Nordic Walking Technique: Walk correctly with our guide

nordic walking technique

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You're not a fan of jogging, but still like to be out in the fresh air? Then you might like walking. We'll show you the right Nordic walking technique.

Just two sticks and go for a walk - that's what many people think when they hear Nordic Walking. But the sport with poles is more difficult than you think at first.

nordic walking technique

To be able to train effectively you need the right Nordic walking technique. And no: Nordic Walking is not a granny sport! This sport is a very underestimated total body workout!

Nordic Walking has become a real sport within a short time. Trend sport developed. And there's a good reason for that: brisk marching with poles trains many areas of the body. It strengthens the muscles in your arms, back and shoulders. In addition, your Heart and Circuit strengthened.

But the prerequisite is that you use the right Nordic Walking technique. We have collected and answered the most frequently asked questions about this sport for you :)

What is Nordic Walking?

When walking you hardly need any training equipment and still train your entire body. Equipped with Nordic Walking poles, training shoes and comfortable clothing, you are out in the fresh air. And not in the way many think: stalking along nice and slow, but in the fast Step.

The sport, by the way, comes from Finland and is finding its way into our home more and more often.

nordic walking technique

As early as the 1930s, Scandinavian cross-country skiers used poles to train their fitness during the summer months. 50 years later, people from the USA got a taste for walking with poles. However, at that time it was not yet possible to inspire the masses.

20 years ago, sports student Marko Kantaneva dedicated a thesis to walking with poles. That was the start of the trend sport Nordic Walking. Only then did the sports industry start manufacturing its own Nordic Walking poles.

I remember when my cousin started walking about 10 years ago. At first, she was downright smiled at. Admittedly, you really don't look elegant when Nordic walking. :D

But it wasn't long before more and more people were lacing up their training shoes and getting sticks.

For whom is Nordic Walking suitable?

Nordic Walking is the ideal Beginner sport for all those who have long renounced the workout. Walking is also suitable for those who are overweight and want to start exercising. This sport is much more gentle on the joints than jogging.

What are the advantages of walking with poles?

Many, very many! First of all, you need to know that Nordic walking uses your whole body. A true Full body workout outdoors :) Walking improves the performance of your cardiovascular system, works 80 percent of all your muscles, and burns additional Body fat.

Nordic walking helps you balance blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Tension in the neck and shoulders is also relieved when walking fast.

Advantages of Nordic Walking

  • Full body workout
  • Cardiovascular system is strengthened
  • Positively affects blood pressure and blood sugar
  • Protects joints
  • Vitamin D through sun and fresh air

The hand movements you make with the poles protect your knees and wrists. On slippery ground you have better grip thanks to the poles.

A positive side effect is that you go outdoors for Nordic Walking. Soaking up the sun and fresh air improve your mood, help to clear your head and simply do you good :)

nordic walking technique

Fast walking with poles strengthens the spine muscles. When walking, you are asymmetrically on the move.

Who by the way small Rises into his walking route, who trains his Po and the thighs.

How often should you go walking?

If you want to get fit while walking fast, you need not only the right Nordic walking technique. Also on the right Dose is what counts. Trainer Werner Sturm explains, "If you want to lose weight with Nordic Walking, you should be outdoors for an hour 4 times a week!"

If you see walking as a balance to everyday life, you can walk as much as you like. But don't overdo it at the beginning. Many then lack the motivation to persevere.

What is Power Walking?

Those who find normal walking too boring can step up their game and go for power walking. Here there are different options such as speed walking, hill walking, wogging or walking with weights on the arms and legs.

The names of power walking are constantly changing. But in the end it is always about the Tempo, the Power and the Weight to increase. So more use of force and speed.

nordic walking technique

The faster you want to walk, the more important is the right walking technique. Fast walking is anything but simple strolling.

Walking is great for two people. But even if your girlfriend just wants to start jogging and you're into power walking, it's a good match.

What is the calorie consumption of Nordic Walking?

The calorie consumption of Nordic walking is higher than you think. In one hour you consume between 350 and 600 kilocalories. It all depends on how fast you are going, if your route is straight or has hills, and what the temperature is.

For the fact that some think walking is nothing more than a simple stroll, the calorie consumption is very high.

If you still want to run a little, you can quickly turn Nordic Walking into Nordic Running - that gives upward thrust! Quasi your personal four-wheel drive for the terrain! :)

What to look for in Nordic Walking poles?

Nordic walking poles have three functions: Support, guide and cushion.

  1. The right material

    The stick should be easy, stable and low vibration be. The most suitable poles are carbon, aluminum, carbon or fiberglass.

    There are poles with a fixed length and poles that can be adjusted to body size. Werner recommends poles with a fixed length: "These Nordic walking poles are more stable and hold up even after countless tours."

  2. The right stick length

    Nordic walking poles have special Loops - these distinguished them from ski or hiking poles. But the length of the poles also varies. The pole length depends on the stride length and also the athleticism. The more athletic you are, the longer your poles should be.

    The length of the poles can be calculated quite simply: Body height in centimeters x 0.66. This is then about two-thirds of a body height.

  3. The right essay

    There are attachments for every surface. On Field- and Forest trails metal tips are used. At asphalted Stretches you reach for rubber pads.

    The right attachments improve adhesion and dampen.

What are the most common mistakes when walking?

You think you can't go wrong with Nordic Walking? Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. Fast walking looks easy, but many people still do it wrong.
nordic walking technique

These are the most common walking mistakes:

  • Back and shoulders sag
  • Lift feet too little
  • no diagonal step
  • Upper body too far forward

The many positive effects that can be achieved with Nordic Walking only occur if you use the right Nordic Walking technique. "I observe many walkers who stroll along with hunched backs and drooping shoulders and look anything but motivated," says sports scientist Werner Sturm. In addition, they don't lift their arms properly, which looks very unmotivated. Some also have the wrong Coordination of hands and feet. In the right walking step you have the right arm and the left foot in front. So always diagonally.

Not infrequently are also the Upper body bent forward. It all comes down to the right technique, says trainer Werner Sturm: "If you have the wrong arm technique, you can damage your elbows and wrists. Only those who use the right technique are doing something good for their body."

Nordic Walking Technique: This Is How It Really Works

Nordic walking stresses the entire body. Supposedly even stronger than jogging. It's all in the technique. And it starts with the poles. The correct execution depends on the Arm insert off. If you stab too far in front with the Nordic Walking poles, you will hinder yourself from progressing.

Beginners should pierce the stick slightly behind the heel of the opposite foot. Advanced at the level of the heel. When piercing the stick with all fingers is Firmly enclosed. Swing your arm back and open your hand. Through the loop you do not lose the stick. When you stab into the ground, the stick is tightly gripped again.

nordic walking technique

My Tip: Try this Nordic Walking technique for poles deliberately.

Do you go uphill the steps become smaller and your upper body leans forward a little. Thanks to the poles, the power you need for walking is distributed not only to your legs, but also to your upper body.

You go downhill with a small step. You lean back slightly and bend your knees. Thanks to the poles, your weight is cushioned great. However, you should not pull the poles behind you. That's what many people do when going downhill.

Our conclusion

Nordic Walking is the perfect sport for autumn. Enjoy the sun and the fresh air. This way you can recharge your batteries for the long, dark and cold winter.

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