Sport effects: Incredible effects of regular exercise

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The effects of sports on our body are enormous. Not only our fitness can be improved, but also our health and well-being. You can learn about all the positive effects of regular exercise here.

Do you know this too? Actually, you would like to do sports. But somehow it's just too warm, too wet, too humid. The pants pinch, the sports shirt is in the wash and the shoes are not really chic anymore.

And anyway - after the long day at the office, the extended shopping marathon with your girlfriend, the lunch with your mother-in-law - you deserve a cozy end of the day on the couch.

Sports can be postponed wonderfully. To tomorrow, to the beginning of summer, to the next New Year's resolution. Your piggy will never get tired of finding reasons why sports are a really stupid idea right now. And if it's not, then you'll find more in our article on Sport excuses any number of reasons.

But that's over now :) Because we deliver you a variety of Facts per movementthat will at least make your bastard look old. And will get you off the sofa in no time.

Because sports effects are not only limited to the crisp bikini figure. Your health also benefits incredibly from a regular workout. At the same time, your brain becomes more efficient and your well-being is significantly increased.

Sport effects: How healthy is sport really?

Of course, there is an almost endless choice of sports and training variants. We distinguish between endurance and strength sports. Recreational athletes who shake out their tired bones twice a week. And fitness fanatics who get into their training shoes every day.

When does exercise become sport?

According to official data from the WHO (World Health Organization), even half an hour of moderate exercise a day favors the positive sport effects on our body and our health.

Sport effects on the body

For this, you should be slightly out of breath, have a slightly accelerated heartbeat, so that the metabolism is activated. For some, that may already be a brisk walk. Others only really get out of breath when jogging.

So whether you choose cycling, swimming, the gym or a round of Pilates - if it gets strenuous, it's good ;). Not only for the visual end result but also for your body, health and well-being.

What happens when we play sports?

What exactly happens when we move and exercise? As a result of the exertion, the heart begins to pump faster. This gets more oxygen into our body and into our brain. This ensures that many messenger substances are released.

This not only creates countless new neuronal networks in the head that make us more efficient. Also, the healing of diseased cells and even damaged DNA is advanced and the Growth of healthy cells stimulated.

Sport effects not only help us to achieve a clear mind and healthy body. Also, lots of happy hormones are released, which can even reduce depression and contribute to our well-being.

Can sport also do harm?

Exercise is also a matter of finding the right balance. If you overdo it, you put too much strain on your heart. This can cause small tears in the heart muscle. If the physical strain is too high over many years, chronic heart diseases are possible.

Sport effects unhealthy

But don't worry, you'll have to really let it rip for that. That means regularly pushing yourself to the absolute limit for more than 2 hours. If you are not preparing for the Iron Man or are a competitive athlete, this is probably a utopian scenario. :)

Be careful, however, if you have inflammation in your body. If you feel tired, put your legs up instead of doing sports. The physical strain can damage the heart and, in the worst case, lead to myocarditis.

What do you need to pay attention to during training?

To benefit from the positive effects of working out, we should pay attention to our bodies and take their needs seriously. This includes taking breaks when we feel sick or weak or not exceeding limits.

Very intense workouts do not necessarily have to be longer than 45 minutes. Afterwards, it is always important to take enough time to regenerate so that the body can recover from the stress.

And of course, as always: drink a lot, balanced and eat healthy, get enough sleep. If you then do a sport that is really fun, you can only benefit from the sports effects on the body, health and psyche.

Sport effects on the body and health

The regular workout ensures that we can create our dream body. Through endurance training we lose weight. Weight training helps us build muscle where we find it beautiful. But sports should be much more than a mere means to an end.

Sport effects on the body

Because the effects of regular and long-term exercise have a positive impact on our entire body. We feel fitter and more resilient, our musculoskeletal system remains more supple and we age more slowly.

In addition, sport helps prevent a wide range of diseases. Even in the case of acute illnesses, exercise can reduce the symptoms and discomfort or significantly slow down the progression.

