer. What's the saying? You only notice that you are missing something when it is no longer there. That's exactly how we feel about the sun now.

Although sometimes we were annoyed by it, now we miss it very much. Just now the sun's rays blinded us or even gave us a sunburn on the nose.

Autumn: you love it or hate it

There is no season that polarizes as much as autumn. On the pro side, there's chestnut gathering, hot chocolate, colorful foliage and pleasant temperatures for sports.

On the con side are: Cold toes, darkness, colds and the end of the best season ever.

Put an end to the autumn blues: tips against the low mood

For all those who have little positive to gain from this time of year, we have created a list of the good sides of the cool season: "15 Reasons Why Fall Is Better Than Summer".

Hello autumn blues - off into the autumnal low mood

Now is the end of it. Autumn is here. And with it the autumn blues.

What brings us the autumn low mood are rain, wind, gray skies, fog and cold.

We feel tired, really knocked out and listless. Getting up in the morning becomes a small battle against the inner pig, which would prefer to see us in a cozy bed.

These are the symptoms of the autumn blues:

  • Craving for sweets
  • Listlessness and listlessness
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • The need to want to hibernate :)

How do the autumn blues develop?

The reason for the blues is simply the light. We miss it. We got used to it in the summer. Now the days are getting shorter. That hits us in the head.

Doctors blame the happiness hormone serotonin for our mood swings. With less daylight, the good mood messenger also falls by the wayside.

A protein building block in our brain is also said to throw us into a mood hole. The protein building block is less busy in summer and more busy in winter transporting serotonin out of our brain. During the same time, our body produces more of the sleep hormone melatonin. And the vicious circle is perfect.

What distinguishes the blues from depression

There are some people who fall into a huge hole in the fall and winter. Scientists speak of seasonal depression. You can tell if you suffer from it if you always have the same symptoms at the same time of year for more than two years.

The "normal" autumn blues are often accompanied by ravenous appetite and weight gain. Those suffering from seasonal depression experience the opposite: loss of appetite.

Tips against the autumn blues

Every fifth person is said to suffer from a low mood in autumn. This is most frequently noticed in the form of a poorer mood than in the rest of the year. This can already be seen in the morning on the subway. Many people are even more tired than usual when they stare at their smartphones, look really exhausted and look a bit like zombies.

Women are said to be particularly hard hit, according to a survey. One in four feels more depressed in the fall than in the summer.

What helps against the autumn blues?

Soon the car windows are iced over, going outside with shorts is at most a dream and you need gloves for the bike.

We could go on complaining for quite a while. And make the autumn blues even worse. Get through the days until Christmas somehow listlessly. Hide away. Eating frustration food and watching all the series on Netflix.

But it really doesn't have to be! We declare war on the autumn blues. And with great tips that will get you out of the low mood in autumn and let your mind be sunny even after the end of summer.

Enough of the theory: let's fight the autumn blues!

1. outdoor exercise and plenty of fresh air

This is probably the most important tip against the autumn blues. Because what gets us down in the fall is too little light.

So: We have to get out into the open! And we need to do it when it's light out. Because that's the only way our body can produce happiness hormones. Doctors advise us to leave our homes for at least half an hour every day. Even on days when it's much cozier on the sofa.

Tips against autumn blues

Even if the sky is gray, it's still brighter outside than indoors during the day. Artificial light, by the way, does not work to lift our mood. Nor does the tanning bed lift our mood.

The daylight improves the mood abruptly.

Tip: Combine your stay outdoors with a sports session. During sports, our body releases a whole lot of happiness hormones. Jogging, Walking, cycling - all this is now more pleasant in autumn than at 30 ° in summer.

2. power sports against the autumn low

It's often really hard to go to the gym after work. But it really pays off! Overcome your pig dog.

Sport has been scientifically proven to be a very good antidepressant. Also helps Sport in relieving stress.

So regular workouts not only give you a great body, but also a whole lot of good vibes.

Tips against the autumn bluesBy the way: Sport also helps against tension!

