Strengthen your self-love with these tips!

Strengthen self love

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Don't be your own worst enemy! We show you how you can strengthen your self-love and get more self-confidence.

In stressful everyday life, self-care can often come up short. There is simply no time for it. But it is mega important to work on it. Because strengthening self-love leads to a fulfilled life.

Only those who are at peace with themselves can go through life happily.

However, this is not so easy. But not an impossible undertaking either.

It's not always easy to be mindful of yourself. Listening to the body and clearing the head - that seems absolutely impossible for many.

But at the same time, it's exactly what has never been more important than it is today.

Let's get to the root of the problem together and make sure you still have enough time to breathe.

If you want to strengthen your self-love, then here come the best tips with which it is guaranteed to succeed!

How to test your self-love

Before you can strengthen self-love, you should first see how it is.

You'll need a mirror and a few minutes of your time.

  • Stand in front of the mirror. Look deep into your own eyes.
  • Do this for 2 minutes.
  • Say this sentence out loud to yourself, "First name, I love you!" So for example, "Lydia, I love you!"

How does it affect you? Does it feel good? Bad? Is it easy or difficult to say the sentence?

With a healthy self-confidence and self-love, you can say the sentence without any problem.

If you do not succeed, then you should strengthen your self-love. It is too weak, but fortunately that can be changed.

The bottom line is that you only need to follow three rules.

  1. You are number 1

    Make yourself the #1 priority in your life. This is not selfish. Because only when you are well yourself, you can take care of others.

  2. Build yourself up

    You need positive incentives in your life every day now. Positive thoughts, feelings and actions. This builds you up internally and makes your self-confidence strong.

  3. Help only if you want to

    You've been letting others tell you what to do and what not to do for far too long. Now just listen to yourself.
    Do you really want to help someone? That is, on your own initiative? Or are you only doing it because you were forced to? Learn to say no sometimes. Especially when it comes to rather unimportant things. That can add up to quite a lot.

And now we'll show you how to put these three rules into action.

13 tips with which you can immediately strengthen your self-love

Do you also know this: You read other people's every wish from their lips. You don't know how to say no. But you yourself fall by the wayside.

It is mega important that you recharge your batteries and do something good for yourself. With self-love, you put yourself in focus. Quasi healthy egoism.

Self-love is balm for the soul. You accept yourself with your peculiarities.

But let's start with a few quick and easy tricks that you can implement right away.

Often it is the little things that lead to the desired goal.

Tip 1: Have compassion with yourself

That doesn't mean you should feel sorry for yourself all the time. But allow yourself a round of understanding for yourself.

If we only criticize and belittle ourselves all the time, it has a very bad effect on our self-confidence.

The project in the garden didn't turn out so well for you? So what? It doesn't have to be perfect. But you succeed even with inconspicuous motifs the most beautiful photos.

Learn to accept who you are and what your strengths are. And of course, what your weaknesses are.

For example, I was never good at math. But that doesn't matter, fortunately not everyone has to become a math professor.

You always hear a critical voice dragging you down? Just let her talk. You can also answer her if that helps you. "Thanks for the opinion, but I see it differently." is a common saying that always works well.

If you want to strengthen your self-love, you must always have an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses.

Strengthen self love

Tip 2: Praise for you

You've done something really well? You can be proud of yourself!

Praise builds up, flatters the soul and increases self-confidence.

It's often the little things that make you happy. If the first cake is a success or you have made progress in sports, you can share that with the world.

Post a photo of it or send it on via Whatsapp. Because praise is especially good when it is also confirmed by others.

So don't be afraid to tell your friend or colleague that she has done something particularly well.

Tip 3: Positive thoughts instead of negative ones

The first big presentation in front of 20 people is coming up. I'll never make it. What happens if I forget my text? And what should I do when everyone looks at me questioningly? I'll never make it!

Your thoughts are much more powerful than you think.

If you tell yourself you can't do it, you'll get nervous. Instead of focusing on the task at hand, your mind keeps spinning. And then, it may actually go to shit.

Speak courage to yourself and strengthen your back! Let's stay with the example of the presentation for a moment. You could smile and say that you're nervous as hell as your first sentence. This will earn you sympathetic approval, which will immediately make negative thoughts disappear.

Tip 4: Smile to yourself

When someone smiles at us, we willy-nilly have to smile back. That seems to be the way nature wants it.

If no one is giving you a smile right now, just smile into any mirror you find. When washing your hands, brushing your teeth and in between.

This brings good mood and pushes the self-esteem.

Tip 5: Have patience

Are you also one of those impatient people who need everything to work out right away? It is logical that this is not conducive to strengthening self-love.

When you learn something new, you need time for it. That is quite normal.

Take it, work on it with concentration, and you'll get there.

Always cut yourself some slack if you don't get it right the first time.

And if something doesn't work out at all, just keep your distance from it for a while. Next time it will certainly be much easier.

Improve self love

Tip 6: Be good to yourself

A good friend supports you. He doesn't nag you and he doesn't put you down. He has understanding for you and is there for you.

If you want something like this, you must first start being your own best friend. Motivate yourself, build yourself up and support yourself.

Listen to your body and always have an open ear for fears, needs and worries.

Tip 7: Write down what you like to do

When it comes to self-love, we often have the problem that we have little time for it. And that's exactly what you should change.

Write down 5 things you like to do. What puts you in a good mood? When do you feel like smiling and what have you not done for a long time?

Once you've made your list, it's time to put it into action. Strengthening self-love always works best when you are completely in your element.

Tip 8: Breathe consciously and deeply

Stress? Sad thoughts?

Then this tip comes just in time. Sit or stand and breathe consciously.

Take 25 very deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Feel your chest rise and fall.

Blank out everything around you. Try to do this 5 times a day. It is especially pleasant when the sun shines in your face.

Tip 9: Start the day stress-free

The morning makes the day. If you're hectic in the morning and can't enjoy it, you'll be hectic all day long.

If you want to strengthen your self-love, you should start in silence and stillness.

Meditating, simple stretching exercises, a hot cup of coffee in silence, all help you to start consciously in silence.

Keep TV, cell phone and radio turned off.

Learning mindfulness

Tip 10: Stop complaining

Negative thoughts attract negativity. We've been over this, haven't we? Get out of the habit of getting upset all the time.

Take responsibility for your actions and your actions. Accept that you can't change some things. Even complaining about it doesn't really change anything.

Except that you get far too involved and ultimately get nothing out of it.

So: no more of that.

Tip 11: Try something new

A rolling stone gathers no moss. Try something completely new. That's how you keep developing. It keeps your mind fit.

At the same time, you may soon get to know and love your new hobby. For example, I never thought I could have so much fun bouldering. I just tried it and with every new complicated route I managed, my self-confidence improved.

Tip 12: Write down what you are grateful for

We all have so much to be grateful for. Unfortunately, we simply forget that in everyday life.

Think very carefully about what you are grateful for. It can also be small things. If you do this first thing in the morning, you start the day positively.

Repeat this exercise every day. Soon you will notice more and more things that you see positively.

Tip 13: Get out into nature

It has already been scientifically proven that forest air heals. The scent drives away negative thoughts and helps to relax. In addition, you can simply switch off in nature and leave everything behind.

The calming energy is transferred to you and helps you to simply arrive in the here and now.

Watching clouds also has the same effect. So if you don't feel like a forest, lie down on the grass or on a deck chair and watch the clouds.

Strengthen self love tips

Our conclusion

Before you want to strengthen your self-love, you should first find out how it is. Then you can work on it step by step with our self-care tips.

You can do it! I believe in you, you believe in yourself!

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