Sport reduces belly fat

A lot of exercise is good for burning excess fat and reducing weight. Thereby it also goes to the Belly fat to the collarwhich can be really dangerous for our health.

This is because deep-lying fat on the abdomen in particular actively sends inflammation-promoting signals to the body. These can promote diabetes, heart attacks, cancer or Alzheimer's disease. Endurance sports in particular, such as running, cycling or swimming, help to prevent or combat obesity.

Muscles are built

A good sports routine strengthens the muscles and helps build muscle mass. This allows our body to better compensate for unaccustomed postures and we are less susceptible to Tension in the neck or tension-related headaches.

In addition, the energy metabolism of the muscles increases and the oxygen supply is improved. Well trained muscles protect our bones and joints and can better prevent injuries or damage.

One more reason why build muscle worth is that through more muscles the basal metabolic rate increases. So we burn a lot of calories even at rest and may therefore eat more :)

Sport reduces the risk of osteoporosis

Outdoor workout climbing

Exercise improves the oxygen supply in the blood. This allows more minerals to reach the bones. The bone marrow is stimulated to produce new tissue and build up the bone substance. This makes the bones more resilient.

Osteroporse, a disease in which bone density decreases and can lead to fractures, is thus prevented. The exerted load must be somewhat stronger for it. We recommend running, walking or strength training.

Exercise helps against high blood pressure

High blood pressure is often accompanied by headaches, dizziness or fatigue. If blood pressure is not lowered, serious secondary diseases can result. These include coronary heart disease, heart attacks or damage to the kidneys.

High blood pressure can be lowered through exercise and sport. This is because the blood vessels become more elastic and the resistance in the vessels is reduced. Here you should talk to your doctor beforehand, which type of sport is more recommended.

Sport effects on diabetes

A lot of exercise can also prevent or even improve diseases such as diabetes. The disorder of sugar metabolism ensures that insulin levels are permanently elevated. This can damage vessels and organs.

Sport helps to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood and to keep the sugar balance low. This can even make medication unnecessary. However, you should also seek the advice of your doctor in advance and coordinate the sports program with him.

Exercise strengthens the heart

Sport effects exercise regularly

Regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart attack by 30%. This is because exercise ensures that the heart muscles are strengthened and the heart can work more economically.

This means that the heart pumps more blood and therefore has to beat less frequently. As a result, the muscles are spared and are better supplied with blood between beats. For this effect, it is already enough to take a 30-minute walk every day.

Sport strengthens the immune system

Sports help us to strengthen our immune system and make our body more resistant to viruses and bacteria. Especially during the cold season you should lace up your sports shoes and do a regular workout.

By the way, there's no such thing as wrong weather when it comes to running. Even if it's raining or storming, you can still boost your immune system outside. Just avoid large Summer heat or temperatures well below freezing.

Improved breathing supports the body

People who exercise breathe in air more intensively and deeply. This allows more oxygen to enter the body, which supplies us with energy and improves blood circulation. this sets metabolic processes in motion.

The body can now work faster and more efficiently. This includes removing and excreting toxins and waste products in a shorter time. In addition, the lung capacity is increased.

Sport regulates cholesterol levels

Sport effects

Cholesterol is not bad per se. Instead, it is important to distinguish between good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), which significantly increases the risk of heart attacks.

Sport and exercise lower harmful LDL cholesterol. In turn, the body produces more good cholesterol, which absorbs harmful fats from the blood and removes them.

Sport reduces the risk of developing cancer

Regular exercise can reduce the risk of developing cancer. These effects are particularly evident in breast and colorectal cancer. In addition, sports effects help the disease to progress more slowly.

How exactly the two are connected is still unexplored. However, it is assumed that sport helps to repair defective DNA, which can be a trigger for cancer. It also reduces obesity and lowers insulin levels, which can also lead to tumors.

Effects of sport on the psyche and the brain

Not only the results on our body and our health are amazing. Sport also has a variety of positive effects on our performance, our general well-being and our hormone balance.