Especially when it's really cold, we tend to hunch our shoulders. When the cold creeps through our clothes, we shiver and tense up. The result is terrible tension in the neck and throat. Exercise can help you prevent this or loosen the hardened muscles.

3. color, color and more color against the autumn blues

Outside it's gray, brown and foggy. Let's fight these depressing colors with beautiful friendly colors.

Whether a sweater is black or autumnal orange has a significant influence on our mood. Much more than most people think.

But not only the clothes, also the apartment you can spice up a little.

What helps against the autumn blues

Our little color theory:

  • Bright yellow and bright orange lift the mood
  • Bright green calms and soothes
  • Red invigorates us and warms the soul
  • Violet promotes mental balance and encourages decisiveness

Time for new pillows, sweaters and small accessories that bring more color into the fall.

Tip: Set up a delicious fruit basket. This not only brings color but also a feel-good mood. The colors do our soul good. The scent puts us in a good mood and the vitamins strengthen our defenses.

4. drink a lot of warming drinks

If you get cold quickly and feel knocked out, you should drink a lot. Our body needs enough fluid to be able to function well. Also in autumn.

And even when you're not actually thirsty.

Tips against the autumn blues: drink tea

Teas such as ginger tea are particularly good at warming us from the inside and giving us a relaxed start to the day. Get a thermos bottle in which the tea stays warm for a long time. This way, you can also take a big sip on the go. Cold feet by the way, do not stand a chance even with home remedies.

5. wellness at home for better mood

Cold toes, gray skies and rain - a pretty nasty combination. Time to treat our body to a large portion of care.

In autumn, not only our soul deserves a break, but also our skin needs to be cared for.

Little sun and light, temperature fluctuations and the dry heating air make the skin very dry. The hair dry and dull.

make face mask yourself

Depending on the season, the skin needs different care. When the temperatures drop, our skin likes to become chapped and brittle. The shins and arms itch.

If you want to fight the autumn blues, you need to make sure your body feels good. Regular care is suitable for this purpose. Homemade Face masks, pleasantly scented shower creams and hair treatments make us happy.

Or how about a wellness day with your best friend? Or alternatively: a wellness day in your own bathroom. Candles, fragrance, soothing music, homemade bath bombs and the cell phone in the far distance provide relaxation.

6. off to the sauna and the spa

First sweat properly in the sauna. Then cool down and afterwards a pleasant bath in the whirlpool. In autumn, there is nothing better than a visit to the spa or thermal bath.

But be careful: If you are sickly, have a cold or feel unwell, you should not go to the sauna. This only puts additional strain on the body.

7. knit yourselves a fluffy scarf

Do you know the feeling of being completely immersed in an activity? For one it is great Fall Books, for the other knitting.

The great feeling of concentrating only on something in the here and now relaxes us. We put away the smartphone and are much happier as a result.

Fight autumn blues with knitting

How about a self-knitted scarf, a nice cap or fluffy socks? With really fluffy and warm wool you have long-lasting something of it.

Tip for beginners: Take a multicolored wool, then you do not see when you knit times :)

8. try a new course

Many courses are offered in the fall. These don't necessarily have to be fitness courses. Dance classes for beginners, a language course for the next vacation to Spain or a book club can also get us out of the autumn slump.

The ultimate autumn blues killer, however, is and remains sport. If you sweat and really get your body going, you release a lot of feelings of happiness.

9. eat right against the autumn blues

In autumn it's called: Support the body's own defenses. Especially now we should eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.

Anyone who has fallen victim to the autumn blues should also include carbohydrates in their diet. They provide us with quick energy and lift our mood.

Whole grains, nuts, bananas, dried fruits and dairy products help us to form happy hormones. Fish should also not be missing from the plate. It boosts cell metabolism - which gives us an energy boost.

Pumpkin soup with coconut milk

Your menu should now include soups, stews and spicy foods. Ginger, chili, Cinnamon*, Cardamom*. They stimulate digestion and warm us from the inside. Yummy :)

We love soups. Why also you every day to soup you can read in our article.

