What to do in case of sunstroke? Tips for first aid and prevention

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What to do in case of sunstroke? How does it happen? How can sunstroke be treated? And how can we simply prevent it? We'll tell you all about it here!

It's summer. The mercury climbs diligently and breaks one record after the next. Time for a beach and a summer tan! While some roast in the sun for 8 hours as a matter of course, others seek the shade.

Even if it seems a bit inelegant between bikini body and melon snacks. The worry of sunstroke creeps onto the sunny beach towel or into the shady bathing slippers.

Summer, sun, sunstroke: what you need to know!

But what exactly is sunstroke? And how do I know if I've caught it? And can sunstroke be dangerous? We have informed ourselves. As well as the best first aid hacks and tips for prevention collected.

How does sunstroke occur?

Sunstroke occurs when we expose our neck or head to the sun for too long. However, it is not the rays of the sun that are dangerous, but the increase in temperature in this area of the body.

Because this is where we are particularly sensitive. Overheating of the head or neck causes irritation in the brain. In concrete terms, this means that the meninges swell. And our body reacts with symptoms of inflammation.

Young children in particular have an increased risk of sunstroke. This is because the top of the skull is much thinner or not yet properly closed. People with bald heads are also more likely to suffer sunstroke.

How do I know I have sunstroke?

The tricky thing about sunstroke is that it only becomes noticeable a few hours after sunbathing. So we often don't notice when the pain threshold for our body has already been exceeded.

These are the typical symptoms of sunstroke:

  • Reddened, hot head
  • Inner restlessness
  • Noise in the ears
  • Headache
  • Neck pain up to neck stiffness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea

In very bad cases, unconsciousness or even a circulatory collapse can occur. Then you should call an emergency doctor. Otherwise, you can also cure sunstroke at home. This takes between a few hours and a maximum of two days.

By the way, fever can occur in children. In adults, however, the body temperature tends to remain stable. This is different from heat stroke, which is triggered by excessive physical exertion in high heat.

What to do in case of sunstroke?

Sunstrokes are usually not dangerous but only quite unpleasant. For this reason, they can be treated at home if emergency medical care is not necessary.

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So what to do in case of sunstroke? The first commandment is: Off into the shade! With sunstroke you should urgently call a cool and shady place, if you have not done so so far.

Lie down and position the upper body a little higher. Cold and humid Cloths on the neck and head help relieve symptoms. Important: Cold compresses or frozen beans from the freezer are too cold. This puts additional strain on the body.

Have a drink! Water is just as suitable as apple spritzers, for example. You should definitely get your fluid balance back in order. And try to relax a little: This can happen to anyone :)

Prevent sunstroke very simply

Avoiding sunstrokes is actually relatively simple. In general, you should protect your head and neck from too much sunlight. There are shady places or pretty sun hats for this purpose.

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At lunchtime, you'd better steer clear of the sunny spot. In general, you should avoid the sun between 11 am and 3 pm. If you've always been looking for a good argument for a siesta, here it is!

In midsummer, you should also thin out and reduce your sports program. Try to avoid physical exertion during the warmest times of the day. Otherwise: Drink a lot and always put a head covering on your head!

Our conclusion:

Dear sun worshippers: What to do in case of sunstroke? Lie down, drink, rest. And next time just trust that the sun will still tan nicely in the afternoon. Have a wonderful summer :)

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