5 sensual tantra yoga exercises that you can do today

Tantra Yoga Exercises

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How about a little more lust in your relationship? If you're looking for that special something, tantra exercises could be just the thing for you. These sensual tantra yoga exercises will add sizzle to any relationship!

Have you ever heard of Tantra Yoga? Some will immediately blush when asked this question out loud in public. After all, these are fancy sex practices from Asia. Or?

No. Actually, not at all. Because tantra is simply a branch of yoga. In Kundalini Yoga, to be precise.

Why do we associate tantra yoga with sex? Probably because we think of the Kamasutra.

However, tantra is much more than what we understand it to be. It is actually a sensual experience in which your own sexuality is used. But in a different way than you might think.

Today I would like to dive deep into the world of tantra with you. I want to show you how you can use it to take your love for your partner to a new level and which exercises are particularly suitable for this. Are you ready? Then let's get started right away! ❤️

What is Tantra Yoga?

The term Tantra comes from Sanskrit. It is an ancient Indian teaching on the art of love and lust. The term means nothing other than "Fabric, cohesion". It is about interweaving our own individual energy with the universal energy.

Tantra is a cross-religious spiritual movement. The universe is seen as an interplay of consciousness and energy. ✨

In tantra, one's own sexuality, the sensation of pleasure and sex itself are regarded as spiritual path towards the Enlightenment and ecstasy. This is the point, Moments all over aware and to make intensive use of all the senses. This means smelling, tasting, feeling, hearing and seeing.

Tantra Yoga is a form of Kundalini yoga, a Hindu teaching that is thousands of years old. It helps us to learn to use dormant energy. And thus awaken a power within us that helps us to use our full mental and physical potential.

In summary, it can be said that it is about increasing one's spirituality and energy. And for this, among other things, sexual energy is used.

Breathe, relax and exercise

The mix of asanas and meditation is what Tantra Yoga is all about. The asanas (yoga postures) mixed with breathing and relaxation exercises strengthen the body. And the meditation helps you to focus on the flow of energy. This leads to more vitality and more power.

At Tantra Yoga sex does not have to play an active role play. The focus is on the own desire and energy. You become aware of what is happening in your own body.

And this is exactly the part where tantra yoga helps us during sex. Leaving the thoughts of everyday life behind. To simply switch them off and arrive in the here and now. Because this is the only way to truly enjoy the most beautiful thing in the world.

The exercises help you to go beyond your physical limits and free yourself from mental shackles.

Energy is used for this. Including sexual energy. It is considered a particularly powerful force. 🪄

Tantra is a combination of asanas, mantras, mudras, chakras and bandhas. This mix helps to lead life with more strength, clarity and happiness.

You can watch a great video with explanations here:

The biggest misconceptions about tantra

Before we delve deeper into the fascinating world of Tantra practice, I would like to clear up some common misconceptions. Tantra is often misunderstood and this can prevent us from realizing the true potential of this practice.

  • Tantra is sex. This is probably the biggest misunderstanding. Many people immediately think of hours of sexual intercourse when they think of tantra, but that is only one tiny aspect. Tantra is first and foremost a spiritual practice that connects body, mind and soul. It's about awakening your energies and creating harmony in your life.
  • Tantra is only for couples. Even though there are wonderful exercises for partners, you can practise tantra all by yourself. It is a way to get to know yourself better, unleash your inner power and establish a deeper connection with your own being.
  • Tantra means that you have no limits. On the contrary, tantra teaches us to respect and communicate our boundaries. It's about consent and honoring yourself and your partner.
  • Tantra is only for "initiates". You don't have to belong to an exclusive club or study secret teachings. Tantra is accessible and valuable for anyone who is open to exploring themselves and deepening their relationships.
  • You have to be a yoga professional for tantra. To Tantra Yoga Exercises to make, you must no yogi be. Of course it is easier when you is more flexiblebut even that is not a must. Because there is also a whole range of simple tantra exercises. It goes not to make every exercise perfect to make.

By clearing away these misconceptions, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities. Tantra is a journey to yourself, a practice that can enrich your life in deep and meaningful ways. Are you ready to explore this path? ❤️✨

If you want to bring more sparkle into your love life, you can also use Sex in the forest or on the beach help

Learn more about Tantra Yoga in the Book "Mysterious Tantric Yoga: 18 Lessons in Bliss". You can order it at Amazon.

How do I prepare for tantra exercises?

Before you dive into the practice of Tantra, let's talk about preparation. As with any meaningful ritual, preparation is key.