10. the right music for autumn

Music helps us relax, escape from everyday life and dream. Music is like medicine. It is a perfect mood setter for our mood.

So now in autumn it's time for favorite music, which can be a little melancholic.

Depending on your mood, you reach for different genres. Some melodies calm us down, others give us power and others let us dive a little.

Check out Spotify's fall playlists.

11. be awakened with light

There are already a large number of gadgets that can help you wake up. Waking up in the morning in the pitch dark is really anything but easy.

A daylight alarm clock is much gentler. It simulates the sunrise and wakes us up very gently.

12. alternating showers make us awake on gray days

Brrr... Alternating showers are not for sissies. But they do help us get out of bed. Especially in the morning it is easier to get going.

The cold water boosts circulation and stimulates blood flow. The metabolism is brought up to speed. This makes us fit for the working day.

Tip: Start with warm water, otherwise you will certainly never do alternating showers again :) If the cool full-body shower seems too hard, you can also switch between warm and cold only for arms and legs.

If you're brave, let the cold water pelt your body from head to toe.

What do alternating showers bring? Colds have almost no chance anymore. We harden ourselves and also the skin is to be tightened thereby.

13. breakfast hot dishes

Muesli with cold milk? Brrr. No, in autumn it can be quite warm. Just try porridge. The pleasantly warm oatmeal is ideal to supply your body with energy and brings you a big load of protein and carbohydrates.

Porrige the autumn low mood

The fiber in oatmeal keeps you full for a long time. So cravings don't stand a chance.

In short, a warm and terribly delicious tip against the autumn blues.

14. meet your friends and go out

If you're constantly alone and squatting at home, you risk getting the autumn blues. Moping around and settling down doesn't make anyone happy.

Of course, a day for you alone can be nice and relaxing. However, this should not become the norm.

If you want to defy the autumn blues, you need to be around people. Friends are best.

Then it doesn't matter what you do together. A walk, a movie, a cooking evening, a girls' night out or an extended shopping trip. Even in autumn you can experience and do really nice things.

Whatever you decide to do: Laughing, talking and spending time together will make autumn much more enjoyable and make the dark days fly by faster.

15. snuggles the winter low away

You are in a relationship or about to be? Very good! There are many good reasons to cuddle up again. The cold and dark season is so easy to cuddle away.

Cuddling has many positive effects on our body: Gentle touch stimulates the senses. The physical contact helps us to reduce stress, strengthen the immune system, improve our well-being and strengthen the relationship.

When we cuddle, our body releases endorphins. The happiness hormones provide more self-confidence. So: get a cozy blanket, your partner and let's go :)

16. be well rested

Would you like to go into hibernation? You can do that too! But not for too long, of course.

It is quite normal that our body wants more sleep now. The lack of sun makes us sleepy. That's because our body produces melatonin - the sleep hormone. And we're also allowed to cut back a little.

Make sure you get enough sleep! Just go to bed a little earlier. Listen to your body, if you are tired at 10 o'clock at night, go to bed.

17. off on vacation or dreaming of summer

Who the autumn blues really pulls down, that really nothing helps, we recommend to dream of summer.

Look at photos from last summer, make plans for next summer.

And if you have a few euros put aside, you can also extend your summer. In Thailand, for example, it's pleasantly warm and sunny right now. For next year: Put a few euros aside every month. So you can plan a trip in the fall and leave the gray cold weather behind.

18. laughs and smiles neatly

Laughter is healthy! Those who laugh heartily use more than 100 muscles at the same time. Blood circulation is increased and thus more oxygen is pumped into the body.

Laughter also releases serotonin. For all those who can't find anything to laugh about in the autumn blues right now: The happiness hormone is also released when we force ourselves to laugh.

Did you know that there is already laughter yoga in larger cities? Here, the laughing muscles are specifically stimulated. This brings the abdominal muscles to glow and the mood to the peak.

PS: There are also a lot of Good mood foodthat will put a smile on your face.

Our conclusion

The autumnal low mood can be really depressing. Try our tips against autumn blues. So you don't give too much melancholy and tiredness a chance :)

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