Why sport makes you so happy

Why sport makes you happy

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Already laughed today? No? Then it's high time! Grab your sports gear and let's go to the gym. Sport makes you happy and is mega healthy.

Millions of people lace up their sports shoes and run every day. Why? The answer is simple. Because it makes you happy.

Regular exercise not only has a positive effect on endurance, muscles and weight. The psyche also benefits from it.

Surely you've had this feeling of well-being, relaxation and even euphoria after a workout. Your head is free and the thoughts of a stressful day at work are gone. But what exactly triggers this wonderful feeling?

We know: sports make you happy. We'll tell you exactly why in this article.

Why sport makes you happy

11 reasons why sport makes you happy

Sport not only makes you physically fit, but also has an effect on your mind and soul. We reveal 11 reasons why you should exercise regularly.

1. sport reduces stress

You've had a hard day at work? Even if the couch is tempting, you should lace up your running shoes or go to the gym right now. Sport promotes the release of noradrenaline. This is responsible for stress reduction.

Sports like cycling clear your mind. Because cycling is an automated movement that doesn't require you to think.

When you exercise regularly, you fall into a rhythm between tension and relaxation. This keeps your body healthy and ensures mental and spiritual well-being.

2. feelings of happiness through movement

There are days when you get up and are mega happy. And then there are days when you're just annoyed by everything. A morning workout can help you turn your frown lines into laugh lines.

Physical activity promotes the release of endorphins. This means: Sport makes you happy!

Doctors are convinced that these happiness hormones even alleviate depression. Just 30 minutes of exercise per week is said to be enough to increase your well-being. If you exercise outdoors, the effect is even stronger.

3. regular training strengthens your self-confidence

Sport makes you happy. But why is that? You probably know this liberating feeling after a round of swimming, cycling or jogging. Your head is free and all the negative thoughts are gone.

You are proud of yourself and feel really fit. Fitness boosts your self-confidence and makes you less self-critical. Especially sports where you notice small progress very quickly are good for your self-confidence.

4. your brain is trained as well

When you exercise, you give your brain more to do. As a result, the nerve cells of the brain are better supplied with blood and nutrients.

Regular exercise therefore improves the brain's performance. This makes decision-making easier and improves the ability to think and learn.

5. sport makes you happy and takes away your fears

Going for a jog or really pushing yourself during interval training will make you feel much calmer than a warm bath.

Exercise helps alleviate anxiety disorders. Moderate to intense exercise in particular can reduce feelings of anxiety in the long term.

6. the susceptibility to addiction is reduced

Sport makes you happy and is healthy. When we exercise, our brain releases the happiness hormone dopamine. But this is also the case with alcohol, drugs, sex or food. Some people become addicted to the feeling that dopamine gives them.

Sport can help to get the addiction under control. After all, exercise distracts from the actual craving.

Addictions, such as alcoholism, disrupt various bodily processes. These include the sleep rhythm, among other things. Sport resets the body's own clock and can reduce addiction problems.

7. exercise promotes creativity and productivity

Are you out of ideas or stuck on a project? Instead of brooding frantically, go for a jog.

Makes sport happy

Exercise gets the body and mind moving again. Exercise also boosts creativity for up to two hours after a workout. If you exercise outdoors, it's even more noticeable.

Sports make you happy and fit body and mind at the same time. People who exercise regularly also have much more energy.

8. training sharpens your senses

Every sport demands your senses to a high degree. Whether you choose yoga, Pilates, Nordic walking or mountain biking.

When you are outdoors in nature, you perceive sounds, smells, images and ground conditions intensively.

If you practice martial arts, you have to focus on your opponent and on yourself at the same time.

With Pilates and yoga you reflect on breathing, posture and the limits of your own range of motion.

Physical activity increases blood flow to your body. This makes the receptors of our five senses more receptive to stimuli.

9. sport keeps you young

The older you get, the more often you'll forget things. Whether it's your keys or the names of your neighbors.

Exercise cannot cure such diseases as dementia, but it can delay cognitive decline.

10. depths relaxed after the workout

Regular workout improves the quality of sleep. During the workout your core body temperature is increased.

After a few hours, it drops back to the initial temperature. This signals to the body that it is time to sleep.

Fitness training endorphins

Sports in the early evening hours are therefore ideal. Your body then has enough time to come down. Those who sleep enough are also in a better mood. Which in turn confirms: Sport makes you happy.

11. sport makes happy and connects

Fighting together against your inner pig is much easier. Working out together is more effective and you'll last longer.

Grab a friend and go for a run after work. Group classes are also great for making new friends and motivating each other.

This study shows that sport makes you happy

British and U.S. researchers examined the relationship between physical activity and psychological well-being in a new study.

For this purpose, U.S. guarantors were surveyed between the years 2011 and 2015. The subjects were asked to indicate how often they had not felt mentally well in the last 30 days and how often they had exercised during this period.

The study found that couch potatoes feel mentally bad more than four days a month. People who exercise regularly are in a bad mood less than three days a month.

The positive effect of exercise was most clearly seen with an average duration of 30 to 60 minutes.

Study participants who were active twelve to 22 times a month felt the best. Among those who exercised daily, mood was down just as often as among respondents who were not physically active.

According to researchers, sport is strongly related to psychological well-being. Which means something like: sport makes you happy.

What happens in our body while we exercise

We are firmly convinced: sport makes you happy. But what exactly in the body is responsible for the good mood?

Physical activity releases the happiness hormones dopamine, serotonin and endorphin. They give you that good feeling after exercise.

Just 20 minutes of light jogging is enough to raise dopamine levels. After the workout, this level drops again. The serotonin level, however, continues to rise.

These hormones also make us more alert and focused. That's another reason why sport makes you happy.

Only when you are fully with your mind, you can also have positive sensations. During exercise, the stress hormone cortisol is also displaced. We feel balanced and free from negative thoughts.

Sport makes you happy, if you move enough

We humans are not made for sitting. Even our ancestors had to gather and hunt for food by moving around a lot.

Your physical mechanism is tuned to these movements and needs them to keep the whole organism going.

Too little exercise not only has a negative effect on our body, but also on our mind. We become listless and even unhappy in the long run.

How to bring more movement into your everyday life

Sports make you happy. But you don't have to sign up for a workout at the gym. A walk in the fresh air is often enough. Working in the garden is also a good alternative to long sports sessions.

Ride your bike more often or dance. Dancing makes you happy and is good for your health. Just turn up the radio and dance to it.

How sport makes you happy

Move your meeting with friends to the swimming pool or go rollerblading together. This creates a good mood. Besides, friends are the perfect motivation.

Try out what does you good and makes you happy. Consciously take time for yourself and recharge your batteries. This way you can simply throw off the stress of everyday life.

Our conclusion

Even if you find it difficult to overcome your inner obstacle at the beginning, try to exercise regularly. Try new sports and find out what you enjoy. Soon you will realize: Sport makes you happy :)

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