You should not eat these foods on an empty stomach

Food not on an empty stomach

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If you want to start the day carefree, you should not eat these foods on an empty stomach. Ban these foods from your breakfast table!

After getting up, the first path leads to the coffee machine. And then it's straight to the refrigerator. Without thinking much, we now have a proper breakfast.

And then the stomach makes itself felt. It rumbles, gurgles and bloats. But why is that? You've probably eaten some of those foods that you shouldn't eat on an empty stomach.

What foods you should not eat on an empty stomach

If you eat only a little of this or leave out the foods altogether, your digestive tract will be much better.

Bananas not on an empty stomach

When things have to happen really quickly, you reach for the fruit bowl. A banana is just the thing. You don't have to cut it, you can hold it in one hand and eat it on the go.

Why you should not eat bananas on an empty stomach is quickly explained: You will get ravenous hunger. The sweetness in the banana makes your blood sugar level rise very quickly. That's why we feel so good right after eating bananas. But unfortunately, the blood sugar level drops again just as quickly.

This means for you: After a very short time you will be hungry again. And if you are prone to ravenous appetite, it can even happen that you have to fight with food cravings all day long.

Yogurt for breakfast

Yes, you read that right. You don't have to ban yogurt from the breakfast table entirely, but you shouldn't eat it first thing. It doesn't matter whether it's natural yogurt, yogurt with fruit or a ready-made fruit yogurt.

Many of us eat yogurt under the assumption that it is very healthy for the digestive tract. So what could be better than to start with a healthy portion first thing in the morning? The positive effects that yogurt has on us are due to lactic acid bacteria. If you eat a yogurt on an empty stomach, the stomach acid breaks down all the positive ingredients in the morning. So no lactic acid bacteria reach the intestines.

So: yogurt better put a little behind and eat as a breakfast dessert.

By the way, the same applies to kefir and cheese.

Black coffee on an empty stomach

Before you can even open your eyes properly, you need a sip of coffee? For many people, this is indispensable. For some, a large cup of black coffee even replaces breakfast.

But you should not drink black coffee on an empty stomach. It strongly stimulates the formation of gastric acid, which can lead to the stomach lining being attacked.

Especially those who have a sensitive stomach will know the pressing and pulling in the stomach. Drink coffee therefore better with food and with a conclusion plant milk.

Tip: Almond milk, oat milk and co. neutralize the acidity in coffee.

Raw food for breakfast

Carrot sticks, kohlrabi sticks, lettuce and co. are all the rage. No wonder, raw vegetables are really healthy. But at the breakfast table, vegetables can make you bloated. It's wiser if you don't eat them directly on an empty stomach, but first have some porridge or bread.

By the way, cucumbers are the easiest to digest because they consist mostly of water. Carrots, kohlrabi and the like, on the other hand, are difficult to digest.

Carbonation on an empty stomach

Your digestive tract will not be happy if you drink carbon dioxide on an empty stomach. Soda and cola are taboo anyway, because they contain an extremely high amount of sugar. This brings us back to the subject of ravenous appetite - you remember the banana.

But even mineral water with fizz is not good for your empty stomach. The carbonic acid increases the acidity in your body, you will get a stomach ache.

Morning citrus

A freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning - that's super healthy, right? Not quite. Because citrus fruits contain a lot of fruit acid. If you're prone to heartburn, orange, grapefruit and the like are anything but good for your stomach.

But even sensitive stomachs react to orange juice with twinges and discomfort. If you don't want to give up citrus fruits, you should eat an oatmeal or an avocado first, that neutralizes the fruit acid a bit.

Lemon is said to be an exception, but only if it is added to water in small amounts and drunk.

Fresh yeast on an empty stomach

Buns, croissants and co can cause you to get an upset stomach. Fresh yeast pastries can be quite a digestive challenge. The yeast bacteria irritate the empty stomach. This can cause bloating and stomach pain, which can be quite severe.

Especially all those who have a sensitive stomach should save the fresh roll for later.

Jam and chocolate spread

In between, something sweet for breakfast is perfectly fine. But you must always keep in mind that sweets cause your blood sugar level to rise and fall. It rides a roller coaster, so to speak.

From satiated and happy, you slide straight into craving land. And you already know what awaits you there.

What foods are tolerated on an empty stomach

If you're wondering what's left over and whether it's better not to eat anything at all, you've come to the right place.

There are some foods you can eat in the morning without having digestive problems.

A portion of oatmeal with berries can be a blessing for your stomach. Whereby the portion of oatmeal should predominate. They protect your stomach lining, are rich in fiber and stimulate digestion. They are also known to lower cholesterol levels.

If you have a few more Flaxseed* will give your digestion a real boost. Berries in any form are real vitamin bombs and stimulate the metabolism. Blueberries are particularly healthy.

Eggs are also well tolerated by most. Proportionally, they have few calories and saturate well. Especially if you eat a piece of wholemeal bread with them.

Our conclusion

There are a few foods that you should not eat on an empty stomach. But you don't have to give them up completely, often it's enough to change the order. An orange juice can be very tasty, but not directly on an empty stomach.

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