If you want, you can treat yourself to an erotically tingling menu a few hours beforehand. There is namely a whole range of Foods that are aphrodisiac act on the body.

Good to know: For Tantra Yoga exercises you must Not naked be

What you need for this is a soft yoga mat.

The importance of intention and mindfulness

Imagine that your intention is like setting sail on a boat. Before you set off on your journey, you have to decide where you want to go.

What is your goal with the tantra exercises? Perhaps you are looking for a deeper connection with your partner, inner peace or increased self-awareness. Pause for a moment and formulate your intention - consciously and clearly.

Creating a sacred space

Your surroundings play a major role in your tantra practice. Find a quiet place where you are undisturbed. You can decorate this space with things that are sacred to you or have a calming effect.

Perhaps these are candles, flowers, pictures or symbols that give you strength. This space should be inviting and give you the feeling that you can leave everything outside of it behind.

Remove distractions such as your smartphone, TV, radio and anything else that distracts you.

If you like, you can play some meditation music. But quietly. Because it is important that you can hear your breathing and that of your partner.

Importance of breathing and relaxation

Breathing - something that seems so obvious and yet is often neglected. In tantra, the breath is your anchor, your direct path to more presence and mindfulness.

Before you start the exercises, take time to breathe deeply and really arrive. With each breath, let go of a little more of your worries and feel your body and mind relax.

Relaxed breathing is the first step in opening yourself up to the energies that will flow through you.

The best tantra yoga exercises and techniques for couples

Tantra yoga exercise to warm up

Tantra is all about stroking and getting closer. Once you've made yourselves comfortable, you can get started. Gently stroke your partner's body. With your fingertips or a feather.

Make sure your hands are pre-warmed. Caress him from head to toe. And then it's your turn to be pampered.

Caution: Don't fall over each other. Try to control your desire. We are just starting with the Tantra Yoga exercises.

Tantra Yoga Exercise 1

In order to leave everyday life behind you and really get involved in tantra yoga exercises, you need to be able to switch off your mind. You have to leave everything behind you - from the to-dos you have to do today to the tasks you still have to complete tomorrow.

This very simple Tantra exercise is perfect for that.

Tantra Yoga exercises for home

Kneel on the training mat. Rest your bottom on your heels. Move closer together until your knees are almost touching.

Your hands are folded in front of your chest or you are holding them out to each other. Breathe in and out deeply.

Straighten up. Close your eyes and rest your forehead against each other.

Listen to yourself and your partner breathing. Concentrate on the situation. On your partner, on your breath.

Tantra Yoga Exercise 2

Now it gets a little more intimate. Hear it, smell it, feel it.

Tantra yoga exercises asanas for couples

Kneel on the yoga mat. Raise your left leg at a 90° angle and put it down.

Your partner does the same. Your pelvises touch. Look into each other's eyes. Hug each other and feel each other's breath and heartbeat.

Breathe in and out deeply at least 10 times before releasing this Tantra Yoga position.

Tantra exercise 3

"The boat" is also one of the Tantra Yoga exercises. However, you need to have some yoga knowledge for this. And especially well stretched legs.

Sit down on the exercise mat. Raise your legs in the air and place the soles of your feet on each other.

Grab the arms of the partner and hold on tightly.

Try to keep your back as straight as possible.

Tantra Yoga Exercise 4

This exercise is admittedly reminiscent of a hot number. But here, too, it's more about feeling each other, touching each other and enjoying the moment.

You could modify the exercise to suit your mobility. Not everyone can straighten their legs while sitting with their back upright. It's okay if it doesn't work. The important thing is that you give each other enough affection and can look each other in the eye.

Yoga for couples: Tantra Yoga Exercises

He sits down on the training mat, bends his legs and lets them tilt to the side. The soles of your feet touch - if your mobility allows it. You sit down next to him and wrap your legs around him.

Your backs are straight. Place your hands on each other's backs/necks and look deeply into each other's eyes.

Tantra Yoga Exercise 5

Now it's getting pretty hot. If you want, you can go one step further and be naked.

After you have oiled yourself from top to bottom, let your bodies slowly slide into each other. Important: very slowly. Feel the breath, the body, the friction and smell the massage oil.

A true tantric experience. Really intoxicating. Right?

An erotic massage as part of the Tantra Yoga exercises

If this is too much for you, you can opt for a normal massage. This works quite well with homemade massage oilwhich can be made even more aphrodisiac with certain fragrances such as vanilla.

