Yoga in the morning to wake up: 11 exercises for more energy

Yoga in the morning to wake up twist in lunge

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Yoga in the morning helps against stress and helps to start the day relaxed and full of energy. These are our favorite morning yoga exercises.

Yoga in the morning prepares you for the daily challenges at work. You feel fresh, energetic and become more flexible. It also brings Morning Yoga the Metabolism in momentum and helps you enjoy the peace of the moment.

Perfect to fight the spring fatigue. So it's finally easier for you to get out of bed. Yoga in the morning is ideal to shake off spring fatigue.

If your mood is always immediately in the basement after getting up, you will Morning Yoga love. You then start the day with a large portion of rest and relaxation. For this you have to get up a few minutes earlier, but it's really worth it :)

Because then, when you start the day calmly, you can really enjoy the calm before the storm. The rest of the world is still asleep and you awaken your spirits slowly.

This small change in your morning routine will give you a whole new attitude towards life. You will become more relaxed, get a more upright posture and feel fitter.

What speaks for yoga in the morning

In the morning you are still completely with yourself. Your mind is open. Everyday life has not yet caught up with us. According to Ayurveda, the body is still in the Vata phase until six o'clock in the morning. This is a good time for activity and movement.

The Energy, which you can see through Yoga exercises in the morning will accompany you throughout the day. The challenges of everyday life are much easier to cope with morning yoga.

With really cool leggings the workout is much more fun. That's why we've picked out the best ones for you.


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This is what distinguishes evening yoga from morning yoga:

Shortly after getting up, the mind is free of everyday worries. Those who do yoga in the morning don't let stress get to them in the first place. Evening yoga is meant to train away the annoyances of the day. By the way, this also works very well with running :)

Yoga as a natural wake-up call in the morning

So, set an alarm, set up your yoga mat the night before, and take 20 to 30 minutes.

Don't be surprised if your body still feels really immobile and heavy early in the morning. This is normal. Tendons, muscles and joints have to be shaken awake first, just like the mind. The circulation must first be brought up to speed.

And here comes Yoga in the morning into play. It is one of the best means to wake up quickly in the morning. Because through the gentle stretching and quiet breathing, the metabolism is boosted and the oxygen supply is improved.

Who Yoga in the morning must be very careful and cautious. Only go as far into the stretch as is really good for you. Give your body and mind time to slowly wake up.

Yoga in the morning: The best asanas for more energy

These are the best asanas for an alert mind and a fit body.

Hold each exercise for 3-5 breaths before performing it on the other side.

Warm up: Deep and conscious breathing

To wake up

Yoga in the morning to wake up: Sun salutation as a morning yoga exercise

Stand upright on the mat.

Cross your arms and lift them up sideways as if doing jumping jacks.

Breathe in when you lift your arms up. And out when the arms are stretched above your head.

Repeat this warm-up exercise at least 5 times.

Stretched lateral angle

This exercise stretches, opens and gives energy.

Yoga in the morning for more energy after getting up: The lateral angle

Stand with your legs so far apart that your left leg is fully extended and your right leg forms a nice angle.

Place the right hand to the right heel.

The right toes point to the right and away from you. The left toes point forward.

Stretch your left arm over your head as far as you can to the right.

Twist in the straddle

Detoxifies and stimulates the metabolism.

Yoga in the morning energy yoga exercises twist in the straddle

Do a very wide straddle. Put your left arm in front of your body.

Stretch your right arm in the air. Turn your upper body with your right hand. Your gaze is directed upward and your back is straight.

Twist in lunge

Stimulates the metabolism.

Yoga in the morning to wake up twist in lunge

The starting position is a normal lunge.

Bring the hands into prayer posture.

Turn the upper body to the left side and press the arms firmly together.

Make sure that the back is straight.

The dog looking up

The ultimate energy boost!

Morning yoga energy yoga exercise: the looking up dog

Lie down on your stomach.

Lift the upper body off the mat by stretching the arms and placing them under the shoulders.

Now lift your butt off the exercise mat until only your feet and palms are touching the floor.

The grasshopper

Opens the chest

Yoga in the morning morning yoga exercises to wake up: The grasshopper

Lie on your stomach and lift your head and chest off the mat.

Stretch the arms backward. The palms point upward.

Tighten the buttocks and thighs.

The one-leg stand (standing balance)

Helps to find the balance

Yoga in the morning one leg stand as morning yoga exercise to wake up

Stand upright and lift the right leg backwards.

Make sure that both legs are extended.

The arms and the right leg form a line.

The back is straight.

Chair Twist

Strengthens the center

Yoga in the morning for more energy: Chair Twist

Lower your butt until it is level with your knees.

Press your hands together in the prayer position.

Turn the upper body to the left side.

Make sure your back is nicely stretched.

The squat

Helps to find the center

Yoga in the morning to wake up: The squat as a morning yoga exercise

Place your feet a little more than shoulder width apart.

Go into a deep squat position.

The heels remain on the floor.

Shift the weight to the front third of the feet, so you can keep your balance.

The hands are in front of the heart in prayer posture.

Relax the shoulders and open the chest area.

Twist lying

Pleasant cool down

Yoga in the morning to wake up: Twist lying down as a morning yoga exercise

Lie on your back and stretch your arms out to the side.

Angle your legs and slowly drop them to the right.

Breathe deeply in and out.

Straighten them back up and let them tip to the other side.

Legs in the air

Calms breathing and heartbeat

Yoga in the morning for more energy: legs in the air as part of morning yoga

Lie on your back and place a pillow under your bottom.

Raise the legs very slowly and stretched upwards.

The soles of the feet point upwards.

The 5 biggest benefits of yoga in the morning

And to get you started, here are the benefits of morning yoga at a glance.

Keep these positive aspects in mind when you find it really hard to get up.

1. you have the evening off

Well, what could be better than a relaxing evening after work? Time for friends, a walk, a date or anything you feel like.

2. morning yoga becomes a habit very easily

Especially in the evening, something tends to get in the way. Whether it's an unannounced after-work drink, a stressful project at work, or a friend who is going through a crisis.

If "yoga" is on the calendar, it's quickly cancelled. And yet another day has gone by when you actually wanted to be active.

Wonderful if you have already done the unit of yoga in the morning. Even if it was only a few minutes: No one can take this workout away from you now.

3. you start the day with power with yoga in the morning

It does take a little time to get used to the unfamiliarity of the sport activity in the morning used to. But already after 2 weeks you will feel much more energetic. Until then, just stick with it and keep doing morning yoga exercises.

You'll get off the mat after the transition period and start your day feeling calmer and more positive. This can all be attributed to the simple physical exercises.

4. you sleep better

If you consciously and purposefully take time for morning yoga, you will positively influence your sleep rhythm. You will learn to listen more to your body and go to bed earlier.

You get the kick to wake up with your yoga session in the morning. And that works much better than the strongest coffee in the world.

5. in the early morning you can strengthen your mind with yoga

Immediately after getting up, all is still right with the world. The mind and the stomach are empty. No thoughts of work are circling through the head.

Focus on your body, on the here and now and enjoy the silence!

Our conclusion

Yoga in the morning is unusual at first. But once you get used to the morning yoga practice, it gets better and better. Take enough time, do not start to stress and stretch the body only gently. At the end of the morning yoga exercises, your body and mind will be fit and you will be much more flexible!

Have fun and namaste!

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