Yoga Sex Exercises: More fun in bed with 11 asanas

Yoga sex exercises

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Want to have more fun in bed? Then yoga sex exercises are just right for you! We show you the best asanas for better sex.

Yoga sex - how does that fit together? At first glance, perhaps not at all. But if you look at the effects and benefits of regular asanas, it quickly becomes clear: yoga and sex belong together.

Even if people used to see it differently. For many centuries, sexuality and spirituality were absolutely irreconcilable opposites.

Many gurus recommended abstaining from sex if one wanted to attain spiritual enlightenment through yoga or meditation.

One should focus the mind and not be distracted by physical lusts. Yoga and sex were simple incompatible.

Times are changing. This also applies to the relationship between yoga sex. Today, the pleasurable physical experience is no longer in total opposition to the mind.

Today people are convinced of the opposite. Yoga with all its benefits (physical and mental) helps us sexuality more aware to perceive.

Among the greatest benefits of yoga is that it gives energy to the body. We become more flexible, more confident. Also, with yoga you can strengthen the circulation and relax your mind.

These are all great benefits of yoga. Sex can benefit from it. Because yoga exercises help to increase the desire for sex.

How yoga improves sex life

You don't believe me? There are studies that show that regular asanas improve our sex life.

It is proven that yoga has positive effects on physical and mental well-being.

One study was in the Journal of Sexual Medicine to find. Scientists have found that women who practice yoga have a higher desire for sex. And here's the thing: They also experience better orgasms. Sounds great, doesn't it?

However, other researchers have devoted themselves to the exciting topic of yoga sex. Harvard Medical School conducted a study with 40 women. The participants were between 22 and 55 years old and noticed the many benefits of yoga sex on their own bodies.

Yoga had a positive influence on

  • Pleasure and stimulation
  • Moisture and orgasm
  • Less pain and overall satisfaction

Almost 3/4 of the respondents stated, satisfied with their Sex life to be when they do yoga.

By the way, you'll also be more satisfied with your love life if you regularly treat yourself to a bit of fun. A partner doesn't always have to be there for that. We women have it in our own hands!

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Yoga has a strengthening effect on the body. You can build more endurance with it.

In addition, one becomes more flexible and can stay longer in certain postures. Regular yoga exercises are also said to balance the hormonal balance.

For more information about the effects of yoga and even more exercises order the book "Yoga Anatomy: Your Guide to the Asanas, Movements, and Breathing Techniques" at Amazon..

In addition, yoga has the advantage of helping with tension, eliminating sleep disorders, nervousness and headaches and back pain.

These are all real lust killers. But we all know that quite well. Now it's time to do something about it. We show you the best Yoga Sex Exercises for a fulfilling love life.

Yoga Sex Exercises: These 11 asanas will improve your sex life

Yoga benefits the whole body. There are some excellent exercises (asanas) and also breathing techniques (pranayama) that involve the pelvis. And exercises that benefit the Pelvic floor strengthen are especially important for us women. Many yoga sex exercises also increase libido and improve sensation.

The best thing about yoga exercises for better sex? You don't need any equipment. A mat and a little space are all you need.

You are already keen on our exercises? Well, then: Let's go :)

PS: Hold each of the yoga sex exercises as long as you can. But at least 20 seconds.

The swivel seat for more mobility

  • Stretches the hips and spine
  • Has a relaxing effect

Yoga exercise love life refresh

Sit upright on the exercise mat and stretch your legs forward.

Now lift the left leg over the right.

The left hand behind your body helps you keep your balance.

Press the knee to your chest with your hand.

Hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds before switching.

The straddle as a yoga sex exercise

  • Stretches and trains the inner thigh muscles
  • Makes you more mobile

Yoga sex exercises

Stand up straight.

Open your legs as wide as you can.

Now lean forward upside down.

Try to touch the floor with your hands.

If it still doesn't pull enough, just take the step a little further.

The happy baby

  • Opens the hips and stretches the inner thighs
  • Relieves tension and reduces stress

Happy baby pose

Lie on your back.

Angle your legs and stretch the soles of your feet toward the ceiling.

Reach out with your fingers to the soles of your feet.

Pull your thighs toward your torso and open your legs as shown in the photo.

The bridge for trained legs

  • Makes your hip flexible
  • Strengthens the thighs for acrobatic feats of all kinds ;)

Bridge exercise

Lie on your back and bend your legs.

Push the hip off the mat.

Tighten the buttocks and abdomen.

Your body forms a straight line.

