Boost your self-esteem with 7 foolproof tips!

Increase self-esteem

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You want to increase your self-esteem? Have complete confidence in your abilities and master challenges with ease from now on? Great plan! Here are the best tips for a stronger self-esteem.

No one is born a finished human being. Helpless, tiny, innocent and perfect, we come into the world. Over time, we learn things like how to sit, talk, walk and swim. We develop self-awareness, self-confidence, self-love and self-esteem.

Ideally, we learn it automatically. Just like sitting or walking. But unfortunately, reality catches up with us and things happen that interfere with the development of a healthy self-esteem.

However, strong self-esteem is the key to a good life. It doesn't matter whether it's in your private life, at work or in a relationship. Everything stands and falls with how you see yourself internally and what value you ascribe to yourself.

If your self-esteem is weakened, that's not a problem. You can take specific countermeasures and strengthen your self-esteem. How? We'll tell you right now!

What the self-worth is in the first place

What do you think about yourself when you look in the mirror? Which sentences come to your mind first?

It is exactly what you think about yourself and in what light you present yourself that describes your self-esteem.

In psychology, self-esteem is any form of evaluation you make of yourself.

Sentences and thoughts like, I am unathletic, I am too fat, I am beautiful, I do a good job, I have a nice laugh, are negative or positive beliefs you associate with yourself.

How you see, evaluate, and classify yourself significantly determines how you feel.

People with healthy self-esteem have confidence in their abilities. It is easier for them to take on new challenges.

People with low self-esteem often find it difficult to believe in themselves and are more inclined to give up.

The 3 pillars of self-esteem

Self-esteem, the way you judge yourself, is based on three pillars:

  1. Self-confidence: knowing your personality, your abilities and your goals, as well as being convinced of your own actions.
  2. Self-confidence: the belief in yourself and your strengths
  3. Self-loveYou accept yourself as you are and you are aware that you are good enough even with your weaknesses.

Self-esteem, self-confidence and self-love are often equated with self-esteem. However, these three terms are not one and the same. They are much more partial aspects of the sense of value about one's own person.

So if you want to increase your self-esteem, you also need to take care of your self-love, self-confidence and self-esteem.

How low self-esteem manifests itself

Some people walk through life with an admirable self-confidence. As if there were no one more amazing or beautiful than they are. And then there are the others who constantly doubt themselves, don't trust themselves and don't feel pretty or lovable enough.

Do the following phrases sound familiar?

  • You can't do anything.
  • You are ugly.
  • You are so stupid.
  • You'll never make it.
  • You are too fat.
  • How can you be so stupid?

The bad thing is that these sentences don't come from other people's mouths. They come from yourself. From your inner voice. And the reason for this is a lack of self-esteem.

More self-esteem

This lack of self-esteem drives many to settle for things that don't actually make them happy.

They do a job that does not fulfill them. Instead of a happy partnership with a mutual recipe, many submit to a toxic relationship in which they are treated badly and kept down - for fear that no one else might like or love them.

They do not feel beautiful enough and constantly compare themselves with others. They constantly harp on their weaknesses and faults. They find it difficult to accept compliments.

They hate being the center of attention and are afraid of new challenges. They often feel guilty and ashamed. They constantly seek recognition from others.

You can recognize yourself here? Then it's high time to increase your self-esteem.

What influences self-esteem

No one is born with a healthy self-esteem. It develops over the course of our lives. Positively or also negatively.

External recognition, which takes place in early childhood, influences how we think about ourselves later.

Were you laughed at because you shot next to the goal in gym class or were you constantly picked last on the team, you may still think you're unsportsmanlike today.

Lack of respect, ridicule and mistrust can damage self-esteem. Already in childhood, one develops so-called beliefs. These self-doubts become entrenched over the years. And this, although in most cases they do not correspond to the truth at all.

