Does curd really help against sunburn?

Curd for sunburn

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Well, been in the sun too long? The skin is red and you do not know what to do? Use cottage cheese for sunburn! We tell you how it works!

Whether lying in the sun, cycling, hiking or simply going for a walk - the sun can be quite aggressive. A quick glance away and it's already happened.

A sunburn has turned the skin from pale white to cancer red. And now? The skin glows and is happy for quick help.

Quark for sunburn can work wonders. But for it to work really well, you should pay attention to a few little things.

Then you will feel better already quickly!

For all those who want to know exactly: Sunburn occurs when the body can no longer fend off the sun's UV rays.
Sunburn help

When not to use curd for sunburn

First things first: curd is not always a good idea for sunburned skin.

Use curd notwhen you Open wounds or have already Bubbles have formed on the skin! Because then the skin can become inflamed and you make everything much worse than it already is.

As soon as your skin blisters, it is called second-degree burns. The problem is that bacteria from the curd can enter your body and cause infections.

If in doubt or in case of great pain, you should definitely go to a dermatologist. Then home remedies simply can't help anymore.

How curd helps against sunburns

When the skin is glowing, anything that is cold in any form is good for you. It's exactly the same with cottage cheese. For the first few minutes, the cool temperature in particular provides relief.

But curd not only cools the skin, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect and moisturizes the skin. Curd consists of 80% liquid that your body absorbs.

This is also the reason why the curd dries out on the skin.

By the way: If you like, you can also add a little honey to the curd. Honey also acts against inflammation and accelerates regeneration. But do not overdo it! 1 teaspoon per 250 grams is more than enough.

The big advantage: you can easily eat the curd that remains over :)

Curd for sunburn

How to properly use cottage cheese for sunburn

  1. Pour the curd into a bowl and stir with a spoon until smooth. This makes it easier to apply and prevents it from crumbling. If the curd is very dry, you can add a little water.
  2. Apply the curd generously to the affected area. This works best with a tablespoon or a butter knife.
  3. Leave the curd on for 10 minutes. Depending on the body part, you can wrap a cloth around the curd so that it does not crumble off.
  4. Make sure that the curd does not dry up, otherwise it will be very painful to remove. It is best to rinse off the curd in the shower. Lukewarm water is especially good for your skin.

Tip: If the abdomen is affected, apply the curd and lie on your back for 10 minutes. This way, the spread stays where it should. But be sure to put a towel underneath, otherwise the sofa will quickly be full of curd.

By the way, you can use curd for sunburn as often as you like. Recommended is usually 3x per day. There are no side effects - unless you have severe burns. In that case, stay away from home remedies and see a doctor!

How you can additionally support your skin

Your skin will be happy not only with cottage cheese for sunburn, but also a few other small attentions.

In case of sunburn, you need to cool your skin. And do it from the inside and outside. Drink a lot. The burns remove a lot of fluid from your body. Still water is best. You should avoid dehydrating drinks such as coffee or alcohol for the time being.

You don't have any curd in the fridge? Then soothe the pain first with damp cloths. Put them on the skin and wait about 10 minutes. If they get too hot, hold them under cold water again and put them on again.

By the way, a very wonderful and natural remedy for red skin is Aloe vera gel*. You can buy it or extract it yourself from an aloe vera plant. The gel cools, moisturizes the skin and is absorbed very quickly.

Curd against sunburn

What happens when you get sunburn

Although cottage cheese helps with sunburn, you shouldn't push it.

Ideally, you prevent burnt skin by applying lotion regularly. But especially at the beginning of summer, this moment can be easily overlooked.

But if you know what you're doing to your skin with a sunburn, you're guaranteed not to forget the cream at home.

Most often, they are first-degree burns with reddened skin that later peels.

Sometimes, however, second-degree burns can occur. Here, the burn is so severe that blisters form that are filled with water. This is particularly bad for our skin.

Sunburn occurs when you spend too much time in the sun without protection. The UV rays penetrate through the unprotected skin layers, the body releases inflammatory messengers.

Depending on the skin type, the first symptoms may appear either immediately or after 4 to 8 hours. Typical for sunburns are reddened skin, which is very hot and hurts when touched.

Sunburn passes, however, with each time the risk of cell mutation and thus the formation of tumors increases. The skin also becomes less elastic and tends to wrinkle.

Our conclusion

Curd for sunburn is a cheap and quick home remedy that actually helps. However, you should only apply it if you don't have blisters or open wounds.

If you suffer from great pain, consult a dermatologist or your family doctor. Home remedies will not help if the burn is too severe.

Get well soon! :)

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