The best tips for running in autumn

Running in autumn tips

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You don't feel like jogging because it's too cold? But now is the ideal season for your running training. We'll tell you why running in the fall is so great.

You've been resolving for a while that running should be part of your routines from now on?

Unfortunately, the weather puts a spoke in your wheel with fog and cold? Yes, when the weather gets worse, many runners prefer to stay at home.

There is a lot to be said for running in the fall.

Too bad, because not spring or summer are the ideal seasons for jogging.

Running in the fall is the best time to start training, says our fitness coach Werner.

And this is true not only for beginners, but also for advanced runners.

Once you've overcome your inner pig, you're sure to return home in a good mood.

The short days of autumn make a bad mood - this is due to the lack of sunlight. This allows the body to produce fewer feelings of happiness.

Autumn running tips for jogging in autumn

But these are released by your body when you run. If you are a beginner: Believe me, this is really true.

Even if it doesn't look like it when you start running :) You automatically feel more balanced and relaxed.

You want to hit the ground running? Then go running and train regularly with a training plan.

What influence temperature has on running training

The cool but not yet icy temperatures offer you the ideal running conditions. The air in autumn is clear and anything but stuffy.

While the Summer heat is more of a brake on your performance, you can really take off now.

Even at temperatures above 20 degrees you will slow down and only manage shorter distances.

Anyone who regularly runs a lap in the summer knows how much the heat can slow things down. That's why many of the big running events don't take place until the fall.

Enjoy the scent of autumn. The air is free of pollen. I do not need to say more. :)

However, there are also other good reasons that speak for the fall: "15 Good Reasons Why Fall Is Better Than Summer".

Sun, sun, sun

why autumn is better than summer

Fill up on sunshine as often as possible while running. Maybe you can somehow arrange it and so fill up a big load of vitamin D.

Rain and wind: Off to the treadmill

Before you venture outdoors in really lousy weather, you might as well hit the treadmill. There's little point in risking a cold in the pouring rain.

Cold, on the other hand, does not bother the body at all. You can get used to it. However, I would not recommend starting jogging in winter.

It is better to start running in the fall and then continue through the winter.

Breathe in and out evenly

When it is cold, it makes sense to breathe in through the nose. This warms up the air. If you breathe in through the mouth, you risk a sore throat.

Exhale through the mouth as usual.

While we're on the subject of noses: Don't forget to bring tissues. After the first steps, your nose is guaranteed to start running.

Why you need new running clothes for fall running

In between, you have to treat yourself to something that motivates and spurs you on. But if you want to run in the fall, you should make sure that you buy the right clothes.

Because otherwise it is either too warm or too cold. With the right clothes, no fog, light rain or cold can stop you.

Even if you figure-hugging Clothing maybe not so fond of, you should definitely go for it. Because tight functional clothing can Quickly wick away moisture.

Tight running pants and shirts are like a second skin. They don't allow sweat to stick to your skin. That's exactly what makes you shiver.

Do you like this running outfit? You can find it here: "Our outfit of the month" 

The basic rule is: Have the courage to use color! Because especially when running in the fall, nature is already dark enough. With colored clothes cars see you faster and color makes a good mood.

On a light Softshell jacket you should not do without. It protects you from the running wind. Against rain helps a water-repellent jacket, running pants and shoes.

No matter how cold it is, the rule for running in the fall is: Don't dress too warm! For jogging, you should dress as if it were 10 degrees warmer outside, advises running expert Werner Sturm: "Your body temperature increases after just a few steps. So you don't feel cold at first, you can wear thin gloves."

Do not forget about a Headgear. The largest part of the body heat is lost through the head.

Wear long pants when running in autumn

Even if some runners like to show leg at low temperatures: From fall on, you should wear long pants. Otherwise, the risk of an Achilles tendon injury increases rapidly.

When it is cold, our tendons, joints, skin and connective tissues are less well supplied with blood. This makes them less elastic. And we become more susceptible to injuries.

In sub-zero temperatures and in winter, you should also wear socks that protect your ankles.

Make yourself visible

Very important: When running in the fall, you need to make yourself visible. Wear colorful clothing and, if you are going out for a jog very early or very late, also wear reflective tapes.

As soon as it gets dark outside, I only go running during the day. That means Friday afternoon and Sunday. I find that more pleasant than in the dark. But everyone ticks differently. Just try out both.

What you need to pay attention to when warming up

When it gets cold, be sure to do your stretching indoors.

Especially if you want to stretch a little after running or reach for the fascia roller.

Otherwise, running in the fall can quickly become a cold trap.

Do not forget to run in

At low temperatures, our muscles need longer to warm up. Therefore, it is better to start a little slower and then increase the pace.

If you usually take 500 meters for the run-in, it can be twice that distance for the fall run.

Autumn running

In cool temperatures, you should not demand maximum performance from your body.

How to prevent colds when running in autumn

You are cold and you are afraid to catch a cold? Turn up the radiator and the problem is solved. That would be nice!

Unfortunately, the opposite is true. When it's nice and cozy inside, you're much more susceptible to colds.

When you run in the fall, you boost the production of antibodies in your body. So you are perfectly equipped for the fight against viruses and bacteria. Provided you have the right running clothes.

Always cure cold completely

You can eat as healthy as you like and take care of your health - sometimes you catch a cold anyway. Then it's time to take a break from sports!

You really need to get rid of the cold before you start running again in the fall.

Do not take the cold lightly. Otherwise you can catch a heart muscle inflammation! When your infection has cleared up, you should start the first 2-3 runs slowly.

Here you come to the best Home remedies for colds.

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One minute loose run out

Refrain from sprints at the end of the fall run. They only ensure that you will have guaranteed sore muscles tomorrow and that your lungs will start to burn in the last few meters.

Absolutely unnecessary.

Finish your run with a minute of easy running and try to lower your heart rate a bit.

Why running in autumn and sauna go so well together

If you run regularly, you should treat yourself to a sauna session now and then. But only if you don't have a cold! The sweating cure strengthens the immune system.

The heat is also good for the muscles. No sauna nearby? A nice warm relaxing bath or footbath will do the trick.

Drink enough

Yes, even if you're not that thirsty in the cool temperatures, be sure to drink enough before and after running in the fall.

Hot drinks keep the body warm longer and relax after the run. Drinking doesn't work for you? Then take a look here: "15 Tricks You Don't Know Yet".

Our conclusion

As you can see, there's a lot to be said for running in the fall. Don't let the fog spoil your mood. Enjoy the sun's rays and pleasant temperatures before frost and winter really hit.

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