Typical external factors that weaken self-esteem are:

  • Exclusions
  • Bullying
  • Transferring feelings of guilt
  • Performance pressure
  • Defeats

In turn, there are also many factors that boost your self-esteem:

  • Sense of achievement
  • Affiliation
  • Attention from parents, friends or partner
  • Praise and recognition
  • Promoting talent

Life is a roller coaster. Things don't always go well. Everyone is confronted with defeats or the pressure of expectations. Of course, this can eat away at your self-esteem. But the trick is to be aware of the various influences and to counteract them in good time.

Why healthy self-esteem is so important

Those with low self-esteem often doubt their abilities, focus on their weakness, and withdraw for fear of rejection.

Those who have low self-esteem underestimate themselves and their worth and often miss opportunities to give life a new, positive direction.

Doesn't sound like a happy life, does it?

So there are many reasons why it pays to boost your self-esteem:

  • Needs and opinions can be expressed more clearly
  • you can make decisions more easily
  • you can conduct relationships on an equal footing without falling into dependency
  • Situations are assessed more realistically and you experience defeats less often
  • you become more resistant to stress.

Increase self-esteem

How to increase your self-esteem

Have you ever thought about your flaws? And realized that the list would be quite long if you were to write them all down? And what about your strengths? Can you count them on one hand?

Then it's high time to boost your self-esteem.

Whether you are beautiful, rich or good enough, only you decide! And with a few helpful tips, you'll soon be able to boost your self-esteem.

1. believe in your abilities

Make you aware of the things you are good at. No matter what it is. Every talent is special, every little talent makes you who you are.

Are you good at cooking? Are you good at swimming or writing poetry? Whatever it is, believe in your abilities.

2. accept yourself

Learn to accept yourself and be content with what you have and are. With all your faults and weaknesses. But also with all your strengths. Because they are more than you might think.

And even if you make mistakes, don't judge them negatively, but positively: You can learn from every mistake, become even better and develop further.

3. take your life actively into your own hands

Take the initiative and take things into your own hands. When you become active and shape situations, relationships and your whole life yourself, at the end of the day you have the good feeling of having achieved something.

Self-efficacy is an important step in increasing your self-esteem. You take responsibility for your own words and actions, and that makes you vulnerable to some extent, but also allows you to grow with every decision, no matter how small.

4. do not compare yourself with others

It is poison for your self-esteem if you constantly compare yourself with others. There will always be people who are smarter, more beautiful or more successful. So why should you compare yourself unnecessarily with them in order to feel inferior afterwards?

Instead, focus on your qualities.

5. be authentic

Are you yourself or are you hiding behind a facade? Stand by what you think, say, do and are. Don't try to please everyone and get recognition from the outside. Represent your own values and be yourself.

6. celebrate your successes and defeats

If you have a strong sense of self-worth, you know both successes and defeats and know how to handle both well. From now on, celebrate yourself every evening for what you have achieved during the day and what lessons you were able to learn.

A gratitude journal can also be a booster for your self-esteem: write down three things a day that you want to thank yourself for.

Tips for more self-esteem

7. every day a good deed

There is always something we can be better at and should work on.

The problem: If we constantly revolve only around ourselves, around our deficits, unfulfilled desires and high expectations, our self-esteem suffers.

Turn your inner spotlight on your surroundings for a change and see what you can do for others. One good deed a day will distract you from your self-judgments and prove to you what a valuable person you already are.

Why it pays to increase your self-esteem

Low self-esteem is an obstacle on the way to happiness. Constant self-doubt keeps you small and unimportant, when in fact you could be reaching for the stars.

If you follow these few tips and question yourself, you will gradually notice small changes.

Listen to your inner voice, observe your behavior in certain situations and learn step by step who you are, what you can do and what is good for you.

So you can soon accept yourself as you are and finally realize your dreams.

Our conclusion

Don't be your own worst enemy and try to increase your self-esteem. Our tips will help you. Because only those who are at peace with themselves can go through life happily.

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