The best tantra exercises for individuals

If you want to do something good for yourself, you can also do tantra exercises for yourself. Sometimes the deepest connection we can make is the connection to ourselves. This is how you strengthen contact with yourself:

Breathing techniques

Start with the foundation of tantra - the breath. Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and concentrate fully on your breath.

Breathe in deeply, hold your breath for a moment and then let it out again slowly and in a controlled manner. Feel how calm and peace return to you with every breath.

One of my favorite techniques is the "four-count breath": inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, exhale for four seconds and wait another four seconds before repeating the cycle.

This simple exercise can do wonders for your presence and well-being.

Meditation and visualization

After you have connected with your breath, it is time for meditation. Imagine a golden energy that becomes brighter with every breath. This energy is your inner power, your life essence.

It becomes stronger with every inhalation and spreads throughout your body with every exhalation. Visualize how this energy releases all blockages and fills you with positive energy.

Give attention and love to every part of your body. Meditation not only promotes mindfulness, but also helps you to activate your inner glow.

Physical exercise and yoga

Now bring some movement into play. Tantra yoga differs from other yoga styles in its focus on gentle movements that stimulate and harmonize the flow of energy.

Try out asanas (yoga poses) that open the heart and stimulate the Stretch hipssuch as the cobra or the pigeon.

Be completely with yourself and pay attention to how your body feels with every movement. It's not about how flexible you are, but about how you celebrate every movement as a gift to yourself.

Laughter yoga exercises

FAQ - Your questions about Tantra Yoga exercises

What distinguishes Tantra Yoga from other types of yoga?

Tantra yoga is a form of yoga that focuses strongly on the connection between mind, body and spirit.

Unlike other forms of yoga, which focus mainly on physical postures (asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama), tantra yoga also includes meditation, energy work and ritual to promote higher consciousness and a deeper connection with the self.

It is about consciously using our life energy and experiencing spiritual growth.

Do I need any special previous knowledge or experience to start with Tantra Yoga?

No, you don't need any special prior knowledge. Tantra yoga is suitable for people of all ages and experience levels. It is about your personal journey and discovering your own limits and possibilities.

The key is to approach the exercises with an open mind and without expectations and let your intuition guide you. There are wonderful videos with exercises on YouTube.

How can Tantra Yoga be applied in daily life?

Tantra yoga is not just a series of exercises that you practise on the mat - it is a way of life. You can integrate the principles of mindfulness, intention and energy awareness into your everyday life.

For example, you can use conscious breathing techniques when you feel stress or use meditation to start and end your day. Tantra yoga teaches you to see every action as a conscious gesture and to fully experience the moment.

What types of Tantra Yoga are there?

Yoga is divided into an infinite number of sub-types. And even with Tantra Yoga, there is not just one option. Meanwhile, there are three.

White Tantra Yoga: The goal of the white tantra is the Cleaningto be open to the Energy flow to be. The methods used for this range from fire ceremonies to pilgrimages. What these methods have in common is a lot of meditation and yoga.

This cleanses the subconscious. The aim is to create a basis on which the spirit, mind, body and soul can act as one.

In a nutshell: It's about increasing energy and the ability to love.

Red Tantra Yoga: In red tantra yoga, practices for Merging from Energy applied sensually. In other words, energy practices that are intended to increase sexual pleasure.

Black Tantra Yoga: Black tantra is often equated with black magic. It has the goal, People and thoughts on manipulate to to achieve your own goals.

How often should I practise Tantra Yoga to see results?

The frequency of your practice depends on your personal goals and life circumstances. Tantra yoga is a gentle but profound practice that can promote flexibility in both body and mind.

Even a short daily practice of 15 to 20 minutes can bring about positive changes in your state of consciousness and your ability to cope with stress.

It is not the quantity that is important, but the quality and regularity of your practice.

What does it mean when we talk about the "energetic" side of Tantra Yoga?

In Tantra Yoga, we speak of energy in the form of prana or life force that flows in and around us. This energy is the basis for our physical, emotional and spiritual health.

The energetic practice in Tantra Yoga includes techniques that help to awaken, direct and harmonize this life energy.

These include breathing exercises, meditation, chakra work and special movements or mudras that help to release energy blockages and increase well-being.

Our conclusion

Basically, all asanas in which you touch yourself are good for Tantra Yoga Exercises suitable. Take your time for it. You should banish distractions such as cell phones or TV beforehand so as not to be disturbed.

You can also start by simply oiling each other up and giving each other a massage. Tantra yoga exercises don't have to end with sex. It's about building intimacy. This is especially good for couples who have been together for a long time. It brings the sizzle back into your love life.

Yoga for couples: Tantra Yoga exercises

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