The ultimate yogi guide: With these 7 yoga postures you will become agile

Become more flexible with yoga

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Are you looking for yoga postures for more flexibility? We have the 7 best exercises for you and the best tips for yoga beginners.

Yoga postures are just right in. Everyone is doing yoga. So why not give it a try? That's what I thought a few weeks ago. And now? Well, now I'm addicted to it and can't stop.

Yes, you read that right. Those who know me, know that I like power and action in sports and get bored quickly.

Then this slow, boring and simple yoga? Think again! For me, these flexibility exercises are one of the greatest challenges of all.

Since many yoga postures have to be held for a long time or performed slowly and are sometimes very tricky, it is extremely challenging and exciting. In addition, yoga offers many benefits that will inspire you.

Yoga exercises for more flexibility!

How to breathe correctly during yoga

Before we start with the exercises, here are a few quick tips on breathing during yoga. Yogis don't count in seconds or minutes. But in Breaths.

Each of the yoga postures for more flexibility you hold 10-15 breaths.

Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Try to quiet to breathe and exhale longer than inhale.

During the exercises you think of nothing but your breath and body. You may not succeed immediately, but after a few days it will become easier.

It's best to practice at first 5 days in the week. So, but now let's go!

The best yoga postures for more flexibility

Don't be upset if you can't do the asanas exactly as shown in the photo at the beginning. This is quite normal. Your body needs to get used to the stretches first. If it doesn't work at all, you should start with this post at the beginning: "Simple Stretching Exercises Everyone Should Be Able To Do".

Yoga position the child to become mobile

This pose is the beginning and end of my yoga sessions. It is totally relaxing for the head and back.

Yoga exercises become more mobile

  • Sit on your heels with your knees slightly open.
  • Now slowly bend forward and rest your torso on your thighs.
  • Your butt should be as far down as possible.
  • Stretch your arms out in front of you.
  • Your entire body should loosen up and relax more with each breath.
  • Finally, slowly straighten up and sit on your heels.

Half swivel seat for more flexibility

The half swivel seat is one of the yoga postures that are very good for your back. But also your thighs will thank you.

Become more flexible with yoga

  • To do this, sit upright with your legs stretched out in front.
  • Now bend your right leg at a 45° angle and place it over your left leg.
  • With your left hand, you now push your right leg to the left, while your right hand is supported behind you and you look from the right to the back. It may sound complicated, but it's not.
  • As soon as you feel a slight tug, pause and inhale 10-15 times.
  • Then switch sides and repeat.

Standing forward bend for mobile legs

This yoga pose allows fresh and oxygenated blood to flow to the brain. It brings flexibility to the spine and pelvis and stretches calves and thighs.

As you can see, I can't do them perfectly yet either. But I'm working on it. :)

Become mobile with yoga

  • You stand upright with your legs closed.
  • As you exhale, bend down from the hips until there is a slight pull in the lower back.
  • You can either stretch your hands towards the floor or behind your back and let them fall forward.
  • If you're struggling, you can also bend your knees.
  • Let your neck, head and hands dangle loosely and perform 15 relaxed breaths.

The happy baby for more flexibility

This fun position is reminiscent of a baby's movements. It equally stretches and relaxes your lower back and opens your hips.

Become mobile with yoga

  • For this yoga exercise, lie down with your back on the floor.
  • As you inhale, pull your legs toward your chest and hold your big toes.
  • As you exhale, pull your knees sideways toward the floor until you feel a slight tug.
  • Breathe in and out calmly and rock back and forth gently, just like a baby.
  • Your lower back will be massaged and relieved. But always make sure that your entire back is resting on the floor.

Dog looking down makes back flexible

A recurring yoga pose is the dog looking down. It is also the starting position for many other exercises. It strengthens and stretches the back leg muscles and the back. Your shoulders and arms are also trained.

Down dog become agile with yoga

  • Lie on your stomach on the floor and get into the push-up position.
  • Then push your butt back and up and stretch your arms through.
  • The center of gravity is now in the middle of your body.
  • The hands are open shoulder width.
  • Now try to lower your heels as much as possible. You will feel a slight pull in the back of your thighs.
  • Your head hangs down in a relaxed position.
  • With each exhalation, try to bring your heels further down without causing pain.
  • If you like, you can alternate bending your left and right leg a bit, as if you were walking.

Yoga pose - the dove provides more mobility

This position is a bit tricky and should only be done if you don't have knee problems. It provides more flexibility in the hip joint, promotes mobility and strengthens the back muscles.

Become mobile with yoga

  • The starting position is the dog looking down, which you know from the previous exercise.
  • Then stretch your right leg upwards so that your heel, buttocks and palms form a line.
  • Angle your right foot and turn it to the left to open your hips.
  • Then bring your foot forward, still bent, and place it on the mat. Your knee should be by your right thumb. The back leg remains stretched.
  • You can now either rest on your hands and look up or rest your upper body on your right knee as shown in the pictures.
  • Hold this position for only 5 breaths at the beginning.
  • Then return to the starting position and change the leg.

The dancer makes you move

Finally, here is a yoga pose that promotes both your flexibility and balance. It strengthens the leg muscles and your chest muscles are stretched intensively.

Yoga become mobile

  • At the beginning, you stand completely upright.
  • As you exhale, shift your weight to your right leg and now lean forward very slowly as you bring your left bent leg up.
  • Your left hand is now holding your ankle.
  • As you inhale, lower your shoulders and extend your right hand forward as a counterweight.
  • Try to keep your balance for 5 breaths.
  • Then change the leg.

Our conclusion

Practicing yoga postures means having stamina. For others, it just looks so easy because they've been doing it for a long time. Those who start with stretching exercises have to get their bodies used to it first.

After that, however, you can quickly achieve success if you practice regularly. I'm only at the beginning of my way, but it is already a huge difference to the first attempts to see. So grab a mat and get started!
In collaboration with Massive Sport

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