Sport effects health

Regular exercise also has a demonstrable and positive influence on our mental health. This applies equally to depression or anxiety disorders. Research is currently being conducted to determine whether exercise has similar effects to antidepressants.

But also for all of you who always have a lot on your plate: Sports help to reduce stress and recharge your energy stores. In addition, you can obviously take a break. So: On your marks, get set, go!

Sport effects on concentration

Those who exercise activate the motor cortex in the brain, which is responsible for movement sequences and our accident-free coordination. At the same time, the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for thinking and planning, gets a break.

The movement also ensures that the brain is better supplied with oxygen and new energies are released. For this reason, we feel more alert after sports and can learn or work more focused.

Sport reduces stress

Through the movement during training, more oxygen is absorbed and blood circulation is stimulated. This has the effect that adrenaline and other stress hormones can be reduced more quickly.

In addition, regeneration is improved as well as our sleep quality, which has a great influence on our well-being. Do you have problems getting some rest in the evening? Then take a look here: The 11 best natural sleep aids in the world.

Sport strengthens self-esteem

Sports effects on mood

Regular workouts not only make a pretty body, but also also increase our self-esteem. Those who exercise several times a week feel fitter, healthier, more comfortable in their skin and have an improved awareness of their body.

In addition, we are less stressed, more relaxed and more balanced. And we radiate this to the outside world. Yoga workouts are particularly effective. Here you can find our favorite flow: Yoga in the morning to wake up: 11 exercises for more energy. 

Sport effects on hormone balance

Those who regularly engage in physical activity can positively influence their hormone balance in the long term. After all, sport not only ensures a rapid reduction in stress hormones, which reduces anxiety and negative thoughts.

In turn, the happiness hormone dopamine is released and broken down more slowly. Dopamine influences our movement and fine motor skills. It also helps us to concentrate better, to motivate ourselves and to feel good. Thus it has a mood-lifting effect.

Sport effects on negative thoughts

During sports, our brain releases the neurotransmitter BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). This ensures that new connections and neuronal networks can develop.

In this way, we can adopt new perspectives and free ourselves from old behavior patterns. Especially negative thought spirals or bad habits are dissolved in this way.

Exercise helps against depression

Sport effects hormones

By breaking negative thought spirals, sport can help alleviate depression. Those who regularly engage in endurance sports also feel motivated and more balanced and can thus draw new strength to master everyday life.

Exercise also boosts the release of happy hormones and makes us feel optimistic. If you're currently stuck in a slump, take a look here: 5 tips to come out of difficult phases of life stronger.

With the training against anxiety disorders

Anxiety and panic disorders are particularly caused by persistent stress and negative thoughts. Those who exercise can both noticeably reduce the level of tension and remove the basis of their anxiety.

The increased body awareness helps to better understand and classify symptoms of anxiety. Endurance sports in particular help to feel more optimistic, balanced and comfortable.

Our conclusion

A better means for a happy, long and fulfilled life than sport is hardly imaginable. It not only conjures up the desired firm buttocks for the summer. We can also burn dangerous belly fat as well as build our muscles and strengthen our bones for a long life.

In addition, regular training helps to stay healthy and prevent many diseases that are more likely to occur with aging. In the case of many common diseases, sport can even be used as a therapy to alleviate the symptoms or make them disappear altogether.

But even with everyday challenges, sports effects are very positive. Stress is reduced, our self-esteem is strengthened and we feel more balanced, optimistic and happy. Even the quality of sleep and regeneration can be increased.

Even with psychological problems such as depression or anxiety disorders, regular exercise and training can have a positive effect and influence negative thought patterns and behaviors. Endurance sports in particular have an anxiety-reducing effect and positively influence well-being.

Which sport you choose is, of course, completely individual. We recommend to train at least 3 times a week and to combine endurance and weight training to achieve the best results. There are great workouts for this on our platform. Have a look around and have fun!

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