The cat, the cow

  • Stimulates and circulates the pelvis
  • Lengthens and stretches the spine

Cat - cow exercise yoga against period pain

First comes the cat:

  • Squat down on all fours.
  • Hands are under your shoulders, knees under your pelvis.
  • As you inhale, lift your chin.
  • Tense the back and pull the shoulder blades together.
  • Now make a cat hump. While doing this, push your back up in an arc.
  • Pull the chin towards the chest and the shoulder blades apart.

Now for the cow:

  • With the next inhale, lift your head.
  • Come into a slight hollow back.
  • Push the shoulder blades apart and the buttocks up a little.

The butterfly for mobile hips

  • Opens the hip
  • Stretches the groins

Butterfly legs stretch

Sit down on the exercise mat.

Bring the soles of your feet to each other in front of your body.

Try to bring the knees as low as possible to the floor.

You can help the stretch a little with your hands. But please do not overdo it!

Legs to the wall

  • Better blood circulation for the pelvis
  • Relaxes and promotes abdominal breathing

Yoga sex exercises legs to the wall

Place your feet against a wall - alternatively a door.

The butt touches the wall.

The soles of the feet point to the ceiling.

Breathe deeply and consciously in and out of the abdomen.

The dog looking up

  • Increases your energy flow
  • Strengthens the buttocks and torso

Cobra stretching exercise back

Lie down on your stomach.

Support your upper body with your arms.

The palms of the hands are under the shoulders.

Stretch your head back a little.

Tighten the buttocks.

Stretch legs with the theraband

  • You stretch your hips, thighs and groin

Sex yoga exercises: Stretch legs

Lie on your back.

Stretch your right leg in the air and grab a Theraband.

Pull the leg with the band as far toward you as you can. The leg remains stretched.

The left leg lies on the training mat.

Hold the stretch for at least 15 seconds.

The dove (for beginners)

  • Opens your hips
  • Relieves tension in the abdomen

Dove yoga sex exercise

This exercise is only part of the asana "The Dove". The exercise is a little converted and therefore suitable for beginners.

Stretch the left leg backwards.

Bend the right leg.

Try to bring the hips as low as possible to the floor.

Stretch the arms upwards.

Open the hip

Yoga sex exercises for home

Lie on your back.

Stretch the arms out to the sides. The palms point upward.

Draw the legs and put them to the side.

Lift your spine off the mat until you are only touching it with your shoulder blades.

10 minutes yoga sex exercises for better love life

You don't have to do yoga like a crazy person every day forever. Especially in the beginning, you really shouldn't overdo it. Because the muscle soreness will be enormous. You'll lose the desire for sex again.

Take it slow! You don't need more than 10 minutes a day. More energy, balance and a better body feeling are the best prerequisites for better sex.

Pick 2-3 different exercises every day and just incorporate them into your daily routine.

If you would like to go one step further, you can also try out Sex in the forest try. The very brave dare to Sex on the beach approach.

5 good reasons that speak for sex yoga exercises

1. more awareness leads to more self-awareness

In many yoga exercises we learn to breathe consciously. To concentrate on the here and now. We focus our mind. All this helps us to become more aware of our body. This in turn helps us to recognize what our actual desires are. This makes us more satisfied on a psychological and sexual level.

Through yoga sex we focus on the situation, not thinking about what will be later or was earlier. The mind is calm and the body consciousness is high.

2. better blood circulation leads to more desire for sex

Actually, it's quite simple: when more blood flows into the sexual organs, we get hot. The desire and the sensitive sensation increase.

3. more muscles lead to more intense orgasms

Asanas can strengthen your entire body. Certain yoga exercises deliberately target the pelvic floor. The more trained our pelvic floor, the more intense the orgasms. Why this is so, you can read in the article on Pelvic floor exercises read up.

4. mobility makes us willing to experiment

Many sex positions are more strenuous than gymnastics. Anyone who has ever had the Kama Sutra in their hands can confirm this. It's crazy how much people can bend. You wouldn't believe it.

Yoga sex exercises

But it really works. The more often you do yoga sex exercises, the better it gets. Stiff muscles and joints do not have a positive effect on sex life. They decrease pleasure and the probability of orgasm.

This is where special sex yoga exercises come into play. They help you open your hips and relax. And that, of course, makes us ready to experiment more.

5. higher energy flow by activating chakras

You know it too: In the evening you come home dog-tired and just want to lie down on the sofa. Do you feel like having sex? No, really not today.

Yoga helps us to release unimagined energies and to have more power. This is due to the energy centers in the body. They are also called chakras. The root chakra, sacral chakra and heart chakra are responsible for our sexual desire.

Our conclusion

At first glance, asanas and our sex life are not related. But if you take a closer look, you quickly realize that there is a connection after all.

It is not, as one would immediately think at first, flexibility. It is also increased in yoga sex exercises, but rather it is about one's own body awareness. And about simply arriving in the moment.

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